72 research outputs found

    Hilft das zahnmedizinische Bonussystem den stationĂ€r PflegebedĂŒrftigen?

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Mundgesundheit bei PflegebedĂŒrftigen ist mangelhaft. ZufĂ€llig ausgewĂ€hlte PflegebedĂŒrftige (Berlin n=75, Nordrhein-Westfalen n=94, Sachsen n=73) aus 30 stationĂ€ren Pflegeeinrichtungen wurden u.a. zu ihrem Verhalten der zahnmedizinischen Inanspruchnahme und der Nutzung ihres zahnmedizinischen Bonusheftes (zBH) befragt. Von 242Befragten (Median: 82Jahre, Range: 43-100Jahre, Frauen: 78,5%) besaßen nur 18,6% ein zBH, dabei gab es keine signifikanten geschlechts- und altersspezifischen Unterschiede. Regionale Unterschiede waren signifikant (Berlin 5,3%, Nordrhein-Westfalen 18,1%, Sachsen 32,9%; χ2-Test p<0,01). Die Zahnzahl war bei Bonusheftinhabern grĂ¶ĂŸer (Mann-Whitney-Test p=0,01), die Zeitspanne zum letzten Zahnarztbesuch geringer (p<0,01). Von den Bonusheftinhabern gaben 18,6% an, den Zahnarzt lĂ€nger als 12Monate nicht aufgesucht zu haben (stationĂ€r PflegebedĂŒrftige ohne Bonusheft 51,3%). Als Beitrag zur QualitĂ€tssicherung, zur oralen Infektionskontrolle sowie zur Verbesserung der mundbezogenen und allgemeinen LebensqualitĂ€t wird die regelmĂ€ĂŸige jĂ€hrliche DurchfĂŒhrung zahnmedizinischer Reihenuntersuchungen mit dem FĂŒhren eines zBH fĂŒr jeden Bewohner vorgeschlage

    The Cauchy problems for Einstein metrics and parallel spinors

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    We show that in the analytic category, given a Riemannian metric gg on a hypersurface M⊂ZM\subset \Z and a symmetric tensor WW on MM, the metric gg can be locally extended to a Riemannian Einstein metric on ZZ with second fundamental form WW, provided that gg and WW satisfy the constraints on MM imposed by the contracted Codazzi equations. We use this fact to study the Cauchy problem for metrics with parallel spinors in the real analytic category and give an affirmative answer to a question raised in B\"ar, Gauduchon, Moroianu (2005). We also answer negatively the corresponding questions in the smooth category.Comment: 28 pages; final versio

    K\"ahlerian Twistor Spinors

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    On a K\"ahler spin manifold K\"ahlerian twistor spinors are a natural analogue of twistor spinors on Riemannian spin manifolds. They are defined as sections in the kernel of a first order differential operator adapted to the K\"ahler structure, called K\"ahlerian twistor (Penrose) operator. We study K\"ahlerian twistor spinors and give a complete description of compact K\"ahler manifolds of constant scalar curvature admitting such spinors. As in the Riemannian case, the existence of K\"ahlerian twistor spinors is related to the lower bound of the spectrum of the Dirac operator.Comment: shorter version; to appear in Math.

    ITEP Test Trials for Detection Reliability Assessment of Metal Detectors

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    The total detection reliability of a mine-searching system is governed by the following three elements: Intrinsic capability, which describes the basic physical-technical capability of the method. Application factors, which include those due to environment. Human factor, which is the effect of human operators on the detection reliability. Some of these can be determined in simple laboratory measurements in which the effect on detection capability of individual parameters is measured. However, the human factor and some aspects of the effects of environmental conditions on the system need to be treated statistically

    Transport properties of CuGaSe(2)-based thin-film solar cells as a function of absorber composition

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    The transport properties of thin-film solar cells based on wide-gap CuGaSe(2) absorbers have been investigated as a function of the bulk [Ga]/[Cu] ratio ranging from 1.01 to 1.33. We find that (i) the recombination processes in devices prepared from absorbers with a composition close to stoichiometry ([Ga]/[Cu] = 1.01) are strongly tunnelling assisted resulting in low recombination activation energies (E(a)) of approx. 0.95 eV in the dark and 1.36 eV under illumination. (ii) With an increasing [Ga]/[Cu] ratio, the transport mechanism changes to be dominated by thermally activated Shockley-Read-Hall recombination with similar E(a) values of approx. 1.52-1.57 eV for bulk [Ga]/[Cu] ratios of 1.12-1.33. The dominant recombination processes take place at the interface between CdS buffer and CuGaSe(2) absorber independently from the absorber composition. The increase of E(a) with the [Ga]/[Cu] ratio correlates with the open circuit voltage and explains the better performance of corresponding solar cells

    BPS Branes From Baryons

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    We elucidate the relationship between supersymmetric D3-branes and chiral baryonic operators in the AdS/CFT correspondence. For supersymmetric backgrounds of the form AdS_5 x H, we characterize via holomorphy a large family of supersymmetric D3-brane probes wrapped on H. We then quantize this classical family of probe solutions to obtain a BPS spectrum which describes D3-brane configurations on H. For the particular examples H = T^{1,1} and H = S^5, we match the BPS spectrum to the spectrum of chiral baryonic operators in the dual gauge theory.Comment: 28 pages, harvma

    Brane effective actions, kappa-symmetry and applications

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    This is a review on brane effective actions, their symmetries and some of their applications. Its first part covers the Green–Schwarz formulation of single M- and D-brane effective actions focusing on kinematical aspects: the identification of their degrees of freedom, the importance of world volume diffeomorphisms and kappa symmetry to achieve manifest spacetime covariance and supersymmetry, and the explicit construction of such actions in arbitrary on-shell supergravity backgrounds. Its second part deals with applications. First, the use of kappa symmetry to determine supersymmetric world volume solitons. This includes their explicit construction in flat and curved backgrounds, their interpretation as Bogomol’nyi–Prasad–Sommerfield (BPS) states carrying (topological) charges in the supersymmetry algebra and the connection between supersymmetry and Hamiltonian BPS bounds. When available, I emphasise the use of these solitons as constituents in microscopic models of black holes. Second, the use of probe approximations to infer about the non-trivial dynamics of strongly-coupled gauge theories using the anti de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence. This includes expectation values of Wilson loop operators, spectrum information and the general use of D-brane probes to approximate the dynamics of systems with small number of degrees of freedom interacting with larger systems allowing a dual gravitational description. Its final part briefly discusses effective actions for N D-branes and M2-branes. This includes both Super-Yang-Mills theories, their higher-order corrections and partial results in covariantising these couplings to curved backgrounds, and the more recent supersymmetric Chern–Simons matter theories describing M2-branes using field theory, brane constructions and 3-algebra considerations
