297 research outputs found

    Sanomalehtien viikonloppujakelut:Case-tutkimus

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    Sanomalehtien viikonloppujakelut:Case-tutkimus

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    Tekoäly mediasisältöjen esittämisen tukena

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    Anonymisointipalvelut. Tarve ja toteutusvaihtoehdot

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    Selvityksen tavoitteena oli muodostaa kokonaiskuva siitä, millaisia käytännön vaihtoehtoja anonymisointipalveluiksi on ja voisi olla, jotta erityisesti datan liiketoiminnallinen hyödyntäminen tulisi mahdolliseksi. Taustaksi selvitettiin yritysten ja viranomaisten datan anonymisointiin liittyviä käytäntöjä, tarpeita, ja haasteita. Selvityksen aikana oltiin yhteydessä kaikkiaan 28 tahoon, joista 15 oli yrityksiä ja loput viranomaisia tai tutkimusorganisaatioita. Haastattelut osoittivat, ettei anonymisointi ole yrityksissä laajasti käytössä, eikä näin ollen vakiintuneita ratkaisuja anonymisoinnin tekemiseen juuri ole. Monet haastatelluista olivat kiinnostuneita anonymisoidun datan hyödyntämisestä ja he näkivät alueen tärkeänä ja merkitykseltään kasvavana. Anonymisoinnin riittävyyden arviointi koettiin vaikeaksi, mikä on tehnyt toimijat varovaisiksi anonymisoidun datan tarjoamisessa. On siis tarve esimerkeille ja ohjeille, jotka auttavat käytännön työssä ja edistävät datan hyödyntämistä. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet yritykset pitivät anonymisoinnin riittävyyden tarkistamiseen liittyviä palveluita ja itse hoidettavaa anonymisointia tukevia asiantuntijapalveluita kiinnostavina. Datan anonymisoinnin teettäminen kolmannella osapuolella tuntui monesta vastaajasta vieraalta, ja herätti huolta aineiston tietoturvasta ja vastuista. Anonymisointipalvelu, jossa eri toimijoiden datoja pystyttäisiin yhdistämään ennen niiden anonymisointia, antaisi kuitenkin uusia mahdollisuuksia, jotka jäävät saavuttamatta yrityskohtaisessa anonymisoinniss

    Tekoäly mediasisältöjen esittämisen tukena

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    Leukemia is closely linked with the blood or bone marrow. Leukemia is regard as cancer of the blood cells (usually white blood cells). The abnormal white blood cells formed in leukemia also accumulate in the organs of the body such as the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, testes, and brain, and interfere with normal functioning of the organ. Leukemia is of four common type; Acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and chronic myelogenous leukemia. Leukemia symptoms are predominantly paleness, fatigue, bone pain, asthemia, palpitation, frequent infection, nose bleeding and thrombocytopenia. Neuro-Fuzzy Logic explores approximation techniques from neural networks to finds the parameter of a fuzzy system. In this paper, the traditional procedure for the medical diagnosis of leukemia employed by physician is analyzed using neuro-fuzzy inference procedure. From the system designed if the patient is having five or more of the enlisted symptoms, the patient is experiencing “severe Leukemia” and should go for treatment urgently. If it is approximately four of the symptoms the patient is experiencing, the patient “might be suffering from Leukemia” and hence should see a physician right away, but if it is three or less of the enlisted symptoms, the patient is not “suffering from Leukemia”. The system which demonstrates the practical application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the health sector is interactive and tells the patient his current condition as regards Leukemia

    Social Media Roadmaps. Exploring the futures triggered by social media.

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    Social media refers to a combination of three elements: content, user communities and Web 2.0 technologies. This foresight report presents six roadmaps of the anticipated developments of social media in three themes: society, companies, and local environment. One of the roadmaps, the meta-roadmap, is the synthesis of them all. The society sub-roadmap explores societal participation through communities. There are three sub-roadmaps relating to companies: interacting with companies through communities, social media in work environment, and social media enhanced shopping. The local environment sub-roadmap looks at social media in local environment. The roadmapping process was carried out through two workshops at VTT. The results of the report are crystallized into five main development lines triggered by social media. First development line is transparency referring to its increasing role in society, both with positive and negative consequences. The second development line is the rise of ubiquitous participatory communication model. This refers to an increase of two-directional and community-based interactivity in every field, where it has some added value. The third development is reflexive empowerment. This refers to the role of social media as an enabler of grass-root community collaboration. The fourth development line is the duality personalization/fragmentation vs. mass effects/integration. Personalization /fragmentation emphasises the tailoring of the web services and content. This development is counterweighted by mass effects/integration, like the formation of super-nodes in the web. The fifth development line is the new relations of physical and virtual worlds. This development line highlights the idea that practices induced by social media, e.g. communication, participation, co-creation, feedback and rating, will get more common in daily environment, and that virtual and physical worlds will be more and more interlinked.</p

    Unboxing news automation : Exploring imagined affordances of automation in news journalism

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    News automation is an emerging field within journalism, with the potential to transform newswork. Increasing access to data, combined with developing technology, will allow further inquiries into automated journalism. Producing news text using NLG (natural language generation) is currently largely undertaken in specific, predictable news domains, such as sports or finance. This interdisciplinary study investigates how elite media representatives from Finland, Europe and the US imagine the affordances of this emerging technology for their organization. Our analysis shows how the affordances of news automation are imagined as providing efficiency, increasing output and aiding in reallocating resources to pursue quality journalism. The affordances are, however, constrained by such factors as access to structured data, the quality of automation and a lack of relevant skills. In its current form, automated text generation is seen as providing only limited benefits to news organizations that are already imagining further possibilities of automation.Peer reviewe

    Using Multiple Senses in Tourism Marketing: The Helsinki Expert, Eckero Line and Linnanmaki Amusement Park Cases

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    In order to create awareness & motivation among future travellers, tourism communication, should, according to our understanding, not only appeal to the visuals, but to all user senses in an inter medial mix. Hence, smell, sound, touch, taste and sight must be touched, in order for communication to be perceived valuable and interesting, as we argue that the activation of multiple senses enhances the feeling of authenticity and experience. If combined with ration and need, in addition to the involvement of other users, only then can tourism marketing claim to be future-oriented and engaging. According to Lindstrom and Kotler (2005) our understanding of the world, for the most part, is experienced through multiple senses. Our senses are the link to memory and can tap right into emotion. After sight, smell appears to be the most persuasive sense. We will, in this article present a few related cases, our findings and discuss the implications of our findings