282 research outputs found

    Free Movement of Workers and Native Demand for Tertiary Education

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    We investigate how the introduction of free movement of workers affects enrolment of natives in tertiary education. In a difference-in-differences framework, we exploit a policy change that led to a significant increase in the share of cross-border commuters in local employment in border regions of Switzerland. Our results show a rise in enrolment at Universities of Applied Sciences in affected relative to non-affected regions in the post-reform period but no change in enrolment at traditional universities. Furthermore, we find that enrolment increases in non-STEM fields that build skills less transferable across national borders. This allows for complementarities with foreign workers whoare more likely to hold occupations requiring STEM training. Individuals with a labor market oriented education such as vocationally trained respond to the increase in labor market competition because they have employment opportunities and access to tertiary education through Universities of Applied Sciences

    The Drosophilidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark: replacing three misprinted plates

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    Three out of the 80 plates of fine line drawings of male terminalia in the book entitled The Drosophilidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark, published by Brill Leiden were misprinted. Here these three plates have been reprinted in the manner that they should have been published originally and provide an accurate representation of the complex male terminalia of Amiota subtusradiata Leucophenga quinquemaculata and Phortica variegata. Male terminalia republishing corrigenda In 2004, the authors published a book in the Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica series (Volume 39), entitled The Drosophilidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark (Bächli et al. 2004). Unfortunately, three of the plates with fine line drawings were misprinted. These plates displayed the complex male terminalia of Amiota subtusradiata Duda, 1934 (p. 44, Figs 98–101), Leucophenga quinquemaculata Strobl, 1893 (p. 68, Figs 148–151), and Phortica variegata (Fallén, 1823) (p. 75, Figs 164–167), which display a boreo-montane distribution throughout central Europe. In 2007, photomicrographs of the complex male terminalia of these species were published (Bächli and Vilela 2007); however, one of the photomicrographs was misprinted, and an erratum was published soon after (Bächli and Vilela 2009). Along the same lines, The Drosophilidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark is widely used and cited by Drosophilidae experts, mainly taxonomists, who rely on accurate illustrations to properly identify the specimens. Therefore, it was decided to republish these plates (including the captions), with permission from Brill Publishers, aiming to help taxonomists in the species identification process

    Cerebral toxocariasis: a possible cause of epileptic seizure in children

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    Introduction: Toxocariasis is a worldwide human helminthiasis, which is mostly asymptomatic and caused by toxocara canis, a roundworm in dogs. These can cause visceral larva migrans syndrome in humans who ingest contaminated soil. CNS manifestation with a focal mass lesion is very rare, seizures often being the first symptom. Case report: We describe an 11-year-old girl presenting with a generalized epileptic seizure and eosinophilia in blood. Under antibiotic therapy under the assumption of toxoplasmosis the lesion did not decrease and surgical resection was considered. We used computer-assisted surgery (CAS) for careful tissue resection. Postoperatively the diagnosis of toxocariasis was confirmed and albendozole medication was administered for 7days. The patient developed well without neurological deficits or seizures. Conclusion: We conclude that although neurological involvement is rare in toxocariasis, a cerebral infection in a child with epileptic seizures and eosinophilia should be considere

    Therapeutic strategies and management of desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma: two case reports and literature overview

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    Introduction: Desmoplastic infantile gangliogliomas (DIG) are rare cerebral glioneural tumors usually occurring in early childhood. DIGs are generally benign although rare cases with poor outcome are known. Total resection, if possible, is the treatment of choice, without further adjuvant therapy. After incomplete resection, adjuvant chemo-and/or radiotherapy is generally applied, despite the potential negative side effects in such young patients. Case reports: We describe two girls with DIG, one who twice underwent subtotal resection at 3 and 5months, the other who underwent total resection at 2years. Neither had adjuvant therapy and there was no tumor recurrence. Conclusions: Our own experience and a review of the literature suggest that in most DIGs adjuvant therapy is not justified even after incomplete resection. After tumor recurrence a second surgical intervention should be considered instead of adjuvant therapy. An exception may be made for rare, deep-seated DIGs, which are more aggressive and have a poorer outcom

    Blockchain – Potentiale einer disruptiven Technologie im Gesundheitswesen

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    Die Blockchain-Technologie ist eine der vielversprechendsten technologischen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre. Insbesondere durch die hohe Volatilität der kryptographischen Währung Bitcoin, wurde die zugrundeliegende Technologie popularisiert. Trotz des grossen Interesses mangelt es häufig an Wissen über die Funktionsweise der Technologie und das Potential bleibt oft unentdeckt oder wird missverstanden. Zahlreiche Start-Ups und etablierte Unternehmen arbeiten an Blockchain-basierten Applikationen, um bestehende Geschäftsmodelle zu revolutionieren. Dabei hat die Blockchain-Technologie das Potential bestehende Prozesse durch den Ausschluss von Intermediären komplett umzugestalten. Neben einer umfassenden Erklärung der technischen Funktionsweise der BlockchainTechnologie, untersucht die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit die möglichen Anwendungsgebiete von Blockchain-basierten Applikationen im Gesundheitswesen. Diese Bachelorarbeit hat das Ziel, die Funktionsweise der Blockchain-Technologie für Personen ohne fachspezifischen Hintergrund verständlich zu vermitteln und die Anwendungspotentiale im Gesundheitswesen aufzuzeigen

    Gemeinwesenzentrierte Ergotherapie : Ăśberblick ĂĽber den Forschungsstand und Erkenntnisse fĂĽr die Zukunft

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    Ausgangslage: In den englischsprachigen Ländern hat sich in den letzten Jahren ein neues Berufsfeld der Ergotherapie etabliert: die gemeinwesenzentrierte Ergotherapie. Als Klientin oder Klient fungiert eine Gemeinschaft, welche in ihrer spezifischen Betätigung befähigt werden soll. Es gibt erst wenig wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse dazu. Ziel: Alle bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse werden zusammengetragen und diskutiert. Daraus resultiert ein Überblick über den aktuellen Wissensstand der Ergotherapie mit Gemeinschaften. Die Ergebnisse werden anhand eines Modells dargestellt. Methode: Durch eine systematische Literaturrecherche werden die neusten Studien gesucht. Mittels Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien werden vier Hauptstudien definiert, welche zusammengefasst, kritisch gewürdigt und diskutiert werden. Ergebnisse: Die gemeinwesenzentrierte Ergotherapie ist ein Prozess, welcher verschiedene Schritte umfasst. Die meisten Ergebnisse aus den ausgewerteten Studien konnten in die Schritte des bereits beschriebenen Prozesses eingeteilt werden. Die nicht zuzuordnenden Ergebnisse wurden diskutiert und dem Prozess hinzugefügt. So wird die ergotherapeutische Rolle diskutiert oder die Evaluierung des Kontextes der Gemeinschaft gerechtfertigt. Schlussfolgerung: Der bereits beschriebene ergotherapeutische Prozess in der Arbeit mit Gemeinschaften beinhaltet mehrere Punkte als bisher angenommen. Dafür wurde ein bestehendes Modell angepasst und erläutert. Genauer wurde das Modell in einen neuen Kontext gesetzt und mit den Erkenntnissen dieser Arbeit ergänzt

    New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Switzerland and an updated checklist

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    Here, we investigate about 5500 previously unidentified specimens from the collection of Gerhard Bächli. A total of 108 agromyzid species were added to the fauna of Switzerland. Consequently, the species richness of the Swiss agromyzids was increased to 395 species. The checklist of Agromyzidae of Switzerland was updated, and the complete list presented in appendix

    Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Contact Screening Strategy in a Low Prevalence Setting; a Nested Case-Control Study.

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    Background The optimal screening strategy in hospitals to identify secondary cases after contact with a meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) index patient in a low prevalence setting is not well defined. We aimed at identifying factors associated with documented MRSA transmissions. Method Single center, retrospective, nested case-control study. We evaluated the screening strategy in our 950 bed tertiary care hospital from 2008 - 2014. Room and ward contacts of MRSA index patients present at time of MRSA identification were screened. We compared characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus Protein A (spa)-type matched contact patients (cases) to negative or spa-type mismatched contact patients (controls). Results Among 270,000 inpatients from 2008 - 2014, 215 MRSA screenings yielded 3013 contact patients, and 6 (0.2%) spa-type matched pairs. We included 225 controls for the nested case-control study. The contact type for the cases was more frequently "same room" and less frequently "same ward" compared with the controls (P = 0.001). Also, exposure time was longer for cases (median of 6 days [IQR 3-9]) than for controls (1 day [0-3], P=0.016). Conclusion The extensive MRSA screening strategy revealed only few index/contact matches based on spa-typing. Prolonged exposure time and a shared room were significantly associated with MRSA transmission. A targeted screening strategy may be more useful in a low prevalence setting than screening entire wards
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