27 research outputs found

    The Impact of the First Wave of Covid-19 on the Financial Security of Economics Students in Higher Education

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    Our study examines the financial literacy of students in higher education studying economics. Literature shows that financial literacy is becoming more valuable, but this increasingly important knowledge is not accompanied by practical results. Therefore, the sense of financial security is also reduced, especially if an unexpected major economic crisis occurs. The reasons for this decline have been investigated. Hungarian and foreign students were interviewed in a two-phase offline questionnaire survey. The first wave of COVID-19 took place between the two surveys to model the economic crisis. The questions assessed students’ theoretical knowledge, financial behaviour, and attitudes towards finance. We also asked how they rated their own financial situation and sense of security. After statistically processing the responses, linear models were set up to identify the factors that played a role in the development of financial security. Our most important result is that the year of the survey influences all dimensions of financial culture, which verifies the role and effect of the crisis caused by the outbreak

    A Covid-19 első hullámának hatása a gazdasági felsőoktatásban tanuló hallgatók pénzügyi biztonságára

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    Tanulmányunk a felsőoktatásban tanuló, gazdasági képzésre járó hallgatók pénzügyi kultúráját vizsgálja. A szakirodalmi adatok szerint felértékelődnek a pénzügyi ismeretek, viszont ehhez az egyre fontosabb tudáshoz nem társulnak gyakorlati eredmények. Ezért a pénzügyi biztonságérzet is csökken, különösen akkor, ha egy váratlan jelentős gazdasági krízis is kialakul. Ennek a csökkenésnek az okait vizsgáltuk. Magyar és külföldi hallgatókat kérdeztünk kétfázisú, offline kérdőíves felmérésben. A két lekérdezés között zajlott le a Covid–19-járvány első hulláma, ezzel modelleztük a gazdasági krízishelyzetet. A kérdésekkel felmértük a diákok elméleti tudását, pénzügyi viselkedését és a pénzügyekhez fűződő viszonyát. Rákérdeztünk továbbá arra is, hogyan értékelik saját pénzügyi helyzetüket és biztonságérzetüket. A válaszok statisztikai feldolgozása után lineáris modellek felállításával határoztuk meg azokat a tényezőket, amelyek szerepet játszanak a pénzügyi biztonság alakulásában. Legfontosabb eredményünk, hogy a felmérés éve a pénzügyi kultúra minden dimenzióját befolyásolja, ami igazolja a járvány okozta krízis szerepét és hatását

    Impact of Clinical and Morphological Factors on Long-Term Mortality in Patients with Myocardial Bridge

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    Although myocardial bridging (MB) has been intensively investigated using different methods, the effect of bridge morphology on long-term outcome is still doubtful. We aimed at describing the anatomical differences in coronary angiography between symptomatic and non-symptomatic LAD myocardial bridges and to investigate the influence of clinical and morphological factors on long-term mortality. In our retrospective, long-term, single center study we found relevant MB on the left anterior descendent (LAD) coronary artery in 146 cases during a two-year period, when 11,385 patients underwent coronary angiography due to angina pectoris. Patients were divided into two groups: those with myocardial bridge only (LAD-MBneg, n = 78) and those with associated obstructive coronary artery disease (LAD-MBpos, n = 68). Clinical factors, morphology of bridge by quantitative coronary analysis and ten-year long mortality data were collected. The LAD-MBneg group was associated with younger age and decreased incidence of diabetes mellitus, as well as with increased minimal diameter to reference diameter ratio (LAD-MBneg 54.5 (13.1)% vs. LAD-MBpos 46.5 (16.4)%, p = 0.016), while there was a tendency towards longer lesions and higher vessel diameter values compared to the LAD-MBpos group. The LAD-MBpos group was associated with increased mortality compared to the LAD-MBneg group. The analysis of our data showed that morphological parameters of LAD bridge did not influence long-term mortality, either in the overall population or in the LAD-MBneg patients. Morphological parameters of LAD bridge did not influence long-term mortality outcomes; therefore, it suggests that anatomical differences might not predict long-term outcomes and should not influence therapy

    Corrupción e Inclusión Financiera en Hungría y México

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    La investigación examina la relación entre corrupción e inclusión financiera en Hungría y México utilizando bases de datos públicas. La situación de la corrupción se presenta en el Índice de Percepción de la Corrupción de Transparencia Internacional y la inclusión financiera en los datos del informe Global Findex del Banco Mundial. A partir de los datos de series temporales (2012-2022) de Hungría y México, se pueden utilizar métodos estadísticos (prueba de Welch, análisis de conglomerados) para examinar la evolución de los desempeños y la relación entre los dos índices. La inclusión financiera se desaceleró en ambos países durante el período analizado y la percepción de corrupción también disminuyó. Esto sugiere que puede haber una correlación entre los dos indicadores, lo que también está respaldado por datos de la literatura. Los dos países nunca antes habían sido comparados de esta manera. El hecho de que el estudio sólo se centre en dos países limita la utilidad de los resultados. La presente investigación fue un estudio piloto, cuyo propósito fue sentar las bases para un estudio internacional.Corruption and Financial Inclusion in Hungary and MexicoThe research examines the relationship between corruption and financial inclusion in Hungary and Mexico using public databases. The corruption situation is presented by Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, and financial inclusion by data from the World Bank's Global Findex report. From the time series (2012-2022) data of Hungary and Mexico, statistical methods (Welch test, cluster analysis) can be used to examine the development of performances and the relationship between the two indices. Financial inclusion slowed down in both countries during the period under review, and the perception of corruption also decreased. This suggests that there may be a correlation between the two indicators, which is also supported by literature data. The two countries have not been compared in this way before. The fact that the study only focuses on two countries limits the usability of the results. The present investigation was a pilot study, the purpose of which was to lay the foundation for an international study

    Efficacy of drug-eluting balloon in patients with bare-metal or drug-eluting stent restenosis.

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    INTRODUCTION: In spite of improving results, the treatment of in-stent restenosis (ISR) of bare-metal stents (BMS), and particularly drug-eluting stents (DES), is a challenging clinical problem. There are promising but limited follow-up data concerning drug-eluting balloons in the treatment of BMS and DES restenosis. The goal of this real-world registry was to assess the long-term safety and efficacy of drug-eluting balloons in the treatment of BMS and DES restenosis. METHODS: In this prospective registry, 82 patients with BMS or DES restenosis treated with paclitaxel-eluting balloons were enrolled. The primary endpoint was ischemia-driven target lesion revascularization (TLR); a secondary endpoint was the rate of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) at 28 months. RESULTS: Thirty-five patients (42.7%) had DES ISR and 16 patients (19.5%) presented with an acute coronary syndrome. The success rate of drug-eluting balloon inflation was 97.6%. The median (interquartile range) duration of follow up was 28.0 (25.0-30.3) months. The rate of TLR was 24.5%, and was not significantly higher in the DES-ISR group than in the BMS-ISR group: 29.0% vs. 21.1%, respectively (p=0.687). There were two cases of definite stent thrombosis in the BMS-ISR group and one probable subacute stent thrombosis in the DES-ISR group. The overall MACE rate was 37.0% and did not differ between the DES-ISR and BMS-ISR group (40.8% vs. 34.7%, respectively; p=0.994). CONCLUSIONS: This real-world registry provided less favorable long-term results for drug-eluting balloons in the treatment of BMS restenosis and in DES restenosis, compared to the promising mid-term results of previous studies. The TLR rate was slightly but not significantly higher after DES restenosis compared to BMS restenosis treatment

    Survival of Myocardial Infarction Patients with Diabetes Mellitus at the Invasive Era (Results from the Városmajor Myocardial Infarction Registry)

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    Introduction. Due to the lifelong nature of diabetes mellitus (DM), it has been demonstrated to have significant effects on patients’ morbidity and mortality. The present study aimed to assess the effects of DM on the clinical outcome and survival in patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) due to myocardial infarction (MI) and to examine the relationship of DM to the type of the MI and to left ventricular (LV) and renal functions. Methods. A total of 12,270 patients with ST-elevation MI (STEMI) or non-ST-elevation MI (NSTEMI) were revascularized at our Institution between 2005 and 2013. In this pool of patients, 4388 subjects had DM, while 7018 cases had no DM. Results. In both STEMI and NSTEMI, the 30-day and 1-year survival were worse in diabetic patients as compared to non-diabetic cases. In the patients with DM, NSTEMI showed worse prognosis within 1-year than STEMI similarly to non-diabetic subjects. Regarding survival, the presence of DM seemed to be more important than the type of MI. Regardless of the presence of DM, reduced LV function was a maleficent prognostic sign and DM significantly reduced the prognosis both in case of reduced and normal LV function. Survival is primarily affected by LV function, rather than DM. Worse renal function is associated with worse 30-day and 1-year survival in both cases with and without DM. Considering different renal functions, the presence of DM worsens both short- and long-term survival. Survival is primarily affected by renal function, rather than DM. Conclusions. The results from a high-volume PCI center confirm significant the negative prognostic impact of DM on survival in MI patients. DM is a more important prognostic factor than the type of the MI. However, survival is primarily affected by LV and renal functions, rather than DM. These results could highlight our attention on the importance of recent DM treatment with new drugs including SGLT-2 inhibitors and GLP-1 antagonists with beneficial effects on survival

    Impact of Clinical and Morphological Factors on Long-Term Mortality in Patients with Myocardial Bridge

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    Although myocardial bridging (MB) has been intensively investigated using different methods, the effect of bridge morphology on long-term outcome is still doubtful. We aimed at describing the anatomical differences in coronary angiography between symptomatic and non- symptomatic LAD myocardial bridges and to investigate the influence of clinical and morphological factors on long-term mortality. In our retrospective, long-term, single center study we found relevant MB on the left anterior descendent (LAD) coronary artery in 146 cases during a two-year period, when 11,385 patients underwent coronary angiography due to angina pectoris. Patients were divided into two groups: those with myocardial bridge only (LAD-MBneg, n = 78) and those with associated obstructive coronary artery disease (LAD-MBpos, n = 68). Clinical factors, morphology of bridge by quantitative coronary analysis and ten-year long mortality data were collected. The LAD-MBneg group was associated with younger age and decreased incidence of diabetes mellitus, as well as with increased minimal diameter to reference diameter ratio (LAD-MBneg 54.5 (13.1)% vs. LAD-MBpos 46.5 (16.4)%, p = 0.016), while there was a tendency towards longer lesions and higher vessel diameter values compared to the LAD-MBpos group. The LAD-MBpos group was associated with increased mortality compared to the LAD-MBneg group. The analysis of our data showed that morphological parameters of LAD bridge did not influence long-term mortality, either in the overall population or in the LAD-MBneg patients. Morphological parameters of LAD bridge did not influence long-term mortality outcomes; therefore, it suggests that anatomical differences might not predict long-term outcomes and should not influence therapy

    Studia Litteraria

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    Barta János, Géniuszok találkozása, Petőfi és Arany barátsága, 3-32. Sonkoly István, Megzenésített Petőfi-versek, 33-50. Pálfy G. István, A Tempefői dramaturgiája, 51-62. Görömbei András, Csokonai és a honfoglalási eposz, 63-76. Bárczi Klára, A népiesség Csokonai és Burns költészetében, 77-92. Julow Viktor, Csokonai és Petőfi között, A debreceni késő-felvilágosodásról, 93-106. Tóth Béla, Maróthi György albuma, 107-126. Deme Zoltán, Verseghy és a jambusi kettős ritmus, 127-136. Péterffy Ida, Kováts Sámuel, Csokonai jó barátja, 137-155