183 research outputs found

    A comparative study of the male characters in the tragedies of Shakespeare: Hamlet, Macbeth and Othello

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Estudios Ingleses. Curso académico 2016-2017[EN]This project provides a comparative study of the main male characters in Shakespeare’s tragedies. Among all the Shakespearean tragedies, I have chosen Macbeth, Hamlet and Othello, (and their respective main characters), which are well-known plays and good representatives of the Shakespearean dramatic world. This research project consists of several parts: a part with the description of the characters and then a comparison between the two main chosen characters. The different plays appear in isolation, in order to analyze the characters inside the context of their own play, that is to say, their own dramatic world, in order to make it clear to the reader the background and the different reasons which can contribute to the behavior and personality of the protagonists. In the following pages it will be found just two characters from each play, a brief description of each one and then the analytical comparison with an explanation of the differences found among them. [ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar un estudio comparativo sobre los principales personajes masculinos de las tragedias de William Shakespeare. Las obras elegidas son: Macbeth, Hamlet y Othello (y sus respectivos personajes masculinos). Dichas obras son bien conocidas y representan muy bien el mundo dramático de Shakespeare. Este trabajo de investigación está formado de varias partes: una parte con la descripción de los personajes y luego la parte de su comparación. Las diferentes obras seleccionadas aparecen por separado, para analizar así a los personajes dentro de su propio contexto y de su propio mundo dramático. En las siguientes páginas, el lector encontrará dos personajes de cada obra seleccionada, una breve descripción de cada uno de ellos y a continuación, la comparación analítica junto a una breve explicación de las diferencias encontradas entre ellos

    40 Años de la teoría del liderazgo situacional: una revisión

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    En este artículo, el objetivo es presentar una revisión de los elementos principales de este modelo teórico. Para ello, se comenzará con un recorrido histórico sobre el avance de esta propuesta. Se señalarán los aspectos, estudios y modelos previos en que se basaron Hersey y Blanchard para conformar la TLS, y se mostrarán sus puntos fuertes y débiles. Entre esas fortalezas y también debilidades, se puede incluir la integración de elementos procedentes de otros autores y de otras disciplinas. En seguida se presentarán los supuestos que sustentan la teoría, y se señalarán las principales críticas en el plano de la lógica o de la congruencia del modelo. Por último, se describirán los tres instrumentos de medida vinculados con esta teoría. En otro lugar (en preparación), se revisarán los puntos fuertes y débiles de la TLS en el plano empírico, así como la calidad de los instrumentos vinculados con ella

    Granular biomass technology for providing drinking water: microbial versatility and nitrate performance in response to carbon source

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    AL and RVV are supported by the funds of European Commission through the "European funds for regional development" (EFRE) as well as by the regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalization of Saxony-Anhalt as part of the "Autonomy in old Age" (AiA) research group for "LiLife" Project (Project ID: ZS/2018/11/95324). Authors thank to Mrs. Ilka Kramer for her technical support in sequencing. BMP is supported by the funds of Ministerio de Universidades (Spain Government) and the European Union -NextGenerationEU. The authors would like to acknowledge the support given by the funding proving by LIFE16 ENV/ES/000196 and the RMN270 research group, which was essential for the realization of this research.The aerobic granular biomass technology was optimized for treating nitrate-polluted groundwater based on the biological denitrification processes in order to provide drinking water. Reactors inoculated with granular biomass were operated at progressively lower C/N rate using acetate and methanol to encourage heterotrophic denitrification, in order to meet the recommended requirements described by European Drinking Water Framework Directive. The granulation and long-term stability of granular biomass under low C/N were successful for all stages, demonstrated compactness of granules and absence of filamentous microorganisms. The nitrate removal was similar in methanol- and acetate-fed reactors, occurring in both cases nitrate removal ratios > 80%, and fact allows the selection of one of both depending groundwater polluted case. Also, feeding reactors with 2 C/N ratio showed nitrate removal values of & GE; 95%, treating highly polluted groundwater (100 mg & BULL;L-1). The microbial diversity was higher in the methanol-fed reactor with representative phylotypes as Flavobacterium, Cytophagaceae, NS9 marine group, while species richness was higher in the acetate-fed reactor, which was mainly represented by Flavobacterium genus. Statistical analyses revealed the higher resilience of bacterial population on granules fed with acetate, showing more resistance under drop C/N ratio. Oscillating pollution in groundwater during seasonal periods should be treated using acetate as carbon source for denitrification carried out by granular biomass, while stable pollution concentrations over time allow the use of methanol as a carbon source since the greater microbial diversity allows the elimination of other contaminants present in groundwater.European Union (EU)Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitalization of Saxony-Anhalt ZS/2018/11/95324Ministerio de Universidades (Spain Government)LIFE16 ENV/ES/000196RMN270European Union -NextGenerationE

    Iconographic-symbolic analysis model of Corporate Visual Identity (CVI): Application test on pharmaceutical companies in Spain

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    This study presents a taxonomy to analyze the Corporate Visual Identity (CVI) through the theoretical construction of iconographic variables. The instrument was validated by an expert panel and a pilot test that examined the CVI of the 50 leading pharmaceutical companies in Spain. The instrument was organized by graphic elements: iconographic sign, linguistic sign, and plastic sign, and helped to catalog the symbolic components of CVI. In the Spanish case, due to its cultural and social context, pharmaceutical brands prefer typographies with no strokes, simple lines, capital letters, and round and medium strokes

    Neurofibromatosis de tipo1 asociada a desnutrición

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    Se  realiza la presentación clínica de adolescente  femenina  de 12 años, perteneciente al  CMF 19 del Policlínico Amando García  Aspurú del Municipio y Provincia  Santiago de Cuba con antecedente familiares  de abuelo paterno y madre  con manchas café con leche. Desde los 15 días de nacida la paciente comienza con las manifestaciones de la enfermedad. Al examen físico se detectan mancha café con leche generalizada, nódulos cutáneos y pecas en la cara.  Por los antecedentes familiares, cuadro clínico, hallazgo al examen físico y los exámenes complementarios se concluye como una Neurofibromatosis de tipo 1 asociada a desnutrición, con toma renal

    De la enseñanza presencial a online en tiempos de pandemia: Un análisis retrospectivo de las necesidades, desigualdades y actuaciones realizadas en las Islas Canarias (España)

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    One of the impacts caused by the Covid19 pandemic was the change from face-to-face education to online education. During the time that the state of alarm lasted, the autonomous community of the Canary Islands (Spain) launched a series of actions with the idea of mitigating the needs for resources and technological skills of students, teachers and families. In this paper we analyze a questionnaire designed by the regional authority responsible for the educational area and addressed to 814 non-university public educational centers, in order to identify the technological needs for online education. Focusing on some relevant indicators, we found evidence that the Canarian educational community, within the undoubted difficulties caused by the pandemic, showed high resilience in this migration from face-to-face education to the online environment; On the other hand, when reviewing the indicators used in the scientific literature to define the digital divide and confronting them with the analyzed data, the imprecision of the term "digital divide" is revealed, proposing to use the term "digital inequality".Uno de los impactos provocados por la pandemia Covid19 fue el cambio de la educación presencial a la educación online. Durante el tiempo que duró el estado de alarma, la comunidad autónoma de las Islas Canarias (España) puso en marcha una serie de acciones con la idea de mitigar las necesidades de recursos y habilidades tecnológicas del alumnado, del profesorado y de las familias. En este trabajo analizamos un cuestionario diseñado por un grupo de trabajo de la autoridad educativa autonómica y dirigido a 814 centros educativos públicos no universitarios, con la finalidad de identificar las necesidades tecnológicas para la educación online. Centrándonos en algunos indicadores relevantes encontramos evidencias de que la comunidad educativa canaria, dentro de las indudables dificultades que supuso la pandemia, mostró una alta resiliencia en esta migración de la educación presencial al entorno online; por otro lado, al revisar los indicadores utilizados en la literatura científica para definir la brecha digital y enfrentarlos a los datos analizados se revela la imprecisión del término “brecha digital”, proponiendo utilizar el de “desigualdad digital”.

    The LithicUB project: A virtual lithotheque of siliceous rocks at the University of Barcelona

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    The LithicUB project began in 2009 with two main objectives. The first objective was to make available to the scientific community the description and classification of a set of siliceous rocks that had been recovered from different surveys. The second to make public the lithotheque as a useful tool for archaeological research, related to the procurement and management of lithic raw materials in Prehistory. Thanks to several research projects that have been carried out, the number of samples is steadily increasing and diversifying, including siliceous rocks collected in Spain, Portugal, France, Jordan and Israel

    Physicochemical Properties of Lipoproteins Assessed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as a Predictor of Premature Cardiovascular Disease. PRESARV-SEA Study

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    Cardiovascular diseases; Lipoproteins; Magnetic resonance spectroscopyEnfermedades cardiovasculares; Lipoproteínas; Espectroscopia de resonancia magnéticaMalalties cardiovasculars; Lipoproteïnes; Espectroscòpia de ressonància magnèticaSome lipoprotein disorders related to the residual risk of premature cardiovascular disease (PCVD) are not detected by the conventional lipid profile. In this case-control study, the predictive power of PCVD of serum sdLDL-C, measured using a lipoprotein precipitation method, and of the physicochemical properties of serum lipoproteins, analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques, were evaluated. We studied a group of patients with a first PCVD event (n = 125) and a group of control subjects (n = 190). Conventional lipid profile, the size and number of Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDL), Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL), High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) particles, and the number of particles of their subclasses (large, medium, and small) were measured. Compared to controls, PCVD patients had lower concentrations of all LDL particles, and smaller and larger diameter of LDL and HDL particles, respectively. PCVD patients also showed higher concentrations of small dense LDL-cholesterol (sdLDL), and triglycerides (Tg) in LDL and HDL particles (HDL-Tg), and higher concentrations of large VLDL particles. Multivariate logistic regression showed that sdLDL-C, HDL-Tg, and large concentrations of LDL particles were the most powerful predictors of PCVD. A strong relationship was observed between increased HDL-Tg concentrations and PCVD. This study demonstrates that beyond the conventional lipid profile, PCVD patients have other atherogenic lipoprotein alterations that are detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analysis.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Health (Carlos III Health Institute) through the Fondo de Investigación para la Salud (FIS), which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, funded by the following grant codes: PI16/01094 and PI19/01032

    Factor reumatoideo, anticuerpos antipéptidos citrulinados y actividad de la enfermedad en pacientes con artritis reumatoidea

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    Introducción: la artritis reumatoidea es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica y multisistémica de causa autoinmune.Los anticuerpos antipéptidos citrulinados constituyen una herramienta importante para el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad. Objetivo: determinar la relación de los anticuerpos factor reumatoideo y antipéptidos citrulinados de segunda y tercera  generación, con indicadores clínicos y serológicos de actividad de la enfermedad en pacientes con artritis reumatoidea establecida. Material y métodos: participaron 88 pacientes con artritis reumatoidea establecida y se determinaron la proteína C reactiva, la velocidad de sedimentación globular, el índice de actividad de la enfermedad basado en el conteo de 28 articulaciones (DAS 28). Los autoanticuerpos factor reumatoideo y antipéptidos citrulinados de segunda y tercera generación se cuantificaron mediante el ensayo de inmunoabsorción ligado a enzimas. Resultados: se observó asociación entre la positividad de proteína C reactiva y la presencia de todos los autoanticuerpos. El factor reumatoideo y los anticuerpos antipéptidos citrulinados mostraron correlación positiva con la velocidad de sedimentación globular y con el DAS 28. Solamente los anticuerpos antipéptidos citrulinados se asociaron con una actividad moderada o alta de la enfermedad. Conclusiones: los anticuerpos antipéptidos citrulinados de segunda y tercera generación tienen gran valor para la identificación de pacientes con un curso más severo de la enfermedad en la artritis reumatoidea establecida.Palabras clave: artritis reumatoidea, autoanticuerpos, factor reumatoideo, antipéptidos citrulinados, enfermedad autoinmune, indicadores clínicos, indicadores serológicos.ABSTRACTIntroduction: rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease, multisystem and with autoimmune cause. Antibodies anti- citrullinated peptides are an important tool for the diagnosis of this disease. Objective: to determine the relationship of rheumatoid factor, anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin and anti-citrullinated peptides of second and third generation antibodies, with clinical and serological indicators of disease activity in patients with established rheumatoid arthritis. Material and methods: 88 patients with established rheumatoid arthritis participated in the study and C reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, disease activity score based on the count of 28 joints (DAS 28) and autoantibodies were measured.  Rheumatoid factor and anti-citrullinated peptides of second and third generation autoantibodies were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: association between C reactive protein and the presence of all autoantibodies was observed. Rheumatoid factor and anti-citrullinated peptides antibodies of second and third generation showed positive correlation with ESR and DAS 28. Only anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies were associated with a moderate or high disease activity. Conclusions: anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies of second and third generation are of great value for identifying patients with more severe disease course in established rheumatoid arthritis.Keys words: rheumatoid arthritis, autoantibodies, rheumatoid factor, anti- citrullinated peptides, autoimmune disease, clinical indicators, serological indicators.</p

    Evaluation of primary care responsiveness by people with mental illness in Spain.

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    Background: The health system responsiveness is a concept developed by the World Health Organization that measures patients’ expectations for the non-medical care they receive. The aim of this study is to assess primary care responsiveness as seen by people with mental illness and to analyse the factors associated with poor responsiveness. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study on 426 people with mental illness who had attended primary care consultations at least once in the previous 12 months. The responsiveness of the health system was determined through the short questionnaire “Multi-country Survey Study on Health and Health Systems Responsiveness”. Differences in responsiveness by sociodemographic characteristics were compared through the Chi-squared test. Logistic regression identified the factors associated with poor responsiveness. Results: Overall responsiveness was measured as good by 77.4% of patients, being this probability higher in the domains: dignity, confidentiality, and communication. The most valued domains by people with mental illness were prompt attention (42.4%), dignity (30.1%), and communication (17%). Only prompt attention scored high importance and poor responsiveness. In patients with an income lower than 900 euros per month and low level of studies, the probability of poor confidentiality responsiveness was multiplied by 3 and 2.7 respectively. Conclusions: People with mental illness perceive good responsiveness from primary care in terms of dignity, confidentiality, and communication. Prompt attention, as the domain of greatest importance and worst valuation, should be prioritised through the implementation of organisational measures in health centres to reduce waiting times, especially in urban areas.post-print968 K