99 research outputs found

    Az átmeneti (puffer)-zóna geológiai értékvédelemben játszott szerepének bemutatása az Egri-Bükkalja mintaterülete alapján = The importance of the Buffer-zone in case of geological values. The Southern Foothill of the Bükk Mts. (Bükkalja) as a study area

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    - Az Egri-Bükkalja földtani értékeinek kataszterezési eredményei azt igazolják, hogy a kutatási terület geológiai értékvédelemben játszott szerepe - lehetőségeihez viszonyítva - nem kiaknázott a Bükki Nemzeti Park déli előterében. Napjainkban csak 32 geológiai feltárásra, felszíni formára terjed ki a hivatalos védelem, ezek (geológiai korokhoz viszonyított) aránya az alábbi: 34% miocén Gyulakeszi Riolittufa F.; 15-15% triász Bervai Mészkő F. és a Miocén Tari Dácittufa F.; 12% oligocén Kiscelli Agyag F.; 6%-6% miocén Harsányi Riolittufa F., Miocén Gyulakeszi R. F. Kisgyőri Tagozat; 3-3% eocén Szépvölgyi Mészkő F., oligocén Egri F. és a holocén üledékrétegek feltárásai. 19 védett felszíni mikroformát ismerünk a területen, ua. a geomorfológiai térképezések alapján minden település esetében legalább 10-15 olyan mikro- és mezoformát jelölhetünk ki, amelyek a táj egyéni és karakteres formaelemeit mutathatják be. Ex lege védelemre javasoljuk a rétegtani alapszelvényeket és a kaptárköveket. - 1-1 mintaterületen részletes felmérési eredményeket közlünk, amelyek terepi (geológiai szelvényi) felmérésekre, szedimentológiai vizsgálatokra, geomorfológiai térképezési eredményekre épülnek. A mintaterületek értékelését helyenként mikrobiológiai, algológiai, kémiai és botanikai kutatási eredményekkel is kiegészítettük. | The results of the geological values' cadastral survey in the southern foreground of the Bükk National Park (foothill areas) show that the study area is rich in different geological and morphological values, but their development possibilities are neglected. Today only 32 geological exposures and landforms are preserved in this territory. Their classification based on geological times are the following: 34% Miocene Gyulakeszi Rhyolite Tuff Formation, 15-15% Triassic Bervai Limestone F. and Miocene Tari Dacite Tuff F.; 12% Oligocene Kiscelli Clay F.; 6%-6% Miocene Harsányi Rhyolite Tuff F., Miocene Gyulakeszi R. F. Kisgyőr Member; 3-3% Eocene Szépvölgyi Limestone F., Oligocene Egri F. and sections of Holocene sediment layers. We know 19 protected micro landforms in the study areas. In case of geomorphological mapping, we can mark more than 10-15 micro and mezo landforms per settlements, which are specific or characteristic elements in the Bükk Foreland and excellent for the protection and public presentation. The stratigraphical columns, exposures and 'Hive-stones' are recommended under Ex lege protection. Detailed scientific results are published in different study areas based on the field surveys, sedimentological investigations and geomorphological mapping. These results are completed with microbiological, algological, chemical and botanical scientific investigation results too

    Root Electrical Capacitance Can Be a Promising Plant Phenotyping Parameter in Wheat

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    As root electrical capacitance (CR*) was assumed to depend on the stem properties, the efficiency of measuring CR* at flowering for whole-plant phenotyping was assessed in five wheat cultivars in three replicate plots over two years. Linear regression analysis was used to correlate CR* with plant-size parameters and flag-leaf traits (extension and SPAD chlorophyll content) at flowering, and with yield components at maturity. The plot-mean CR* was correlated with the plot leaf area index (LAI), the chlorophyll quantity (LAI×SPAD), and the grain yield across years. At plant scale, CR* was found to show the strongest positive regression with total chlorophyll in the flag leaf (flag leaf area × SPAD; R2: 0.65–0.74) and with grain mass (R2: 0.55–0.70) for each cultivar and year (p < 0.001). Likewise, at plot scale, the regression was strongest between CR* and the LAI×SPAD value (R2: 0.86–0.99; p < 0.01) for the cultivars. Consequently, CR* indicated the total plant nutrient and photosynthate supply at flowering, which depended on root uptake capacity, and strongly influenced the final yield. Our results suggested that the polarization of the active root membrane surfaces was the main contributor to CR*, and that the measurement could be suitable for evaluating root size and functional intensity. In conclusion, the capacitance method can be applied for nondestructive whole-plant phenotyping, with potential to estimate root and shoot traits linked to the nutrient supply, and to predict grain yield. CR* can be incorporated into allometric models of cereal development, contributing to optimal crop management and genetic improvement

    Emergence of Serotype G12 Rotaviruses, Hungary

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    We describe the emergence of serotype G12 rotaviruses (67 [6.9%] of 971 specimens tested) among children hospitalized with rotavirus gastroenteritis in Hungary during 2005. These findings are consistent with recent reports of the possible global spread and increasing epidemiologic importance of these strains, which may have implications for current rotavirus vaccination strategies

    Geometry-Dependent Efficiency of Dean-Flow Affected Lateral Particle Focusing and Separation in Periodically Inhomogeneous Microfluidic Channels

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    In this study, inertial focusing phenomenon was investigated, which can be used as a passive method for sample preparation and target manipulation in case of particulate suspensions. Asymmetric channel geometry was designed to apply additional inertial forces besides lift forces to promote laterally ordered particles to achieve sheathless focusing or size-dependent sorting. The evolving hydrodynamic forces were tailored with altered channel parameters (width and height), and different flow rates, to get a better understanding of smaller beads’ lateral migration. Fluorescent beads (with the diameter of 4.8 µm and 15.8 µm) were used to distinguish the focusing position in continuous flow, and experimental results were compared to in silico models for particle movement prediction, made in COMSOL Multiphysics. The focusing behaviour of the applied microfluidic system was mainly characterised for particle size in the range close to blood cells and bacteria

    Genome sequences of three turkey orthoreovirus strains isolated in Hungary

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    We have investigated the genomic properties of three turkey reovirus strains—19831M09, D1246, and D1104—isolated in Hungary in 2009. Sequence identity values and phylogenetic calculations indicated genetic conservativeness among the studied Hungarian strains and a close relationship with strains isolated in the United States