115 research outputs found


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    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Nowadays, competition in the workforce is getting higher and higher. As we may well aware, the world of work is a world of competition and skills. Possessing Diplomas is not effective enough to win the competition in the current job market. The facts in the field prove that many young university graduates have not yet got jobs for their future career. This implies that in order to win competition in the current job market, there are a lot of things that must be considered. One of them is work experience. Beside work experience, soft skills also play significant roles. Similarly, discipline is also a major important factor that needs to be possessed by the workers in order for them to survive and succeed in the world of work. These three significant job requirements can be established through internship program (PKL). Internship program is an implementation of

    Body Mass Index, Sleep Quality, Stress Conditions Determine Menstrual Cycles Among Female Adolescents

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    Menstrual cycles are an important indicator of women's health. Menstrual cycles can be affected by body mass index (BMI), sleep quality, and stress. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between BMI, sleep quality, stress and the menstrual cycle. The subjects of this research were the female adolescents at the age of at least 15 years old that had experienced menstruation for at least 2 years. The dependent variable is the menstrual cycle while the independent variables are BMI, sleep quality, and stress conditions. Observational analytic research method with Cross sectional design was used in this research. The subjects were 148 female students. The BMI data were obtained through the anthropometric measurement. The sleep quality data were taken with PSQI questionnaire, and the stress condition data obtained from PSS-10 questionnaire which were then analysed using Chi-Square test and Logistic Regression. Results of study showed that there is a significant relationship between BMI, sleep quality, stress conditions and the adolescent menstrual cycle. The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the female adolescents with abnormal BMI are at risk of having menstrual cycle disorders 1.91 times. The adolescents with poor sleep quality are at risk experiencing menstrual cycle disorders 2.05 times, and the adolescents with stress conditions at risk of the menstrual cycle disorders 2.26 times. There is a relationship between BMI, sleep quality, stress conditions and the menstrual cycle. Stress conditions most influence the regularity of the menstrual cycle

    Membangun Modal Sosial Pada Gabungan Kelompok Tani

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    Sumber Makmur farmer's association (Gapoktan) have been changed structurally due to village enlargement processes. Differences of opinion, interest conflict, truth and norm, the decreasing the participation and cooperation were regarded as threat to Gapoktan performance. This study aims to explore members of Gapoktan's perspective toward social capital values. This article also explores social capital mechanism to realize Gapoktan good performance. This study conducted in Pekon Adiluwih, Adiluwih sub-district, Pringsewu District in 2013. Respondents were Gapoktan management board and members (33 person). Data collected by in-depth interviews. Qualitative description method used to analyze the data. Based on the discussion, the research concludes that: (1) the main social capital elements patch in Sumber Makmur farmer's group are: identity (X1, X2, X3), vision and goal (X4, X5), truth (X6, X7), smash anxiety (X8, X9), dan openness (X10). Positive value of social capital is considered as intrinsic value which create bonds between Gapoktan members. Mechanism to built solidarity of member was developed by strengthen trust to every members, and uniting identity, cooperation, and openness in a synergetic networks

    Kajian Teknis Pengaruh Fragmentasi Terhadap Digging TIME Excavator Pc 2000 Pada Peledakan Interburden B2c Di Tambang Air Laya, Di PT. Bukit Asam (Persero), Tbk. Tanjung Enim, Sumatera Selatan

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    Pengupasan interburden B2C pada Tambang Air Laya di PT. Bukit Asam (Persero), Tbk dilakukan dengan drillingblasting.Geometri peledakan aktual rata-rata yang diterapkan adalah burden 7 meter dan spasi 8 meter. Geometritersebut akan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat fragmentasi batuan hasil peledakan. Fragmentasi hasil peledakan memilikidistribusi ukuran batuan yang harus sesuai dengan kapasitas bucket dari excavator PC 2000. Hasil fragmentasi aktualyang dihitung menggunakan metode Kuz-Ram dengan menggunakan geometri peledakan aktual didapat hasilfragmentasi yang kurang dari 1 meter sebanyak 70,24%. Berarti untuk ukuran lebih dari 1 meter sebanyak 29,75 %.Geometri usulan yang disarankan adalah geometri usulan menurut R.L Ash dengan burden sebesar 6 meter dan spasisebesar 8,4 meter. Perhitungan teoritis distribusi fragmentasi untuk geometri menurut R.L Ash didapat hasilfragmentasi yang kurang dari 1 meter sebanyak 91,80%. Berarti untuk ukuran lebih dari 1 meter sebanyak 8,20%.Sedangkan untuk produktivitas excavator PC 2000 untuk material hasil peledakan yang paling besar pada tanggal 30mei 2014 yaitu sebesar 918,67 bcm/jam. Sedangkan untuk yang paling kecil pada tanggal 02 juni 2014 yaitu sebesar688,64 bcm/jam


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    This study aims to improve the ability to research and become a means of training for beginner lecturers to publish research results in scientific journals, whereas in particular this study aims to see how the effectiveness of Problem Posing Setting Approach and conventional learning of students' mathematical literacy skills. Low mathematical literacy that emphasizes the ability of students to be able to use mathematical skills in everyday life became the basis of this study. This is evident from the results of surveys conducted by international agencies such as the Trend in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) that put Indonesia in an unfavorable position among the countries surveyed. To overcome this problem, research is done by using Problem Posing Setting Co-operative approach. This research is a type of experimental research with posttest only group design design. The location of the research took place at SMA Negeri 1 Palopo while the instrument that will be used in this research is mathematical literacy ability test, student activity observation sheet and student response questionnaire. This test will be given to the experimental class and control class after the learning is complete. Data analysis techniques use descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics are used to describe how the students' activity during the implementation and questionnaire of student response after the application of Problem Posing Setting Co-operative approach. Furthermore, inferential statistics are used to test the hypothesis. Before performing the hypothesis test, the prerequisite test is tested for normality and homogeneity test. Normality test using chi-square test while homogeneity test using F-test. From the results of this study can be concluded that the application of problem posing cooperative setting is effective to students' mathematical literacy ability. The effectiveness of application of cooperative posing problem setting is measured through the result of mathematical literacy ability test of experiment class higher than control class and hypothesis testing using t-test at significant level α = 0,05, the mean of student activity during application of problem posing cooperative setting is in category Active, and student responses are positiv

    Antipyretic Drug Candidates Through Reverse Docking Techniques Used In Science Learning

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    Red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Rubrum) is a commonly used rhizome known for its fragrant and spicy taste. It contains gingerol and shogaol compounds that have antipyretic effects by inhibiting prostaglandin formation and stimulating the production of interleukin-10, an endogenous antipyretic. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of gingerol and shogaol compounds as antipyretic drug candidates through reverse docking techniques targeting interleukin-10 (IL-10). Ten natural compounds from red ginger were predicted for their potential as antipyretic drugs and docked with the IL-10 receptor protein using various computer programs. The molecular docking results showed that (6)-shogaol had four amino acid bond residues that were the same as the ibuprofen control compound, indicating its potential as an antipyretic drug candidate. Furthermore, (6)-shogaol had the same binding affinity as the control compound and was safe for oral consumption based on pharmacokinetic and toxicity tests using Lipinski's Rule, Toxtree, and admet-T. These findings suggest that (6)-shogaol is a promising antipyretic drug candidate compared to other compounds. In conclusion, this study identified the potential of (6)-shogaol as an antipyretic drug candidate through reverse docking techniques targeting interleukin-10. Red ginger could provide a natural alternative for antipyretic drugs, and further research is recommended to explore the role of gingerol and shogaol compounds in targeting other protein

    Analisis Situasi Pembelajaran Ipa Sekolah Dasar Dengan Metode Daring Selama Masa Wabah Covid-19

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui situasi pembelajaran IPA siswa sekolah dasar dengan metode Pembelajaran Daring selama masa wabah Covid-19. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan observasi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Guru dan siswa SDN 2 Bataraguru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan metode pembelajaran seperti metode ceramah, metode diskusi, tanya jawab, eksperimen, demontrasi yang dilakukan secara langsung  tatap muka oleh guru dengan peserta didik menjadi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan  metode daring akibat pandemi Covid-19 menimbulkan masalah baru dalam proses belajar mengajar diantaranya, situasi pembelajaran kurang efektif, sulitnya guru dalam menyampaikan materi yang dikombinasikan dengan praktikum ,serta materi dengan perhitungan , keterbatasan orang tua peserta didik dalam membeli paket data dan jaringan kurang bagus.Selanjutnya dalam menangani beberapa hambatan tersebut pada pelajaran IPA, guru SD Negeri 2 Bataraguru melaksanan sistem kunjungan kerumah para peserta didik, memberikan materi secara bertahap dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti oleh peserta didik sehingga membantu peserta didik untuk memahami materi pelajaran IP

    Legal Protection for Employers Working in a Service Providers in the Economic Law Perspective

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    This article aims to find out legal protection in the employment relationship between outsourced workers and employers and how the implementation of providing welfare protection by employers/service providers to outsourced workers. The study was conducted using the method of normative legal research or also called doctrinal research using the statute approach, case approach, and conceptual approach. The results showed that legal protection for outsourced workers needs to be improved including law enforcement with very low integrity in case of violations committed by employers or companies against outsourced workers. Provision of welfare protection in the form of labor social security, compensation and benefits that can meet all the socio-economic needs of workers. Then the main purpose of the existence of economic law so that economic growth continues, and is expected to change or transformation of economic structure