11 research outputs found

    Konsep Multikulturalisme Dan Pluralisme Dalam Pendidikan Agama (Upaya Menguniversalkan Pendidikan Agama Dalam Ranah Keindonesiaan)

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    Multiculturalism and pluralism are characters that could not be denied in the education system of Indonesia, especially in religious education.Through that concept, a sense of unity within the realm of ukhuwah basyariyahin promoting and improving the quality of education will be established; therefore the educational system which makes religion as moral values and not as formal institutional is formed

    Pendidikan Berkualitas (Upaya Menuju Perwujudan Civil Society)

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    A qualified education can provide a right view about the process of changing views of society by setting up human resources that are righteous in God the Almighty, possesing virtuous noble character, having good personality, productive, physically and mentally healthy, independent, advanced, powerful, smart, knowledgeable, creative, skilled, disciplined, professional, responsible, socially minded, and be oriented to the future. In achieving this goal, education must be tailored to the needs of civil society that is humane, universal, democratic, in accordance with local and national cultures, capable of balancing between IMTAQ and IPTEQ as well as nondichotomous accordingly be accomodative and applicative to all


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    there’s no such language that free from gender bias. Arabic language as Islamic religion holy book’s language has created gender bias in all utilizing fiil (verb) and isim (noun), especially sura at an-Nisa’. gender bias verse at sura an-Nisa’ analyzed with semantic theory namely interpreting all character, word, and sentence that related with gender bias, chronologically and historically so we obtain understanding contextual meaning, not textual meaning. therefore, gender bias meaning at sura an-Nisa’ is not focused only on biological meaning, namely only mudzakar (masculine) or muannats (feminine) but alsorelated with language’s soscial culture aspect that developed by its speaker community

    Eufemisme seks dan seksualitas teks-teks hadis dalam kutub al-tis'ah : kajian semantik

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    Seksualitas adalah sesuatu yang tabu dan sensitif dibicarakan bagi sebagian orang apalagi terdapat dalam suatu hadis sebagai sumber hukum kedua umat Islam setelah al-Qur’an. Seksualitas yang dibicarakan ini terdapat dalam hadis qauli dan fi’li. Semua hadis tentang seksualitas ini dikemas dengan ungkapan eufemisme dalam bentuk kinayah, qiya>s, majaz, dan kesantunan bahasa dalam redaksi yang berbeda-beda. Studi ini dimaksudkan menjawab permasalahan: 1. Bagaimana pola eufemisme seks dan seksualitas teks-teks hadis dalam kutub al-tis’ah ?. 2. Bagaimana analisis semantik bahasa seks dan seksualitas teks-teks hadis dalam kutub al-tis’ah ?. Jenis penelitian ini adalah library research dengan objek penelitian hadis-hadis yang memuat seksualitas dalam kutub al-tis’ah (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan Tirmizi, Sunan Annasa’i, Sunan Ibnu Majah, Muwatta Imam Malik, Sunan Ahmad bin Hanbal, dan Sunan Imam Ad-Darimi). Teori yang digunakan adalah teori eufemisme dan semantik. Ada 3 macam metode yang digunakan yaitu (1) metode pengumpulan data, (2) analisis data, dan (3) penyajian hasil analisis data. Metode pengumpulan data dengan teknik dokumentasi. Model analisis data dengan metode padan dengan dua teknik, yaitu teknik referensial dan teknik translasional. Hasil penelitian menemukan beberapa bentuk eufemisme dalam term seksualitas dalam hadis pada kutub al-tis’ah dikelompokan dalam beberapa kategori, Pertama; organ seksual laki-laki dan organ seksual perempuan, seperti حَشفَة/hasyafah (kepala kemaluan laki-laki), yang di-qiyas-kan dengan kata مرود/Mirwad (pensil celak) dan رشاء/Risyā (tali timba), organ seks perempuan di-qiyas-kan dengan مُكْحَلَة/Mukh{alah (botol) dan بئر/bi’run (sumur), keperawanan di-qiyas-kan dengan kata عسيلة/‘Usailah (madu) dan cincin الخاتم/al-kha>tam, dan Hubungan seks dalam hadis di-kinayah-kan dengan kemasan eufemisme yaitu دعا الرجل امرأته (suami mengajak istrinya), يلاعب الرجل أهله (suami bermain dengan istrinya), kedua; temuan-temuan hadis seksualitas yang dianalisis dengan teori semantik yaitu مباضعة/muba>d}a’ah (saling bermain ‘barang’), ملامسة/mula>masah (saling bersentuhan), مضاجعة/mud{a>ja’ah (saling tidur miring), مقارفة/muqa>rafah (saling bersentuhan kulit) dan معافسة/mu’a>fasah (saling berguling-gulingan), kecuali kata النيك/al-ni>k yang bermakna ‘kemaluan laki-laki masuk pada kemaluan perempuan’ sebagai satu-satunya bentuk disfemisme dalam hadis. ABSTRACT: Sexuality is something that is taboo and sensitive to discuss for some people, especially if it is contained in a hadith as the second source for Muslims after al-Qur’an. The sexuality is contained in the qauli and fi'li hadith. All these hadiths about sexuality are packaged with euphemistic expressions in the form of kinayah, qiyaz, majaz, and politeness in different redaction. This study is intended to answer the following problems: (1) What is the form of euphemisms of sex and sexuality hadiths Texts in Kutub al-Tis’ah? and (2) How is the semantic analysis of the language of sex and sexuality Hadiths Texts in Kutub al-Tis'ah?. This type of research is library research with the object on hadiths that contain sexuality in Kutub al-Tis’ah (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan Tirmizi, Sunan Annasa’i, Sunan Ibnu Majah, Muwatta Imam Malik, Sunan Ahmad bin Hanbal, dan Sunan Imam Ad-Darimi). The theory used in this research are euphemism theory and semantic theory. There are 3 kinds of methods used, namely (1) data collection methods, (2) data analysis, and (3) presentation of analysis results. Data collection method used documentation techniques. The data analysis used the matched (padan) method with two techniques, i.e referential and translational technique’s. The results of the research found several forms of euphemisms in terms of sexuality in the hadith at Kutub al-Tis’ah, First; male sexual organs and female sexual organs, such as حَشفَة/hasyafah (male genital head), which are qiyas with the words مرود/Mirwad (pencil of mascara) and رشاء/Risyā (bucket rope), the female sex organ is qiyas with مُكْحَلَة / Mukhalah (bottle) and بئر/bi'run (well), virginity is qiyas with the words عسيلة/ 'Usailah (honey) and the ring الخاتم/al-khatam, and sex in the hadith is kinayah with euphemisms, namely دعا الرجل امرأته (husband invites his wife), يلاعب الرجل أهله (husband plays his wife), second; the findings of sexuality hadith analyzed by semantic theory are مباضعة/mubada'ah (playing each other 'stuff’), ملامسة/mulamasah (touching each other), مضاجعة/mudaja'ah (sleep on your side each other), مقارفة/muqarafah (touching the skin) and معافسة/mu'afasah (rolling each other), except for the word النيك/al-nik which means 'male genitals enter the female genitals' as the only form of dysphemism in the hadith

    Social Construction of Islam by the Shi’a Community in Pekalongan City, Central Java

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    This study intends to identify the establishment of Islamic social construction in the Shi’a community in Pekalongan City. Qualitative research applied in this study gathered from case studies using a phenomenological approach. Data came from in-depth observation, interviews, and documentation. The theory of social construction formulated by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann became the basic theory of analysis. The results showed that the social construction of Islam in the Shi’a community in Pekalongan City was formed through externalization, objectivization, and internalization. The process of externalization through the dissemination of knowledge of Shi’a teachings, as well as about the specialty of Ahl al-Bayt in the religious authority of Muslims. Objectivization happened according to Shi’a teaching habituation moderately, responding to the plurality of under­standings and social attitudes of the Muslim religion. The internali­zation process went with awareness to not apply the teachings of taqiyyah. In addition, the availability to live in harmony thrives on maintaining the integration of state life in Indonesia. The theoretical implications of this study show that theological inclusivism can form moderate and open religious social understandings and attitudes in the plurality of religious life. However, this study did not examine the role of the Pekalongan City Government in advocating for the benefit of the Shi’a community as a minority group in Pekalongan City which becomes the limitation of this study


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    Penelitian ini membahas perubahan berarti dari Arab Kata dalam Quran: bentuknya, proses dan implikasi sosial. Teori Sociosemantic, yang merupakan perpaduan antara sosiologi dan semantik, yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Membandingkan asli membentuk dengan bentuk penyerapan digunakan ketika menganalisis bentuk penyerapan. Studi ini menemukan bahwa perubahan makna karena beberapa faktor: (a). Bahasa seperti fonetiknya, aspek morfologi dan sintaksis, (b). Sejarah (c). Sosiokultural (d). Psikologis (e). Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (f). Asing bahasa. Berarti ini perubahan berdampak positif pada pola pikir dan pemahaman bahwa masyarakat memiliki sementara mempelajari Qur'an. Ini memberikan masyarakat sebuah studi komprehensif dan integratif sehingga bahwa satu kata akan multi tafsir

    KONVENSI BAHASA DAN HARMONISASI SOSIAL: Telaah Linguistik dalam Percakapan Campur Bahasa Arab - Jawa dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Harmonisasi Sosial di Masyarakat “Kampung Arab” Klego - Pekalongan

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    This research is aimed to analyze linguistic amalgamation among Arabian and Javanese inhabitants of Klego Pekalongan. The results showed the formed of linguistics convention in communication, based on linguistics rule (derivation and lexicon) and this convention contributed toward social harmonization among both of them. The indication of linguistics convention revealed from the compatibility and incompatibility of linguistics rule (derivation and lexicon). The convention took a place and diffused peacefully among Arabic and Javanese (linguistic acculturation), so it’s pretty hard to distinguish between Arabic Descent and Javanese Descent in Klego in oral communication. The research used translation code-mixing code theory to analyze the problems. In order to acquire data, it emphasized in the primary data rather than the secondary one (as complement). The primary data were formed from linguistics data of communication in listening-speaking and recording. The data were presented using functional- descriptive analysis

    Bahasa, kuasa dan etnisitas

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    x, 178 hlm. :tab. ; 21 c

    Bahasa, kuasa dan etnisitas

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    x, 178 p. ; 20 cm


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    The teaching of English language has significant and strategic contribution. English language as a tool is used to understand and study many literatures of Islamic Studies use English language. This is as cause of the developing of Islamic Studies that is taken in hand by West. They have published their thought in Islamic Studies using English language as an international language in many academic publishing. Besides that, the developing of Islamic Studies is not discharged with the other science, including language. In line with this statement, STAIN Pekalongan has taken a new policy relating to the English language teaching. The goal of that policy is to maximize the process of English language teaching, so the students’ ability in English is better than before and could be utilized in developing of Islamic Studies. Based on that reason, this research explored four problems. First; students’ perception on English language teaching in STAIN Pekalongan. Second; significance of English language teaching for students’ Islamic Studies developing. Third; relationship between perception on   English language teaching and the developing of Islamic Studies. Fourth; competency in English language teaching expected by the students