878 research outputs found

    Tzukanion. Un gioco equestre con la palla alla corte di Bisanzio

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    Agences régionales de santé, franchises, parcours de soin, limitation des arrêts de travail… Les gouvernements accumulent les mesures et pourtant le déficit de l’assurance-maladie continue d’exister. Peut-on maîtriser l’augmentation des dépenses de santé ? Pourquoi ces dépenses augmentent-elles partout, et plus vite dans certains pays (États-Unis, France, Allemagne) que dans d’autres (Grande-Bretagne, Suède) ?Toutes les réformes des systèmes de santé doivent arbitrer entre quatre objectifs, souvent contradictoires, que cet ouvrage analyse : assurer la viabilité financière des systèmes, mais aussi l’égal accès aux soins, la qualité de ceux-ci, enfin la liberté et le confort des patients et des professionnels. Les dernières mesures décidées en France semblent abandonner progressivement l’idée d’une médecine de ville solidaire au profit des trois autres objectifs

    Il Trevigiano in etĂ  longobarda

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    Il tempo dei Longobardi. Materiali di epoca longobarda dal Trevigian

    Nonlinear and Linearized Analysis of Vibrations of Loaded Anisotropic Beam/Plate/Shell Structures

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    A dysfunctional family is one of the factors that can trigger children to experience defiant behavior disorders. This disorder is characterized by defiant behavior, disobedience to orders, and provocative behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the success of behavior modification interventions in children with behavioral disorders of defiance with dysfunctional family conditions. This study uses a quantitative approach with an experimental method using a single case pre test post test design. The participant of this research is one child who is 12 years old and has a behavior disorder of defiance. The assessment techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and psychological test tools to assist researchers in writing a description of psychological dynamics. Researchers used behavior modification interventions to overcome defiant behavior disorders in children, the intervention was given in 3 sessions with a duration of approximately 60 minutes. The results of this study indicate that behavior modification interventions are appropriate for children who experience defiant behavior disorder with dysfunctional family condition

    Peran Koperasi Sekolah Dalam Membangun Mental Kewirausahaan Siswa Di Mts Darrul Ilmi

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    Mengenalkan jiwa wirausahawan sejak dini kepada generasi muda merupakan hal yang sangat baik untuk dilakukan, generasi muda akan mendapatkan kesempatan lebih luas dalam mengembangkan mental berwirausaha. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran koperasi sekolah dalam membangun mental kewirausahaan siswa di MTS Darrul Ilmi. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian analisis deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa, wawancara dan observasi. Berdasarkan penelitian hasil analisis yang ditemukan bahwa peran koperasi sekolah dalam membangun mental kewirausahaan di MTS Darrul Ilmi yaitu membuat siswa berfikir maju dan mengembangkan usaha sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lingkungan sekolah

    High-Fidelity 1D and 2D Models for Static and Dynamic Analyses of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades

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    Wind energy is an essential renewable source to tackle the most critical environmental problems, such as global warming. Recently, the wind blade size has been increasing to maximize turbine efficiency. However, increased dimensions lead to further design challenges due to severe loadings - inertial and aerodynamic - and unavoidable manufacturing complexities. Therefore, extensive simulation campaigns covering as many operational conditions as possible become crucial for sustainable design and manufacturing. Various numerical tools for this purpose have been proposed to predict the response and damage levels of sizeable composite wind turbine blades. Within this context, this paper presents results based on the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF) on various blade configurations. The CUF is a hierarchical formulation providing classical and higher-order beam, plate, and shell models using arbitrary kinematic expansions. The one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) CUF-based models can ensure a similar accuracy of three-dimensional (3D) solutions with considerable savings in computational efforts. The principle of virtual work and a finite element approximation is used to formulate both geometrically linear and nonlinear governing equations. The numerical results focus on static, dynamic, and failure analyses performed on composite wind turbine blades. The failure index evaluation uses a global/local approach that combines the CUF models with conventional FE solutions. In addition, future challenges related to health monitoring, damage detection, and developing a digital twin for structural verification will be discussed

    Evaluation of local site effects in the city of Sansepolcro (Central Italy): preliminary results obtained by a urban seismic network.

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    Sansepolcro, one of the most significant city of Tuscan Tiber Valley, is located in an area close to the eastern edge of the Upper Tiber Valley, characterized by a wide local seismicity, related to the Altotiberina Fault (ATF) activity and not far from the main seismogenic areas of Mid-Northern Apennines (Montefeltro, Forlì, Gubbio, etc.). The Upper Tiber Valley has felt in the past several strong earthquakes: in 1789 (VIII MCS in the city of Sansepolcro), in 1917 (> VIII MCS), in 1948 (> VII MCS), in 1964 (VII MCS). Furthermore, many seismic sequences took place in recent years (1987, 1990, 1997), the last one in 2001 (November, 26, 2001, ML = 4.4). From May 2005, some seismic stations have been deployed in the center of Sansepolcro and its vicinities. Five sites were covering different geologic environments, along a direction approximately orthogonal to the valley axis. The seismic array has recorded more than 100 local and regional seismic events. 20 seismic events, with magnitude ranging from 2.0 and 3.8, distributed with a good azimuthal coverage in an area of 150 km radius centered on the city, have been selected. They were recorded by all the seismic stations with a signal to noise ratio higher than 3 in the frequency band of interest (0.5-10 Hz). The selected events have been analyzed with HHSR and HVSR techniques, to obtain the average spectral ratios for each site. Moreover, we analyzed seismic ambient noise in order to evaluate HVNSR, to be compared with the curves obtained by earthquake analysis. The results allow to give a preliminar evaluation of amplification effects due to the surface geology in the urban area. The three average spectral ratios (HHSR, HVSR and HVNSR) provide a good agreement: they show peaks with a raising amplitude centered on frequencies which point to long period moving from east to the center of the valley. The good agreement with 1D theoretical transfer functions, obtained from stratigraphic data and velocity downhole profiles (Vp e Vs), available for the monitored sites, suggests the hypothesis of being in geologic environment characterized by the presence of a stiff layer, identifiable in the well logs and in the velocity profiles obtained by downhole measurements, which seems to be the reason of surface amplification effects. This layer mainly made by firm cobble-stone associated to the sedimentary phases of Afra torrent, a Tiber tributary that flows close to the SE border of the city, is characterized by shear waves velocities comparable with those of a bedrock and it is recognizable in all the locations, at depths that increase from few meters to 100 m, moving from east to west. This layer, that seems to determine the distinct impedance contrast with the fluvial-lacustrine superficial layers, is not bottom of the basin which should be at a depth of more than 1000 m, as shown by the results of recent 3D analysis (Ciaccio e Barchi, 2006)

    Il revival del pensiero magico nel dibattito pubblico. Tra neopositivismo scientista e irrazionalismo romantico

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    The debate on “magical thinking” opened by the CENSIS 2021 Report and focused on the diffusion of irrationalistic and anti-scientific topics appears inflyed by a background vice because it does not see that further dimension of irrationalism that is linked to capitalist naturalism and scientist neopositivism. The emergence of these positions is the consequence of an organic crisis that dismantled the consolidated forms of the expression of the established dominant classes. A great transformation of international force relationships has indeed determined a phase leap, under the foundations the capacity of the leading groups to produce consensus. Only a new hegemony or a counteregemony, and not a simple lighting operation can counter these drives. However, the cultural defeat, as well as politics, of the progressive trends does not allow it to be optimistic, while the cultural and ideological land of modern democracy seems to fall
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