10 research outputs found

    Is ChatGPT Dangerous for Lecturer Profession? An In-depth Analysis

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    Saat ini teknologi berkembang pesat dan kemunculan teknologi ini tentu saja memberikan dampak besar pada berbagai bidang, termasuk di dunia pendidikan. Dosen menjadi salah satu profesi yang mungkin terdampak dengan kehadiran ChatGPT. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana teknologi kecerdasan buatan dapat mempengaruhi pekerjaan dosen, serta bagaimana dosen dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi menyimak dan mencatat informasi penting untuk melakukan analisis data melalui reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil studi menyimpulkan bahwa ChatGPT dapat memberikan dampak pada profesi dosen. ChatGPT dapat membantu dosen dalam beberapa hal, seperti menghasilkan teks awal dan mempercepat proses penulisan, namun pada saat yang sama dapat pula menimbulkan beberapa tantangan dan risiko. Dosen harus mempertahankan nilai-nilai inti profesi mereka dan tetap berperan aktif dalam memerangi tindakan kecurangan akademik yang dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi seperti ChatGPT

    Development of Effective Learning Strategies to Improve Social-Emotional Skills in Early Childhood

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    Early childhood education has a very important role in early child development. Education provided in early childhood must be comprehensive, covering various aspects such as social-emotional, cognitive, physical and language skills. However, social-emotional skills often do not get enough attention in early childhood learning. So, this research will discuss the development of effective learning strategies to improve social-emotional skills in early childhood. The focus of this study is primarily qualitative. Listening to and recording pertinent information is a data collection method that can then be used in data analysis steps like summarization and visualisation. Study ii came to the conclusion that developing effective learning strategies can improve social-emotional skills in early childhood. Some strategies that can be implemented and are potentially effective include implementing learning programmes based on children's needs and interests, using interactive and collaborative learning methods, and facilitating a safe, comfortable and supportive learning environment


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    Work is hard, but if it is carried out with joy or it can be said that if you like the work you do, then the person is in a state of well-being. This study aims to explain the dimensions of well-being in detail so that it can be used as the main reference for further research that has special attention to the meaning of well-being in the perspective of psychology. This literature review article develops a conceptual framework on the dimensions of well-being. Based on the literature review, this research arrives at the finding that there are six dimensions of well-being which are the essence of positive functioning psychology theories ranging from self-acceptance, autonomy, environmental mastery, positive relationships, purpose in life, and personal growth. The research methodology and arguments that accompany this study can help advance discussions in psychology, management, and business administration courses. This research has important implications for future studies that use quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies. &nbsp

    Analyse the Role of Family in Entrepreneurship Education: Effective Support and Assistance

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    Entrepreneurship education is considered important in developing entrepreneurial skills and preparing individuals to start their own business. One of the factors that influence an individual's ability to start a business is the family's role in supporting entrepreneurship education. This research aims to discuss the role of family in supporting entrepreneurship education and provide useful information for individuals, families, and educational institutions in improving entrepreneurship education. This research is qualitative in nature. Data collection techniques include listening and recording important information to conduct data analysis through data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The study concluded that the family plays a very important role in developing entrepreneurship, especially in providing the support and learning needed for individuals who want to start a business. The role of family also helps strengthen the development of social and managerial skills in entrepreneurship

    Analysing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship Education, Self-Efficacy, and Entrepreneurial Performance

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    Entrepreneurship education has been proven to improve knowledge, competencies, attitudes, and most importantly, self-efficacy. An entrepreneur's self-efficacy is allegedly able to create superior entrepreneurial performance. This study is designed to examine the relationship between entrepreneurship education in terms of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial performance. This research is qualitative in nature. Data analysis entails listening to and documenting relevant information, then summarizing and drawing conclusions based on the results. The relationship between entrepreneurship education and self-efficacy is interrelated. These two dimensions are important capital in creating good entrepreneurial performance, which is certainly the performance expected by many parties, especially those who do it. Entrepreneurship education is indeed a knowledge base that individuals must have before stepping into a real entrepreneurial career. Without business knowledge, individuals will be overwhelmed when faced with various business problems as entrepreneurs. It is hoped that the findings of this research will serve as a point of reference for future conversations on related subjects. In addition, it can be a formal discussion material in higher education, especially entrepreneurship, management, and business administration study programmes


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    One of the strengths of the company lies in the quality of human resources. The way an organization treats and values its employees will have an impact on how strong and competitive the organization is in facing challenges and competition. The purpose of this research is to analyze the main elements that are generally carried out consistently by large companies that make employees feel at home and fully dedicate their abilities to the organization. This research includes library research, because the research was conducted to search, analyze, make interpretations and generalizations from the facts of the results of thoughts and ideas written by business psychology experts. This research is descriptive qualitative with a secondary data analysis approach. This study found that employees will give full dedication if the company pays attention to several factors including respecting employee needs, developing responsibility as an effort to retain employees, internal training and development, and the ability to retain employees. This research is expected to enrich business psychology literature and become a reference for organizations when managing HR. &nbsp


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    Budaya unik organisasi sering berbeda maka tidak heran jika banyak persaingan bisnis. Namun, konteks inovasi selalu dijunjung tinggi organisasi manapun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan secara rinci berbagai faktor pembentuk budaya inovatif. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan cara mengambil data sekunder. Hasil studi tiba pada suatu pernyataan bahwa budaya inovatif adalah budaya yang menyambut dan mendorong eksperimen, pengambilan risiko, dan pemikiran orisinal. Sebuah organisasi dengan budaya inovasi akan menghargai ide-ide karyawannya dan mendorong mereka untuk mengembangkan ide-ide baru. Ada lima dimensi yang akan menjelaskan apa yang membentuk budaya inovatif seperti konteks inovasi, orientasi pasar, infrastruktur untuk inovasi, kreativitas dan kekuatan tenaga kerja, dan intensi untuk inovasi. Hasil studi ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya literasi akademis di bidang manajemen dan administrasi bisnis.   &nbsp

    Implementation of Information Technology in Human Resource Management

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    This research aims to discuss the implementation of information technology in HR management by adopting the theory of Technology Acceptance Model and Diffusion of Innovation. This research is qualitative in nature by reviewing relevant literature. Data collection techniques included listening and recording important information to conduct data analysis through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study show that the use of information technology can provide various benefits for HR management, such as increasing efficiency, accelerating the decision-making process, and reducing operational costs. The results of this study are also expected to provide added value in decision making for companies in managing their HR.  &nbsp

    Implementation of Information Technology in Human Resource Management

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    This research aims to discuss the implementation of information technology in HR management by adopting the theory of Technology Acceptance Model and Diffusion of Innovation. This research is qualitative in nature by reviewing relevant literature. Data collection techniques included listening and recording important information to conduct data analysis through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study show that the use of information technology can provide various benefits for HR management, such as increasing efficiency, accelerating the decision-making process, and reducing operational costs. The results of this study are also expected to provide added value in decision making for companies in managing their HR.  &nbsp

    Application of ChatGPT in Improving Customer Sentiment Analysis for Businesses

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    In the contemporary era of digitization, prosperous enterprises exhibit a keen interest in the feedback and perceptions of their customers regarding the products or services they provide. The analysis of customer sentiment, which entails comprehending and construing customer emotions and viewpoints, has emerged as a crucial element of business tactics aimed at augmenting customer contentment and recognising avenues for enhancement. The objective of this study is to investigate and employ ChatGPT within the realm of business customer sentiment analysis. The central focus of this inquiry is predominantly qualitative in character. The procedure of gathering data entails careful scrutiny and systematic documentation of information, subsequently utilising analytical techniques such as data reduction, visualisation, and inference to deduce significant findings. The findings of the study indicate that the utilisation of ChatGPT has significant potential in enhancing the analysis of customer sentiment for commercial enterprises. This can aid in comprehending and addressing the requirements, inclinations, and contentment levels of customers. ChatGPT's proficiency in comprehending natural language, detecting customer emotions, and processing extensive data instantaneously, can furnish enterprises with valuable perspectives to enhance their decision-making processes