120 research outputs found

    Loss of Genetic Diversity Means Loss of Geological Information: The Endangered Japanese Crayfish Exhibits Remarkable Historical Footprints

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    Intra-specific genetic diversity is important not only because it influences population persistence and evolutionary potential, but also because it contains past geological, climatic and environmental information. In this paper, we show unusually clear genetic structure of the endangered Japanese crayfish that, as a sedentary species, provides many insights into lesser-known past environments in northern Japan. Over the native range, most populations consisted of unique 16S mtDNA haplotypes, resulting in significant genetic divergence (overall FST = 0.96). Owing to the simple and clear structure, a new graphic approach unraveled a detailed evolutionary history; regional crayfish populations were comprised of two distinct lineages that had experienced contrasting demographic processes (i.e. rapid expansion vs. slow stepwise range expansion) following differential drainage topologies and past climate events. Nuclear DNA sequences also showed deep separation between the lineages. Current ocean barriers to dispersal did not significantly affect the genetic structure of the freshwater crayfish, indicating the formation of relatively recent land bridges. This study provides one of the best examples of how phylogeographic analysis can unravel a detailed evolutionary history of a species and how this history contributes to the understanding of the past environment in the region. Ongoing local extinctions of the crayfish lead not only to loss of biodiversity but also to the loss of a significant information regarding past geological and climatic events

    Expression Profiling without Genome Sequence Information in a Non-Model Species, Pandalid Shrimp (Pandalus latirostris), by Next-Generation Sequencing

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    While the study of phenotypic variation is a central theme in evolutionary biology, the genetic approaches available to understanding this variation are usually limited because of a lack of genomic information in non-model organisms. This study explored the utility of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies for studying phenotypic variations between 2 populations of a non-model species, the Hokkai shrimp (Pandalus latirostris; Decapoda, Pandalidae). Before we performed transcriptome analyses using NGS, we examined the genetic and phenotypic differentiation between the populations. Analyses using microsatellite DNA markers suggested that these populations genetically differed from one another and that gene flow is restricted between them. Moreover, the results of our 4-year field observations indicated that the egg traits varied genetically between the populations. Using mRNA extracted from the ovaries of 5 females in each population of Hokkai shrimp, we then performed a transcriptome analysis of the 2 populations. A total of 13.66 gigabases (Gb) of 75-bp reads was obtained. Further, 58,804 and 33,548 contigs for the first and second population, respectively, and 47,467 contigs for both populations were produced by de novo assembly. We detected 552 sequences with the former approach and 702 sequences with the later one; both sets of sequences showed greater than twofold differences in the expression levels between the 2 populations. Twenty-nine sequences were found in both approaches and were considered to be differentially expressed genes. Among them, 9 sequences showed significant similarity to functional genes. The present study showed a de novo assembly approach for the transcriptome of a non-model species using only short-read sequence data, and provides a strategy for identifying sequences showing significantly different expression levels between populations


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    Early-life stress has long-lasting effects on the stress response, emotions, and behavior throughout an individual’s life. Clinical reports have demonstrated that child abuse victims exhibit impairments in reward-associated behavior; yet, the mechanism for this effect remains unclear. Maternal separation (MS) or MS coupled with social isolation (SI) (MS + SI) is widely used as a model for early-life stress in rodent studies. We employed mice subjected to MS + SI to clarify the long-term effect of early-life stress on reward-seeking involving palatable foods by a conditioned place-preference (CPP) paradigm. Prior MS + SI experience decreased exploration time in a chocolate-paired compartment in adult female mice, but not in male mice. We then focused on the mesolimbic dopamine pathway associated with reward-seeking behavior and measured both mRNA and protein levels of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). MS + SI female mice had significantly lower D1 receptor mRNA and protein levels than controls, whereas the expression of TH and the D2 receptor was similar in the 2 groups. All mRNA and protein levels were unchanged in MS + SI male mice. When attempting to elucidate the mechanism underlying downregulation of the D1 receptor in the NAc of MS + SI females, we found hypermethylation of the Drd1a promoter region. These results suggest that early-life stress affects reward-seeking behavior in female mice, which may be associated with the downregulation of D1 receptor in the NAc via epigenetic modification of its promoter region.博士(医学)・甲第672号・平成29年6月28日Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Phylogeographic insights into the invasion history and secondary spread of the signal crayfish in Japan

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    Successful invasion by nonindigenous species is often attributed to high propagule pressure, yet some foreign species become widespread despite showing reduced genetic variation due to founder effects. The signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is one such example, where rapid spread across Japan in recent decades is believed to be the result of only three founding populations. To infer the history and explore the success of this remarkable crayfish invasion, we combined detailed phylogeographical and morphological analyses conducted in both the introduced and native ranges. We sequenced 16S mitochondrial DNA of signal crayfish from across the introduced range in Japan (537 samples, 20 sites) and the native range in western North America (700 samples, 50 sites). Because chela size is often related to aggressive behavior in crayfish, and hence, their invasion success, we also measured chela size of a subset of specimens in both introduced and native ranges. Genetic diversity of introduced signal crayfish populations was as high as that of the dominant phylogeographic group in the native range, suggesting high propagule pressure during invasion. More recently established crayfish populations in Japan that originated through secondary spread from one of the founding populations exhibit reduced genetic diversity relative to older populations, probably as a result of founder effects. However, these newer populations also show larger chela size, consistent with expectations of rapid adaptations or phenotypic responses during the invasion process. Introduced signal crayfish populations in Japan originate from multiple source populations from a wide geographic range in the native range of western North America. A combination of high genetic diversity, especially for older populations in the invasive range, and rapid adaptation to colonization, manifested as larger chela in recent invasions, likely contribute to invasion success of signal crayfish in Japan. © 2016 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Evolution in an oncogenic bacterial species with extreme genome plasticity: Helicobacter pylori East Asian genomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The genome of <it>Helicobacter pylori</it>, an oncogenic bacterium in the human stomach, rapidly evolves and shows wide geographical divergence. The high incidence of stomach cancer in East Asia might be related to bacterial genotype. We used newly developed comparative methods to follow the evolution of East Asian <it>H. pylori </it>genomes using 20 complete genome sequences from Japanese, Korean, Amerind, European, and West African strains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A phylogenetic tree of concatenated well-defined core genes supported divergence of the East Asian lineage (hspEAsia; Japanese and Korean) from the European lineage ancestor, and then from the Amerind lineage ancestor. Phylogenetic profiling revealed a large difference in the repertoire of outer membrane proteins (including <it>oipA</it>, <it>hopMN</it>, <it>babABC</it>, <it>sabAB </it>and <it>vacA-2</it>) through gene loss, gain, and mutation. All known functions associated with molybdenum, a rare element essential to nearly all organisms that catalyzes two-electron-transfer oxidation-reduction reactions, appeared to be inactivated. Two pathways linking acetyl~CoA and acetate appeared intact in some Japanese strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed greater divergence between the East Asian (hspEAsia) and the European (hpEurope) genomes in proteins in host interaction, specifically virulence factors (<it>tipα</it>), outer membrane proteins, and lipopolysaccharide synthesis (human Lewis antigen mimicry) enzymes. Divergence was also seen in proteins in electron transfer and translation fidelity (<it>miaA, tilS</it>), a DNA recombinase/exonuclease that recognizes genome identity (<it>addA</it>), and DNA/RNA hybrid nucleases (<it>rnhAB</it>). Positively selected amino acid changes between hspEAsia and hpEurope were mapped to products of <it>cagA</it>, <it>vacA</it>, <it>homC </it>(outer membrane protein), <it>sotB </it>(sugar transport), and a translation fidelity factor (<it>miaA</it>). Large divergence was seen in genes related to antibiotics: <it>frxA </it>(metronidazole resistance), <it>def </it>(peptide deformylase, drug target), and <it>ftsA </it>(actin-like, drug target).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results demonstrate dramatic genome evolution within a species, especially in likely host interaction genes. The East Asian strains appear to differ greatly from the European strains in electron transfer and redox reactions. These findings also suggest a model of adaptive evolution through proteome diversification and selection through modulation of translational fidelity. The results define <it>H. pylori </it>East Asian lineages and provide essential information for understanding their pathogenesis and designing drugs and therapies that target them.</p

    Therapeutic benefits of factors derived from stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth for radiation-induced mouse xerostomia

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    Radiation therapy for head and neck cancers is frequently associated with adverse effects on the surrounding normal tissue. Irreversible damage to radiation-sensitive acinar cells in the salivary gland (SG) causes severe radiation-induced xerostomia (RIX). Currently, there are no effective drugs for treating RIX. We investigated the efficacy of treatment with conditioned medium derived from stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED-CM) in a mouse RIX model. Intravenous administration of SHED-CM, but not fibroblast-CM (Fibro-CM), prevented radiation-induced cutaneous ulcer formation (p < 0.0001) and maintained SG function (p < 0.0001). SHED-CM treatment enhanced the expression of multiple antioxidant genes in mouse RIX and human acinar cells and strongly suppressed radiation-induced oxidative stress. The therapeutic effects of SHED-CM were abolished by the superoxide dismutase inhibitor diethyldithiocarbamate (p < 0.0001). Notably, quantitative liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry shotgun proteomics of SHED-CM and Fibro-CM identified eight proteins activating the endogenous antioxidant system, which were more abundant in SHED-CM than in Fibro-CM (p < 0.0001). Neutralizing antibodies against those activators reduced antioxidant activity of SHED-CM (anti-PDGF-D; p = 0.0001, anti-HGF; p = 0.003). Our results suggest that SHED-CM may provide substantial therapeutic benefits for RIX primarily through the activation of multiple antioxidant enzyme genes in the target tissue

    Application of Bio-Based Wrinkled Surfaces as Cell Culture Scaffolds

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    Microscopic surface architectures that can be easily manufactured have been in demand as mechano-structural cues for tissue engineering. Microscopic surface reliefs synthesized by wrinkling were expected as cell culture scaffolds for cell proliferation, control of cellular alignment and differentiation, and spheroid generation. We previously developed bio-based wrinkled films prepared via lignification-mimetic reactions and drying. Although these films are expected as a candidate for cell culture scaffolds, stability and morphology of the wrinkled surfaces in aqueous buffer solutions were not explored. Here, we investigate the surface morphologies of the wrinkled films in phosphate-buffered saline, and their application to 3T3 cell culture. The wrinkled film prepared with the immersion treatment at 40 °C maintained its wrinkled structure in phosphate-buffered saline even after five days, although the wrinkles were broadened by hydration of the skin layer. Interestingly, higher cell numbers were observed in the 3T3 cell culture using the wrinkled film than using flat film with the same surface composition. In addition, the high biocompatibility of the wrinkled film was confirmed by in vivo experiments. These results strongly encourage application of the wrinkled film as a mechano-structural cue. Studies of the advanced applications for the wrinkled films are now in progress

    How to recognize Japanese animation in France ̶ two forms of interpretations

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    本論は,日本アニメが海外でどのようにして読み取られるかについて,キャラクターの図像に焦点を当てながら考察するものである.具体的にはフランスの学生に対し,キャラクターを10種類提示して出身地を予測させた.その結果,出身地をキャラクターの外見に基づいて判断する場合と,マンガ・アニメに関する知識に基づいて判断する場合があると分かった.日本では「自然主義的リアリズム」と「まんが・アニメ的リアリズム」の二つがあり,その二つが作品の消費形態を規定するとされるが,フランスでも二つの読み取りが行われている(二つのリテラシーがある)ことが確認できた.This paper examines and investigates how Japanese animation is being interpreted in France. To this end, we focus on character iconography interpretation. We presented French students with ten types of characters and asked them to predict the fictional birth places of these characters. The results showed that the students came to their conclusions based on either the appearance of the characters or their knowledge of manga and anime. In Japan, “naturalistic realism” and “manga or anime-istic realism” are thought to define how works of art are consumed, and we identified these two forms of interpretation (literacies) in France