10 research outputs found

    Influence of nutritional supplements on microbiological composition of raw sheep milk

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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect of plant fat sources in sheep feed on somatic cells and the total number of microorganisms in raw milk samples obtained from 210 sheep, breed Pramenka in Una-Sana Canton. The research was conducted in three periods: winter, spring and summer. The herd was divided into experimental and control groups of sheep. In the experimental groups of sheep in each period of the study, omega-3 supplements were added to the diet, namely extruded flaxseed in the amount of 3.5%. The influence of added omega-3 supplements on the microbiological parameters of raw sheep milk, which was milked from experimental and control groups of sheep every fifteen days of the experiment in all periods of the study, was examined.  Analysis of variance (ANOVA) found that during the winter and summer feeding period there is a statistically very significant influence of both experimental factors (treatment and period) on the total number of microorganisms and somatic cells in raw sheep milk (p <0.001). In the spring diet in somatic cells, factor treatment did not show a statistically significant effect (ns)


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    This paper presents the results of research on the content of heavy metals in water and fish of the River Una. During 2012 and 2013 water and fish samples were taken from four locations, and research was conducted in two seasons: autumn 2012 (I season) and spring 2013 (II season). The caught fish at all locations belonged to the species of trout (Salmo trutta). The content of Pb, Cu and Cd was determined by means of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer “Perkin Elmer” AAnalyst - 800, using a flame photometry technique. The content of Pb, Cu and Cd was below the level of maximum allowable concentrations (MAC). The research of heavy metal presence in the water of the River Una indicated the value of Pb lower than 0,0010 mg/l, Cu lower than 0.4 mg/l, and Cd lower than 0,1 mg/l. Heavy metals in fish muscle tissue were directly related to the pollution of river. Lead content in muscle tissue of fish caught in the River Una was the highest in samples which were caught at the fourth location, with 0,205 mg kg-1, while the highest copper content was identified in the same location, 0,1280 mg kg-1. The content of cadmium in fish muscle tissue samples was below 0,1 mg kg-1. The heavy metal content in the tested samples of water and fish the River Una was below the allowable limit. These results indicate that the pollution of the River Una did not reach a significant level

    Growth Modulation of Human Cells in Vitro by Mild Oxidative Stress and 1,4-Dihydropyridine Derivative Antioxidants

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    Reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation products are not only cytotoxic but may also modulate signal transduction in cells. Accordingly, antioxidants may be considered as modifiers of cellular redox signaling. Therefore, the effects of two novel synthetic antioxidants, analogues of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives, cerebrocrast and Z41-74 were analysed in vitro on human osteosarcoma cell line HOS, the growth of which can be modulated by lipid peroxidation. The cells were pretreated with either cerebrocrast or Z41-74 and afterwards exposed to mild, copper induced lipid peroxidation or to 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), the end product of lipid peroxidation. The results obtained have shown that both antioxidants exert growth modulating effects interfering with the lipid peroxidation. Namely, cells treated with antioxidants showed increased metabolic rate and cell growth, thereby attenuating the effects of lipid peroxidation. Such biomodulating effects of cerebrocrast and Z41-74 resembled growth modulating effects of HNE, suggesting that the antioxidants could eventually promote cellular adaptation to oxidative stress interacting with redox signaling and hydroxynonenal HNE-signal transduction pathways. This may be of particular relevance for better understanding the beneficial role of hydroxynonenal HNE in cell growth control. Therefore, cerebrocrast and Z41-74 could be convenient to study further oxidative homeostasis involving lipid peroxidation

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    With food to health : proceedings of 11th International symposium

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    Strategic analysis of the selected telecommunications company

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    Globalizacija, kontinuirani razvoj i promjene u svijetu tehnoloških proizvoda i usluga dovode do hiperprodukcije u raznim djelatnostima. Kako bi se održavala konkurentnost, više nije dovoljno plasirati inovativan proizvod na tržište, nego je potrebno formulirati odgovarajuću strategiju te se kontinuirano prilagođavati promjenama i zahtjevima korisnika.Telekomunikacijski sektor čine poduzeća koja omogućuju komunikaciju na globalnoj razini, bilo putem telefona ili interneta, putem radijskog ili kabelskog signala, odnosno putem žica ili bežično. Pri tome, do prije dvadesetak godina, telekomunikacijski sektor činila je tek nekolicina velikih nacionalnih i regionalnih operatora. Međutim, početkom 2000-ih, industrija je zahvaćena brzom deregulacijom i inovacijama, a u mnogim zemljama svijeta vladini monopoli podlegli su privatizaciji pa se suočavaju s mnoštvom novih konkurenata. Tržište telekomunikacija u Bosni i Hercegovini, prema broju sudionika može se svrstati u skupinu zemalja u kojima djeluje tek nekoliko većih operatera (slična situacija je i u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Albaniji i Makedoniji). Telekomunikacijsko tržište Bosne i Hercegovine prati svjetski trend pada prometa fiksne širokopojasne mreže, no ostaje jedno od najmanje razvijenih u srednjoj i istočnoj Europi. Svrha rada je bila prikazati koncept strateškog upravljanja i provesti strateške analize na temelju BH Telecoma, a glavni cilj istraživanja odnosio se na analizu razloga pada prihoda odabranog poduzeća i oblikovanje prijedloga nove razvojne strategije za poduzeće. U svrhu postizanja cilja intervjuirano je šest predstavnika različitih razina menadžmenta u poduzeću i to po dva predstavnika visoke, srednje i niže razine. Naposljetku, na temelju intervjua predložene su određene preporuke za poboljšanje strateškog položaja poduzeća BH Telecom.Globalization, continuous development and changes in the world of technological products and services lead to hyperproduction in various industries. In order to maintain competitiveness, it is no longer enough to place an innovative product on the market, but it is necessary to formulate an appropriate strategy and continuously adapt to changes and customer requirements. The telecommunications sector consists of companies that enable communication on a global scale, either via telephone or the Internet, via radio or cable signal, or via wires or wireless. At the same time, until about twenty years ago, the telecommunications sector consisted of only a few large national and regional operators. However, in the early 2000s, the industry was hit by rapid deregulation and innovation, and in many countries around the world, government monopolies succumbed to privatization and faced a host of new competitors. The telecommunications market in Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to the number of participants, can be classified in the group of countries in which only a few major operators operate (the situation is similar in Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia). The telecommunications market of Bosnia and Herzegovina follows the global trend of declining fixed broadband traffic, but remains one of the least developed in Central and Eastern Europe. The purpose of the paper was to present the concept of strategic management and conduct strategic analysis based on BH Telecom, and the main goal of the research was to analyze the reasons for the decline in revenue of the selected company and formulate proposals for a new development strategy for the company. In order to achieve the goal, six representatives of different levels of management in the company were interviewed, two representatives of high, middle and lower level. Finally, based on the interviews, certain recommendations were proposed to improve the strategic position of BH Telecom

    Strategic analysis of the selected telecommunications company

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    Globalizacija, kontinuirani razvoj i promjene u svijetu tehnoloških proizvoda i usluga dovode do hiperprodukcije u raznim djelatnostima. Kako bi se održavala konkurentnost, više nije dovoljno plasirati inovativan proizvod na tržište, nego je potrebno formulirati odgovarajuću strategiju te se kontinuirano prilagođavati promjenama i zahtjevima korisnika.Telekomunikacijski sektor čine poduzeća koja omogućuju komunikaciju na globalnoj razini, bilo putem telefona ili interneta, putem radijskog ili kabelskog signala, odnosno putem žica ili bežično. Pri tome, do prije dvadesetak godina, telekomunikacijski sektor činila je tek nekolicina velikih nacionalnih i regionalnih operatora. Međutim, početkom 2000-ih, industrija je zahvaćena brzom deregulacijom i inovacijama, a u mnogim zemljama svijeta vladini monopoli podlegli su privatizaciji pa se suočavaju s mnoštvom novih konkurenata. Tržište telekomunikacija u Bosni i Hercegovini, prema broju sudionika može se svrstati u skupinu zemalja u kojima djeluje tek nekoliko većih operatera (slična situacija je i u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Albaniji i Makedoniji). Telekomunikacijsko tržište Bosne i Hercegovine prati svjetski trend pada prometa fiksne širokopojasne mreže, no ostaje jedno od najmanje razvijenih u srednjoj i istočnoj Europi. Svrha rada je bila prikazati koncept strateškog upravljanja i provesti strateške analize na temelju BH Telecoma, a glavni cilj istraživanja odnosio se na analizu razloga pada prihoda odabranog poduzeća i oblikovanje prijedloga nove razvojne strategije za poduzeće. U svrhu postizanja cilja intervjuirano je šest predstavnika različitih razina menadžmenta u poduzeću i to po dva predstavnika visoke, srednje i niže razine. Naposljetku, na temelju intervjua predložene su određene preporuke za poboljšanje strateškog položaja poduzeća BH Telecom.Globalization, continuous development and changes in the world of technological products and services lead to hyperproduction in various industries. In order to maintain competitiveness, it is no longer enough to place an innovative product on the market, but it is necessary to formulate an appropriate strategy and continuously adapt to changes and customer requirements. The telecommunications sector consists of companies that enable communication on a global scale, either via telephone or the Internet, via radio or cable signal, or via wires or wireless. At the same time, until about twenty years ago, the telecommunications sector consisted of only a few large national and regional operators. However, in the early 2000s, the industry was hit by rapid deregulation and innovation, and in many countries around the world, government monopolies succumbed to privatization and faced a host of new competitors. The telecommunications market in Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to the number of participants, can be classified in the group of countries in which only a few major operators operate (the situation is similar in Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia). The telecommunications market of Bosnia and Herzegovina follows the global trend of declining fixed broadband traffic, but remains one of the least developed in Central and Eastern Europe. The purpose of the paper was to present the concept of strategic management and conduct strategic analysis based on BH Telecom, and the main goal of the research was to analyze the reasons for the decline in revenue of the selected company and formulate proposals for a new development strategy for the company. In order to achieve the goal, six representatives of different levels of management in the company were interviewed, two representatives of high, middle and lower level. Finally, based on the interviews, certain recommendations were proposed to improve the strategic position of BH Telecom

    Possibilities of Entrepreneurship Development in Tourism Industry of Una-Sana Canton

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    U ovom završnom radu, kroz koji se proteže tematika poduzetništva u turizmu na području Unsko-sanskog kantona i mogućnosti njegovog razvoja, analizirani su i obrađeni koncepti ključni za razumijevanje poduzetništva u turizmu kao i trenutačno stanje u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine i Unsko-sanskog kantona. Nakon toga, predstavljen je uvid u uvjete za razvoj poduzetništva na području Unsko-Sanskog kantona. U posljednjem dijelu rada, prije zaključka, autorica predstavlja i analizira mogućnosti razvoja poduzetništva u turizmu. Na kraju se naazi zaključak tj. osvrt na cjelokupni rad, obrađene teorijske koncepte, njihovu primjenu u praksi te same mogućnosti razvoja.In this thesis, which contains the themes of entrepreneurship in tourism in the Una-Sana Canton and the possibilities of its own development, concepts, which are crucial for understanding the entrepreneurship in tourism and the current situation in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Una-Sana Canton, were analyzed and elaborated. The insight into conditions for entrepreneurship development in the Una-Sana Canton was presented and in the last part of the paper, prior to the conclusion of the thesis, the author presented and analyzed the possibilities of developing entrepreneurship in tourism. In the conclusion the whole work was reviewed, theoretical concepts were elaborated, such as their application in practice and the possibilities of development

    Morphological and Biochemical Properties in Fruits of Naturally Grown Cornelian Cherry (<i>Cornus mas</i> L.) Genotypes in Northwest Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) is considered to be one of those medicinal plants with important nutritional and therapeutic properties. The plant shows resistance against abiotic and biotic stressors in natural growing conditions and could be suitable to use in sustainable fruit production. This study was carried out on 22 local cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) genotypes, which were grown northwest of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Fruits of these 22 genotypes were harvested and analyzed during the ripening period in 2018/2019. Fruit weight, length, and width ranged from 1.38 to 3.01 g, 13.84 to 19.43 mm, and 10.92 to 14.79 mm, respectively. Dry matter content was determined to be the lowest at 11.67% and the highest at 21.89%. The genotypes had vitamin C content between 25.85 and 58.75 mg/100 g. Total phenolic and anthocyanin content were found to be quite variable among genotypes and ranged from 1240 to 6958 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per 100 g fresh weight (FW) and 55.57 to 205.6 mg cyaniding-3-glucoside equivalents (CGE) per 100 g FW, respectively. The content of phosphorus and iron were between 155.52 to 263.06 mg per 100 g and 0.25 to 0.93 mg per 100 g, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that the first and second components accounted for 44.05% and 60.50% of the total variance, and the major proportion of the first and second components were the morphometric properties and chemical traits of the cornelian cherry fruits. The results revealed that the characterized genotypes could be important for cornelian cherry breeders as ready crossing materials to obtain new cornelian cherry varieties and shows the potential of certain genotypes as a valuable source of natural antioxidants. The results may have served as a guide towards the development of sustainable production programs for cornelian cherries as well