65 research outputs found

    Project based learning and Elevator Pitch: an innovative methodological approach to teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

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    El Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) es una propuesta metodológica que destaca por su carácter significativo y por desarrollar un trabajo organizado, en el que intervienen procedimientos educativos innovadores. En este contexto adquiere relevancia la aplicación del Elevator Pitch (EP) como una técnica escasamente representada en el ámbito del español como lengua extranjera (ELE). El estudio que presentamos trata sobre el uso del EP en el ABP de español. Tenemos como objetivo presentar las conclusiones derivadas de un análisis cuantitativo simple de datos, procedentes de una investigación descriptiva y aplicada en el aula, realizada durante un semestre con alumnos universitarios de nivel B2. Los resultados obtenidos manifiestan un cambio positivo en la motivación de los estudiantes y la alienación del currículo con la realidad. La aplicación del EP ha permitido la adquisición estructurada, reflexiva y global de contenidos y competencias, la organización y síntesis de los pensamientos y el desarrollo de las capacidades individuales y sociales en un ambiente heterogéneo y dinámico. Constatamos la eficacia del EP y defendemos su uso en el ABP como innovación metodológica para facilitar el diálogo entre el mundo, el entorno y los modos semióticos (Kress, 2010) que intervienen en la educación.Project Based Learning (PBL) is a methodological approach characterized by its meaningful learning processes and the development of organized learning involving innovative education strategies. In this context, the use of Elevator Pitch (EP) gains relevance as an underused methodology in the field of Spanish as a Foreign Language. This paper discusses the use of EP within PBL in the Spanish Classroom. The data for the study were obtained using a simple qualitative and quantitative data analysis from a descriptive research carried out in a classroom setting during one semester with B2 level university students. The research results show a positive shift in students’ motivation, as well as a link between the curriculum and the real-world. The use of EP has allowed for a more structured, thoughtful and comprehensive content and skills acquisition, organization and synthesis of the thought process and the development of individual abilities in heterogeneous and dynamic environments. The findings support the efficiency of EP and we advocate for its use in PBL as an innovative methodological approach that helps facilitate the dialogue between the world, the context and the semiotic modes (Kress, 2010), all of which form part of education

    Desarrollo de composites a partir de proteína de clara de huevo y subproductos hortofrutícolas

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    El uso de subproductos de la industria alimentaria para el refuerzo de films de proteína de clara de huevo puede ser una alternativa sostenible para reducir la cantidad de materia prima utilizada en la elaboración de éstos. Además, se fomenta el aprovechamiento de residuos, disminuyendo así los problemas generados por su gestión y eliminación. La rigidez de los films de proteína de huevo aumenta considerablemente al incorporar estos subproductos, especialmente con las túnicas de azafrán, pero las propiedades barrera de los films no se modifican. Visualmente se aprecia la presencia de partículas de los subproductos en la matriz proteica, pudiendo llegar a causar un problema, ya que el aspecto visual del film o composite es un factor importante para los consumidores.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Gobierno de Aragón, a través del Fondo de Inversiones de Teruel (FITE 2019-2021) y por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (proyecto PID2019– 108080RR-I00, y contrato PRE2020-094379 a V. Baquero-Aznar).compositebioplásticosenvasad

    Programa formativo sobre el control del dolor oncológico en la fase final de la vida para personal de enfermería

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    Un paciente paliativo oncológico es aquel que tiene una enfermedad oncológica previsiblemente incurable y sin posibilidades de beneficio terapéutico. Los cuidados paliativos previenen o tratan los síntomas siendo el dolor uno de los más prevalentes y preocupantes para dichos pacientes. Según el tipo de dolor que padezca, se deberá tratar de una forma u otra eligiendo la vía subcutánea como alternativa a la vía oral, en caso de no tener disponible ésta. Uniéndose estos tratamientos farmacológicos con otros como las técnicas de relajación. Tras la revisión bibliográfica se constata que la mayoría de los programas docentes de las Facultades de Enfermería dedican poco tiempo al tratamiento del control del dolor.<br /

    Multilayer structures to improve the barrier properties of egg white protein films for the packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables

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    The application of coatings or multilayer structures containing hydrophobic materials led to a decrease in the WVTR of the EWP films. Nevertheless, the use of beeswax as a coating resulted in an increase in the opacity of the EWP films. • The use of EWP films for packaging fresh-cut celery resulted in marked dehydration and strong weight loss. • For packaging cherry tomatoes, EWP film coated with beeswax is an alternative as the product exhibited behavior comparable to that of PLA films. • Improvements in EWP films are required to obtain results comparable to those of OPP films.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (project PID2019–108080RR-I00, and grant PRE2020-094379 to V. Baquero), and by the T07_23R Consolidated Group of the Gobierno de Aragón.barrier propertiesbeeswaxegg white proteinpackagingzein

    MDR Tuberculosis Treatment

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    MDR; Tratamiento; TuberculosisMDR; Tractament; TuberculosiMDR; Treatment; TuberculosisMultidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB), resistant to isoniazid and rifampicin, continues to be one of the most important threats to controlling the TB epidemic. Over the last few years, there have been promising pharmacological advances in the paradigm of MDR TB treatment: new and repurposed drugs have shown excellent bactericidal and sterilizing activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and several all-oral short regimens to treat MDR TB have shown promising results. The purpose of this comprehensive review is to summarize the most important drugs currently used to treat MDR TB, the recommended regimens to treat MDR TB, and we also summarize new insights into the treatment of patients with MDR TB.M.L.A. was supported by “Rio Hortega” (CM19/00070) grant from Instituto Carlos III through the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain. A.S.M. was supported by a postdoctoral grant “Juan Rodés” (JE18/00022) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos through the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain

    Cannabis, an emerging aeroallergen in southeastern Spain (Region of Murcia)

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    The evolution of the behaviour of the Cannabis taxon in the Region of Murcia, Spain, has been analysed (in the cities of Cartagena, 1993–2020; Murcia, 2010–2020; and Lorca, 2010–2020). An attempt has been made to establish the origin of Cannabis pollen in this region to determine whether it is transported locally or from long distances based on air mass origins. Cannabis is an herbaceous, normally dioecious and anemophilous plant, which produces large quantities of pollen grains. It has been widely used for fibre (hemp), bird food (hempseed), essential oils and narcotics. The origin of Cannabis pollen grains has been established by calculating back trajectories at the altitudes of: 750, 1500 and 2500 m above mean sea level (m amsl); 350, 500 and 650 m amsl; and 10, 100 and 250 m amsl, using the HYSPLIT model. Considering this data, 29 days of Cannabis pollen potentially originating in Africa were identified in Cartagena, 19 days in Murcia and 15 days in Lorca. Of the remaining days, the air mass back trajectories showed local or regional pollen origins. These were 83 days in Cartagena, 61 days in Murcia and 57 days in Lorca. The presence of Cannabis in the bioaerosol of the Region of Murcia is irregular, and it is considered a minority pollen type. However, from 2017 to 2020, concentrations increased, with a positive and significant trend of 90% in the Annual Pollen Integral. The pollen season can be defined between June and August. This increase in the concentration of Cannabis pollen grains during this period coincides with an increase in local transport, suggesting the possibility of increased Cannabis cultivation in the study area


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    La crononutrición es la disciplina que consiste en respetar el ritmo natural del organismo como el hecho de ingerir los alimentos cuando el cuerpo se encuentre más preparado para asimilarlos. Es un tema muy actual y muy investigado en el ámbito de la nutrición. Es por ello que el Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) a realizar pretende analizar resultados obtenidos en el estudio HELENA, en adolescentes Europeos, para describir la posible asociación entre el horario de las comidas y cenas y la composición corporal y otros marcadores de salud en una muestra de adolescentes europeos.<br /

    The effects of continentality, marine nature and the recirculation of air masses on pollen concentration: Olea in a Mediterranean coastal enclave

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    Olea pollen concentrations have been studied in relation to the typology of air masses, pollen grain sources and marine nature during advections in a coastal enclave in the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula. Since Spain is the world's leading olive producer, and olive growing extends throughout the Mediterranean basin, this location is ideal for the study of long-distance transport events (LTD) during the main pollen season (MPS). The air masses were classified using the calculation of 48-h back trajectories at 250, 500 and 750 m above ground level using the HYSPLIT model. After that, the frequency of LDT events from Africa and Europe was found to be 8.7% of the MPS days. In contrast, regional air masses were found in 38.6% of the MPS days. This was reflected in pollen concentrations, with significantly higher concentrations (p-value <0.05) on days with regional air masses compared to days with European air masses. Regarding the source areas, the importance of nearby sources with intense olive cultivation was confirmed (i.e., Andalusia). This proximity was relevant beyond the attenuations observed when the advections acquired a marine nature as the air mass back trajectories moved over the sea (p-value <0.001). The review of air mass typologies, source areas and pollen concentrations resulted in establishing peak dates and the detection of LDT associated with these peak dates. Distortions in the typical path of each air mass explained alterations in pollen concentrations on consecutive days. The recirculation and loops of the air mass back trajectories varied the pollen load that every type of air mass could originally contain.Funding: This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government through the projects SICAAP-CPI RTI2018-096392-B-C21 and SICAAP-CPI RTI2018-096392-B-C22. The Interministerial Committee of Science and Technology, which financed the projects BOS2000-0563-C02-02, BOS2003-06329-C02-02, BOS 2006-15103; the Seneca Foundation of the Region of Murcia, which financed the project 08849/PI/08. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Ms. Paula García López, technician at the Aerobiological Network of the Region of Murcia, funded by the Spanish State Research Agency, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (code: PTA2017-13571-I)