55 research outputs found


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    Paleography is the study of ancient handwritten manuscripts to date the age and to localize ancient and medieval scripts. It also deals with analyzing the development of the letters shape. Ancient Jawi manuscripts are one of the less studied. Nowadays, there are over 7789 known Jawi manuscripts were kept in custody of various libraries in Malaysia. Most of those manuscripts were undated with unknown author and location of origin. This important information can be discovered by analyzing the different type of writing styles and recognizing the manuscript illuminations. In this paper, we discuss the paleographical analysis from the perspective of computer science and propose a general framework for that. This process involves investigation of Arabic influence on the Jawi manuscript writings, establishing the paleographical type of the script, and classification of writing styles based on local and global Jawi image features

    Arabic Calligraphy Identification for Digital Jawi Paleography using Triangle Blocks

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    Palaeography is the study of ancient handwritten manuscripts to date the age and to localize ancient and medieval scripts. It also deals with analysing the development of the letters shape. Ancient Jawi manuscripts are one of the least studied area. Nowadays, over 7789 known Jawi manuscripts are kept in custody of various libraries in Malaysia. Most of these manuscripts were undated with unknown authors and location of origin. Analysing the different types of writing styles and recognizing the manuscript illuminations can discover this important information. In this paper, we discuss the palaeographical analysis from the perspective of computer science and propose a general framework for that. This process involves investigation of Arabic influence on the Jawi manuscript writings, establishing the palaeographical type of the script, and classification of writing styles based on local and global Jawi image features

    Digital Paleography: Using the Digital Representation of Jawi Manuscripts to Support Paleographic Analysis

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    Palaeography is the study of ancient handwritten manuscripts to date the age and to localize ancient and medieval scripts. It also deals with analysing the development of the letters shape. Ancient Jawi manuscripts are one of the least studiedarea. Nowadays, over 7789 known Jawi manuscripts are kept in custody of various libraries in Malaysia. Most of these manuscripts were undated with unknown authors and location of origin. Analysing the different types of writing styles and recognizing the manuscript illuminations can discover this important information. In this paper, we discuss the palaeographical analysis from the perspective of computer science and propose a general framework for that. This process involves investigation of Arabic influence on the Jawi manuscript writings, establishing the palaeographical type of the script, and classification of writing styles based on local and global Jawi image features

    Arabic Calligraphy Classification using Triangle Model for Digital Jawi Paleography Analysis

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    Calligraphy classification of the ancient manuscripts gives useful information to paleographers. Researches on digital paleography using calligraphy are done on the manuscripts to identify unidentified place of origin, number of writers, and the date of ancient manuscripts. Information that are used are features from characters, tangent value and features known as Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). For Digital Jawi Paleography, a novel technique is proposed based on the triangle. This technique defines three important coordinates in the image of each character and translates it into triangle geometry form. The features are extracted from the triangle to represent the Jawi (Arabic writing in Malay language) characters. Experiments have been conducted using seven Unsupervised Machine Learning (UML) algorithms and one Supervised Machine Learning (SML). This stage focuses on the accuracy of Arabic calligraphy classification. Hence, the model and test data are Arabic calligraphy letters taken from calligraphy books. The number of model is 711 for the UML and 1019 for the SML. Twelve features are extracted from the formed triangles used

    Digital Paleography: Using the Digital Representation of Jawi Manuscripts to Support Paleographic Analysis

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    Palaeography is the study of ancient handwritten manuscripts to date the age and to localize ancient and medieval scripts. It also deals with analysing the development of the letters shape. Ancient Jawi manuscripts are one of the least studiedarea. Nowadays, over 7789 known Jawi manuscripts are kept in custody of various libraries in Malaysia. Most of these manuscripts were undated with unknown authors and location of origin. Analysing the different types of writing styles and recognizing the manuscript illuminations can discover this important information. In this paper, we discuss the palaeographical analysis from the perspective of computer science and propose a general framework for that. This process involves investigation of Arabic influence on the Jawi manuscript writings, establishing the palaeographical type of the script, and classification of writing styles based on local and global Jawi image features

    New instances classification framework on Quran ontology applied to question answering system

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    Instances classification with the small dataset for Quran ontology is the current research problem which appears in Quran ontology development. The existing classification approach used machine learning: Backpropagation Neural Network. However, this method has a drawback; if the training set amount is small, then the classifier accuracy could decline. Unfortunately, Holy Quran has a small corpus. Based on this problem, our study aims to formulate new instances classification framework for small training corpus applied to semantic question answering system. As a result, the instances classification framework consists of several essential components: pre-processing, morphology analysis, semantic analysis, feature extraction, instances classification with Radial Basis Function Networks algorithm, and the transformation module. This algorithm is chosen since it robustness to noisy data and has an excellent achievement to handle small dataset. Furthermore, document processing module on question answering system is used to access instances classification result in Quran ontology

    Kerangka Paleografi Jawi Digital : Satu Cadangan Awal

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    Kajian paleografi adalah kajian untuk mengetahui tarikh dan juga tempat di mana manuskrip lama ditulis. Pada masa ini, bilangan manuskrip jawi yang terkumpul di perpustakaan utama di Malaysia sahaja dianggarkan berjumlah 7789 buah. Malah terdapat manuskrip yang tidak dapat diketahui tarikh dan tempat asalnya. Selain itu, faktor khat arab yang mempengaruhi tulisan jawi juga memainkan peranan ke atas kajian paleografi. Di dalam manuskrip jawi, wujudnya variasi jenis tulisan khat arab yang mengambarkan pengaruh penulis dan juga membuktikan bahawa manuskrip tersebut ditulis oleh penulis yang ramai. Keperluan kepada paleografi jawi digital adalah amat perlu memandang manuskrip yang banyak dan juga kini terdapat salinan manuskrip yang dibuat di dalam bentuk digital. Dalam kertas ini, kajian menjurus kepada perspektif ahli sains komputer. Kaedah penyelidik-penyelidik untuk tulisan Latin, India, Ibrani dikaji, difahami dan diperbandingkan. Satu kerangka kajian untuk paleografi jawi dicadangkan untuk mengetahui jenis pengaruh khat arab ke atas manuskrip-manuskrip jawi. Fitur-fitur global dan setempat pada imej jawi akan dikaji dan digunakan untuk tujuan pengelasan. Pengelasan fitur berasaskan jenis-jenis tulisan khat di dalam manuskrip akan menyumbangkan kepada pengenal pastian manuskrip. Selanjutnya ianya akan dapat menyumbangkan kepada asas penentuan jenis-jenis tulisan di dalam manuskrip melayu

    Batu Bersurat Terenganu: Perspektif Geometri Segitiga

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    Batu bersurat yang dijumpai di Nusantara terutamanya Batu Bersurat Terengganu memberikan maklumat yang sangat berguna kepada sejarah Tanah Melayu. Melalui batu tersurat tersebut, banyak maklumat yang tersimpan rapi baik secara tersurat mahupun tersirat. Umum diketahui, tulisan yang digunakan oleh pemahat Batu Bersurat Terengganu ialah tulisan Jawi. Walau bagaimanapun, pemahat dan juga asal usul pemahat tidak dapat dipastikan memandangkan tiada maklumat yang tertera mengenainya. Untuk mengetahui maklumat mengenai pemahat dan juga asal usulnya, kajian paleografi digital sangat berguna untuk mengenal pasti jenis tulisan kaligrafi yang digunakan. Satu kaedah untuk menentukan jenis tulisan kaligrafi yang digunakan telah dicadangkan menggunakan kaedah geometri segitiga. Kaedah ini menentukan tiga koordinat penting pada setiap huruf tulisan jawi yang diekstrak dari Batu Bersurat Terengganu. Setiap huruf dipadankan dengan model yang terdapat di dalam Qalam al Sittah dan seterusnya jenis-jenis kaligrafi dapat ditentukan

    A review on missing tags detection approaches in RFID system

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system can provides automatic detection on very large number of tagged objects within short time. With this advantage, it is been using in many areas especially in the supply chain management, manufacturing and many others. It has the ability to track individual object all away from the manufacturing factory until it reach the retailer store. However, due to its nature that depends on radio signal to do the detection, reading on tagged objects can be missing due to the signal lost. The signal lost can be caused by weak signal, interference and unknown source. Missing tag detection in RFID system is truly significant problem, because it makes system reporting becoming useless, due to the misleading information generated from the inaccurate readings. The missing detection also can invoke fake alarm on theft, or object left undetected and unattended for some period. This paper provides review regarding this issue and compares some of the proposed approaches including Window Sub-range Transition Detection (WSTD), Efficient Missing-Tag Detection Protocol (EMD) and Multi-hashing based Missing Tag Identification (MMTI) protocol. Based on the reviews it will give insight on the current challenges and open up for a new solution in solving the problem of missing tag detection

    From Christianity to Islam: an analysis of Ibn Rabban’s approach towards Sira Nabawiyya

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    With the expansion of Muslim territory in the ninth century, non-Muslim communities’ reactions to the denials of the prophethood of Muhammad created an impact on the development of Islamic prophetology. Vigorous refutations from non-Muslim community, specifically the Jews, Christians and Brahmins urged Muslims to develop a solid mechanism in defence of the status of their beloved Prophet. One of the works that has been recognized as an apparatus to defend the Prophet Muhammad veracity is al-Din wa al-Dawla composed by Ibn Rabban, a physician of the Caliph’s court. This study analyses the novelty of his approaches in exploring Sira Nabawiyya and defending the prophethood of Muhammad. The study employed a descriptive, comparative and critical approach where it analyses and extracts the author original approach in explaining the legitimacy of Muhammad’s prophethood and enlightening the Prophet’s biography. The study argues that most of Ibn Rabban arguments in this work are actually developed from the foundations of Biblical scripture. His style of interpreting Biblical passages indicates a possible dependence on Ibn al-Layth’s letter. However, the way in which he presents Quranic references seems not to be in accordance with Ibn al-Layth’s perspective. This is where the novelty of his approach is distinguished. As a result, the study also affirms that Ibn Rabban imposes his own standards of selection and interpretation of Quranic verses when he applies it as reference to the Prophet’s life
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