160 research outputs found

    Analisa kekuatan mekanik pengaruh perendaman dan penekanan pada komposit berbahan serat mengkuang

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    This study aims to determine the effect of mechanical properties, namely the tensile  strength, bending and impact of the composite fiber mengkuang (pandanus artocarpus griff) without immersion and with immersion of 5% NaOH with an immersion time of 1 hour. Then the blending and casting process is carried out to form a composite material with 20% fiber and 80% resin binder with a catalyst content of 1% and pressurized with press variations of 5 kg, 10 kg, and 15 kg. The results of the blending and casting process are made according to the testing standard and then testing the mechanical properties. The results of tensile, bending and impact testing showed that for 1 hour immersion with a pressure of 15 kg the highest value was tensile strength of 13.75 N / mm2, bending strength of 33.61 N / mm2 and impact strength of 152.32 J / mm2. Whereas the form of the composite fiber of the  decomposed fiber is the binder and the fiber breaks evenly at the same point and the fiber is not pulled from the metric.Keywords: composites, resins, mono fiber, mechanical propertie

    The Sustainable City: The Characteristic Public Urban Green Space for Enhancing Community Social Sustainability in Baghdad

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    United Nations propounded the key to sustainable development, including the Environmental health and social well-being of society. In the city planning and development, public urban green open spaces provide opportunities for social and physical activities among the communities, which can contribute to mental and physical health in improving the social well-being of the community. Iraq is currently suffering from poor social activities, as many open spaces and parks are neglected and deficient. Therefore, there is a need to enhance residents’ social interaction in public urban green open spaces in order to improve the quality of social fabric in Baghdad City, through the perspective of the sustainable built environment approaches. The aim of this study is to determine the preferred characteristics of pocket parks for enhancing residents' social interaction based on their socio-demographic and investigate the relationship between the availability of quality pocket parks and residents' social interaction in Baghdad City. The study employed by executed the survey to the communities in Karkh district. Respondents (n=306) were selected in a single-random procedure to assess population attitudes towards a pocket park for social and physical activities. The results confirmed that a lack of outdoor daily social interaction in Baghdad City due to the inefficient nearby pocket parks. Thus, there is a need for efficient pocket parks designed to be provided. In this study, the characteristics of efficient pocket park design identified as providing suitable activities and elements, accessibility, well-design, proximity, safety and security, administration and maintenance in the pocket park design. This study contributes to the definitions of pocket parks and nearby open spaces by investigating these spaces' characteristics and benefits towards the social well-being of communities, in achieving the goal of a sustainable community in sustainable city development

    STUDI MENGENAI KEGIATAN PENGEMBANGAN KOLEKSI DI PERPUSTAKAAN KHUSUS : Kegiatan Pengembangan Koleksi di Perpustakaan Pusat Survei Geologi Bandung

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    Penelitian ini memiliki fokus masalah mengenai banyaknya perpustakaan khusus yang kurang mengelola koleksinya dengan baik.Hal tersebut salah satunya dapat dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan pengembangan koleksi yang dimiliki perpustakaan jarang dirumuskan secara tertulis.Pada dasarnya setiap perpustakaan dalam melakukan kegiatan pengembangan koleksi harus berdasarkan pada kebijakan pengembangan koleksi yang dimiliki perpustakaan. Hal tersebut sebagaimana tercantum dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 2014. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kegiatan pengembangan koleksi di perpustakaan khusus. Penelitian ini menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang telah dirumuskan yaitu, “Bagaimana kegiatan pengembangan koleksi di perpustakaan Pusat Survei Geologi Bandung?.”Secara khusus pertanyaan penelitian ini yaitu : (1) Bagaimana analisis kebutuhan pengguna di perpustakaan Pusat Survei Geologi Bandung?.(2)Bagaimana seleksi koleksi perpustakaan Pusat Survei Geologi Bandung?. (3)Bagaimana pengadaan koleksi perpustakaan Pusat Survei Geologi Bandung?.(4)Bagaimana evaluasi koleksi perpustakaan Pusat Survei Geologi Bandung?. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah pustakawan perpustakaan Pusat Survei Geologi Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari empat kegiatan pengembangan koleksi, hanya pengadaan koleksi yang memiliki pedoman kegiatan yaitu berupa SOP pengadaan koleksi. Sedangkan untuk analisis kebutuhan pengguna, seleksi koleksi, dan evlauasi koleksi, kebijakan kegiatan masih dalam proses pembuatan. Kerjasama antara perpustakaan dan lembaga induk dalam mengadakan dan menyeleksi bahan pustaka menghasilkan koleksi yang berkuantitas dan berkualitas baik bagi perkembangan perpustakaan Pusat Survei Geologi Bandung.----------This research has a focused on the issue about a great number of special libraries been managed collection properly. It is one of them can be influenced by the library development policy owned by the library is rarely formulated in writing. Basically every library in conducting the collection development activities should be based on the development policy of the collection owned library. This is as stated in Government Regulation No. 24 of 2014. This research aims to determine the development activities of collections in special library. This research attempts to answer the problems that have been formulated that is, "How is the collection development activity in library of Bandung Geological Survey Center?" Specifically the research question is: (1) How to analyze the needs of users in library of Bandung Geological Survey Center?. (2) How to selection materials in library of Bandung Geological Survey Center ?. (3) How to acquisition materials in library of Bandung Geological Survey Center?. (4) How to evaluate library collections in library of Bandung Geological Survey Center?. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. The subject of this research are librarian at library of Bandung Geological Survey Center. The results showed that from four collection development activities, only the acquisition materials that have activity guidance that is in the form of acquisition materials SOP. As for the analysis of user needs, collection selection, and evlauasi collection, policy activities are still in the process of making. Cooperation between libraries and parent institutions in conducting and selecting library materials produce a collection of quantity and good quality for the development of the library of Bandung Geological Survey Center

    Investigation into the Abrasion Resistance of Polyurea Coating by the Taber Abraser

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    Polyurea coatings is a relatively new class of industrial coating, usually applied by spray using specialised equipment and characterised by extremely fast drying and high performance. Polyurea’s strength are tailored to fill the gaps left traditional coating products used in the oil and gas industry and is the ideal coating product for the oil and gas industry’s especially for pipelines. The abrasion wear resistance for this coating is highly demanded and it relate with the surface preparation which is one of the main focus to maintain the abrasive wear resistance. To achieve good coating, steel substrate must have proper roughness in order to provide an increased effective surface area for mechanical bonding. This roughness, also known as anchor pattern or surface profile, forms micro pattern of peaks and valleys at the surface, which can be obtained via solvent cleaning methods and hand and power tool methods when an abrasive blast cleaning is not practical due to limited accessibility. The objective of the project is to determine the abrasion wear resistance of the polyurea coating and the next objective is to vary the different kind of surface preparation with the surface roughness on the coating. The abrasion resistance is determining by using Taber Abraser Machine and also using with the surface profiler machine to get the data for the surface roughness. The test is done according to the standard which is ASTM D 4060-95: Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by Taber Abraser. From the data collected, it is observed that the two different surface preparations which is by Hand and Power Tool, St 3 and by Solvent Cleaning, SP 1; show some variation that effect on the abrasion wear resistance. This observation is based on the surface roughness that gives the data for average roughness on the surface, Ra. An essential feature of any coating system is the bond between the coating and the substrate. For successful coatings, the substrate surfaces needs to rough and pitted to provide a “foot-hold” (Splat-Hold) for each splat of coating that impacts the substrate

    The protective effect of Barringtonia racemosa ethanolic leaves extract on Eimeria papillata- induced mice / Nurul ‘Ain Nabilah Azmal

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    Eimeria papillata is known to be one of the parasites of coccidiosis. It is a specific coccidian mat infect mice. Coccidiosis could cause huge economic loss to farmers due to the development of resistance by the parasites towards anti-coccidial drugs. Thus, the study was designed to evaluate anti-coccidiosus activity of Barringtonia racemosa, which is also known for its anti- tumour and anti-inflammatory effects. The study was aimed to determine the ability of B. racemosa in reducing the parasite burden; to observe the histophatological structure on the mucosal section, as well to examine the presence of Bcl-2 protein as the results of E. papillata induction in the mice. Mice were divided into 5 groups (A, B, C, D and E). Mice from Group A was the normal control (non-infected + saline) and mice from Group B were no infected but treated with 500 mg/kg b.wt. B. racemosa leaves extract. Groups C, D and E were induced with 1X103 oocysts/mL of E. papillata oocysts (day 0). Group C was the negative control group (infected but no treatment given), Group D was infected with E. papillata and given treatment of 500mg/kg b.wt of B. racemosa leaves extract while Group E (positive control) were infected mice and treated with 20 mg/kg b.wt of Toltrazuril. B. racemosa leaves extract were given orally for four consecutive days (day 1-4 post-infection) while Toltrazuril was given once (day 1 post-infection). Fecal samples were collected and oocysts count were determined on day 5 post-infection. The weight of mice were recorded on day 5 post-infection for analysis of weight change due to infection and treatment. Immediately after the oocysts count and weight measurement, mice were humanly sacrificed and jejuna samples were collected and prepared for histopathological and immunohistochanical analysis to examine the presence of Bcl-2 protein. The outcomes of this study showed that infected mice treated with B. racemosa leaves extract had significantly lower oocysts count compared to non-treated group. B. rucemosa extract also was able to prevent the reduction of weight in the infected group. The extract was also able to decrease the destruction on the overall mucosal structure (epithelial layer, villi length and crypt length) of jejunum in infected mice. Lower expression of Bcl-2 protein in infected mice treated with B. racemosa leaves extract indicated high apoptosis, hence, less prevention role of the extract against cell death induced by E. papillata. In conclusion, B. racemosa showed anti-coccidiosis activity at dose of 500 mg/kg b.wt by reducing the oocysts count but the low expression of Bcl-2 protein revealed that B. racemosa is less effective in protecting the jejunum against E. papillata infection. Therefore, it is suggested to conduct further research to determine the optimum dose of B. racemosu leaves extract that could possess protective effect against E. papillata infection on the JeJunum


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    Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Mambaul Ulum Desa Punggur Kecil Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya, belum tersentuh akan air bersih  atau standar air layak untuk dikonsumsi. Ini semua dikarenakan belum meratanya pengadaan infrastruktur, karena terbatasnya anggaran pemerintah dan biaya yayasan sehingga menjadi faktor penghambat dari tersedianya air bersih bagi warga ponpes. Untuk mengatasi permasalah tersebut maka dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dengan tujuan yaitu meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang standar kualitas air bersih dan keterampilan pengolahan air layak konsumsi warga serta meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan warga di Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Ulum. Adapun metode yang akan dilakukan yaitu kegiatan mencari melakukan pelatihan dan praktek langsung pembuatan sumur bor dan pengolahan air layak konsumsi yang nantinya akan dipasang dan dioperasikan. Adapun hasilnya warga diPonpes mengetahui standar air sesuai Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 416/MENKES/PER/IX/1990, mengerti cara membuat sumur bor, penyediaan air dan penjernih air layak konsumsi dan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan warga diPonpes miningkat

    Komitmen mentor terhadap sistem mentoring berdasarkan faktor kepuasan kerja

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    Typology of Woodcarving Motifs in Johor Traditional Malay Houses

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    Johor traditional Malay houses are typically known for its Limas roof. However, apart from the significant roof, woodcarving motifs found in Johor traditional Malay houses also possess a distinct architectural heritage that can promote the identity of a region. Many woodcarving motifs are found and should be studied and managed to sustain the identity of a local region as part of heritage sustainable management. A study on typology of woodcarvings motifs is critically needed in order to avoid losing the authenticity of each state if not being preserved and documented. Johor traditional Malay houses are being demolished day by day before we get to know the typology of it’s woodcarving motifs. The objective of this paper is to identify the woodcarvings motifs found in Johor traditional Malay houses, reveal the typology and analyze the mostly used to be named as the identity of Johor woodcarving motif. Site visits were conducted to 60 traditional Malay houses around Johor in which the woodcarvings motifs were examined, photographed and documented. Interviews were also conducted with the house owners or occupants, and the wood carvers. The samples were analyzed, and the results were verified by experts. A total of 12 typologies derived from 13 motifs were discovered, drawn, coded and named. The pumpkin motif preceded the percentage of the analysis statistics of mostly used and was named as Labu Maya. The findings of this research suggest that the Labu Maya motif represents the identity of woodcarving motifs of Johor traditional Malay houses. From the analysis and discussion made, 12 typologies on Johor woodcarving motifs were revealed, named and documented. This research has shown the local authenticity, beautiful heritage that should be enhanced through managing the typology and sustaining the local identity as part of sustainable management. All these typologies are important for Johor architectural heritage, body of knowledge and also for tourism purposes

    A comparative study of dexmedetomidine vs fentanyl as an anaesthetic adjuvant in anaesthesia for cochlear implantation in paediatric patients: Double blinded control study

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    INTRODUCTION: A cochlear implant is an electronic medical device that replaces the function of the damaged inner ear. Unlike hearing aids, which make sounds louder, cochlear implants bypass the damaged hair cells of the inner ear (cochlea) to provide sound signals to the brain. Dexmedetomidine is α2 adrenoceptor agonist that provides adequate sedation with high cardiovascular stability. We aimed to compare it with fentanyl as an anesthetic adjuvant. METHODS: 40 pediatric patients (ASA I or II), undergoing cochlear implantation were randomized into dexmedetomidine (D) group and fentanyl (F) group (n = 20 for each). Anesthesia was induced by I.V. dexmedetomidine in (D) group at a bolus dose of 0.4 μg/kg slowly infused over 10 min, then continuous infusion by a rate of 0.4 μg/kg/h until the end of surgery. In (F) group; anesthesia was induced by I.V. fentanyl at a dose of 1 μg/kg over 10 min, then continuous infusion by a rate of 1 μg/kg/h. This is followed by I.V. propofol and atracurium for both groups. Both groups were compared as regards the post operative recovery time, post operative pain, intra operative hemodynamics, quality of the surgical field, and the need for rescue analgesics and anti-emetics in postanesthesia care unit (PACU). RESULTS: Dexmedetomidine have significantly and consistently quicker post operative recovery time. Dexmedetomidine have lower post operative pain when compared to Fentanyl. Dexmedetomidine have lower intra operative hemodynamics when compared to Fentanyl though statistically insignificant. Dexmedetomidine have better quality of the surgical field when compared with Fentanyl. Dexmedetomidine group has reduced need for post operative pain management. CONCLUSION: Dexmedetomidine infusion in Cochlear Implantation in paediatric patients seems to be a good alternative to Fentanyl infusion since it produces quicker post operative recovery time and reducing post operative pain with better quality of the surgical field and reduced need for rescue analgesia.Dexmedetomidine was well tolerated with no clinically significant effects on blood pressure or heart rate