16 research outputs found

    Reliability of panoramic radiographs to determine the vertical position of the impacted third molar root tip from the inferior alveolar canal

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    Magister Scientiae - MScNowadays, the availability of radiographic modalities from conventional radiography to more advanced approaches such as medical computed tomography as well as cone beam computed tomography have been useful in providing insights of relevant anatomy prior to surgical procedures. The increased popularity of cone beam computed tomography has prompted interest in the utility of this approach for diagnostic application in dentistry, including the assessment of the proximity of impacted mandibular third molars to the inferior alveolar canal. It is important to understand the reliability of conventional panoramic radiograph in the assessment of this criterion since it is more commonly used as first line radiographic approach due to its availability and lower radiation dose. This study is aimed to investigate the reliability of conventional panoramic radiograph in the evaluation of the proximity of impacted mandibular third molar root tip to the inferior alveolar canal by correlating the results with cone beam computed tomography. A retrospective study of forty nine patients who underwent panoramic radiography as well as cone beam computed tomography for examination of impacted mandibular third molars was conducted. Two observers were participated in all image evaluation. In this study, both observers recorded statistically significant differences in the measurement of the apices of vertically impacted third molars and the inferior alveolar canal from panoramic radiographs and cone beam computed tomography images. The low reliability of panoramic radiograph to assess the vertical proximity between these two anatomical structures suggests the importance of additional assessment with cone beam computed tomography in cases where panoramic radiograph shows superimposition of the third molar root on the roof of the canal, presence of root below the roof of the canal and presence of bone height of less than one millimetre separating the third molar from the inferior alveolar canal

    Reliability of panoramic-radiograph to determine the position of third-molar from inferior-alveolar-canal

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    Cone-beam-computed-tomography (CBCT) has been useful in providing insights of relevant anatomy prior to surgical procedures, including the assessment of the proximity of impacted mandibular-third-molar to the inferior-alveolar-canal (IAC). It is important to understand the reliability of conventional panoramic-radiograph in the assessment of this criterion since it is more commonly used as first line radiographic approach due to its availability and lower radiation dose. This study aimed to investigate the reliability of conventional panoramic-radiograph in the evaluation of the proximity of impacted mandibular-third-molar root tip to the IAC by correlating the results with CBCT. A total of 65 root tips of impacted mandibular-third-molars that had both panoramic radiographs and CBCT images were included in this retrospective study. Two trained observers participated in all image evaluations. A prepared standard 1 cm ruler was used to measure the proximity of the third-molar root apices to the IACs. Measurements recorded in this study were categorized into positive (root apex above a roof of IAC), zero (root apex was superimposed on IAC) and negative (root apex below a roof of IAC). Data analysis was carried out using student t-test. In this study, both observers recorded statistically significant differences in the measurement between third-molars root apices and the IAC from panoramic radiographs and CBCT images. The low reliability of panoramic radiograph to assess the vertical proximity between these two anatomical structures suggests the importance of additional assessment with CBCT in cases where panoramic radiograph shows superimposition of the third molar root on the roof of the canal and presence of root below the roof of the IAC

    Reliability of panoramic-radiograph to determine the position of third-molar from inferior-alveolar-canal

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    Cone-beam-computed-tomography (CBCT) has been useful in providing insights of relevant anatomy prior to surgical procedures, including the assessment of the proximity of impacted mandibular-third-molar to the inferior-alveolar-canal (IAC). It is important to understand the reliability of conventional panoramic-radiograph in the assessment of this criterion since it is more commonly used as first line radiographic approach due to its availability and lower radiation dose. This study aimed to investigate the reliability of conventional panoramic-radiograph in the evaluation of the proximity of impacted mandibular-third-molar root tip to the IAC by correlating the results with CBCT. A total of 65 root tips of impacted mandibular-third-molars that had both panoramic radiographs and CBCT images were included in this retrospective study. Two trained observers participated in all image evaluations. A prepared standard 1 cm ruler was used to measure the proximity of the third-molar root apices to the IACs. Measurements recorded in this study were categorized into positive (root apex above a roof of IAC), zero (root apex was superimposed on IAC) and negative (root apex below a roof of IAC). Data analysis was carried out using student t-test. In this study, both observers recorded statistically significant differences in the measurement between third-molars root apices and the IAC from panoramic radiographs and CBCT images. The low reliability of panoramic radiograph to assess the vertical proximity between these two anatomical structures suggests the importance of additional assessment with CBCT in cases where panoramic radiograph shows superimposition of the third molar root on the roof of the canal and presence of root below the roof of the IAC

    External marker in bisecting-angle-technique: a new approach to minimize dental radiographic error

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    Bisecting-angle-technique is a method used to improve patient comfort during periapical radiography. This technique is usually performed without X-ray beam aiming device and has been commonly associated with dental radiographic error. The use of external marker as a beam aiming device in bisecting-angle-technique is potentially effective to reduce the number of errors occurring during periapical radiography. In this study, 240 periapical radiographs were taken by undergraduate dental students. Periapical radiographs were taken using traditional method of bisecting-angle-technique (BAT), bisecting-angle-technique with the use of external marker (BAT-M) and the standard method in periapical radiography; paralleling technique (PT). All radiographic images were evaluated and errors were classified and tabled according to the type and number of errors. Chi-square test was used to compare the total number of radiographic errors made using these three techniques. One of the most common errors with BAT was cone cut error (13.8%). This error had been markedly reduced to 1.3% and 2.5% by implementation of BAT-M and PT, respectively. The total number of errors was also found to be significantly lesser for BAT-M compared to BAT, p< 0.05

    Radiograph’s reject rate among Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dental undergraduates and its implications

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the reject rate of periapical and bitewing radiographs among dental undergraduate students of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), identify the type of radiographic errors which are frequently encountered and compare reject rates between Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 dental undergraduates. 118 rejected periapical radiographs and 27 rejected bitewing radiographs were collected from the UKM dental undergraduates’ polyclinics for a duration of 10 months. These rejected radiographs were further evaluated to determine the type of radiographic error. A spiking increase in periapical radiographs reject rate from Year 3 (4%) to Year 4 (11%) was observed. This finding was consistent with the statistically significant difference in the periapical radiographs reject rates for Year 3 and Year 4 (p = 0.0475). In periapical radiographs, the most frequently committed radiographic error was apical cut, followed by high density film. Vice versa, high density film was accounted as the most common radiographic error in bitewing radiography. Analysis of periapical and bitewing radiographs’ reject rates among UKM dental undergraduate entails the necessity to supervise undergraduate students regardless of the year of their undergraduate training in all aspects of the radiographic procedures which include positioning radiographic armamentarium, the setting of radiographic exposure time and the film processing procedure


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    Masyarakat di Desa Purwodadi masih belum terlalu peduli dalam mengatasi persoalan limbah, khususnya limbah yang berasal dari rumah tangga. Ketidakpedulian terlihat terlihat dari masih banyaknya warga yang membuang limbah sembarangan seperti di aliran sungai dan saluran irigasi. Limbah tersebut sebenarnya memiliki nilai guna apabila dilakukan pengolahan kembali. Namun, kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat terutama di desa purwodadi dalam pengolahan limbah, sehingga limbah tersebut hanya dikumpulkan, diangkut, dan dibuang ataupun dibakar.&nbsp; Salah satu pengolahan limbah organik adalah dapat dijadikan pupuk organik. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan mengenai limbah, pemilahan dan pengolahan limbah menjadi pupuk organik yang nantinya dapat digunakan untuk memupuk tanaman baik yang ada di kebun maupun&nbsp; di pekarangan rumah. Pengabdian ini dilakukan mahasiswa dalam rangkaian kegiatan kuliah kerja nyata (KKN) untuk mendukung program zero waste yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintah. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diawali dengan sosialisasi mengenai limbah, cara memilah limbah, pengolahan limbah, pupuk organik dan komposter. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan demonstrasi pembuatan pupuk organik. Hasil kegiatan demonstrasi kepada warga desa memberikan respon yang positif. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari antusias warga dalam mengikuti kegiatan workshop, baik pada kegiatan pemberian materi maupun demonstrasi pembuatan pupuk organik. &nbsp; Kata Kunci : Desa Purwodadi, Kuliah Kerja Nyata, Limbah, Pupuk Organik, Zero Waste

    Adolescent to Adolescent Transformation Program- Nurturing, Enhancing and Promoting Adolescents’ Healthy Habit (ATAP-NEPAH): Curbing Social Problems Among Adolescents in Kelantan Through Peer-To-Peer Health Education

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    The objectives of ATAP-NEPAH are to enhance and nurture healthy habits among adolescents as well as to empower adolescents in inculcating these healthy habits among them. Health education through peer-to-peer approach is used to instill the knowledge on important areas such as sexual and reproductive health, smoking, substance abuse, illegal street racing (rempit) and mental health. Specific modules were developed by experts (lecturers) in multidisciplinary fields in collaboration with Malaysian Association for Adolescent Health (MAAH), National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), Reproductive Health Association of Kelantan (REHAK) and Rhaudatus Sakinah Kelantan. The trained Medical Students Facilitator Team (MSFT) of USM became trainers to secondary one school students. The selected school students were trained by the medical students to become peer educators to their juniors and peers. There was improvement in the readiness level of peer educators, knowledge and attitude towards healthy habits and risky behaviors of other school students after the intervention

    Isolation of lactobacillus from periodontally healthy subjects and its antimicrobial activity against periodontal pathogens

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    Bacteriocin or Bacteriocin like inhibitory substances (BLIS) is a protein antibiotic that has a relatively narrow spectrum of killing activity. It could potentially serve as a natural alternative to antibiotics in reducing the development of multi-drug resistant bacteria. Antimicrobial activity of the strains of Lactobacillus sp. isolated from healthy subjects (test strains) against Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and other periodontal pathogens (indicator strains) isolated from subgingival plaques of aggressive periodontitis patients were determined by using deferred antagonism test and agar-well diffusion method. Strains of Lactobacillus sp., Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and black pigmented bacteria were selectively isolated from TJA, TSBV and TSBA agars, respectively. Mean diameter zone of inhibition of at least 10 mm was considered as positive results for both methods. Out of 25 strains of Lactobacillus sp. screened, only eight test strains of Lactobacillus sp. showed the specific antimicrobial activity against certain strains of indicator periodontal pathogens during deferred antagonism test. However, out of eight potential strains, only three strains, which were Lactobacillus sp. strain S, Lactobacillus sp. strain V and Lactobacillus sp. strain W consistently showed positive inhibitory activity against black pigmented bacteria by deferred antagonism test and agar-well diffusion method. Therefore, these three strains should be considered as potential BLIS producer strains for further stud

    Inovasi Kepala Madrasah Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Guru di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Huda Ranuyoso Lumajang

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan guna mengingat begitu pentingnya kepala madrasah dalam peningkatan kinerja guru, mengelola organisasi atau lembaga yang dipimpinnya. Dengan menciptakan suasana kerja yang profesiaonal dibutuhkan inovasi berupa perubahan ide atau gagasan pemikiran untuk mencapai target masa depan madrasah, serta menjadi lembaga dipimpinnya yang berkualitas. Kepala madrasah dalam mengelola kepemimpinannya diantaranya memberikan pengarahan dan dorongan terhadap bawahannnya agar melaksanakan tugas dan tangggung jawabanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui inovasi kepala madrasah dalam peningkatan kinerja guru di MTs Nurul Huda dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kinerja guru setelah melakukan inovasi di MTs Nurul Huda Ranuyoso Lumajang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif, penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang memaknai atau menafsirkaan tindakan atau perilaku orang atau subtansi tenaga pendidik di madrasah dengan teknik obsevasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian ini inovasi kepala madrasah dalam peningkatan kinerja guru kepala madrasah membuat program supervisi terhadap pembinaan guru, rapat kerja tahunan dan melaksanakan ceklist kelengkapan data guru. Kepala madrasah juga menggajak tenaga stuktural dalam proses peningkatan kinerja guru guna dalam mencapai target masa depan madrasah tersebut

    Performance of mixed matrix ultrafiltration membrane for textile wastewater treatment

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    Textile wastewater contains high level of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color concentration, and the release of this effluent can adversely affect ecosystem and water quality. Conventional ultrafiltration (UF) membrane incapable to treat small size pollutants (such as dyes and multivalent ions) from the wastewater. Previously, we had successfully fabricated tannin-modified metal–organic frameworks (Tannin-MIL), then incorporated it in the polyethersulfone (PES) polymer matrix. The modified membrane has more hydrophilic surface than unmodified PES surface, making it more resistant and less prone to be affected by fouling. Herein, this study aimed to explore the performance of ultrafiltration mixed matrix membrane for textile wastewater treatment. The novel Tannin-MIL/PES membrane possessed excellent rejection up to ∼ 100% total suspended solid (TSS), 96.46% (COD), 97.04% (color), 97.41% (turbidity) and 89.94% total dissolved solid (TDS), with permeability up to ∼ 190 L/m2.h.bar during filtration of textile wastewater, which is 9.31 times higher compared to the unmodified PES membrane