768 research outputs found

    Problematika Mutasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Kota Bima

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    Pemerintah Kota Bima melakukan perombakan Kabinet tanggal 15 Mei 2019. Jumlah Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) yang dimutasi sebanyak 303 orang. Mutasi terbesar sepanjang sejarah Kota Bima, Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaturan dan hambatan mutasi PNS di Kota Bima. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum empiris, dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konsep (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan sosiologis.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Bahwa Mutasi yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Bima tidak sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 yang menganut mutasi dengan system merit dan PP Nomor 11 Tahnu 2017 tentang Manajemen PNS. Penempatan pejabat tidak sesuai dengan keahliannya hal ini disebabkan kuat faktor politik untuk menempatkan pejabat sesuai dengan keingin kepala daerah bukan karena kebutuhannya. Sistim tidak berdaya akibat kuatnya intervensi kepala daerah pada saat mutasi. Ketiga adalah Pejabat Pembina kepegawaian melakukan demosi kepada ASN Kota Bima yang tidak memiliki kesalahan secara yuridis formald dalam pelaksaan tugasnya. Hal ini justru bertentangan dengan semangat reformasi birokrasi di Kota Bima

    Efficient unified Montgomery inversion with multibit shifting

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    Computation of multiplicative inverses in finite fields GF(p) and GF(2/sup n/) is the most time-consuming operation in elliptic curve cryptography, especially when affine co-ordinates are used. Since the existing algorithms based on the extended Euclidean algorithm do not permit a fast software implementation, projective co-ordinates, which eliminate almost all of the inversion operations from the curve arithmetic, are preferred. In the paper, the authors demonstrate that affine co-ordinate implementation provides a comparable speed to that of projective co-ordinates with careful hardware realisation of existing algorithms for calculating inverses in both fields without utilising special moduli or irreducible polynomials. They present two inversion algorithms for binary extension and prime fields, which are slightly modified versions of the Montgomery inversion algorithm. The similarity of the two algorithms allows the design of a single unified hardware architecture that performs the computation of inversion in both fields. They also propose a hardware structure where the field elements are represented using a multi-word format. This feature allows a scalable architecture able to operate in a broad range of precision, which has certain advantages in cryptographic applications. In addition, they include statistical comparison of four inversion algorithms in order to help choose the best one amongst them for implementation onto hardware

    Application of Machine Learning Approaches in Intrusion Detection System

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    The rapid development of technology reveals several safety concerns for making life more straightforward. The advance of the Internet over the years has increased the number of attacks on the Internet. The IDS is one supporting layer for data protection. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) offers a healthy market climate and prevents misgivings in the network. Recently, IDS is used to recognize and distinguish safety risks using Machine Learning (ML). This paper proposed a comparative analysis of the different ML algorithms used in IDS and aims to identify intrusions with SVM, J48, and Naive Bayes. Intrusion is also classified. Work with the KDD-CUP data set, and their performance has checked with the Weak software. In comparison of techniques such as J48, SVM and Naïve Bayes showed that the accuracy of j48 is the higher one which was (99.96%)

    Security Policies and Mechanisms for Vehicular Delay Torlant Network

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    This article revision the literature related to Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network with focus on Cooperation. It starts by examining definitions of some of the fields of research in VDTN on security policies. An overview of VDTN on security policies cooperative networks is presented. A security policy is a high-level specification of the security properties that a given system should possess. It is a means for designers domain experts and implementers to communicate with each other, and a blueprint that drives a project from design through implementation and validation. We offer a survey of the most significant security policy models in the literature showing security may mean very different things in different contexts and we review some of the mechanisms used to implement a gievn security policy


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    Untuk menganalisa kebutuhan es balok dalam skala besar di perlukan berbagai step yang harus di lakukan, yaitu mendapat kebutuhan es balok dari jumlah pendapatan ikan yang di dapat setiap tahunnya, maka dari itu, kita bisa memprediksi kebutuhan es balok dengan perbandingan 1 ton ikan berbanding dengan 3 ton es balok yang di butuhkan. Kebutuhan es balok yang terdapat di wilayah karangsong sebesar 51.464 ton pertahun, sedangkan kemampuan pabrik es balok pemasok kebutuhan di wilayah tersebut adalah ssebesar 27.357 ton pertahun, maka dari itu masih kekurangan 24.646 ton pertahun. Terdapat dua solusi dari permasalahan tersebut, solusi pertama yaitu penggunaan pabrik es baru yang memiliki kapasitas sama atau hampir sama dengan pabrik es sebelumnya, dengan adanya pabrik es baru, kita bisa memiliki es balok yang berkapasitas 27.357 tiap tahunnya. Sementara solusi ke dua adalah mengalihkan investasi ke pabrik es yang ada di sekitar Karangsong, Indramayu, yaitu di Pabrik Es Dedey Jaya dan Pabrik Es Gunung Sari Cirebon, yang memiliki total kapasitas masing = masing 1.050 ton es balok dan 1.280 ton es balok tiap bulannya, maka dari itu kebutuhan bias terpenuhi =========================================================================================================== To analyze the requirements of ice cubes on a large scale is need a variety of steps that should be done, which gets the needs of ice blocks from the revenue amount of fish in the can every year, therefore, we can predict the requirements for ice cubes with a ratio of 1 ton of fish compared with 3 tons of ice blocks is needed. Ice cubes contained in Karangsong needs region of 51.464 tonnes per year, while the ability ice factory suppliers in the region needs around 27.357 tonnes per year, then it is still a shortage of 24.646 tonnes per year. There are two solutions to these problems, the first solution is to use the new ice factory, has a capacity equal or almost equal to the ice factory before, in the presence of a new ice factory, we could have ice blocks with a capacity of 27.357 each year, The two solution is make a new stock from ice cube factory around Karangsong, Indramayu, like Dedy Jaya Ice Factory and Gunung Sari Ice Factory, and then, they can produce until 1.050 tonnes ice cube and 1.280 tonnes ice cubes per each, so the requirements of ice cube can be neede

    Analysis of Contractors Performance in Gaza Strip Construction Projects

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    The construction industry has acquired a poor reputation in performance issues. Project success is dependent on, amongst other factors, the performance of the contractors. The aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate the main factors affecting the performance of construction projects in the Gaza strip. Sixty questionnaires were randomly distributed to contractors and 46 questionnaires were received (77% respondent rate). Sixty three factors were identified and categorized into ten groups. The level of importance of these factors were measured and ranked by their importance index from the contractors’ perspectives. The most important factors were average delay arising from closures and materials shortage, availability of resources as planned through project duration, leadership skills of the project manager, escalation of material prices, availability of personnel with high experience and qualification and quality

    The International Legal Basis of the Human Right to Water

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    شكلت المياه العذبة أحد التحديات الرئيسية في القرن الحادي والعشرين. ويشمل هذا التحدي مشكلة توافر المياه العذبة وجودتها وصعوبة الوصول اليها. مشكلة ندرة المياه العذبة ستصبح أسوأ بكثير، لاسيما مع النمو السكاني والاقتصادي وتغير المناخ المحتمل، الذي اقترن بالتصاعد في استهلاك المياه العذبة وازدياد الطلب عليها. الصكوك القانونية الدولية والتدابير المؤسسية من المؤكد بانها ستكون حاسمة وفعالة  للتعامل مع أزمة المياه المتنامية. تمشيا مع الدور المركزي للمياه وما تشكله من اهمية لجميع الكائنات الحية.  في السنوات الأخيرة، عقدت الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة العديد من المؤتمرات بشأن المياه. كذلك تم عقد الكثير من المعاهدات الدولية  التي تعترف صراحة او ضمنا من بين أمور أخرى بالحق في المياه كحق من حقوق الإنسان، وتدعو الدول والمنظمات الدولية والجهات الاخرى ذات العلاقة، بضرورة الالتزام باحترام حقوق الانسان الاساسية، ولا سيما حق الانسان في المياه. الهدف من البحث هو بيان الاساس القانوني الدولي ومدى كفاية الاحكام المتعلقة بطبيعة حق الإنسان في المياه. هذا سيكون عن طريق استعراض القواعد القانونية المتعلقة بحق الانسان في المياه، التي وردت في المعاهدات الدولية بصورة صريحة او ضمنية. هذه الاتفاقيات تنوعت بحسب المجالات التي نظمتها. تمت دراسة هذا الحق في النصوص التي وردت في الاتفاقيات الدولية في مجال القانون الدولي للمياه، والقانون الدولي للبيئة.  كذلك دراسة الاحكام القانونية المنصوص عليها في المعاهدات الدولية المتعلقة بالقانون الدولي لحقوق الإنسان والقانون الدولي الانساني.Fresh water was formed one of the major challenges of the 21st century. This challenge includes the problem of freshwater availability, quality and inaccessibility. The freshwater problem scarcity  will become much worse, especially with population and economic growth and potential climate change، which was combined by escalation in freshwater consumption and increasing demand it. International legal instruments and institutional measures will certainly be decisive and effective to deal with the growing water crisis. Consistent with the central role of water and its importance to all living things. In recent years, the United Nations General Assembly has held several conferences on water. Many international treaties have been concluded that explicitly or implicitly recognize the right to water as a human right, and call on states, international organizations and other relevant bodies to commit themselves to respect fundamental human rights, especially the human right to water. The aim of the research is to demonstrate the international legal basis and adequacy of the provisions on the nature of the human right to water. This will be done by reviewing the legal norms relating to the human right to water contained in international treaties explicitly or implicitly. These agreements varied according to the areas which organized it. This right has been studied in the provisions of international conventions in the field of international water law and international environmental law. It also examines the legal provisions of international treaties relating to international human rights and humanitarian law

    Performance of construction projects: Perception of owners in Palestine

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    Management of construction projects in Palestine has faced many problems due to various reasons, such as political uncertainty, scarcity of materials and equipment, and lack of regulation. The performance of construction projects in the Gaza Strip has been a source of concern for contracting parties. This paper presents the findings of a questionnaire survey conducted on the main factors affecting the performance of construction projects in the Gaza Strip. 25 questionnaires were randomly distributed to owners and 17 questionnaires were received (68% respondent rate). Sixty three factors were identified, categorized into ten groups, evaluated and ranked from the owners' perspectives. The most important factors which affect the performance of construction projects were average delay because of closures and materials shortage, availability of resources as planned through project duration, leadership skills of project managers, escalation of material prices, availability of personnel with high experience and qualification, and quality of equipments and raw materials in project. Innovation and learning was the highest ranked group according to the respondents. It is recommended that a new contract awarding approach by giving less weight to prices and more weight to the capabilities and past performance of contractors should be adopted. It is necessary to establish proper industry regulations and appropriate mechanism for proper contractors' enforcement. Owners are recommended to facilitate payment to contractors in order to overcome delay, disputes and claims

    Kebugaran Jasmani Siswa Pria SMAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping Kabupaten Pasaman

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    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai gambaran tingkat kebugaran jasmani pada siswa di SMA N 1 Lubuk Sikaping, adapun tujuan pada penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan melihat gambaran tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa pria SMA N 1 Lubuk Sikaping Kabupaten Pasaman. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa pria SMA N 1 Lubuk Sikaping umur 16-19 tahun yang teridiri dari 386 orang siswa pria. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Sehingga sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 40 orang siswa pria yang berumur 16-19 tahun. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan istrumen TKJI yang terdiri dari 5 item tes yaitu: lari 60 meter. gantung angkat tubuh 60 detik, baring duduk 60 detik, loncat tegak, lari 1200 meter. teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dengan presentase. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa Pria SMA N 1 Lubuk Sikaping masih berada di kategori kurang. Kebugaran jasmani diperolah dengan rutin melakukan berbagai program latihan dengan tiga latihan utama yaitu latihan meningkatkan kekuatan otot, latihan meningkatkan dayatahan kardiovaskular dan latihan peningkatan kelenturanmenjadi rekomendasi bagi guru PJOK

    Study the Effects of Microwave Furnace Heat on The Mechanical Properties and Estimated Fatigue life of AA 7075-T73 with Oil and salt solution Treatments

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    الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو معرفه التأثيرات التي سوف تحدث عند المعاملة الحرارية لسبيكة الالمنيوم عالية المقاومة AA7075-T73 في فرن المايكرويف وبأوساط مختلفة (محلول ملحي (ماء بحر) وزيت) عند اوقات مختلف30,60)) دقيقة. حيث ان تلك الحرارة المتولدة من موجات أفران المايكرويف تؤثر على سطح السبيكة مما يغير من بعض خواصها وكذلك من مقاومتها للكلال ومختلف الخواص الميكانيكية. أظهرت النتائج العملية للطاقة الحرارية لفرن الموجات الدقيقة أن هناك اختلافات في الخواص الميكانيكية. انخفض كل من الإجهاد الاقصى، اجهاد الخضوع ومقاومة الكلال لجميع الحالات مقارنة مع القيم القياسية. وفيما يتعلق بعمر الكلال، أظهرت النتائج أن الزيادة الكبيرة في عمر الكلال لحالات اختبار الزيت (30 و60) دقيقة في فرن الموجات الدقيقة كانت (83% و 75 %)على التوالي. تم التوصل إلى زيادة في مدى صلابة لاختبار حالة لوسط محلول الملح في 60 دقيقة فقط حوالي 3% من حالة العينات بدون معاملة.The aim of this study is known the difference that will occur when heat treating of the height strength aluminum alloys AA7075-T73 in a microwave furnace within different mediums (salt solution and oil) at different times (30 and 60) minute, where the heat occurs due to microwave furnace energy effect on the surface of the alloy, changing occur of its properties such as resistance to fatigue and the different mechanical properties. The experimental results of microwave furnace heat energy were showed that there were varied in the mechanical properties. The ultimate stress, yielding stress and fatigue strength were decreased for all states compared with standard values. With reference to fatigue life, the results were showed that the major increment in fatigue life occurred for test states of oil (30 and 60) min in microwave furnace were (83% and 75%) respectively., the increment in hardness range was reached for test state of salt solution medium in 60 min only about 3% from state without treatment samples