1,133 research outputs found

    A study of performance and complexity for IEEE 802.11n MIMO-OFDM GIS solutions

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    A software and hardware evaluation of revolutionary turbo MIMO OFDM schemes for 5 GHz WLANs

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    Multi-Security System Based on RFID Fingerprint and Keypad to Access the Door

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    It is necessary to prepare for the increasing crime rate of household theft with a modern home security system that allows customers to monitor home security remotely. This can be accomplished by replacing the standard lock with a solenoid door lock, which is more difficult to duplicate and reduces the likelihood of theft when the house is unoccupied. The Authors developed a three-tiered home security system prototype that includes fingerprint, the RFID, and keypad biometric sensors. The device's finished prototype was tested ten times after it was designed. The Arduino Uno microcontroller, which also serves as the door-locking mechanism, turns on the door-lock solenoid. When authentication is successful, someone will be granted access to the door. The preliminary findings indicate that the fingerprint. The fingerprint sensor's ability to read fingerprints in 3.7 seconds on average demonstrates its effectiveness. Second, the RFID sensor detects the e-KTP, and the RFID scans the card in an average of 2.4 seconds. The third keypad contains the password for unlocking the door. After ten repetitions, the experiment input yields an average time of 3.66 seconds. Opening a door with a 3-level multi-sensor typically takes 9.8 seconds. In this study, the installation of each sensor is notified via a GSM SIM800L module, allowing customers to monitor security remotely


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    Technological advances in society have increased quite rapidly, starting from electronic goods to applications that have been made by most people to make it easier to access the things they want. The breadth of technology that is being spread by these people has a lot of things that can be called Legal and also Illegal, where these things can steal information or provide services to the wider community but have not been registered as safe or registered by the Government. The community has also just been hit by a pandemic that lasted quite a long time which resulted in many people being disconnected from their previous jobs and until now there are still not many job vacancies where the community's unemployment rate has increased quite a bit and their daily needs must be met for their families. Therefore, many people are starting to try to make online applications where the application provides online money Lending services to the public by only needing to show their identity in the form of an ID card and their face photographed. However, there are a lot of companies that are not registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK), where the company is considered illegal or the negative impact of online money loans is that one cannot be sure whether the identities of the customers who make loans can be properly maintained or not. This study aims to provide an overview of online money loans that are starting to circulate widely in the community to find out whether legal protection is guaranteed for companies that provide these services.  Keywords : Legal Protection, Online loans, Fintech, Peer to Peer Lendin

    Quantum Efficiency and Lifetime Study for Negative Electron Affinity GaAs Nanopillar Array Photocathode

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    Recent studies showed significant improvement in quantum efficiency (QE) by negative electron affinity (NEA) GaAs nanopillar array (NPA) photocathodes over their flat surface peers, particularly at 500 ─ 800 nm waveband. However, the underlying physics is yet to be well understood for further improvement in its performance. In this report, NEA GaAs NPA photocathodes with different dimensions were studied. The diameter of the nanopillars varied from 200 ─ 360 nm, the height varied from 230 ─ 1000 nm and the periodicity varied from 470 ─ 630 nm. The QE and photocathode lifetime were measured. Mie-resonance enhancement was observed at tunable resonance wavelengths. Simulations was also performed to understand the mechanism of photo-absorption and possible ways to further improve the photocathode performance to meet the stringent requirement of the electron sources in large scale electron accelerators


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meneliti Desa Rabak Banten yang memiliki potensi ekonomi yang baik jika terus dikembangkan, karena didukung oleh melimpahnya alam disekitar. Potensi desa ini antara lain pendidikan,  kesehatan, ekonomi, infrastruktur, sosial, pertanian, seni dan olahraga. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan survey, wawancara, dengan implementasi berupa penerapan melalui intervensi langsung di lapangan. Metodologi yang digunakan dengan deskriptif analisis dan hahslm berbasis logika serta kitab suci. Hasil dari penelitian adalah  aspek yang menjadi alasan kurang berkembangnya laju perekonomian di Desa Rabak dikarenakan ketidak pahaman mereka tentang cara memasarkan suatu produk. Dengan membuat kegiatan ekonomi kreatif dari Rakan Indonesia. Minimnya ketersediaan buku bacaan membuat anak-anak rendah minat baca.Kata kunci : rabak, ekonomi, sosial

    A re-appraisal of the reliability of the 20 m multi-stage shuttle run test

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    This is the author's PDF version of an article published in European journal of applied physiology in 2007. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.co


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the meaning of smoking behavior. Symbolic interaction theory explains subjective meaning as the basis for action. The symbolic interaction perspective contains the same thoughts as social action theory about the subjective meaning of human behavior, social processes and pragmatism. This means that humans (in smoking behavior) act based on the meaning they understand. This study uses symbolic interaction theory which explains the behavior of the meaning understood by smokers as seen from the aspects of mind, self, and society. This study uses qualitative methods by using a constructivism approach. In-depth interviews data collection technique used to get information from lecturer’s smokers at Islamic University of Riau which was determined by purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis. The results of this study show that the anomaly meaning in smoking behavior is reflected based on the meaning that understood by smokers about smoking behavior. The meaning of smoking based on “Mind” is a negative activity, positive life habits, entertainment, symbol of creativity, hard work, symbol of friendship and an economic symbol. The meaning of smoking based on “Self” means dependence, self-confidence, and economic stability. While, based on the concept of society, smoking is a behavior caused by the social interaction of the smoker with the community in the smoker's environment in the family, general public, work environment, and past experiences.Keywords: anomaly meaning, lecturer, smoking behavior, symbolic interactionism  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna perilaku merokok. Teori interaksi simbolik menjelaskan makna subjektif sebagai dasar tindakan. Perspektif interaksi simbolik mengandung pemikiran yang sama dengan teori tindakan sosial tentang makna subjektif dari perilaku manusia, proses sosial dan pragmatismenya. Artinya  manusia (dalam perilaku merokok) bertindak berdasarkan makna yang dipahami dalam diri mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori interaksi simbolik yang menjelaskan perilaku dari makna yang dipahami oleh perokok yang dilihat dari aspek mind, self, dan sosiety. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivis. Teknik  pengumpulan  data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara mendalam kepada informan penelitian dosen perokok di lingkungan Universitas Islam Riau yang ditentukan dengan Teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat anomali makna dalam perilaku merokok yang direfleksikan berdasarkan makna yang dipahami oleh para perokok tentang perilaku merokok itu sendiri. Makna merokok berdasarkan Mind merupakan aktivitas negatif, kebiasan Positif, sarana hiburan, simbol kreativitas kerja keras, simbol pergaulan dan simbol ekonomi. Kemudian makna merokok berdasarkan Self bermakna ketergantungan, percaya diri, dan kemapanan ekonomi. Selanjutnya berdasarkan konsep society merokok adalah perilaku yang disebabkan oleh interaksi sosial perokok dengan masyarakat yang ada di lingkungan perokok. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa interaksi sosial perokok yang membentuk makna merokok terjadi di lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat umum, lingkungan kerja, dan pengalaman masa lalu.Kata Kunci: anomali makna, dosen, perilaku merokok, interaksi simboli

    The impact and correction of timing error, frequency offset and phase noise in IEEE 802.11a and ETSI HiperLAN/2

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