54 research outputs found

    Preventive Strategies for Radicalism Aspects of Religious Social Ideology through Child Religiosity in SD NU Metro Barat / Strategi Preventif Radikalisme Aspek Ideologi Sosial Beragama Melalui Religiusitas Anak di SD NU Metro Barat

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    This study aims to provide information to parents in order to understand how to instill a better and more precise understanding of ideology in children through strategies established by schools with various excellent programs. There are several deviations from religious principles that are often applied to children by giving sweet promises in the form of jihad fi sabilillah (jihad for the sake of God Almighty) with guaranteed rewards and going to heaven for sure, truth does not necessarily know the truth. Many parents want their generation to be pious or pious under the pretext of being filial. In this study, the prevention strategy of children's radicalization was analyzed by practicing the religious dimension of students at West Metro NU Elementary School (Aspects of Religion Ideology and Social).The type of research used is descriptive analysis with two approaches, namely religious and social ideology. The technique of collecting data by means of interviews, observation and documentation. While the validity of the data uses data triangulation. Based on research data analyzed in depth, it shows that there is a need for a preventive strategy for children's radicalism in students at West Metro NU Elementary School (through aspects of religious ideology and social) is very important as information on the importance of understanding religious ideology in students so that it can maximize efforts to prevent the occurrence of radicalism. West Metro NU Elementary School promotes a moderate Islamic ideological syste

    The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in Instilling Deradicalization Values

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    This research focuses on the ethics and morals of educators and learners in Islamic education. The ethics of educators and students in Islam turned out to be gradually starting to change, economic values gradually began to enter, so that what is happening now is that there are many problems that occur in the world of education such as the crisis of ethics from both educators and students. This study aims to examine how the ethics of educators and students in the perspective of Islamic education. The method in this research is a literature method that refers to books, esklopedia, and scientific articles. The conclusions in this study are the ethics that must be possessed by educators in the Islamic education perspective, including: teachers must have a broader understanding, be professional, love their students, provide the right to education in a fair, honest, sincere manner when dealing with diverse student situations. The ethics that must be possessed by peseta didik in the perspective of Islamic education are: having the intention to study because of Allah SWT, strong, sincere and steadfast in studying

    Pengembangan Fitur Tagging pada Aplikasi Kolaborasi Sosial untuk Pengukuran dan Peningkatan Kinerja Organisasi

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    Pengukuran kinerja diimplementasikan oleh organisasi dengan berbagai pendekatan untuk meningkatkan kinerja dari anggota organisasi dalam mencapai tujuan dari organisasi. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember menerapkan pengukuran kinerja bagi mahasiswa yaitu SI SKEM (Sistem Informasi Satuan Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Mahasiswa). SI SKEM bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa di bidang soft-skills. Sejauh ini pada pelaksanaannya harapan manajemen tingkat atas masih belum terpenuhi karena pengisian capaian menjadi beban administratif dan sebatas syarat kelulusan bagi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep Social Collaboration. Sociapl Collaboration menjadi salah satu inovasi dalam penyelesaian pekerjaan yang memungkinkan banyak orang dalam berkolaborasi memberikan solusi dari berbagai tempat dan pengetahuan yang berbeda. Aplikasi yang akan dikembangkan menggunakan pendekatan self assessement di mana mahasiswa memasukkan capaian secara mandiri dan diverifikasi oleh Dosen Wali. Adopsi teknologi mention dan tagging memungkinkan mahasiswa dalam memasukkan capaian secara kolaboratif. Pengalaman gamifikasi diberikan untuk memotivasi mahasiswa dalam meningkatkan capaiannya. Metode community-sourcing diterapkan untuk mengumpulkan kegiatan atau aktivitas produktif yang akan atau telah diikuti oleh banyak mahasiswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi yang memudahkan pemantauan kinerja dan meningkatkan produktivitas mahasiswa dalam meningkatkan capaian dalam bidang soft-skills. Sehingga proses pengukuran dan peningkatan kinerja mahasiswa akan lebih mudah dan menyenangkan dan seluruh proses pengukuran kinerja nantinya dapat dipantau dan dijadikan pengambilan keputusan untuk pemangku kepentingan dan memudahkan serta memberikan motivasi kepada mahasiswa untuk selalu meningkatkan capaiannya dibidang soft-skills. ======================================================================================== The performance measurement now implemented by many organizations with different approaches to improve the performance of members of the organization in achieving the objectives of the organization. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember implement a performance measurement for students namely SI skem (Information System of Unit Student Extracurricular Activities). SI skem goals is to improve the student competence in the field of soft-skills. So far in its implementation the high level management expectation remain unaddressed due to the charging of the achievements becomes an administrative load and limited only to graduation requirements for students. This research uses the concept of Social Collaboration. Social Collaboration became one of the innovations in the completion of work that allows many people to collaborate to provide solutions from different places and different knowledge. Application to be developed using self assessement approach in which students enter the achievements independently and verified by the supervisor. Adoption mention and tagging technology allows students to post a collaborative the achievements. Given gamification experience in order to motivate students to improve achievement. Community-sourcing methods applied to collect productive activity or activities that will be or has been followed by many students. The result of this study was an application that facilitates the monitoring of student performance and increase productivity in improving the performance in the field of soft-skills. So the process of measurement and improvement of student performance will be much easier and fun, and the whole process of performance measurement can then be monitored and used as a decision-making for stakeholders and facilitate and motivate the students to always improve their achievements in the field of soft-skills

    The effects of cryotherapy on static and dynamic balance among gymnast / Mohamad Ikhwan Abdul Aziz

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    Introduction: Balance is the ability to maintain upright and in a position of equilibrium. balance consist of two types which are static balance and dynamic balance. static balance is balance maintained while standing without moving as measured by the balance error scoring system (BESS) test. While dynamic balance is balance maintained while performing as measure by the star excursion balance test (SEBT). Balancing is very important component for gymnast athlete to perform well in competition. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of cryotherapy on static and dynamic balance among gymnast athletes. Methodology: There were 30 subjects were participated in this study, which are consist of male and female gymnast athletes. All the athletes were range age among 13 to 17 years old. The subjects were equally divided into two groups; ice group (n=15) and without ice group (n=15). The dependent variable in this study was Balance Error Scoring test on a firm surface, Balance Error Scoring System on foam surface and Star Execution Balance Test. Result: Based on One Way repeated measured, the result showed that the mean and standard deviation of pre test and post test on a firm surface for no ice group (M=4. 15,SD=O.95) to (M=4.11,SD=5.08). The mean and standard deviation for ice group (M=4.58,SD=O.79) to (M=5.08,SD=0.80). There was a significant difference of cryotherapy from pre test and post test between groups (p<0.05). While the result mean and standard deviation of pre test and post test on foam surface for no ice group (M=4.11,SD=0.94) to (M=4.03,SD=O.91). The mean and standard deviation for ice group vi (M=4.46,SD=O.77) to (M=5.01,SD=O.89). There was a significant difference of cryotherapy from pre test to post test between groups (p<O.05). Then, the mean score for pre test and post test of dynamic balance test for no ice group (M=595.87,SD=42.85) to (M=587.07,SD=44.65). The mean score for ice group (M=602.80,SD=38.82) to (M=694.47,SD=42.96). There was a significant difference of cryotherapy from pre test to post test between groups (p<O.05). Conclusion: As a conclusion, application of cryotherapy has an impact on balancing performance among gymnast athlete


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    This research examined the issue of religious traditions in Aceh from the perspective of understanding and interpreting the Quran. The research focuses on the beut darôh tradition, which culminates with the ceremony of kenduri khatam. In essence, this indigenous Acehnese ritual has been practiced for a long time in Acehnese culture and is exclusively celebrated during the month of Ramadan. The aim of beut darôh is to color the night during Ramadan after the tarawih prayer is done in every mosque and meunasah (Muslim house of worship), frequently in the midst of rural communities. This ritual culminated at the end of Ramadan with the commemoration of the kenduri khatam. This closing ritual encompasses the entire community. Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh were the primary locations to observe this practice evolving and changing. This research begins with the question, "Why are the beut darôh and kenduri khatam traditions able to develop in the middle of urban Acehnese society?" This study employed qualitative methodologies, incorporating grounded research. The findings of the study indicate that the beut darôh and kenduri khatam traditions are perceived as part of the Acehnese people's religious identity and culture. Beut darôh is not only a custom of reading the Quran together, but it is also an educational space for learning the Quran. Meanwhile, the people of Aceh view kenduri khatam as a sign of thankfulness as well as a social space including religious relationships and local traditions. Nonetheless, the beut darôh tradition, which was originally prevalent in Aceh's village communities, gradually expanded and persisted in Aceh's urban communities. In practice, however, there are some distinctions between the beut darôh tradition in rural and urban Acehnese societies

    Teacher and Student Ethic Concept : A Study Toward the Thought of K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari

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    Ethics is a rule or moral that is present in every proposition or at every institution. Ethics is also a very important thing for community life, because without an ethic or moral human being will do everything without being treated with a sense of responsibility and good morality. In an education it is very important to have ethics or morals, in which a teacher or student in the teaching and learning process must be based on good ethics and morals. The research and data sources used in this article are obtained through library research data collection methods (literature) taken from the author's collection of books and books contained in the library. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the ethics of teachers and students are very much needed, because in a learning process both the teacher and the student must use good ethics when a learning activity takes place or when communicating between teachers, staff, and students, because it will affect the blessing of the knowledge obtained

    Analysis of the Difficulties Learning Speaking Skills at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Students Riyadlatul Ulum Batanghari East Lampung

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    There are several factors that are very influential in language, namely human cleverness in speaking skills, Maharah al-Kalam is the ability to express articulated sounds or words to express thoughts in the form of ideas, opinions, desires, or feelings to the interlocutor. In a broader sense, speaking is a system of signs that can be heard and seen which utilizes a number of muscles and muscle tissues of the human body to convey thoughts in order to fulfill their needs. In general, maharah al-kalam aims to be able to communicate properly and properly with the language they are learning. Moving on from the problem of learning disabilities that have a big impact on learning can certainly harm teachers and students in receiving the material. In learning Arabic, of course, you really need a lot of training to speak and memorize vocabulary so that there are no difficulties in learning Arabic. Students must also be active in learning. After that the student looked difficult when he spoke Arabic and spoke it and the accuracy of Arabic was not good, Apart from memorizing habitual vocabulary by the student, creating a supportive environment for practicing conversation. With a good language environment, speech can also be intertwined well. Regardless, there are many problems in learning to speak at MTs Riyadlatul ulum which make the lack of maximum learning in speaking skills, students' lack of speaking in speaking and speaking habits can also hinder the learning process to speak, unclear pronunciation and tarkibnya arrangement make the speaker and listener make it difficult. The population in this study were students of class VIII MTs Riyadlatul Ulum, using qualitative descriptive research. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, observation and documentation. In the interview, to find out the problems that students have experienced and to get data about the factors that influence it, in the researchers' observations the researchers looked at the problems that appeared to students when in learning and documentation for evidence of research implementation