13,992 research outputs found


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    In general, museum visitors can not fully appreciate against a collection or artifacts from the museum. Although in every museum collection has a description of the items displayed, such as signs, but the history or details behind the museum collection can not be recounted as a whole. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an automatic identification system for the object or person using a radio frequency signal that is non-line-of-sight, high inventory speeds, variety of form factors, rewritable tags. The purpose of this research is how to design guide tour museum system using RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification) to help visitors obtain complete information from museum collection. The system was designed using object-oriented approach using UML (Unified Modeling Language) as a modeling language and Java as development language. From the test results found that museum visitors took 0.442 seconds to run a narrative of the collection since the system reads RFID tags that brought visitors. Museum managers also eased in the management of collection data, visitor data, and visitation data of the museum. The system also generates reports as a basis for future museum development

    Japanese Education and Japanese Elementary School

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    Pendidikan merupakan jantung kehidupan bagi masyarakat Jepang. Sebagai negara yang miskin sumber daya alam serta rawan bencana alam, bangsa Jepang sangat menggantungkan kepada proses pendidikan dalam memberdayakan sumber daya manusianya untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup bangsa serta bersaing dengan bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, teknologi dan lain-lain. Dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain terutama dari kelompok G8(kelompok Negara-negara industri maju di dunia,) Jepang mempunyai sistem pendidikan yang unik. Kalau negara industri maju lainnya menitik beratkan dalam pengembangan intelegensi tapi Jepang lebih memberdayakan mental untuk bekerja keras, bergotong royong dan kesetia kawanan sosial, dan pantang menyerah dalam menghadapi setiap permasalahan. Pendidikan Jepang pada awalnya banyak dipengaruhi oleh Cina, namun dalam iperkembangan selanjutnya Jepang juga mengadopsi sistem pendidikan barat dengan tetap mempertahankan ruh pendidikan Jepang sendiri yakni sikap mental pantang menyerah dan menjunjung tinggi gotong royong sesama bangsa Jepang sendiri. Sekolah dasar di Jepang mengutamakan pembentukan sikap dan mental di awal-awal tahun mulai kelas satu sampai kelas tiga kemudian mulai memfokuskan pengkajian ilmu pengetahuan mulai kelas empat sekolah dasar dan seterusnya. Matematika, ilmu pengetahuan(Sain), dan teknologi merupakan aspek penting dalam kurikulum pendidikan di Jepang dalam pembentukan pola pikir yang logis, sistematis dan prosedural bagi bangsa Jepang. Mulai tahun 2002, pelajaran bahasa Inggris resmi masuk dalam kurikulum sekolah dasar di Jepang

    Curriculum Development in Indonesian Education

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    Pendidikan Indonesia telah belangsung selama berabad-abad mengikuti perkembangan sejarah, elonomi, politik masyarakat Indonesia. Pendidikan Indonesia sejalan dengan tumbuh kembangnya kerajaan-kerajaan di Nusantara dan juga masuknya agama-agama besar di Indonesia seperti Hindu, Budha maupun Islam. Namun perkembangan pendidikan modern di Indonesia diawali dengan masuknya kolonial bangsa barat ke Indonesia. Setelah Indonesia merdeka, pemerintah terus menerus melakukan pembangunan pendidikan secara nasional di seluruh wilayah NKRI. Pembangunan pendidikan tidak bias terlepas dari pengembangan kurikulum karrena kurikulum adalah inti dari proses pembelajaran. Kurikulum disususn dan dikembangkan sesuai kebutuhan siswa, sekolah, masyarakat serta tuntutan jaman

    A Comparative Study on Japanese and Indonesian Elementary School

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    Pendidikan dasar secara umum terbagi dalam dua lembaga pendidikan yakni sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama. Proses pendidikan yang berlangsung di sekolah dasar merupakan landasan yang sangat penting untuk proses pendidikan di lembaga selanjutnya. Tujuan yang sangat penting dari proses pendidikan di sekolah dasar adalah pengembangan otot, emosi, sosialisasi, pengenalan lingkungan,dan aspek kebahasaan. Kemudian, mulai kelas empat di sekolah dasar ,para siswa mendalami ilmu pengtahuan secara intensif. Sekolah dsar di Jepang menekankan pada pendidikan mental sehingga anak bisa lebih ulet, tabah, toleran, dan optimis dalam hidup bermasyarakat. Pendidikan moral, olah raga, ketrampilan, dan pendidikan kesejahteraan keluarga sangat penting dalampengembangan kepribadian siswa. Pelajaran matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan banyak diajarkan dengan pendekatan kontekstual di sekolah dasar di Indonesia dan Jepang. Kedua Negara juga mulai memberikan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kepada siswa sekolah dasar untuk mengenalkan secara dini bahasa dab kebudayan bangsa lain serta mempersiapkan mereka dalam persaingan global. Melakukan studi banding terhadap kondisi pendidikan Negara lain membuat kita memperoleh informasi yang benar terhadap pencapaian kita dan Negara lain di bidang pendidikan serta membuat langkah-langkah perbaikan berdasarkan data yang terpercaya bukan kabar burung yang tidak jelas

    Glimpse on the relationship between Feynman integral and integrable system

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    We briefly review recent attempts to relate the concept of Feynman integral and integrable systems. This constitutes an endeavour on our part in making the Feynman path integral into a mathematically meaningful entity

    Linking urban form to a liveable city

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    This paper intends to show the contribution and relationship of urban form to a liveable city, as many researchers pose the urban form as one of the factors that can worsen or improve the sustainability of the city. The paper will begin by exploring into the theoretical characteristics of the urban form at the macro and micro scale. Urban form models that match the Malaysian cities’ urban form are illustrated in this paper with the idea of giving a larger context of the living ecology for Malaysian communities. There are two types of cities, one that grows in an ad-hoc manner, and the other is being shaped by planners. This paper however, focuses only on a planned city that is the core city for Shah Alam. Consequently, this paper touches briefly on the liveable city concept which is currently being debated among the researchers as a more practical way of looking into the sustainable city issues. The liveable city framework for the city of Shah Alam is discussed and some preliminary findings are offered at the end of the pape

    Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) students’ perception on national security policy: The case of Internal Security Act (ISA) of Malaysia

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    This study aims to examine the perception of the Internal Security Act (ISA) of Malaysia, focusing on the perceptions of students of Universiti Utara Malaysia. This study tries to determine the student’s perceptions first on the students’ comprehension of Malaysia’s national security policy in which constituted in the Malaysian Constitution and consequently understand its effect on the student’s reaction or attitude. The study is conducted using a questionnaire survey, consisting of statements in which the students were required to rate their response on a 5-point Likert scale. The questionnaire also consists of four main sections in which the demography of students, the evaluation of students perception on current national security threats in Malaysia, sets of statements in which testing the students’ basic comprehension of the ISA of Malaysia and fi nally their reactions towards the ISA itself. The finding indicates that the students are prone to social issues in which they determine it could be the major threat to Malaysia. Yet, there is no connection between comprehensions of the ISA and the reactions on the enforcement of the policy. Nevertheless, findings reveal their reactions differ between programmes of study and more inclined towards supporting the ISA and they also agree that government should take into consideration critics by the non-governmental organizations as well as societal grievances

    Penyebaran keilmuan melalui jaringan ulama Tarekat Naqsabandi di Kepulauan Riau

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    Tarekat Naqsabandi merupakan tarekat yang memiliki jaringan terluas di dunia Islam dan memberikan pengaruh besar bagi perkembangan dan corak masyarakat Islam di nusantara khususnya di Kepulauan Riau. Pesatnya perkembangan jaringan tarekat ini tidak lepas dari adanya salāsilaḥ sebagai hubungan guru-murid yang membentuk jaringan ulama yang khas. Jaringan ulama ini terkandung keilmuan yang penting bagi hala tuju dan pengajaran tasawuf dan syari'at di Kepulauan Riau. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangun kerangka penyebaran keilmuan melalui jaringan ulama tarekat Naqsabandi di Kepulauan Riau. Ada lima masalah pokok dalam kajian ini, iaitu tentang bentuk jaringan, corak jaringan, wujud hubungan guru-murid, penyebaran keilmuan dan kerangka penyebaran. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui temu bual, kajian dokumen dan pemerhatian, dimana kesahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Teknik Analisis data melalui tiga tahap, iaitu pengurangan data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Ada lima dapatan dalam kajian ini, iaitu: pertama, jaringan ulama tarekat naqsabandi terbentuk melalui hubungan keilmuan ulama tarekat Naqsabandi Haramaian, nusantara dan Kepulauan Riau. Kedua, ada tiga corak jaringan tarekat Naqsabandi di Kepulauan Riau iaitu; Khalidi, Muzhari dan Qadiriah Naqsabandi. Ketiga, hubungan keilmuan guru-murid terbentuk melalui pengajaran tarekat di masjid ataupun rumah suluk, dengan kaedah halāqah, talaqqi, hafalan dan bahsul masāil dan menghasilkan hubungan dalam bentuk salāsilaḥ dan ijāzah serta diperkuat dengan pemahaman kewalian dan guru kammil mukammil. Keempat, kandungan keilmuan yang berkembang memiliki ajaran dalam bentuk bai'at, rabitah, tawajjuh, suluk, zikir dan khatam. Kandungan keilmuan ini memiliki kecenderungan sufi baru yang berbentuk telaah hadis, sangat berpahamkan syari'at dan bersifat aktif untuk kemajuan zaman dan pembangunan insan. Kelima, kerangka yang dihasilkan dari penyelidikan ini mampu menjadi rujukan mengenai penyebaran keilmuan melalui jaringan ulama tarekat Naqsabandi di Kepulauan Riau

    Moral Values and Struggle in the Story of Saba Nan Aluih, From the Region of Padang Tarok Baso, Agam

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    The values ​​of struggle and moral values ​​in literature are dependent on each other. Literature is strongly influenced by the values ​​of struggle and moral values, so that everything contained in morals and struggles is reflected in literature. Thus, literary works can be approached using the values ​​of struggle and moral values. The problem of this research is about the value of struggle and moral values ​​contained in the folklore of Saba Nan Aluih. The purpose of this study is to describe the description of the values ​​of struggle and moral values ​​in the folklore of Saba Nan Aluih. The data of this study is a description of the values ​​of struggle and moral values ​​in the folklore of Saba Nan Aluih. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative analysis by describing the description of the values ​​of struggle and moral values ​​in the folklore of Saba Nan Aluih. This method is based on consideration of the suitability of the research form with the research objectives. The research instrument was carried out by means of a documentation study. Documentation study was conducted on the folklore of Saba Nan Aluih with an analysis approach to the value of struggle and moral values. From the results of this study, it can be found the results of research on the value of struggle in terms of, the value of self-sacrifice, the value of unity, the value of respect, the value of sabra and unyielding spirit, and the value of cooperation. Based on moral values, moral values ​​in human relations with oneself are divided into, responsibility for education. The moral values ​​of human relations with other humans are divided into, parental advice to children, advice between friends, parental love for children, and child affection for parents

    Entrepreneurial characteristics of indigenous housing developers: the case of Malaysia

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    Since the colonisation era, the immigrants from mainland China (and now their descendents) dominate the Malaysian housing industry. Their high entrepreneurial ethics stimulated early venture in all economic sectors to become dominant in business. To increase the participation of indigenous entrepreneurs in economic activities, Malaysia has practiced its own version of the affirmative policy since the 1970s which is known as National Economic Policy (NEP). Unlike other economic sectors such as construction, manufacturing and agricultural, the government has not provided special assistance (other than those that are generic in nature) for the indigenous populace to penetrate and thrive in housing development. As a consequence, their participation in this sector is conspicuous by their absence. A study was conducted to look into the involvement of indigenous housing developers in housing industry. Data was collected through postal questionnaires followed by face-to-face interviews. The discussion on the data analysis is presented together with interview findings.indigenous housing developer, housing development industry, entrepreneur characteristic