445 research outputs found

    Analisis Sentimen dan Klasifikasi Kategori terhadap Tokoh Publik pada Twitter

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    Keberadaan Twitter telah digunakan secara luas oleh berbagai lapisan masyarakat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Kebiasaan masyarakat mem-posting tweet untuk menilai tokoh publik adalah salah satu media yangmerepresentasikan tanggapan masyarakat terhadap tokoh publik. Menjelang pemilihan umum, biasanya ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang ingin mengetahui sentimen dan tanggapan terhadap tokoh publik. Tokoh publik yangdinilai adalah tokoh yang dianggap layak dan memiliki kemampuan untuk dipilih menjadi pemimpin. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis tweet berbahasa Indonesia yang membicarakan tentang tokohpublik. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan klasifikasi tweet yang berisi sentimen masyarakat tentang tokoh tertentu. Metode klasifikasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Naive Bayes Classifier. Naive BayeClassifier dikombinasikan dengan fitur untuk dapat mendeteksi negasi dan pembobotan menggunakan term frequency serta TF-IDF. Klasifikasi tweet pada penelitian ini diperoleh berdasarkan kombinasi antara kelasentimen dan kelas kategori. Klasifikasi sentimen terdiri dari positif dan negatif sedangkan klasifikasi kategori terdiri dari kapabilitas, integritas, dan akseptabilitas. Hasil pengujian pada aplikasi yang dibangun dan padatools RapidMiner memperlihatkan bahwa akurasi dengan term frequency memberikan hasil akurasi yang lebih baik daripada akurasi dengan fitur TF-IDF. Metode Support Vector Machine menghasilkan akurasi performansyang lebih baik daripada metode Naive Bayes baik dalam klasifikasi sentimen maupun dalam klasifikas kategori. Namun demikian, secara keseluruhan penggunaan metode Support Vector Machine dan Naive Baye sama-sama memiliki performansi yang cukup baik untuk melakukan klasifikasi tweet

    Interpretation of Bouguer Anomaly to Determine Fault and Subsurface Structure at Blawan-ijen Geothermal Area

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    Gravity survey has been acquired by Gravimeter Lacoste & Romberg G-1035 at Blawan-Ijen geothermal area. It was a focusing study from previous research. The residual Bouguer anomaly data was obtain after applying gravity data reduction, reduction to horizontal plane, and upward continuation. Result of Bouguer anomaly interpretation shows occurrence of new faults and their relative movement. Blawan fault (F1), F2, F3, and F6 are normal fault. Blawan fault is main fault controlling hot springs at Blawan-Ijen geothermal area. F4 and F5 are oblique fault and forming a graben at Banyupahit River. F7 is reverse fault. Subsurface model shows that Blawan-Ijen geothermal area was dominated by the Ijen caldera forming ignimbrite (ρ1=2.670 g/cm3), embedded shale and sand (ρ2=2.644 g/cm3) as Blawan lake sediments, magma intrusion (ρ3=2.814 g/cm3 & ρ7=2.821 g/cm3), andesite rock (ρ4=2.448 g/cm3) as geothermal reservoir, pyroclastic air fall deposits (ρ5=2.613 g/cm3) from Mt. Blau, and lava flow (ρ6=2.890 g/cm3)

    Model Representasi Informasi Dan Pengetahuan Untuk Proyek-proyek Perusahaan Dengan Menggunakan Semantik Ontologi

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    This paper presents the utilization of knowledge management system for information and knowledge model development of enterprise projects. This information and knowledge management model is based on ontology semantic data model. The ontology data model is new technique for representing information and knowledge base on more semantically conception of meanings of objects, their properties, and relations between them that may arise within certain domain knowledge. The concern of the knowledge management model is to ensure that the model allows the process of creation, access, and utilization of data in a semantically manner (for querying process) and information or knowledge of enterprise projects. The experimentation shows that project ontology model has satisfied all consistent, valid, complete, and correct ontology model criteria and can be used for semantic reasoning computation. A prototype of the proposed model can access information and knowledge from the knowledge ontology model

    Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik, Kebugaran Fisik dan Imej Tubuh dengan Kejadian Obesitas pada Siswa SMA di Kota Banda Aceh Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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    Background: The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally, both in developed and developing countries including Indonesia. Obesity occurs due to imbalance between energy in take and energy release for a long time as indicated by Body Mass Index (BMI). Someone is categorized as obese if he/she has BMI 95% percentil based on National Center for Health Statistics-Center for Disease Control. Risk factors of obesity are declining physical activity, declining fitness and negative body image. Besides, there are other factors such as genetics, food consumption, knowledge on nutrition and socialeconomic factor. Objective: To identify relationship between physical activity, fitness and body image and obesity among senior high school students at Banda Aceh Municipality. Method: The study was commenced from students screening to find out those who were obese and non obese based on the calculation of BMI. There were 82 obese students as cases and 82 non obese students as controls. Both cases and control had similar characteristics in terms of age, grade and school. The measurement of physical activity was done using International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Fitness was measured through walking/running test as long as 1.609 km, and body image was measured with Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). Result: There was relationship between physical activity and obesity (OR = 2, 100, 95% Cl; 1,032-4,272). This indicated that inactive students had risk 2.100 times greater for being obese than active students. There was relationship between fitness and obesity (OR= 2,467, 95% Cl; 1,205-5,051), this showed that unfit students had risk 2.467 times greater forbeing obese than fit students. There was relationship between body image and obesity. Students with BSQ quarter 2 (Q2) to quarter 3 (Q3) (OR = 10,459, 95% Cl; 1,381- 12,552), this indicated students had risk 10.459 times for being obese whereas students with BSQ quarter 4(Q4) (OR= 4, 163, 95% Cl; 1,381-12,552), this indicated students had risk 4.163 greater for being obese. Conclusion: Physical activity, fitness and body image were factor associated with prevalence of obesity among Senior High School students at Banda Aceh Municipality

    Bencana Air Karena Salah Urus

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    Water is a source of life – all creatures rely on it, and any societies deal with it. According to Irrigation Acts, water has fourteen functions including for national security, worships, household, agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery, plantation, forestry, energy, mining, water transportation, and recreation. The pollution of river water, and land water directly affects the health, the declining quality and the quantity of water, and flood. In addition, the indirect effects include stinky water, arid trees, and unidentified diseases. The proprietors of the environment pollution can be charged for criminal, civil, and environmental case. The management of environment should not be conducted partly

    Aplikasi Notifikasi Mobile untuk Pencegahan Fraud

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    Telepon mobile pintar sudah banyak dimanfaatkan dalam melakukan transaksi perbankan misalnya melihat saldo rekening dan riwayat transaksi, transfer dana antar rekening, atau membayar tagihan secara online. Dalam beberapa tahun belakangan, peretasan transaksi dari perbankan melalui kartu kredit meningkat sangat tinggi, misalnya pada tahun 2013, sekelompok hacker berhasil membobol Bank Muscat yang berada di negara Oman dan menyebabkan kerugian senilai 45 juta USD.Dalam paper ini dikembangkan sebuah prototipe notifikasi pencegahan kejahatan fraud berbasis mobile. Sampel data digenerate dari sampel random transaksi nasabah dan beberapa data nasabah. Prototype kemudian diuji pada berbagai kondisi normal, dan ekstrim. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, didapat beberapa variasi notifikasi fraud, seperti pada jam sibuk dan tidak sibuk. Notifikasi yang dikirimkan pada jam sibuk relatif lebih cepat dibandingkan saat jam tidak sibuk

    Attribution styles as correlates of technical drawing task-persistence and technical college students’ performance

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    Technical drawing is a means of communicating between the designer and the manufacturers to bring ideas into reality by means of drafting. This study investigated attribution styles as collates of students’ technical drawing task-persistence and academic performance using correlational research design. The population for this study consisted of 864 students of year II and the sample study comprised of 150 (93 males and 57 females) randomly selected from six technical colleges in Edo State, Nigeria. Three instruments, Academic Performance Attribution Style Questionnaire (APASQ), Technical Drawing Taskpersistent Rating Scale (TDTPRS); and Technical Drawing Performance Test (TDPT) were developed and used for data collection. Cronbach Alpha reliability method was used to determine the reliability of the instruments and the results were obtained: SAASQ = .87; TDTPRS=.79; AND TDAT = .85. The findings of the study revealed that the technical drawing task-persistence of students was positively correlated by functional attribution style; and was negatively correlated by dysfunctional attribution style; functional attribution style positively correlated academic performance of students. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that technical drawing teachers should model and teach the students the right attribution style that will enhance their learning of technical drawing

    Addressing an Undergraduate Research Issue About Normalized Change for Critical Thinking Test

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    Normalized change is a familiar expression used to measure student's improvement in physics education research, including critical thinking skill improvement. A widely used standardized critical thinking test is the Cornell Critical Thinking Test. The CCTT scoring method, rights minus one-half the number wrong, results from possible interval scores ranging from the negative minimum score to positive maximum score. The problem then arises in the use of the normalized change in CCTT scores, particularly in the situation when the post-test score is worse than the pre-test score. We reveal the used equation deficiencies and demonstrate the mistakes made by undergraduate researchers, as well as suggesting a modified equation that can be used under the normalized change rationale, i.e. the ratio of the gain or the loss of the maximum possible gain or loss. Some frequently asked questions about normalized change are also discussed

    Pengaruh Tempering pada Baja St 37 yang Mengalami Karburasi dengan Bahan Padat terhadap Sifat Mekanis dan Struktur Mikro

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    Proses perlakuan panas yang diberikan pada St 37 pada penelitian ini ialah karburasi dengan bahan padat dengan temperatur 900ÂșC selama 2 jam, dilanjutkan proses quenching dengan media oli setelah itu ditemper pada temperatur 150ÂșC, 250ÂșC, 300ÂșC masing-masing selama 1jam. Kemudian dilakukan proses pengujian mekanis dan struktur mikro untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan panas yang diberikan.Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa material yang ditemper pada suhu 150ÂșC memiliki nilai kekuatan tarik tertinggi (su) sebesar 598.53 N/mmÂČ dan nilai kekerasan sebesar 294 HB, sedangkan temperatur tempering 250ÂșC menghasilkan nilai kekuatan tarik terendah (su) yaitu 542.8 N/mmÂČ serta nilai kekerasan sebesar 254.66 HB.Peningkatan mekanis juga dipengaruhi oleh kadar karbon dalam baja, baja yang mengandung unsur karbon lebih banyak menghasilkan sifat mekanis lebih tinggi.Dari hasil pengamatan metalografi masing-masing benda uji terlihat struktur –struktur ferit, pearlit dan martensit

    Evaluation Of Net Benefit In Akumaju HRIS Using The Delone & Mclean Model AT PT. Valdo International

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    Teknologi informasi atau IT untuk era modern menjadi kebutuhan bagi individu atau organisasi/perusahaan. Dalam penerapannya, TI sangat mempengaruhi proses suatu perusahaan sehingga dapat dengan cepat mengembangkan dan mengolah data, salah satunya TI berbasis manajemen sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang merupakan elemen yang sangat penting dalam sebuah perusahaan. Salah satu TI berbasis SDM adalah human resource integrated system (HRIS), dalam penggunaannya untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat sumber daya manusia (SDM) dalam pengolahan data dan operasional perusahaan yang diimplementasikan di PT Valdo International. Namun pada kenyataannya implementasi TI memerlukan pengembangan dan evaluasi lebih lanjut karena era semakin maju dan pembaruan sistem dilakukan untuk memudahkan setiap pengguna yang terlibat. Maka penelitian ini dibuat untuk mengevaluasi manfaat bersih HRIS AkuMaju menggunakan model Delone & Mclean di PT Valdo International yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pengaruh kualitas informasi, kualitas sistem, kepuasan pengguna dan kualitas layanan terhadap penggunaan, pengaruh kualitas informasi, kualitas sistem dan kualitas layanan. pada kepuasan pengguna, dan pengaruh penggunaan dan kepuasan pengguna pada manfaat bersih. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh tersebut digunakan model Delone & Mclean menggunakan aplikasi SPSS dan Smart-PLS dengan hasil sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam proses pengembangan sistem HRIS di PT Valdo International untuk kemajuan perusahaan
