12 research outputs found
Soara Batak: The Batak People's Resistance Newspaper in the Colonial Period (1919-1932)
Newspapers have a very important position in the politics of the Indonesian independence movement. Soara Batak is the first independence movement newspaper published in Batakland. This newspaper became a medium of information and communication, for the political organization Hatopan Kristen Batak (HKB). The initial purpose of publishing this newspaper was to oppose Dutch colonialism and the threat of foreign plantation entrepreneurs who wanted to capitalize on Batakland for personal gain. This can be seen from the motto of this newspaper which is written: Oela tanom, Oelang digomak Oelando which means “Cultivate your land, so that the Dutch do not take it”. This newspaper's courage in criticizing the colonial rulers caused Soara Batak's movements to be closely monitored. Tuan M. H. Manullang and A. Soetan Soemoroeng, the dual HKB and Soara Batak received repressive measures from the colonial government for their bold and sharp writings. The presence of Soara Batak had an important role in the politics of the Batak people's movement, which succeeded in igniting the people's fighting spirit to want to oppose Dutch colonialism which was very oppressive
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan posisi Barus dalam se-jarah nasional dan sejarah global. Guna mendapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan penelitian, dipergunakan metode sejarah dan kajian historiografi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah: pertama, Barus dan komoditi kemenyan serta kamper telah dikenal oleh pasa dunia sejak lama, kedua, meskipun historiografi tentang Barus sudah selayaknya ditempatkan sebagai warisan nasional, namun lingkup historio-grafisnya masih sejarah lokal, ketiga, terdapat politik kekuasaan yang dapat meru-bah posisi Barus dalam sejarah nasional IndonesiaKata-kata kunci: Barus, kamper, kemenyan, historiografi, lokalAbstract: This research aims to reveal Barus's position in national history and global history. In order to get answers to research questions, historical methods and historiographic studies are used. The conclusions of this study are: firstly, Ba-rus and commodities of incense and camphor have been known by the world pasa for a long time; second, although the historiography of Barus should be placed as a national heritage, but the historiographical sphere is still local history; third, there is political A power that can change Barus's position in Indonesia's national history.Keywords: Barus, camphor, incense, historiography, localDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um020v11i12017p00
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendekonstruksi materi pembelajaran sejarah di Kepulauan Riau yang a-historis terhadap eksistensi Orang laut dalam sejarah lokal di wilayah ini. Sebagai salah satu wilayah kepulauan yang ada di Indonesia, rekam jejak sejarah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau tidak akan terlepas dari kehadiran Orang Laut sebagai aktor yang bermain dalam membesarkan dunia maritim Nusantara sejak abad ke-7 Masehi. Keahlian Orang Laut dalam bertempur di laut dan di darat menjadi faktor kunci dalam mengamankan jalur perdagangan masa itu yang berhasil menarik minat bangsa-bangsa asing untuk berlayar ke perairan Nusantara. Orang Laut adalah pasukan tempur andalan Sriwijaya. Di masa Kesultanan Malakka dan Johor, Orang Laut menduduki posisi penting sebagai hulubalang dan panglima kerajaan yang sangat dihormati. Kegemilangan Orang Laut dan kejayaan Orang Laut yang terlupakan inilah yang akan dielaborasi dalam tulisan ini sebagai penguatan sejarah lokal di Kepulauan Riau yang sangat dekat dengan budaya maritim. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di dalam buku teks yang tersaji di sekolah kebesaran sejarah maritim Indonesia eksistensi Orang Laut terpinggirkan oleh label sebagai komunitas adat terpencil (KAT). Textbook oriented di sekolah-sekolah melalui buku-buku terbitan penerbit pulau Jawa belum memberi kontribusi yang berarti dalam mempopulerkan Orang Laut sebagai bagian integral sejarah lokal Kepulauan Riau. Penguatan eksistensi Orang Laut sebagai sejarah lokal ini tentu saja semakin mengokohkan pilar kemaritiman Kepulauan Riau yang menjadi akar dari sejarah nasional Indonesia sebagai bangsa maritim terbesar di kawasan Asia Tenggara
Pengembangan Budaya Takbenda Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Upacara Pasahat Boru Dalam Suku Angkola Di Kota Padang Sidempuan
Pasahat boru merupakan tanggungjawab orangtua kepada suami anak gadisnya yang akan memulai hidup berumah tangga, ini merupakan salah satu rangkaian acara dalam upacara perkawinan adat di masyarakat suku Angkola. Acara ini dilaksanakan ketika pemberangkatan kedua pengantin ke rumah pihak laki-laki/ suami. Tradisi ini dapat mendeskripsikan kearifan lokal yang terkandung dalam upacara adat pasahat boru. Data dalam tulisan ini merupakan sebuah kata-kata dalam bentuk nasihat dan pesan yang disampaikan oleh orang-orang yang diamati pada saat makkobar dan sumber datanya berasal dari proses tradisi upacara adat yaitu pasahat boru dalam perkawinan adat Angkola di Padangsidimpuan. Tradisi pasahat boru terdapat pada kearifan lokal seperti kekerabatan, kerukunan, kesantunan, dan penghormatan. Sehingga, nilai-nilai budaya dalam tradisi pasahat boru pada perkawinan adat perlu dilestarikan dengan peran sertanya berbagai unsur masyarakat etnik Angkola
Cosmopolitanism of Langsa Society during Colonial Era
The advent of modernization in the 19th century significantly influenced the development of Langsa City, Aceh Province, as a cosmopolitan city. Despite having a strong Islamic tradition, Langsa was able to embrace cosmopolitanism without losing its Acehnese identity. This study focuses on the influence of cosmopolitanism on the socio-cultural life of the Langsa community. Cosmopolitanism in Langsa also influenced the lifestyle of its people, as seen in their global thinking and the perspectives of the educated elite. The research findings indicate that cosmopolitanism in Langsa has been ongoing for a long time, starting from the pre-Islamic era, continuing through the waves of European and other foreign arrivals, the influence of colonialism, independence, the arrival of modernist Islam, and up to the New Order political era. With abundant natural resources, Langsa has attracted foreigners. The interaction of people from various nations has led to the convergence of diverse cultures. However, despite being influenced by external cultures, the people of Langsa have also maintained their original culture amidst a hybrid culture. This is partly because the native people of Langsa, in their lifestyle, tend to follow the ulama(religious scholars) rather than the umara (secular leaders). As a cosmopolitan city, Langsa has also become a meeting place for modernist thoughts. One example is the acceptance of Muhammadiyah as a modernist Islamic organization
Perubahan Pola Permukiman Orang Laut Suku Duano
This paper examines changes in Orang Laut settlements in two villages namely Tanjung Solok Village and Jambi Province Fisheries Village. Changes occurred from settlements on boats in the sea to settlements inside houses in the village. The research method used is an ethnographic research method whose characteristics are "researching informants - as subjects of research-in their daily environment". The researcher and the object under study interact intensely through in-depth observation of the object in accordance with the research objectives. In the two villages studied, the facts of the changes that have taken place over the past 30 years have been found, due to the incessant government programs to "settle" the Sea People to the mainland. Changes in the lives of the Orang Laut in the new and permanent villages have caused the loss of traditional knowledge of the Orang Laut in the maritime field. They changed from the Sea People who lived in a sea that was modest and full of wisdom to the sea and coastal ecosystems to become Sea People who lived on land with complex life, carried by the current of modernization and exploiting and destroying marine and coastal ecosystems
Identifikasi Koin Kuno Dinasti Song Koleksi Museum Situs Kotta Cina
The Kotta Cina Site Museum is a museum where the archaeological findings of The Kotta Cina are stored in Medan city precisely near the Siombak lake, Medan Marelan District. The ancient coins of Chinese character are a proof that the Chinese people had carried out trading activities in the Kotta Cina we know today. Some of the coins collected by the Kotta Cina Site Museum are ancient coins dating back to the Song Dynasty. This study aims to identify ancient coins of the Song Dynasty to find out the identity of the coins, the size of each coin, and the type of material used in making coins. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method to describe, describe, explain, explain, and answer in more detail the problem under study. From the results of the research, of the many coins collected by the Kotta Cina Site Museum, there are 34 Song Dynasty coins consisting of 31 Northern Song Dynasty coins and 3 Southern Song Dynasty coins. The entire coin identified was made of the main material iron which had a size of ≤23.99 mm including small coins and a ≥ size of 24.00 mm including large coins
Kesultanan Serdang: perkembangan Islam pada masa pemerintahan Sulaiman Shariful Alamsyah
vii + 228 p,; 21 cm