16 research outputs found

    Metode Istinbath Hukum Ibn Rusyd Dalam Kitab Bidayah al-Mujtahid

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    The sixth period of the historical development of Islamic law has been known as taqlid perioda period preceded by the collapse of Baghdad at the hands of Holagu in the year of 656 AH. In the midst of a fanatical mahzab, a muslim scholar, Ibn Rusyd, emerged as the auther of a fiqh book entitled Bidayah al-Mujtahid, also as a jurist of anti-taqlid. There are some methods he used in performing law istinbath, yet there is no book has explained the method. This study identifyed the methods used by Ibn Rusyd in performing the law istinbath contained in the fiqh book Bidayah alMujtahid. Some findings an it are as follows: the method of law istinbath Ibn Rusyd used has been conducted by seeing the various opinions, propositions, methods from various imam mahzab. Then, those opinions, propositions and methods are compared and the most suitable one is chosen to be applied. Ibn Rusyd law istinbath method is actually an ijtihad intiqai that is practiced with conducting mahzab comparison method. In resolving conflict between the propositions used, Ibn Rusyd has used the following method: Giving priority to Al-Jamu wal al-Taufiq rather than tarjih. If choosing to perform the tarjih, some important things need to be noted: 1) The Sunnah with some narrators is given priority over the sunnah with few narrators, 2) The Sunnah whose narrators are proficient in law is prioritized overthe sunnah whose narrators are less proficient, 3) The Sunnah which is supported by other propositions is preferred over the sunnah which has no supporting propositions, 4) The authentic Sunnah Ahad would take precedence over the propositions of al-khitab and qiyas. 5) Dalalah manthuq is preferred over dalalah mafhum. 6) A specific proposition would take precedence over the proposition of a general nature, and 7) The verse of a general nature is preferred over qiyas. Keywords: Method, Istinbath, LawPeriode keenam dalam sejarah perkembangan hukum Islam di kenal dengan masa taklid, yang dimulai ketika runtuhnya Baghdad di tangan Holagu pada tahun 656 Hijriyah sampai sekarang. Di tengah-tengah fanatik mazhab yang berlebihan inilah lahir Ibn Rusyd yang muncul menulis kitab fikih Bidayah al-Mujtahid, juga sebagai seorang fakih yang anti taklid. Ada beberapa dari metode yang dia digunakan Ibn Rusyd dalam ber-istinbath hukum (ushul fiqh), namun yang menerangkan metodenya belum diperoleh. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengidentifikasi metode-metode yang digunakan oleh Ibn Rusyd dalam beristinbath hukum yang termuat dalam kitab fikih Bidayah al-Mujtahid. Temuan-temuannya adalah sebagai berikut : Metode istinbath hukumnya adalah dengan cara melihat berbagai pendapat para imam mazhab beserta dalil dan metode yang digunakan mereka, kemudian membandingkan dan memilih salah satu di antaranya yang lebih kuat dan lebih sesuai untuk diaplikasikan. Metode istinbath hukum Ibn Rusyd juga merupakan ijtihad intiqai dengan menggunakan metode perbandingan mazhab. Dalam menyelesaikan pertentangan antara dalil yang digunakan, Ibn Rusyd menggunakan metode sebagai berikut: Al-Jamu wal al-Taufiq lebih di dahulukan dari pada tarjih. Apabila melakukan tarjih maka; 1) Sunnah yang perawinya lebih banyak didahulukan dari pada sunnah yang perawinya sedikit. 2) Sunnah yang perawinya lebih alim dalam bidang hukum di dahulukan dari pada sunnah yang perawinya kurang kealimannya dalam bidang tersebut. 3) Sunnah yang didukung oleh dalil lain di dahulukan dari pada sunnah yang tidak ada dalil pendukungnya. 4) Sunnah ahad yang shahih lebih di dahulukan dari pada dalil al-khithab dan qiyas. 5) Dalalah manthuq di dahulukan dari pada dalalah mafhum. 6) Dalil yang bersifat khusus di dahulukan dari dalil yang bersifat umum. 7) Ayat yang bersifat umum di dahulukan dari pada qiyas.Katakunci : Metode, Istinbath, Hukum


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    The growth and development of fiqh has a close relationship with ijtihad. Results of ijtihad by mujtahid have contribution in the establishment and development of fiqh. In other words, the growth and development of fiqh is depend on how much mujtahid use the ability and knowledge to make a legal product. Declining in the development of fiqh is caused by weakness of the Ulema to perform ijtihad. After the golden age of Islam, Ulema has no longer perform ijtihad as was done by the his predecessors. Moreover, the Ulema made a statement that ijtihad was closed, so the development of fiqh has decreased. To restore the spirit of ijtihad, the Ulema now have to perform various concepts of ijtihad


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    As an Islamic law argument, qiyas is a solution to various legal cases which are not explicitlymentioned in religious texts. Imam Syafii is the initiator of the concept of qiyas. In his view, variouslegal cases found in Muslim society which are not obviously regulated in religious texts can be solvedthrough qiyas, either in the form of strong qiyas or weak qiyas. Anybody who knows Arabic, Islamiclaw contained in the Quran, the prophetic tradition, the opinions of the early generation of the ulama,consensus and controversies among them, having high intellectual capacity and sharp analysis inwhich he or she can identify obscured facts, can become an al-qais. the qiyas should consist of fourelements the al-ashl, the original law derived from the text, the al-far, an the legal al-illah. An qiyasshould not go beyond relegious texts, because it is merely an exension of the


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    The authorities agreed when starting an act of worship was told to read Basmalah, but the deviation that the Basmalah including one verse of Surah al-Fatihah, and there are also differences of Basmalah in the prayer that is read when reading Surah al-Fatihah. Imam Malik, Imam Hana?and Ahmad ibn Hanbal agree that Basmalah does not include the verses from Surah al-Fatihah, but they differ in reading in the prayer if Imam Malik argues that is Makruh, and then Imam Hana?and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal believes it as Sunnat. While the opinion of Imam Sha?'i Basmalah is one of the verses of Surah al-Fatihah, so, we must read Basmalah in the prayer when reading Surah al-Fatihah. Each of the scholars expresses their opinions with arguments of the Sunnah that supports and reinforces his view


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    The study of KH. Salim Ma'ruf thought about buying and selling is important to do because sometimes his thought is in contrast to other scholars opinion. For example, KH. Salim Ma'ruf said that buying and selling done by a drunk person is valid/legal. However, if it is done by children under the permission of the guardians, according to KH.Salim Maruf, is not valid/legal. KH. Salim Ma'ruf also found that buying and selling to people whose treasure is doubtful is makruh. In addition, he also noted that buying and selling sacrificial meat is haram, bay 'al-'urbun, bay' munabadzah and bay 'mulamasah, bay'ataini fi bay'atin, bay 'malaqih. KH. Salim Maruf did not give the legal proposition on each of his thought published in the book of Risalah Mu'amalah while the law is said to be invalid or false is determined from the aspect of legal proposition, therefore, it is necessary to study and search of the arguments used in book


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kelentukan pergelangan tangan dan koordinasi mata tangan terhadap kemampuan service backhand dalam permainan bulutangkis pada siswa kelas VIII SMP N 1 Kota Sorong. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik korelasional metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan teknik pengumpulan data tes dan pengukuran. Sampel yang digunakan siswa kelas VIII SMP N 1 Kota Sorong dengan jumlah 30 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan  teknik simple random sampling dengan cara  di  undi. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa tes menggunakan penggaris busur untuk mengukur kelentukan pergelangan tangan, tes lempar tangkap bola untuk mengukur koordinasi mata tangan dan tes service backhand untuk mengukur kemampuan service backhand. Teknik analisis data menggunakan system SPSS versi 16. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan kelentukan pergelangan tangan terhadap kemampuan service backhand, namun hubungan itu sangat lemah yaitu r = 0,174 (P<0,05) P adalah 0,030 = 3,00%, terdapat hubungan koordinasi mata tangan terhadap kemampuan service backhand, namun hubungan tersebut sangat lemah yaitu r = 0,094 (P<0,05) P adalah 0,009 = 0,9%, dan terdapat hubungan kelentukan pergelangan tangan dan koordinasi mata tangan secara bersama-sama terhadap kemampuan service backhand, namun hubungan ketiga variabel itu lemah yaitu r = 0,460 (P<0,05) P adalah 0,043 = 4,30%, dengan tingkat signifikan 0,460 atau 46%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat hubungan antara kelentukan pergelangan tangan dan koordinasi mata tangan terhadap kemampuan sevice backhand bulutangkis pada siswa kelas VIII SMP N 1 Kota Sorong, namun hubungan tersebut lemah

    Political Reorientation of Indonesian Sharia Economic Law: Legal Politics of Trade Law on Sharia Multilevel Marketing

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    Sharia multilevel marketing is a part of Sharia economic activity that has not been internalized in Indonesian trade law. This article discusses the formation of legal norms for direct selling in Indonesia and analyzes the legal politics of establishing trade law against sharia multilevel marketing. This study is derived from normative legal research using both statutory and historical approaches. The qualitative data on the legal politics of the trade law formation were taken from library research and interviews and then analyzed using the inductive method. The finding of this article indicates that the law of multilevel marketing in Indonesia, through the process of regulation and legislation, aims to provide legal certainty and anticipate the unlawful economic practices of pyramid schemes. The result of this article reveals that the formation of national trade law does not reflect a responsive law. The existence of a Sharia economic system, especially sharia multilevel marketing regulation, is not accompanied by the massive support of Islamic ethical value implementation. Therefore, to sum up, the sharia multilevel marketing needs a state’s political recognition of the Islamic economy through the development of law in the existing Islamic finance and philanthropy sector

    Motivasi Perkawinan Endogami pada Komunitas Alawiyyin di Martapura Kabupaten Banjar

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    Endogamy marriage in which Syarifah is prohibited to get married with ahwal men, has been a long habit since their forefathers age. This study sought to identify and locate the variables considered by Habib and syarifah to be the motivation and consequences of endogamy marriage. This study results in findings with the proposition : Maintaining equality ( kafa'ah ) of nasab glory, preserving lineage, and maintaining kinship. As a result of endogamy marriage in the Alawiyin community in Martapura are : In social life : 1 ) many syarifah women who are not married. 2 ) Marriage is not attended by the family . 3 ) Differentiation in family relationships. Secondly, the consequences in the cultural life : 1 ) The Nasab relationship is disconnected from the Prophet Muhammad SAW. 2 ) Not entitled to use the title of Habib or syarifah because it was linked to the father's lineage

    Green Economy Financing According to Fiqh Al-Biah as Part of Maqashid Sharia

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    Economic development in the 20th century had a huge impact on the sustainable development of mankind. On the other hand, however, it has a negative impact on living ecosystems. In many aspects such as the orientation of the interests of sustainable development, the economy and the environment are considered as two opposing aspects. Sustainable Development Based on this, a relatively new concept emerged, namely the green economy. The green economy is a concept that supports human well-being and cares about environmental and ecosystem sustainability in economic development. But on the negative side, economic development can also have an impact on the reduction of natural resources through over-exploitation, industrial pollution, oil, water, and air pollution due to flooding, and the impact on climate change. Islam has an ideal concept of sustainable development. At least there are fundamental rules for supporting sustainable development, namely the implementation of fiqh al-bi'ah based on maqashid sharia for the management of Islamic resources in the economy. Islam has an ideal concept of sustainable development. At least there are basic rules to support sustainable development, namely the application of fiqh al-bi'ah based on maqashid Sharia law to manage Islamic resources in the economy

    The legal construction of licensing and supervision of sharia multilevel marketing in indonesian trade law

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    Trade law in Indonesia has not accommodated Sharia Multilevel Marketing (Sharia MLM). The legitimacy of the Sharia status and supervision by the the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN MUI) does not have legal implications for the legality of the Sharia MLM company business entity. This article aims to explain the urgency of Sharia MLM regulation in trade law and provide input on the legal construction of licensing and supervision of Sharia MLM to maximize the achievement of trade law in Indonesia. This normative legal research uses statutory and conceptual approaches with a legal construction method. The legal materials were analyzed usingcontent analysis technique and prescriptive methodolog y. The results show that the legal construction of Sharia MLM in trade law is urgently carried out by the government using an integration-partnership model between DSN MUI and the Indonesian Ministry of Trade in the licensing and supervision system of Sharia MLM. The application of this model can legitimize the legal status of a Sharia MLM company so that it can become a locomotive for accelerating the Islamic economic ecosystem to advance the national economy. Hukum perdagangan di Indonesia belum mengakomodasi Multilevel Marketing Syariah (MLM Syariah). Legitimasi status Syariah dan pengawasan oleh Dewa Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN MUI) tidak berimplikasi hukum terhadap status hukum badan usaha perseroan MLM Syariah. Artikel ini bertujuan menjelaskan urgensi pengaturan MLM Syariah dalam hukum perdagangan dan memberikan masukan konstruksi hukum perizinan dan pengawasan MLM Syariah dalam rangka memaksimalkan tercapainya tujuan hukum perdagangan di Indonesia. Penelitian hukum normatif ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual dengan metode konstruksi hukum. Bahan hukum dianalisis menggunakan teknik content analysis dan metode preskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konstruksi hukum MLM Syariah dalam hukum perdagangan urgen dilakukan pemerintah dengan menggunakan model integrasi-kemitraan antara DSN MUI dan Kementerian Perdagangan dalam sistem perizinan dan pengawasan MLM Syariah. Penerapan model ini dapat melegitimasi status hukum perseroan MLM Syariah sehingga dapat menjadi lokomotif akselerasi ekosistem ekonomi Islam untuk memajukan perekonomian nasional