19 research outputs found

    Assessing the Role of Mobile Banking Applications in Creating Brand Loyalty among the Consumers of Commercial Banks

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    The Internet is transforming the world and abruptly revolutionizing every field of life. Due to rampant advancement in internet technologies, the world is getting shrunk into the pocket and the concept of distances has been evoked. Advancement in the internet has given birth to many other distinguished technologies such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and metaverse, and these inventions have revolutionized the whole technological scenario In this modern era and especially after the pandemic COVID-19 world has shifted to smart technologies and the use of mobile banking applications has been boosted, Mobile Banking Applications are like a virtual bank where customers can experience the quality of banking services through the interface of applications. In this current research, we will try to root out how mobile applications create brand loyalty among the consumers of commercial banks in Bahawalpur. Key Words: Mobile Banking, Brand Loyalty, Artificial Intelligence, Commercial Banks, Loyalty Schemes, Financial Application

    Insight of Tp53 Mutations and their effect on Protein in Different Feline and Canine Neoplasms

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    Background: Mutations in the Tp53 gene, a tumor suppressor gene, may cause dysfunction in growing cells and hinder the phenomenon of apoptosis, an alleged cause of tumorigenesis. It is involved in conservation of the genome and DNA repair, mutations of this gene may cause the damaged cells to grow continuously.Methods: The type of molecular changes in Tp53 gene and their effects on physiochemical and structural properties of this protein in various Canine and Feline cancers were observed in this study by using online bioinformatics tools.Results: Our results indicated that lymphomas and perianal adenocarcinomas (PAC) have the same mutation at c. 104, while mammary tumors and canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) contain different mutations. Referring to changes in protein, synonymous mutations in granulomas were observed while certain mutations in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and head & neck tumors were detected in Canis familiaris. In Felis catus, the mutant protein was similar to wild type protein with exception of mutant 5 of mammary tumor, which had a deletion at the 287 amino acid position.Conclusion: The insight gathered on the p53 mutant proteins in both species aided our understanding of the in-vivo fate of the p53 protein and its isoforms and the effects that morphological changes can have on the fate of cells. Furthermore, isolation of this protein may augment our understanding about the structural biology of these proteins

    Faculty perceptions regarding an individually tailored, flexible length, outcomes-based curriculum for undergraduate medical students

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    Purpose The perception of faculty members about an individually tailored, flexible-length, outcomes-based curriculum for undergraduate medical students was studied. Their opinion about the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges was also noted. This study was done to help educational institutions identify academic and social support and resources required to ensure that graduate competencies are not compromised by a flexible education pathway. Methods The study was done at the International Medical University, Malaysia, and the University of Lahore, Pakistan. Semi-structured interviews were conducted from 1st August 2021 to 17th March 2022. Demographic information was noted. Themes were identified, and a summary of the information under each theme was created. Results A total of 24 (14 from Malaysia and 10 from Pakistan) faculty participated. Most agreed that undergraduate medical students can progress (at a differential rate) if they attain the required competencies. Among the major advantages mentioned were that students may graduate faster, learn at a pace comfortable to them, and develop an individualized learning pathway. Several logistical challenges must be overcome. Providing assessments on demand will be difficult. Significant regulatory hurdles were anticipated. Artificial intelligence (AI) can play an important role in creating an individualized learning pathway and supporting time-independent progression. The course may be (slightly) cheaper than a traditional one. Conclusion This study provides a foundation to further develop and strengthen flexible-length competency-based medical education modules. Further studies are required among educators at other medical schools and in other countries. Online learning and AI will play an important role

    Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis of PbSe Nanostructures Deposited by Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition Approach

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    From MDPI via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2021-08-21, pub-electronic 2021-10-23Publication status: PublishedFunder: Higher Education Commision, Pakistan; Grant(s): 7363This research endeavor aimed to synthesize the lead (II) diphenyldiselenophosphinate complex and its use to obtain lead selenide nanostructured depositions and further the impedance spectroscopic analysis of these obtained PbSe nanostructures, to determine their roles in the electronics industry. The aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition technique was used to provide lead selenide deposition by decomposition of the complex at different temperatures using the glass substrates. The obtained films were revealed to be a pure cubic phase PbSe, as confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. SEM and TEM micrographs demonstrated three-dimensionally grown interlocked or aggregated nanocubes of the obtained PbSe. Characteristic dielectric measurements and the impedance spectroscopy analysis at room temperature were executed to evaluate PbSe properties over the frequency range of 100 Hz–5 MHz. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss gave similar trends, along with altering frequency, which was well explained by the Koops theory and Maxwell–Wagner theory. The effective short-range translational carrier hopping gave rise to an overdue remarkable increase in ac conductivity (σac) on the frequency increase. Fitting of a complex impedance plot was carried out with an equivalent circuit model (Rg Cg) (Rgb Qgb Cgb), which proved that grains, as well as grain boundaries, are responsible for the relaxation processes. The asymmetric depressed semicircle with the center lower to the impedance real axis provided a clear explanation of non-Debye dielectric behavior

    Muslimer i USA : en analyse av amerikanske muslimers politiske innflytelsespotensial

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    Min oppgave om amerikanske muslimers innflytelsespotensial tar opp noen av de grunnleggende problemstillingene statsvitenskap som fagretning er interessert i; Hvem som oppnår makt og innflytelse i et pluralistisk system, og hva som får individer til å mobilisere sine individuelle ressurser – det være seg penger, tid, informasjon o.a. – til kollektiv bruk (Dahl, 1961; Schattschneider, 1960; Wrong, 1997). Skjebnefellesskap på bakgrunn av lik sosial klasse, lik etnisk eller religiøs tilhørighet kan under gitte omstendigheter medføre at individer velger å opptre samlet for å øke sin makt og innflytelse. Det antas at gruppen med innflytelse besitter flere politiske ressurser enn grupper som blir subjekt for maktutøvelsen. Imidlertid er det å besitte politiske ressurser ikke ensbetydende med faktisk innflytelse. Da snakkes det om gruppens innflytelsespotensial, og er oppgavens fokus. Gruppen må delta i de politiske beslutningsprosessene, og bruke de politiske ressursene i politisk sammenheng. Dette avhenger av gruppens indre samhold og organisering. Dette samholdet og organiseringen er i seg selv en kollektiv ressurs som gjør mobiliseringen av de andre ressursene mulig. Innflytelsespotensialet avhenger også av om medlemmer av gruppen er enige i de politiske målene man ønsker å oppnå, og om de er i stand til å utnytte sine mobiliserte politiske ressurser på en effektiv måte. Min analyse av amerikanske muslimers innflytelsespotensial belyser om det eksisterer en grad av indre samhold og solidaritet blant den muslimske befolkningen i USA, og om det politiske lederskapet - i form av politiske organisasjoner - er i stand til å koordinere individenes aktiviteter for å oppnå et felles mål. Oppgaven analyserer presidentvalgene 2000 og 2004 for å belyse om amerikanske muslimer er i stand til å opptre kollektivt og om det muslimske lederskapet klarer å koordinere bruken av de individuelle politiske ressursene som økonomi og stemmegivning representerer på en effektiv måte

    The Role of Green Human Resource Management Practices in Driving Green Performance in the Context of Manufacturing SMEs

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    Organizations around the globe have started to realize the importance of environmental sustainability to achieve long-term success. However, many organizations continue to use traditional production techniques, damaging the environment. To address this issue, this paper aimed to investigate the impact of green human resource management (GHRM) practices on green performance through the mediation of green work climate, green work engagement, and green employee behavior. The extent to which individual green values moderate the relationship between green work climate and green employee behavior was also examined. To meet the objectives, a cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted using simple random sampling, and the data were gathered using structured questionnaires from 390 employees of manufacturing SMEs in Pakistan. The findings of the study supported all the direct and indirect relationships and revealed that the incorporation of GHRM practices in SMEs has performance-enabling effects in terms of achieving green performance. By incorporating the impact of GHRM practices on green performance via mediation–moderation analysis of contemporary green variables in a single research model, the study expands the knowledge base, particularly in the context of SMEs. The study’s unique model and findings provide realistic insights for SMEs to come up with better strategies for greening the environment by ensuring green performance. The findings of the study also provide important implications for academia and practitioners

    The Role of Green Human Resource Management Practices in Driving Green Performance in the Context of Manufacturing SMEs

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    Organizations around the globe have started to realize the importance of environmental sustainability to achieve long-term success. However, many organizations continue to use traditional production techniques, damaging the environment. To address this issue, this paper aimed to investigate the impact of green human resource management (GHRM) practices on green performance through the mediation of green work climate, green work engagement, and green employee behavior. The extent to which individual green values moderate the relationship between green work climate and green employee behavior was also examined. To meet the objectives, a cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted using simple random sampling, and the data were gathered using structured questionnaires from 390 employees of manufacturing SMEs in Pakistan. The findings of the study supported all the direct and indirect relationships and revealed that the incorporation of GHRM practices in SMEs has performance-enabling effects in terms of achieving green performance. By incorporating the impact of GHRM practices on green performance via mediation–moderation analysis of contemporary green variables in a single research model, the study expands the knowledge base, particularly in the context of SMEs. The study’s unique model and findings provide realistic insights for SMEs to come up with better strategies for greening the environment by ensuring green performance. The findings of the study also provide important implications for academia and practitioners

    A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for the Early Detection of Heart Disease

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    Heart disease is one of the key contributors to human death. Each year, several people die due to this disease. According to the WHO, 17.9 million people die each year due to heart disease. With the various technologies and techniques developed for heart-disease detection, the use of image classification can further improve the results. Image classification is a significant matter of concern in modern times. It is one of the most basic jobs in pattern identification and computer vision, and refers to assigning one or more labels to images. Pattern identification from images has become easier by using machine learning, and deep learning has rendered it more precise than traditional image classification methods. This study aims to use a deep-learning approach using image classification for heart-disease detection. A deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) is currently the most popular classification technique for image recognition. The proposed model is evaluated on the public UCI heart-disease dataset comprising 1050 patients and 14 attributes. By gathering a set of directly obtainable features from the heart-disease dataset, we considered this feature vector to be input for a DCNN to discriminate whether an instance belongs to a healthy or cardiac disease class. To assess the performance of the proposed method, different performance metrics, namely, accuracy, precision, recall, and the F1 measure, were employed, and our model achieved validation accuracy of 91.7%. The experimental results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in a real-world environment