68 research outputs found

    The Effect of the Creative Leadership on the Activities of Human Resources Which Support the Strategies of Competitive Advantage in the Jordanian Commercial Banks Secto

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    This study aimed at measuring the effect of the creative leadership on the activities of human resources which support the strategies of the competitive advantage in the Jordanian commercial banks sector and for the purpose of realizing the objective of this study a questionnaire was designed and distributed on the sample of the study which consists of the Jordanian commercial banks which are (5) banks and the number of the questionnaire was  (370) three hundred seventy and by using the regression analysis results were fulfilled  which led to following conclusion: there is appositive effect of the creative leadership on the activities of human resources which support the strategies of competitive advantage Based on this conclusion the study introduced suggestions and recommendation to the decision makers in the sector who benefit from using them in their scope of work. Keywords: Creative leadership , strategies of competitive advantage, activities of human resources which support the strategies of competitive advantage

    The Association Between Attachment Patterns and Parenting Styles With Emotion Regulation Among Palestinian Preschoolers

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    In the current study, we investigated the contribution of attachment and parenting to emotion regulation among preschool children in Palestine. Specifically, we set out to test the hypothesis that both parenting styles and patterns of attachment would be associated with children's emotion regulation abilities. The sample comprised 150 children from 10 public preschools in Northern Palestine. The preschoolers' levels of emotion regulation were found to be associated with their parents' parenting styles. More specifically, permissive and authoritative parenting styles were positively associated with emotion regulation and authoritarian and uninvolved parenting styles were negatively associated with emotion regulation. In addition, a statistically significant positive correlation was found between secure attachment and emotion regulation

    The Effect of the Transformational Leadership on the Elements of Human Capital in the Jordanian Communication Sector

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    This study investigated the impact of the transformational leadership on the human capital  in the Jordanian communication companies ,The main hypotheses were proposed in accordance with the dimensions and model of the study and their variants. For the purposes of data gathering, a questionnaire was designed which included (50) question, Next, the study dimensions were identified, the questionnaire was distributed on the simple of the study (400) people.After the data collected the proper statistical analysis was applied. The result showed that the transformational leadership had big impact on the human capital in organizational.This study also, recommended a set of conclusions and recommendations that achieve the purpose of this study. Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Human Capital

    الجمالية الصورية في رسوم محمد ذنون

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     تناول البحث الموسوم (الجمالية الصورية في رسوم محمد ذنون) أربعة فصول، عُني الفصل الأول ببيان مشكلة البحث، أهمية البحث والحاجة إليه، هدف البحث في التعرف على الجمالية الصورية في رسوم محمد ذنون، حدود البحث، وتحديد أهم المصطلحات. وجاء الفصل الثاني بالإطار النظري وتضمن ثلاثة مباحث: اهتم المبحث الأول بمفهوم الجمالية. والمبحث الثاني بجمالية الصورة في الرسم، والمبحث الثالث تجربة الفنان محمد ذنون. واختص الفصل الثالث بإجراءات البحث وهي: مجتمع البحث، عينة البحث، منهج البحث، أداة البحث، وتحليل العينة. وانتهى الفصل الرابع بنتائج البحث ومنها: 1. أوضحت عينة البحث ديناميكية الحركة المتنوعة والمتغيرة ونبذ الفنان وامتعاضه من الاسلوب الجامد., ثم الاستنتاجات ومنها: 1. يستحضر الماضي في نتاجاته الفنية في تراكيب جمالية صورية ليستذكر بها طفولته بواقعيتها الاجتماعية، ثم التوصيات والمقترحات، ثم قائمة المراجع والمصادر

    Corporate Governance and Organizational Commitment: The Mediating Role of Organizational Culture

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    [Abstract] This study seeks to determine the impact of corporate governance dimensions (compliance with the corporate governance code, top management, control environment, transparency and disclosure, rights of shareholders and stakeholders) on the three main types of organizational commitment, (affective, continuance and normative). It also aims at examining the impact of organizational culture, as an intermediate variable, on the relationship between the two above mentioned variables. The sample of this study comprised 152 respondents working at five types of Jordanian companies. The results of the study have confirmed the positive effect of the three corporate governance dimensions (compliance with the corporate governance code, top management, and control environment) on three types of organizational commitment (affective, continuance, and normative). The results also confirmed that there is no significant effect of t transparency and disclosure and the rights of shareholders and stakeholders on affective and normative commitment

    Optimised Green IoT Network Architectures

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    The work in this thesis proposes a number of energy efficient architectures of IoT networks. These proposed architectures are edge computing, Passive Optical Network (PON) and Peer to Peer (P2P) based architectures. A framework was introduced for virtualising edge computing assisted IoT. Two mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models and heuristics were developed to minimise the power consumption and to maximise the number of served IoT processing tasks. Further consideration was also given to the limited IoT processing capabilities and hence the potential of processing task blockage. Two placement scenarios were studied revealing that the optimal distribution of cloudlets achieved 38% power saving compared to placing the cloudlet in the gateway while gateway placement can save up to 47% of the power compared to the optimal placement but blocked 50% of the total IoT object requests. The thesis also investigated the impact of PON deployment on the energy efficiency of IoT networks. A MILP model and a heuristic were developed to optimally minimise the power consumption of the proposed network. The results of this investigation showed that packing most of the VMs in OLT at a low traffic reduction percentage and placing them in relays at high traffic reduction rate saved power Also, the results revealed that utilising energy efficient PONs and serving heterogeneous VMs can save up to 19% of the total power. Finally, the thesis investigated a peer-to-peer (P2P) based architecture for IoT networks with fairness and incentives. It considered three VM placement scenarios and developed MILP models and heuristics to maximise the number of processing tasks served by VMs and to minimise the total power consumption of the proposed network. The results showed that the highest service rate was achieved by the hybrid scenario which consumes the highest amount of power compared to other scenarios

    Energy Efficient IoT Virtualization Framework with Passive Optical Access Networks

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    In this paper we design a framework for an energy efficient cloud computing platform for Internet of things (IoT) accompanied by a passive optical access network (PON). The design is evaluated using a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model. IoT network consists of four layers. The first layer represents IoT objects and the three other layers host relays, the coordinator and the gateway, respectively. PON consists of two layers hosting the Optical Network Units (ONUs) and the Optical Line Terminal (OLT), respectively. Equipment at all layers, except the object layer, can aggregate and process the traffic generated by IoT objects. The processing is performed using distributed mini clouds that host different types of Virtual Machines (VMs). These mini clouds can be located at the three upper layers of the IoT network and the PON two layers. We aim to reduce the total power consumption resulting from the traffic delivery and data processing at the different layers. The energy efficiency can be achieved by optimizing the placement and number of the mini clouds and VMs and utilizing energy efficient routes. Our results indicate that up to 21% of total power can be saved utilizing energy efficient PONs and serving heterogeneous VMs


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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the antioxidant potential of Al-Taif Pomegranate Peel extract (PPE) and juice (PJ) induced by atrazine (Atra) and malathion (Mal) toxicity in male mice by using biochemical and histopathological assays.Methods: Male mice were divided into ten groups and treated orally as following: Negative control; Mal group (27 mg/kg); Atra group (120 mg/kg); PPE group (0.4 g/Kg); PJ group (0.4 g/Kg);Mal + PPE group (27 mg/Kg + 0.4 g/Kg, respectively); Mal + PJ group (27mg/Kg + 0.4 g/Kg, respectively); Atra + PPE group (120mg/Kg + 0.4 g/Kg, respectively); Atra + PJ group (120mg/Kg + 0.4 g/Kg, respectively); Mal + Atra + PPE + PJ combined co-administration group.Results: Biochemical results showed a significant decrease in the antioxidant enzyme levels represented by SOD, GPxand CAT for Mal or Atra groups, while they afforded a highly significant increase in lipid peroxidation end product, MDA level. In contrast, co-administration of PPE and/or PJ and Atra and/or Mal-treated groups restored almost most of these antioxidant defense capacities to normal levels. On the other hand, treatmentwith eitherAtra or Mal resulted in histopathological hepatic alterations. However, co-administration of PPEand/or PJ and Atra and/or Mal-treated animals improved the hepatic damage and alleviated pesticides toxic effect.Conclusion: The present study suggested that Atra and Mal exposure lead to oxidative damage in the liver tissues of mice and concomitant treatment with different extracts of Al-Taif Pomegranate protected the liver tissues from oxidative damage.Â


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    ABSTRACTIn our previous studies, we report the antioxidant, hepatoprotective and nephroprotective potential of of Al-Taif Pomegranate (Punica granatum L)extracts against toxicity induced by Malathion (Mal) and Atrazine (Atra) pesticides in male albino mice. Hereby, we assess the genotoxic and mutagenicpotential of Al-Taif Pomegranate (P. granatum L) peel extract (PPE) alone and combined with Atra and Mal pesticides in the liver of male albino mice.Our results report PPE genotoxicity and its failure to significantly decrease the genotoxic effect of the pesticides Mal and Atra. Genotoxic potential wasreported by using Comet assay, in which fifty isolated comets were randomly selected and used to measure tail length, % DNA of tail and tail momentfor each group in comparison with the negative control group. Moreover, PPE combined (Mal and Atra) groups show DNA point of mutation in P53exon 5, that was detected by the highly sensitive and accurate assay single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP), represented by an extra thirdband in comparison with the negative control group. This mutation was not detected by direct sequencing, means that it is a low-frequency mutation.In conclusion, our results report Al-Taif PPE as a genotoxic extract and mutagenic in combination with Mal and Atra pesticides. Moreover, the presentresults also confirm the sensitivity of SSCP technique in detection of point of mutation in comparison to direct sequencing.Keywords: Malathion, Atrazine, Pomegranate peel extract, Mutagenic, Genotoxic