86 research outputs found

    Redefinition of Heptapterus (Heptapteridae) and description of Heptapterus carmelitanorum, a new species from the upper Paraná River basin in Brazil

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    A new diagnosis and a new classification of Heptapterus are provided and a new species, H. carmelitanorum, is described. Heptapterus is diagnosed by the following character combination: adipose fin confluent with the caudal fin; non-bifurcate caudal fin; anal-fin insertion posterior to vertical through adipose-fin insertion; 10–23 anal-fin rays; anal fin not confluent with caudal fin; and extremely elongate body, with a head length of 16.1–24.9%SL. Species included in Heptapterus are H. borodini, H. carmelitanorum, H. carnatus, H. exilis, H. hollandi, H. mandimbusu, H. mbya, H. mustelinus, H. ornaticeps, and H. qenqo. Some of the character states diagnosing H. carmelitanorum among its congeners are the anal-fin insertion less than one eye diameter posterior to a vertical through the adipose-fin insertion (vs. more than one eye diameter in all congeners); the isognathous mouth (vs. slightly to moderately retrognathous, except H. borodini); and the keel formed by ventral procurrent caudal-fin rays shallow, far from reaching anal-fin base (vs. keel formed by ventral procurrent caudal-fin rays deep, continuing almost to the anal-fin base, except in H. borodini and H. hollandi).Fil: de Carvalho Deprá, Gabriel. Universidade Estadual de Maringá; BrasilFil: Aguilera, Gaston. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentina. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Faustino Fuster, Dario R.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brasil. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Perú. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta; PerúFil: Katz, Axel M.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Azevedo Santos, Valter M.. Faculdade Eduvale de Avaré; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Pará; Brasil. Universidade Federal Do Tocantins; Brasi

    Validation of the Brazilian version of Behavioral Pain Scale in adult sedated and mechanically ventilated patients

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    AbstractBackground and objectivesThe Behavioral Pain Scale is a pain assessment tool for uncommunicative and sedated Intensive Care Unit patients. The lack of a Brazilian scale for pain assessment in adults mechanically ventilated justifies the relevance of this study that aimed to validate the Brazilian version of Behavioral Pain Scale as well as to correlate its scores with the records of physiological parameters, sedation level and severity of disease.MethodsTwenty-five Intensive Care Unit adult patients were included in this study. The Brazilian Behavioral Pain Scale version (previously translated and culturally adapted) and the recording of physiological parameters were performed by two investigators simultaneously during rest, during eye cleaning (non-painful stimulus) and during endotracheal suctioning (painful stimulus).ResultsHigh values of responsiveness coefficient (coefficient=3.22) were observed. The Cronbach's alpha of total Behavioral Pain Scale score at eye cleaning and endotracheal suctioning was 0.8. The intraclass correlation coefficient of total Behavioral Pain Scale score was ≥0.8 at eye cleaning and endotracheal suctioning. There was a significant highest Behavioral Pain Scale score during application of painful procedure when compared with rest period (p≤0.0001). However, no correlations were observed between pain and hemodynamic parameters, sedation level, and severity of disease.ConclusionsThis pioneer validation study of Brazilian Behavioral Pain Scale exhibits satisfactory index of internal consistency, interrater reliability, responsiveness and validity. Therefore, the Brazilian Behavioral Pain Scale version was considered a valid instrument for being used in adult sedated and mechanically ventilated patients in Brazil

    Algorithmic thinking and creativity: a deck of cards for early childhood education

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    The challenges presented to educational systems and researchers about algorithmic thinking are wide and exciting. Several initiatives are working on contributions. In the framework of a European Project focused on algorithmic thinking skills through play-based learning, we undertook the development of a resource for introducing algorithmic thinking to teachers and children in Early Childhood Education. The paper presents the resource, a deck of cards, highlighting its connections to creativity and algorithmic thinking. The paper briefly introduces the research design in place to pilot together with preliminary data from the tests with future teachers and a group of 5 years-old children. The deck of cards has been well received by both future teachers and children. The simple drawings are considered attractive and allow for diverse decisions about what to represent. Conditions, in particular, were well received by children. Further analysis of existing data will provide more information regarding the potential and limitations of the deck of cards.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Não há na literatura trabalhos que avaliem descritores importantes em batata-doce individualmente em ramas, raízes e em toda a planta (raízes + ramas). Esta informação detalhada é importante, pois permite a seleção dos melhores genótipos considerando a planta (raízes + ramas), tendo em vista as diferentes formas de utilização: consumo humano, animal, indústria e produção de etanol. Portanto, objetivou-se avaliar o potencial produtivo de matéria fresca, matéria seca, amido e proteína bruta em raízes, ramas e planta (ramas + raízes) de batata-doce, a fim de se identificar os genótipos superiores.  Para isso, foram avaliados 40 acessos de batata-doce do banco de germoplasma da UFVJM. A produção total da batata-doce (raízes + ramas) foi alta, o que aliado a sua rusticidade e múltiplos fins realça seu grande potencial e importância. Houve grande variabilidade genética entre os acessos. Os acessos Tomba Carro 1, UFVJM (01, 28 e 40) são os mais recomendados devido as maiores produtividades de  raízes, ramas e proteína bruta, sendo adequados à alimentação humana e animal. Os acessos Palmas e UFVJM (01, 04, 05, 07 e 53) podem ter maior potencial para a produção de etanol devido à maior produtividade de amido

    Curriculum –Integration of Algorithmic Thinking Skills into Preschool Education

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    ALGOLITTLE is an EU funded Erasmus+ KA203 project seeking the ways of integrating algorithmic thinking skills into preschool education to cultivate future’s code literates starting from the earliest years. When we consider the COVID-19 outbreak process, while a transformation has been being experienced in every field, education has also been digitalized in a tremendous way. These developments promise the systems digitalized in a more global scale. Therefore, it becomes important to raise individuals with the skills allowing them to keep up with the expectations of the 21st century business world. ALGOLITTLE project consortium consists of 6 partners: İzmir Democracy University (Turkey), Scuola di Robotica (Italy), University of Maribor (Slovenia), University of Rijeka (Croatia), Instituto Politecnico de Viseu (Portugal) and Educloud Ed-Tech (Turkey). The consortium has been developing a curriculum and teaching materials to equip early childhood education undergraduates with the new skills which modern world demands and support them to become competent to meet the requirements of their future professions. Algorithmic thinking skills are defined as thinking about the steps to achieve a determined objective in a clear and detailed way (Brown, 2015). This term was suggested for the first time by Wing (2006) and is based on the studies of Seymour Papert (Papert, 1980, 1991). Wing (2006) claims that algorithmic thinking requires “solving problems, designing systems and understanding human behaviour by benefiting from the basic concepts of computer science”. And this becomes an opportunity in teacher education to ensure undergraduate students gain contemporary and innovative skills.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio