58 research outputs found

    Validade do teste do lactato mínimo para a determinação do limiar anaeróbio em ratos durante exercício de natação

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    The break point of the curve blood lactate vs exercise load has been called Anaerobic Threshold (AT) and is considered a good indicator of exercise capacity in human subjects. There are few studies of AT determination in rats. The present study aimed the determination of the AT in adult rats by the lactate minimum test (LMT) and to verify: a) the effects of muscle glycogen stores on AT determined by LMT; b) the sensibility of the LMT to the alterations of the aerobic conditioning imposed by physical training; c) the applicability of the LMT to rats with altered metabolic condition and d) the effects of the swimming exercise performed at intensities below, equivalent and above AT, on the protein metabolism of rats. The LMT is based on the premise that during an incremental exercise test performed after a bout of maximal exercise, blood lactate decreases to a minimum value and then increases again. Thus, the minimum value indicates the intensity of the AT. The initial state of lactic acidosis was obtained by making the animals jump into the water while carrying a load equivalent of 50% of body weight (bw) for 6 min (30-s exercise interrupted by a 30-s rest). After a 9-min rest, blood was collected and the incremental test was started. The incremental test consisted of swimming while supporting increasing (0,5% of bw) loads from 4,0% of bw until exhaustion. Each exercise load lasted 5 min and was followed by a short time rest, during which blood samples were collected. LMT was applied to rats 113 in different conditions: sedentarism, exercise-training, muscle glycogen depletion (12 or 48h fast) and metabolic disturbance (monosodium glutamate induced obesity). The effects of swimming exercise performed at intensities below, equivalent and above to AT on protein metabolism was also evaluated. According to the results: a) physical training increased the work load corresponding to the AT and decrease the blood lactate concentration in which appeared, indicating the sensibility of the test to the alterations of the aerobic conditioning caused by training; b) the depletion of the muscle glycogen stores imposed by fasting did not modify the work load at AT, but reduced the blood lactate concentration; c) the reduced body density associated to obesity did not change the workload equivalent to AT but reduced the blood lactate concentration at this load, showing the viability of LMT to animals submitted to metabolic disturbance; d) the LMT seems to be sensitive to metabolic alterations (protein metabolism) imposed by exercise and e ) taken together these findings indicate the feasibility of the LMT test application in studies with rats.Limiar anaeróbio (Lan) pode ser definido como a carga de trabalho na qual o lactato sanguíneo começa a se acumular durante exercícios progressivos e, supostamente, indica a carga de trabalho correspondente à máxima fase estável de lactato (MFEL). O Lan é considerado um bom indicador do condicionamento aeróbio em seres humanos mas pouco se sabe sobre esse índice em ratos. O presente estudo teve por objetivo determinar o Lan pelo teste do lactato mínimo (TLM) em ratos adultos durante exercício de natação. Além disso, visou verificar se o Lan assim determinado: a) sofre influência dos estoques musculares de glicogênio; b) é sensível às alterações do condicionamento aeróbio decorrentes do treinamento físico c) é aplicável a animais portadores de transtorno metabólico e d) é sensível às alterações do metabolismo protéico muscular durante exercício de natação em intensidades inferior, equivalente e superior ao Lan. O TLM baseia-se no fato de que durante exercício progressivo iniciado após sessão de exercício intenso, o lactato sanguíneo decresce a um valor mínimo para depois elevar-se. Tal valor mínimo indica a carga de trabalho equivalente ao Lan. O teste teve início com a colocação dos animais em tanque cheio d’água suportando sobrecarga de 50% do peso corporal (pc) para exercitarem-se (saltos) por 6 minutos (30s de atividade interrompidos por 30s de repouso), visando elevação do lactato sanguíneo. Após 9 min de repouso, os animais iniciaram exercício de natação com cargas progressivas. A carga inicial foi de 4,0% do pc e foi acrescida de 0,5% a cada 5 min, até a exaustão. A cada troca de carga, foram coletadas amostras de sangue para dosagem de lactato. Em outra série de testes, os animais foram submetidos a 20 ou 30 minutos de natação suportando carga constante e equivalente ao Lan, para checar a ocorrência de estabilidade da concentração de lactato sanguíneo. A cada 5 min de exercício, foram coletadas amostras de sangue para dosagem de lactato. O TLM foi aplicado em ratos sob diferentes condições: sedentarismo, treinamento físico, depleção de glicogênio muscular (Jejum de 12 ou 48 horas), distúrbio metabólico (obesidade induzida por glutamato monossódico). Foi também avaliado quanto aos efeitos do exercício de natação realizado em intensidades inferior, equivalente e superior ao Lan. De acordo com os resultados obtidos: a) o treinamento físico aumentou a carga de trabalho correspondente ao Lan e reduziu a concentração sanguínea de lactato nessa carga, indicando que o TLM foi sensível às alterações do condicionamento aeróbio impostas pelo treinamento; b) a depleção dos estoques de glicogênio muscular pelo jejum não alterou a carga de trabalho equivalente ao Lan mas reduziu a concentração sanguínea na qual o mesmo apareceu; c) a redução da densidade corporal causada pela obesidade não mudou a carga de trabalho na qual o Lan é observado, mas diminuiu a concentração de lactato sanguíneo nessa carga, mostrando a viabilidade do TLM em animais com distúrbio metabólico; d) o TLM mostrou-se sensível às alterações do metabolismo protéico impostas pelo exercício; e) em todos os casos, houve estabilização do lactato sanguíneo durante exercício realizado na intensidade equivalente ao Lan determinado pelo TLM e f) tomados em conjunto, os resultados do presente estudo indicam a reprodutibilidade e fidedignidade do teste e sugerem a viabilidade do TLM na determinação do Lan em ratos

    Desnutrição: metabolismo protéico muscular e recuperação nutricional associada ao exercício

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    Today, malnutrition still remains the single most important factor impairing health and productivity of large human populations, mainly in the developing countries. For this reason, the exploration of alternative treatments, in addition to nutritional recovery, became a matter of generalized interest, and this includes the employment of physical exercise. The present study aimed to review: a) the main topics related to malnutrition effects on organism as well as nutritional recovery through dietary procedures associated to physical exercise and b) Muscle protein metabolism of rats recovering from protein malnutrition. To reach the objective of the present study, a bibliographic review process was applied and scientific papers published by our work group and by other groups in this area, were used.A desnutrição é, ainda hoje, grave problema médico-social nos países em desenvolvimento. Assim, é de grande interesse o desenvolvimento de procedimentos mais efetivos no seu tratamento. Isso inclui o emprego do exercício físico. O presente estudo teve como objetivo revisar: a) os principais tópicos referentes aos efeitos da desnutrição sobre o organismo, bem como à sua recuperação através da alimentação associada ao exercício físico e b) o metabolismo protéico muscular de ratos em recuperação da desnutrição protéica. Para atingir tal fim, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica minuciosa dos principais trabalhos científicos publicados pelo nosso grupo de trabalho, e por outros pesquisadores na área, nos últimos anos

    Glicogênio muscular e limiar anaeróbio determinado em ratos durante a natação

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    Anaerobic threshold (AT) can be defined as the workload in which blood lactate starts to accumulate exponentially during exercise. In humans, the AT determined by a lactate minimum test (LMT) is influenced by reductions of muscle glycogen stores, which is caused by low blood lactate concentrations. On the other hand, workload is not affected. The literature lacks information about this phenomenon in laboratory animals. The present study attempted to verify the effects of the reduction of the muscle glycogen stores on the AT determined by LMT in rats exposed to a 48-hour fasting. The animals’ responses were similar to those described in the literature for human beings. That is, the depletion of the muscle glycogen stores is unaffected by workload equivalent to the AT, but it shows reduced blood lactate concentration.Limiar Anaeróbio (Lan) pode ser definido como a carga de trabalho na qual o lactato sanguíneo começa a se acumular exponencialmente durante exercícios progressivos. Em humanos, o Lan, determinado pelo teste do lactato mínimo (TLM), sofre influência da redução dos estoques de glicogênio muscular, pois ocorre em concentrações mais baixas de lactato sanguíneo, embora a carga de trabalho não se altere. Faltam informações quanto a esse aspecto em animais de laboratório. O presente estudo visou verificar os efeitos da redução do teor de glicogênio muscular, induzido pelo jejum de 48 horas, sobre o Lan estimado pelo TLM em ratos. A resposta dos animais foi semelhante àquela descrita na literatura para seres humanos, ou seja, a depleção dos estoques de glicogênio muscular não alterou a carga de trabalho equivalente ao Lan, mas reduziu a concentração sanguínea na qual o mesmo ocorreu

    Apoptose e sarcopenia do músculo esquelético no envelhecimento

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    Although the exact mechanisms underlying sarcopenia are far to be unveiled, accumulating preclinical evidence suggests that an age-related acceleration of myocites loss via apoptosis might represent a key mechanism driving the onset and progression of muscle loss. Furthermore, increased levels of apoptosis have also been reported in old rats undergoing acute muscle atrophy subsequent to muscle unloading. Several signaling pathways of skeletal muscle apoptosis are currently under intensive investigation, with a particular focus on the role played by mitochondria. Here, we will review the most recent evidence regarding various pathways of muscle apoptosis and their modulation by several interventions.Embora os mecanimos exatos que envolvem a sarcopenia estejam longe de serem desvendados, o acúmulo de evidências pré-clínicas sugerem que a perda de miócitos via apoptose, relacionada à idade, pode representar um mecanismo chave que conduz ao início e progressão da perda muscular. Além disso, a apoptose tem sido observada em ratos idosos acometidos pela atrofia muscular induzida pela retirada da carga. A apoptose do músculo esquelético está atualmente sob intensa investigação, com um foco particular sobre o papel desempenhado pela mitocôndria. Aqui, nós iremos revisar as mais recentes evidências da apoptose muscular e suas modulações através de diferentes intervenções

    Quality of High-protein Diet Bar Plus Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) Grain Evaluated Sensorially by Untrained Tasters

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    The objective of this study was to develop, analyze composition and evaluate the microbiological and sensory characteristics of high-protein diet bars (PB) with the addition of chia grain (Salvia hispanica L.), partially replacing isolated soy protein and concentrated whey protein, in proportions of 0, 10, 15 and 20%. The proximate composition was analyzed of PB, for microbiological quality of Bacillus cereus, Filamentous fungi and yeast count, total fecal coliforms, and Salmonella ssp. search. Sensory analysis was performed utilizing acceptance testing of characteristics on a nine-point hedonic scale for various attributes, including purchasing intention of the tested PB. Bars showed 20% moisture, 2.3% ash, 20-23% protein and 19% lipids. The effect of increasing of chia was to increase crude fiber content and decrease total carbohydrate and total energy value. All samples were within the microbiological food standards established by current legislation. All PB formulations obtained a good overall impression index and all characteristics were above mean grades, with the exception of taste (63%) in the PB containing 0% chia. Chia grain has a positive influence on sensory aspects and appears to be an alternative way to increase the nutritional quality of high-protein diet bars

    The effects of a high-protein diet and resistance training on organ mass and metabolic profile in rats: Os efeitos de uma dieta rica em proteínas e treinamento de resistência sobre a massa dos órgãos e o perfil metabólico em ratos

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    A high-protein diet associated or not with strength exercise impacts satiety, fat accumulation, mass gain, changes biochemical and morphological. The study evaluated the association between adipose tissue mass and organs, in addition to the blood biochemical profile of rats fed a high-protein diet (HD) submitted to strength training (RT). Adult male Wistar rats were divided into groups (n=7/each): sedentary-normoprotein (SN-14%), sedentary-hyperprotein (SH-35%), trained-normoprotein (TN-14%), and trained-hyperprotein (TH-35%). RT consisted of 4 sets of 10 water jumps/8 weeks. HD and RT reduced the adiposity index (p<0.001). Regardless of HD, RT increased the mass of the gastrocnemius (p<0.001) and soleus (p=0.01). Heart mass was inversely correlated (p<0.01) with retroperitoneal fat. There was an inverse dependence between the mass of the gastrocnemius and retroperitoneal (p<0.01), omental (p<0.05), subcutaneous inguinal (p<0.01), and visceral adiposity (p<0.05). There was a positive dependence between kidney mass and serum creatinine levels (p<0.001). Liver mass showed a positive dependence (p<0.01) on total cholesterol, HDL-c (p<0.01), and triglycerides (p<0.05). The results showed that isolated HD and associated with RT reduced the visceral adiposity, but did not increase the gastrocnemius and soleus mass. The participation of DH and TR stands out as measures of behavior tendency among the studied variables

    Roux-en-y gastric bypass improves in short term the clinical-anthropometric parameters and reduces risk for obesity-related cardiometabolic diseases / Bypass gástrico roux-en-y melhora a curto prazo os parâmetros clínico-antropométricos e reduz o risco de doenças cardiometabólicas relacionadas à obesidade

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    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB) is the most applied technique in the treatment of severe obesity worldwide. However, its impact on anthropometric parameters and the risk for cardiometabolic diseases in obese patients is uncertain. To evaluate anthropometric clinical parameters and the evolution of risk factors for obesity-related diseases in individuals of both sexes undergoing RYGB. Sixty-nine adults subjects from both sexes submitted to RYGB surgery treatment were divided into 3 groups: G1(<13 months, n=24); G2 (>13 and <25 months, n=21), and G3 (>25 and <37 months, n=24). Sociodemographic and anthropometric information before and after surgery were collected. The abdominal perimeter was used in the classification of cardiometabolic risk and the BMI was used for the risk of obesity-related diseases. Hypotheses were tested by Student's t-test and ANOVA, and the significance level adopted was 5%. The average age was 36.0±10.0 years, with 69.6% being male and 30.4% female. Anthropometric parameters (weight, BMI, and abdominal circumference) were higher among women, except for weight loss and percentage of weight loss. There was a difference in weight loss between the sexes in the moments before and after RYGB. There was a decrease in the risk of disease due to obesity and cardiovascular diseases after RYGB. Weight loss and %WL were greater years by year in the short term of 3 years after surgery. RYGB proved to be an effective strategy for both sexes in combating obesity, providing in the short term a significant improvement in clinical-anthropometric parameters and reduction of risk factors for obesity-related cardiometabolic diseases


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    The present study verified the effects of 16 weeks of Combined Physical Training (CPT) on the body composition of elderly women. Eleven elders participated in the study, who were evaluated for Body mass (BM), height, and body composition. Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (p <0.05) and refer to the pre- and post-TFC moments, respectively: BM (kg) = 67.5±10.3; 66.8±10.2 (p=0.029); BMI (kg/m2) = 30.1±3.3; 29.7±3.4 (p=0.024); %Fa = 44.4±3.7; 43.3±3.6 (<0.001); Fat weight (kg) = 30.3±7.2; 29.2±7.0 (p=0.001); % Lean mass; 55.6±3.7; 56.7±3.6 (<0.001); Lean mass weight (kg); 37.2±3.7; 37.6±3.7 (p=0.048); Body water (L); 40.7±2.7; 41.5±2.8 (p=<0.001); % H2O; 27.2±2.7; 27.5±2.7 (p=0.064); Basal metabolic rate (Kcal); 1092.2±55.9; 1096.9±55.9 (p=0.044). The 16-week CPT increased fat-free mass as well as decreased the fat mass in elderly women.El presente estudio verificó los efectos de 16 semanas de Entrenamiento Físico Combinado (EFC) sobre la composición corporal de ancianas. En el estudio participaron 11 ancianas, las cuales fueron evaluadas en cuanto a la masa corporal (MC), a la estatura ya la composición corporal. Los datos se expresan como media ± desviación estándar (p <0,05) y se refieren a los momentos pre y post-TFC, respectivamente: MC (kg) = 67,5±10,3; 66,8±10,2 (p=0,029); IMC (kg / m2) = 30,1±3,3; 29,7±3,4 (p=0,024); % Grasa = 44,4±3,7; 43,3±3,6 (p=<0,001); Peso de grasa (kg) = 30,3±7,2; 29.2±7,0 (p=0,001); % Masa Magra; 55,6±3,7; 56,7±3,6 (p=<0,001); Peso de masa magra (kg); 37,2±3,7; 37,6±3,7 (p=0,048); Líquido corporal (L); 40,7±2,7; 41,5±2,8 (p=<0,001); % H2O; 27,2±2,7; 27,5±2,7 (p=0,064); Tasa Metabólica Basal (kcal); 1092,2±55,9, 1096,9±55,9 (p=0,044). El EFC de 16 semanas aumentó la masa libre de grasa, así como disminuyó la masa gorda de ancianas.O presente estudo verificou os efeitos de 16 semanas de Treinamento Físico Combinado (TFC) sobre a composição corporal de idosas. Participaram do estudo 11 idosas, as quais foram avaliadas quanto à massa corporal (MC), à estatura e à composição corporal. Os dados estão expressos como média±desvio padrão (p < 0,05) e referem-se aos momentos pré e pós-TFC, respectivamente: MC (kg)= 67,5±10,3; 66,8±10,2 (p=0,029); IMC (kg/m2)= 30,1±3,3; 29,7±3,4 (p=0,024); %Gordura= 44,4±3,7; 43,3±3,6  (p=<0,001); Peso de gordura (kg)= 30,3±7,2; 29.2±7,0 (p=0,001); % Massa Magra; 55,6±3,7; 56,7±3,6  (p=<0,001); Peso de massa magra (kg); 37,2±3,7; 37,6±3,7 (p=0,048); Líquido corporal (L); 40,7±2,7; 41,5±2,8 (<0,001); % H2O; 27,2±2,7; 27,5±2,7  (p= 0,064); Taxa Metabólica Basal (kcal); 1092,2±55,9;1096,9±55,9 (p=0,044). O TFC de 16 semanas aumentou a massa livre de gordura bem como diminuiu a massa gorda em idosas