270 research outputs found

    Functional stability of a ferromagnetic polycrystalline Ni2MnGa high temperature shape memory alloy

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    Electrocaloric Ni 2 MnGa is of interest for solid state refrigeration applications, as well as a high temperature thermal shape memory alloy. Here, polycrystalline Ni 54 Mn 25 Ga 21 is examined using in situ synchrotron X-ray di raction. The initial martensite ( M f ) and austenite ( A f ) finish temperatures were found to be 232 C and 298 C respectively. M f was observed to decline by 8 C / cycle and A f increased by 1 C / cycle. Both below and surprisingly, above the Curie temperature, the application of an e.m.f. was found to a ect the lattice parameters measured. A change in the thermal expansion of the two phases was found around the Curie temperature

    Process evaluation of integrated early child development care at private clinics in poor urban Pakistan: a mixed methods study

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    Background: In poor urban Pakistan, private GP clinics lack adequate services to promote early child development (ECD) care. A clinic-based contextualised ECD intervention was developed for quarterly tool-assisted counselling of mothers. Aim: To explore the experience and implementation of ECD intervention by the private care providers and clients, for further adaptation for scaling of quality ECD care, at primary level private healthcare facilities in Pakistan. Design & setting: A mixed methods approach using quantitative records review and qualitative interviews at poor urban clinics in Rawalpindi and Lahore, Pakistan. Method: Quantitative data from study-specific records were reviewed for 1242 mother–child pairs registered in the intervention. A total of 18 semi-structured interviews with clinic staff, mothers, and research staff were conducted at four clinics. The interviews were audiorecorded and transcribed verbatim. Results: District Health Office (DHO) support allowed transparent and effective selection and training of clinic providers. Public endorsement of ECD care at private clinics and the addition of community advocates promoted ECD care uptake. Clinic settings were found feasible for clinic assistants, and acceptable to mothers, for counselling sessions. Mothers found ECD counselling methods more engaging compared to the usual care provided. Conclusion: In poor urban settings where public health care is scarce, minimal programme investment on staff training and provision of minor equipment can engage private clinics effectively in delivering ECD care

    Revealing dendritic pattern formation in Ni, Fe and Co alloys using synchrotron tomography

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    The microstructural patterns formed during liquid to solid phase transformations control the properties of a wide range of materials. We developed a novel methodology that allows in situ quantification of the microstructures formed during solidification of high temperature advanced alloys. The patterns formed are captured in 4D (3D plus time) using a methodology which exploits three separate advances: a bespoke high temperature environment cell; the development of high X-ray contrast alloys; and a novel environmental encapsulation system. This methodology is demonstrated on Ni, Fe, and Co advanced alloy systems, revealing dendritic pattern formation. We present detailed quantification of microstructural pattern evolution in a novel high attenuation contrast Co-Hf alloy, including microstructural patterning and dendrite tip velocity. The images are quantified to provide 4D experimental data of growth and coarsening mechanisms in Co alloys, which are used for a range of applications from energy to aerospace

    Metastable austenite driven work-hardening behaviour in a TRIP-assisted dual phase steel

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    The mechanically-induced transformation behaviour of the metastable austenite phase in a high-strength industrial TRIP-assisted Dual Phase steel was monitored in situ using high-energy synchrotron diffraction under uniaxial loading. This allowed direct quantification of the impact of the transformation of the metastable austenite phase (16 vol %), embedded in a ferrite-bainite-martensite matrix, on the work hardening behaviour of this steel. Our results show that the mechanically induced transformation of austenite does not begin until the onset of matrix yielding. We provide experimental evidence which demonstrates for the first time that the austenite transformation increases the work-hardening contribution, σw thereby supporting a driving force approach to transformation induced plasticity. The transformation work required leads to an increase in the macroscopic work-hardening rate after matrix yielding and continues to offset the decrease in the work-hardening rate in the ferrite and martensite phases up to the UTS. Further we show conclusively that martensite yielding does not occur until the completion of the mechanically induced transformation of austenite. Plastic deformation of martensite is immediately followed by local plastic instability leading to necking and ultimate failure of this material

    Analysis of local conditions on graphite growth and shape during solidification of ductile cast iron

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    3D X-ray tomography recordings have been used to study graphite growth during solidification of ductile cast iron. Using data from such recordings, it is shown how local growth conditions influence growth rate and morphology of nodules during solidification. Experiments show that it is common for nodules to gradually change shape during solidification so that sphericity decreases. It is also found that different shaped nodules can evolve in direct contact with liquid iron and also after they are encapsulated in austenite. It is observed that a significant proportion of originally complete spherical nodules become less spherical via formation of protrusions on the surface; these new surfaces are observed to grow relatively faster. It is shown that encapsulation of the graphite nodule by austenite may be incomplete and that at the end of solidification, partial encapsulation and the effect of the number of nearest graphite nodules play a crucial role in determining the final graphite morphology

    In situ synchrotron investigation of degenerate graphite nodule evolution in ductile cast iron

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    Ductile cast irons (DCIs) are of increasing importance in the renewable energy and transportation sectors. The distribution and morphology of the graphite nodules, in particular the formation of degenerate features during solidification, dictate the mechanical performance of DCIs. In situ high-speed synchrotron X-ray tomography was used to capture the evolution of graphite nodules during solidification of DCI, including degenerate features and the effect of the carbon concentration field. The degeneration of nodules is observed to increase with re-melting cycles, which is attributed to Mg-loss. The dendritic primary austenite and carbon concentration gradients in the surrounding liquid phase were found to control nodule morphology by locally restricting and promoting growth. A coupled diffusion-mechanical model was developed, confirming the experimentally informed hypothesis that protrusions form through liquation cracking of the austenite shell and subsequent localised growth. These results provide valuable insights into the solidification kinetics of cast irons, supporting the design of advanced alloys

    Unraveling compacted graphite evolution during solidification of cast iron using in-situ synchrotron X-ray tomography

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    In spite of many years of research, the physical phenomena leading to the evolution of compacted graphite (CG) during solidification is still not fully understood. In particular, it is unknown how highly branched CG aggregates form and evolve in the semi-solid, and how local microstructural variations at micrometer length scale affect this growth process. We present here the first time-resolved synchrotron tomography combined with a bespoke high-temperature environmental cell that allows direct observation of the evolution of CG and relates this dynamic process to the local surrounding microstructures in a cast iron sample during repeated melting and solidification. Distinct processes are identified for the formation of CG involving the nucleation, growth, development of branches and interconnection of graphite particles, ultimately evolving into highly branched graphite aggregates with large sizes and low sphericities. CG is found to nucleate with a spheroidal or a plate-like shape, developing branches induced by high carbon concentration, e.g. thin melt channels. Additionally, CG grows much faster than spheroidal graphite during subsequent cooling in solid state. The direct visualization of the dynamic solidification process provides unprecedented new insights into formation mechanisms of CG and correlating factors such as local microstructural variations, and guides the development of CG iron solidification models

    Axial and radial crushing behaviour of thin-walled carbon fiber-reinforced polymer tubes fabricated by the real-time winding angle measurement system

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    This paper proposed a real-time winding angle measurement device embedded in the portable 3-axis winding machine, which was used to detect and measure the winding angle during the winding process. The device was completely designed, fabricated, tested, and divided into hardware and software sections. The hardware section was adopted Raspberry Pi 3B+ and Arducam 5MP OV5647 camera modules, and the software section was used the OpenCV software. The experimental test was carried out to validate the measurement data on ±45°, ±60°, and ±75° winding angles, and filament-wound carbon fiber-reinforced polymer tubes were performed the quasi-static radial and axial compression tests. It was found that the real-time measurement data from the system had approximately 0.45±0.02 comparative error value than the targeted winding angle, which was more accurate than traditional measurement data. Moreover, it was shown that peak crushing loading significantly increased with increasing winding angle under radial compression, which had the inverse decreasing trend under axial loading. In addition, the crushing behaviour of thin-walled CFRP tubes was studied