137 research outputs found
Les dimensions culturelles de l'enseignement de langues : des mots aux discours : notes de lecture
Fil: Azcona de Sánchez, Cristina.
Universidad Nacional de Cuy
Estudio de la densidad mineral ósea mediante osteosonografía en niños y adolescentes sanos: valores de normalidad
Osteoporosis is a frequent health problem in adults. Optimization of
bone mass acquisition during childhood and adolescence may play a major role in
the prevention of this disease. Osteosonography is a recent technique for
measuring bone mineralization without exposing the patient to radiation.
OBJECTIVES: To measure bone mineral density using osteosonography in healthy
Spanish Caucasian children and adolescents in order to determine normal values.
METHODS: We performed a cross sectional study of 829 healthy child and adolescent
volunteers (360 girls and 469 boys) randomly selected from the urban area of
Pamplona in Navarre (Spain). Ages ranged from 6 to 18 years. ADBM Sonic 1200
ultrasound densitometer from IGEA was used. Daily calcium dietary intake and
amount of physical activity were recorded. RESULTS: Cross sectional standards for
Ad-SOS are presented. Ad-SOS did not significantly change between the ages of 6
and 9 years in girls or until the age of 10 years in boys. From the ages of 10 to
14 years, Ad-SOS values were higher in girls than in boys. After the age of 14
years, no significant differences were found. No correlation was found between
calcium dietary intake, amount of physical exercise or bone mineralization
values. CONCLUSIONS: Measurement of Ad-SOS by osteosonography is an easy, fast
and inexpensive method for measuring bone mineral density in children and
adolescents without exposing them to radiation. It can be used in the pediatric
population to detect early alterations in bone mineralization
SHARENTING: A propósito de la discrepancia entre progenitores por la publicación de imágenes e información en redes sociales. Consentimientos necesarios y posible vulneración de los derechos de la personalidad del menor
El presente dictamen tiene por objeto abordar uno de los problemas que ha surgido en los últimos años a raíz del crecimiento del uso de Internet y las redes sociales. Se trata de las controversias que se derivan de la publicación de imágenes e información de menores en estos espacios por parte de sus progenitores (el denominado sharenting) y, en concreto, por uno de ellos sin el consentimiento del otro. En particular, en el presente dictamen se analizará la discrepancia entre dos progenitores sobre el empleo de tal práctica respecto de los hijos comunes, pretendiendo uno de ellos en el proceso de divorcio que cese la misma por el otro.Veremos así cómo estas prácticas pueden suponer una intromisión ilegítima en ciertos derechos de la personalidad de los menores, como son el derecho al honor, intimidad y propia imagen. Y, por supuesto, nos centraremos en el estudio del consentimiento como elemento clave en esta cuestión.<br /
Institutional Crisis in Post-Conflict Peru: 1992-2018
El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre la violencia
política en Perú y su actual incidencia en la crisis de legitimidad de las instituciones
políticas democráticas. La metodología empleada supone la revisión documental
y el tratamiento de otras fuentes sobre las múltiples maneras como el conflicto
armado debilitó la credibilidad en los mecanismos y estamentos democráticos.
Se presentan elementos concluyentes sobre la continuidad, durante y después
del conflicto, de la desigualdad, la frustración en la búsqueda de la verdad y
justicia ante la violación de los derechos humanos como causas de la crisis e
inestabilidad política en Perú. El artículo permitirá concluir con la grave crisis
de gobernabilidad que atraviesa el país, que se traduce en prácticas corruptas que paralizan su desarrollo económico, marcando el paso de una crisis económica a
una crisis política: un puente que une los años 1992 a 2018 y que deja como saldo
una pérdida generalizada de confianza en la clase política y en las instituciones
del poder público en Perú.The article presents the results of an investigation on political violence in
Peru and its real incidence in the crisis of legitimacy of democratic political
institutions. The used methodology supposes the documentary review and the
treatment of other sources on the multiple ways in which the armed conflict
weakens the credibility in the democratic mechanisms. Conclusive elements are
presented on the continuity, during and after the conflict, of inequality, frustration
in the search for truth and justice in the face of the violation of human rights as
causes of the crisis and political instability in Peru. The article concludes with the
crisis of governance that the State is going through, which translates into corrupt
practices that paralyze its economic development, marking the passage from an
economic crisis to a political crisis. A bridge that connects the years 1992 to 2018
and that leaves as a balance a generalized loss of confidence in the political class
and in the institutions of public power. in conflict, Peru
Influencia de la hipotiroxinemia materna durante la gestación sobre el desarrollo psicomotor
The maternal thyroid function during early pregnancy
plays a fundamental role in foetal brain development as
synthesis of thyroid hormone does not begin until the 20th
week of gestation.
Material and methods
Throughout the year 2002, 147 women in their 37th week
of pregnancy were enrolled for the study. To evaluate their
thyroid function, the serum concentrations of free T4 and
of TSH were determined. After birth, the psychomotor development
of their children was evaluated with the Mc-
Carthy scales.
The median value of free T4 was 9.37 pmol/l, being the
data obtained from more than half of the sampled women
below the hypothyroxinaemia threshold. Children born
from mothers with T4 levels below percentile 10 showed a
significantly lower score on the general cognitive index
than those whose mothers had normal free T4 serum concentrations.
A positive correlation was found between the
values of maternal free T4 and the general cognitive index
(r 0.43; p < 0.01).
The concentrations of maternal free T4 are important, not
only during the first months of pregnancy, but all along the
process to ensure adequate development of the foetal brain
Insights on the water effect on deep eutectic solvents properties and structuring: The archetypical case of choline chloride + ethylene glycol
The effect of water on the properties and nanostructuring of the prototypical choline chloride: ethylene glycol deep eutectic solvent is studied using a combined experimental and theoretical approach. The reported results showed large hydrophilic character of the solvent, which is based on the ability of water molecules to be hydrogen bonded to the different components of the eutectic in a efficient way. The effect of water on the studied fluid is largely dependent on the concentration range but the properties of the eutectic solvent can be maintained up to reasonably large water content. Therefore, the water content in these solvents may be used for tuning and controlling their properties but maintaining properties and features.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain, project RTI2018-101987-B-I00). We also acknowledge SCAYLE (Supercomputación Castilla y León, Spain) for providing supercomputing facilities
The creation of exams by students: an experience of self-regulated and collaborative learning
Los planes de los grados universitarios a menudo comprenden asignaturas que, debido a su gran carga teórica, requieren de una buena planificación de su estudio por parte de los alumnos. Sin embargo, en muchos casos, la falta de oportunidades para autoobservar el propio aprendizaje con anterioridad al examen final, unida a la escasez de destrezas de autorregulación, de las que carecen muchos de nuestros estudiantes, impiden que esto sea posible. El presente artículo recoge los resultados de una experiencia llevada a cabo en el curso 2019/2020 con una muestra de 31 estudiantes de tercer curso de la asignatura de «Historia y análisis de la música del Clasicismo» del Grado en Historia y Ciencias de la Música y Tecnología Musical de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. La experiencia está encaminada a desarrollar, mediante el trabajo en grupo, habilidades de auto- y co-rregulación. Consistió en el diseño, realización y corrección en grupo de un examen de los contenidos impartidos hasta el momento. Para evaluar su efectividad, se recurrió a una metodología cuantitativa (a través de los datos numéricos extraídos de cuestionarios a los alumnos y las calificaciones obtenidas) y una cualitativa (mediante la observación directa del profesorado). Los resultados de los cuestionarios a los alumnos mostraron que la mayoría valoran muy positivamente este tipo de actividades grupales que les ayudan a tomar conciencia de sus conocimientos y a planificar mejor su proceso de aprendizaje.The curriculums of the university degrees often include subjects that, due to their great theoretical load, require good planning of their study by the students. However, in many cases, the lack of opportunities to self-observe learning before the final exam, coupled with the shortage of self-regulation skills, which many of our students lack, prevents this from being possible. This paper collects the results of an experience carried out in the 2019/2020 academic year with a sample of 31 students of the subject of "History and analysis of classical music" of the Degree in Music History and Sciences and Musical Technology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. The experience consisted of the design, execution, and correction in a group of an exam of the contents taught so far. To evaluate its effectiveness, a quantitative methodology was used (through the numerical data extracted from questionnaires to the participating students and the grades obtained) and a qualitative one (through direct observation of the teaching staff). The results of the questionnaires to the students showed that the majority value very positively this type of group activities that help them to become aware of their knowledge and to better plan their learning process
Bone Mineral Density and Bone Metabolism In Children Treated for Bone Sarcomas
In adolescent bone sarcoma patients, bone mass acquisition is potentially compromised at a time in which it should be at a maximum. To evaluate the problem we measured bone mineral density (BMD) and serum markers of bone formation and resorption in a series of pediatric patients with bone tumors. BMD was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, at clinical remission, for lumbar spine and the neck of the femur in 38 osteosarcoma and 25 Ewing's sarcoma patients. Mean age was 20.65 and 19.13 y respectively. Serum markers of bone metabolism were: OC, PICP, ICTP, 25-OH vit D and 1,25-(OH)(2) vit D, IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and intact PTH. Serum was sampled throughout anti-tumoral treatments and follow-up. We analyzed 85 samples from 59 osteosarcoma patients and 54 samples from 36 Ewing's sarcoma patients. Patients had decreased lumbar and femoral BMD. The decrease was more pronounced in pubertal patients compared with those who had completed pubertal development at the time of disease diagnosis. Multivariate analysis indicated that sex, age, weight and BMI were significant in lumbar BMD depletion. Weight and BMI were significant in femoral BMD depletion. Serum markers of bone formation (PICP and OC) and resorption (ICTP) were, throughout, lower than reference values. Significant alterations in other markers were also observed. Up to a third of osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma patients in clinical remission had some degree of BMD deficit. The corresponding increased risk of pathologic bone fractures constitutes a reduction in future quality o
Changes in objectively measured sleep after a multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention in children with abdominal obesity: A randomized trial
Background/objective: childhood obesity and sleep disorders have a well-established cross-sectional association,
but lifestyle interventions’ effects on sleep quality remain under-researched. This study aimed to evaluate the
sleep quality of 122 participants (7–16 years) with abdominal obesity after a 2-year necessary lifestyle
Patients/methods: participants were assigned to either the intervention group (moderate hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet) or the usual care group (standard recommendations on a healthy diet). Sleep was objectively
assessed using triaxial accelerometry, and sleep parameters analyzed included latency, efficiency, wake after
sleep onset, total time in bed, total sleep time, number of awakenings, and awakening duration.
Results and conclusions: the results showed that the intervention group significantly improved sleep latency at 12
and 24 months and improved sleep efficiency at 2 and 12 months, compared to the usual care group. Wake after
sleep onset and the number of awakenings were significantly reduced at 24 months in the intervention group.
Wake after sleep onset and leptin levels were positively associated in all participants. Total time in bed was
inversely associated with triglycerides and metabolic score, and total sleep time was inversely associated with
leptin, triglycerides, and metabolic score after the 2-month intervention. Triglyceride levels were inversely
associated with total time in bed and total sleep time at one year, while the metabolic score was directly
associated with wake after sleep onset and the number of awakenings and inversely associated with efficiency. In
conclusion, the multidisciplinary intervention in children and adolescents with abdominal obesity reduced
anthropometric parameters and improved sleep habits
Las explicaciones psicoanalíticas en los estudios de caso: aspectos epistemológicos y metodológicos
Esta investigación constituye una línea de indagación específica que se desprende de mi tesis de doctorado y versa sobre las controversias epistemológicas sobre el estatuto de las explicaciones psicoanalíticas basadas en estudios de casos. Considerando que los aspectos problemáticos de las explicaciones psicoanalíticas se hacen visibles desde una perspectiva epistemológica que provea herramientas para la caracterización y diferenciación de los diversos tipos de explicaciones posibles y de sus diferencias en cada dominio cognitivo, esta investigación propone la indagación pormenorizada de los siguientes interrogantes: ¿es viable el modelo de cobertura legal para representar las explicaciones psicoanalíticas con estudios de casos?, ¿es necesario recurrir a modelos comprensivistas, pragmáticos o teleológicofuncionales de explicación?, ¿qué estatuto tienen los enunciados nómicos de las metapsicologías en la elaboración de explicaciones de fenómenos singulares?, ¿puede haber explicaciones genuinamente causales sobre fenómenos clínicos singulares sin apelar a la noción clásica de nomicidad?, ¿cómo se resuelve la controversia que generan las explicaciones rivales sobre los mismos fenómenos clínicos?, ¿cómo resulta representada la dimensión práctica de la clínica en los modelos explicativos? Tales interrogantes no podrían ser abordados desestimando el papel metodológico que desempeñan los estudios de caso en las investigaciones psicoanalíticas, ya sea en el marco de diseños clínicos tradicionales (historiales, viñetas, etc.) o de diseños extraclínicos (experimentales, empírico-sistemáticos, etc.), ni tampoco podrían ser analizados prescindiendo del tipo de procesos inferenciales que se llevan a cabo en los contextos de invención y validación de hipótesis psicoanalíticas.Universidad Nacional de La Plat
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