8 research outputs found

    The Influence of Social Assistance Expenditure, Education, and Unemployment on Poverty in Districts/Municipalities of D.I. Yogyakarta Province 2013-2022

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    This study aims to determine the effect of social assistance spending, education, and unemployment on poverty in 5 regencies/cities of D.I Yogyakarta Province in 2013-2022. The analysis method uses panel data regression. The time series data covers 2013-2022, and the cross-section data involves five districts/cities in D.I Yogyakarta Province. The selected model is the random effect model (REM). The results state that social assistance expenditure, education, and unemployment affect poverty in the districts/cities of D.I Yogyakarta Province 2013-2022

    Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Online Marketplace untuk Perluasan Pelanggan di Desa Sri Kuncoro Bengkulu Tengah

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    Online marketplace provides convenience for business actors to expand their product market more cheaply and effectively. To be able to sell products in the Online marketplace, business actors need to have an account on the marketplace. Desa Sri Kuncoro, which is a developing village, needs to improve itself more quickly to achieve the status of a developed village. One way is to increase product or business sales through an Online marketplace. The purpose of this service activity is to provide a better understanding for the people of Desa Sri Kuncoro regarding the use of online market places to increase their businesses. The results of the activity stated that the Desa Sri Kuncoro Community had understanding, knowledge and skills in using the Online marketplace

    The Influence Of Investment On Economic Growth In Sumbagsel

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    This study aims to find out how SUMBAGSEL investment affects economic growth. Panel data regression using the Eviews-12 program is the tool used in this study. Panel data covering 10 provinces in Sumatra over a period of 11 years with time series from 2012 to 2022 was used to generate the study. Overall, the results of this study indicate that investment affects economic growth positively and significantly, this study seeks to ascertain how SUMBAGSEL investment affects economic growth. Overall, the results show that. The result of F-statistic value of 251.8980 is greater than F table which is 2.578739. This means that investment affects economic growth in SUMBAGSEL

    Hubungan hukum antara pt. Bank tabungan negara (persero) tbk. Kcp sutomo di kota medan dengan pengembang dan nasabah peminjam pada kredit pemilikan rumah inden

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    People’s Housing Credit (KPR) by indent, as the product of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), is buying houses which have not been built by contractors by credit system. The houses will be built when the contract is signed by the prospective buyers who have ordered the houses. The Bank is vulnerable to the risk of developers’ default in building the houses; it is also take the risk of the default the debtors who are not able to pay the installment while the houses are being built. It is necessary to study the legal realationship in giving KPR by indent so the research was done at PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk, KCP Sutomo, Medan. The research used juridical normative method with descriptive analytic approach, supported by primary data. The data were gathered by conducting library research, field study, documentation, and interview and analyzed by using qualitative method. The legal relationship between PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk KCP Sutomo with developers and borrowing customers in providing indent housing loans (KPR) is a form of tripatrit legal relationship, because of the cooperation agreement between Bank BTN and the developer and provision of credit between Bank BTN. and borrowing customers where the three parties each have rights and obligations.  Keywords: people’s housing credit, indent, prudential principle, ban

    Pelatihan Pemasaran Produk Melalui Instagram Di Kelurahan Pasar Bengkulu

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    Internet use in Indonesia is increasing from time to time. The online marketplace provides convenience for businesses to expand their product market more cheaply and effectively. The Pasar Bengkulu Village does not have any shopping complexes or markets with permanent, semi-permanent or non-building buildings. So this is a problem for the residents of the Pasar Bengkulu Village because of market constraints to market their products. To sell their products on the market will require additional costs for transportation thereby reducing potential income. Therefore, this community service activity aims to provide a better understanding for the people of Pasar Bengkulu Village regarding the optimal use of Instagram to increase business income

    Pemanfaatan Marketplace dan Digital Marketing Pada Usaha Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Disabilitas Kota Bengkulu

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    During the pandemic covid-19, there are many people in  Bengkulu who are not working anymore, while the housewives should be able to use their free time more productively, including for Himpunan Wanita Difabel Indonesia (HWDI).  One of the causes is the lack of knowledge and experience of members in the field of marketing using technology, for example by utilizing the marketplace. For this reason, Bengkulu University carries out community service activities (PKM) in the form of counseling about the marketplace as an effort to increase business competitiveness for HWDI products. With this counseling, HWDI members currently have a smooth business selling their products so that their income increases. In addition to creating a marketplace account, HWDI members also create a QRIS account to make the payment system easier. The activity was carried out on June 11, 2022 at the secretariat of HWDI in Padang Harapan, Gading Cempaka Bengkulu City