10 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Hypertension among High School Students in a Middle Anatolian Province of Turkey

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    Hypertension may lead to irreversible damages in vital organs, such as heart, brain, and kidney, and may cause death in children if treatments are not given despite early diagnosis. This cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted during 1 January–31 March 2004 to investigate the prevalence of hypertension among high school students. The study cohort included 1,041 students of six high schools, who were selected from among 14,789 students of 26 high schools in Sivas province of Turkey, using the cluster-sampling method. A questionnaire was used for collecting information from students on age, gender, smoking, and whether they or their families have any diseases. Blood pressure, height, and weight of the participitants were determined by the research group. Students whose repeated systolic or diastolic blood pressures were higher than the 95th percentile were considered to be hypertensive patients. Hypertension was prevalent among 4.4% (n=45) of the students. There was a significant correlation between prevalence of hypertension and body mass index. No significant correlation was found between prevalence of hypertension and other variables, such as smoking, age, gender, and family history of diabetes. The results suggest that hypertension is an important public-health problem among high school students. The results also showed that the body mass index was an important parameter in hypertension in such a study group. Researchers should consider overweight a causative risk factor for development of hypertension in early-onset groups

    Mushroom poisoning in childhood in Sivas, in the Middle Anatolia region, Turkey: common features in 79 patients

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    AMAÇ: Mantar zehirlenmesi çocukluk çağında önlenebilir ve yüksek mortaliteli bir zehirlenme nedenidir. Doğadan toplanan mantarlar yöresel alışkanlıklarla besin maddesi olarak bazen bilinçsizce tüketilmektedir. Görüntü, tat ve kokularıyla zehirli olan ve olmayan mantarların ayrımlarını sağlayacak tipik özellikler yoktur. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEMLER: Bu çalışmada Mayıs 2005 ile Haziran 2008 tarihleri arasında Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi çocuk acil servisine başvuran, mantar zehirlenmesi tanısı alan 79 çocuk hasta retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Mantar zehirlenme olguları cinsiyet, yaş, başvuru zamanı, latent fazın süresi, klinik ve laboratuar bulguları, hastanede kalış süreleri ve prognozları açısından değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Olgularımızın %29,1'i yedi yaş ve altında, 33'ü kız (%41.7), 46'sı erkekti (%58.2) ve %59,4'ü yaz aylarında başvurmuştu. Basvuru anında gastrointestinal belirtiler %70,8'inde, nörolojik bulgular %17,7'sinde, dermatolojik bulgular %11,3'ünde ön plandaydı. Hastaların %86'sında zehirlenme belirtileri ilk bir saat içinde başlamış ancak hiçbirinde karaciğer yetmezliği bulguları görülmemiştir. Tedavide gastrointestinal lavaj, aktif kömür verilmesi, zorlu diürez gibi geleneksel eliminasyon yöntemleri ve IV penisilin G uygulanmıştır. Olguların hastanede kalış süreleri ortalama üç gündür. SONUÇ: Hastaların hiç birinde hemoperfuzyon veya plazmafereze gerek olmamıs ve hepsi sekelsiz taburcu edilmistir. Çocukluk çağında mantar zehirlenmeleri fatal seyirli olabileceği için bütün mantar zehirlenmesi olguları karacigğer böbrek yetmezliği ve koagulasyon bozuklukları açısından ciddi ele alınmalı ve bölgesel özellikler göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.OBJECTIVE: Mushroom poisonings are the cause of intoxications with high mortality that can be prevented in childhood. Mushrooms picked as wild may be ignorance consumed sometimes as nourishment because of local habits in our region. There aren't any macroscopic, taste or smell characteristics to distinguish the safe mushrooms from the toxic ones. MATERIALand METHODS: In this study, we retrospectively analyzed 79 child patients who were diagnosed with mushroom poisoning at the pediatric emergency department of Cumhuriyet University Hospital from May 2005 to June 2008. The age, gender, application time, the duration of latent phase, clinical and laboratory findings, staying in hospital and prognosis of mushroom poisoning cases were investigated. RESULTS: 46 of the 79 patients (58.2%) were male and 33 patients (41.7%) were female. 23 patients (29.1%) were 7 years old and under, and 47 cases (59.4%) were hospitalized in summer. The first symptoms in admittance were gastrointestinal (70.8%), neurologic (17.7%) and dermatologic (11.3%), respectively. The duration of latent phase was under 1 hour in 68 patients (86%) and there weren't hepatic failure in any patient. Therapeutic strategy comprised conventional elimination methods such as gastrointestinal lavage, charcoal administration, forced diuresis and IV penicillinGadministration. The hospitalization of patients were mean 3 days. CONCLUSION: Hemoperfusion and plasmapheresis weren't necessary in any patient and they were discharged without any squeal. Since mushroom poisoning may have fatal prognosis in childhood, the patients with mushroom poisoning should be considered seriously for hepatic, renal failure and coagulation disorders and for regional characteristics

    Prevalence of Hypertension among High School Students in a Middle Anatolian Province of Turkey

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    Hypertension may lead to irreversible damages in vital organs, such as heart, brain, and kidney, and may cause death in children if treatments are not given despite early diagnosis. This cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted during 1 January-31 March 2004 to investigate the prevalence of hypertension among high school students. The study cohort included 1,041 students of six high schools, who were selected from among 14,789 students of 26 high schools in Sivas province of Turkey, using the cluster-sampling method. A questionnaire was used for collecting information from students on age, gender, smoking, and whether they or their families have any diseases. Blood pressure, height, and weight of the participitants were determined by the research group. Students whose repeated systolic or diastolic blood pressures were higher than the 95th percentile were considered to be hypertensive patients. Hypertension was prevalent among 4.4% (n=45) of the students. There was a significant correlation between prevalence of hypertension and body mass index. No significant correlation was found between prevalence of hypertension and other variables, such as smoking, age, gender, and family history of diabetes. The results suggest that hypertension is an important public-health problem among high school students. The results also showed that the body mass index was an important parameter in hypertension in such a study group. Researchers should consider overweight a causative risk factor for development of hypertension in early-onset groups

    Gastric Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp Causing Gastric Outlet Obstruction

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    Inflamatuvar fibroid polipler genellikle midede bulunur,ancak gastrointestinal sistemin her yerinde debulunabilir. Onların yaygınlığı çoğunlukla altıncı veyedinci dekaddadır. Bizim olgumuzda olduğu gibi,kadınlardainflamatuvarbildirilmektedir. İnflamatuvar fibroid polipleri nadirenbulunur, histolojik olarak benign karakterdedirler.Kliniğimize gastrointestinal kanama, bulantı ve erkendoyma ile başvuran 71 yaşında bir hasta sunuyoruz.Gastroskopide yaklaşık 3 cm çapında rezeke edilen birpolip saptadıkİnflammatory fibroid polyps are often located in thestomach, but can be found everywhere in thegastrointestinal tract. Their prevalence is mostly in thesixth and seventh decades; unlikely, as in our case,more inflammatory fibroid polyps are reported in children,too (1). İnflammatory fibroid polyps are found rarely,histologically they are of benign character. We presenta 71- year-old patient who presented in ourdepartment with a gastrointestinal bleeding, nauseaand early satiety. İn the gastroscopy we found a polypwith an diameter of about 3 cm, which we resecte

    Acute Liver Failure Due to Hbv Reactivation After Rituxzimab Treatment in a Patient with Hbsag (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen) Negativity and AntiHbs (Hepatitis B Surface Antibody) Positivity

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    İmmünsupresif tedavi sonrası gelişen hepatit Breaktivasyonu, yarattığı olumsuz sonuçlar nedeniyle sonyıllarda güncellik kazanmıştır. Profilaktik tedavinin,yüksek riskli bazı gruplarda hayat kurtarıcı olmasınedeni ile, tedavi öncesi, hastaları titizlikle taramakönem kazanmaktadır. Anti-HBs pozitifliği nedeniyleimmünsupresif tedavi sırasında hepatit B profilaksisiyapılmayan bir hastada gelişen akut karaciğeryetersizliği dolayısıyla konuyu irdelemeyi amaçladıkThe reactivation of hepatitis B virus afterimmunosuppressive treatment causes unfavorableoutcomes. Thus, this important topic has increasinglygained interest over the past few years. It is vital toscreen patients carefully before the prophylactictreatment as this treatment is lifesaving for some highrisk groups. We aimed to discuss a case who wasunder immunosuppressive treatment for anti-HBspositivity. He developed acute liver failure as he didnot receive hepatitis B prophylaxis treatment durringthe immunosuppressive treatmen

    Evaluation of colonoscopy requests in an open-access endoscopy unit

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    Aim: Improper colonoscopy requests from different medical fields, especially like in an open access endoscopy unit, increases workload of the unit and healthcare expenses. For standardize these requests, eligibility criterias emerged. The aim of this study was to evaluate the appropriateness of colonoscopy requests performed in an open-access endoscopy unit of a university hospital and determine possible causes of the improper requests by patient characteristics, colonoscopy indications and results. Material and Methods: Between January 2009 and January 2015, 3259 patients who were referred for colonoscopy in an open-access endoscopy unit of a university hospital were enrolled into study. Post-procedure colonoscopy reports, along with their diagnoses, were recorded. All records were then evaluated retrospectively and the patient’s indications and patients’ results were compared and reasons for improper requests were discussed. Results: The mean age of the patients who underwent colonoscopy was 56.68 year, and 56.2% of the patients were males. When the requests were placed in order of frequency, the first three cases were rectal bleeding, anemia, and abdominal pain. Most of the patients did not have any pathology on colonoscopy (37.8%, n = 1238). The other most common diagnoses were hemorrhoids and colon polyps. Malignancy detection rate by colonoscopy was 5.3%. Associations between requests and results were detailed. Conclusion: Eligibility criterias should be used to minimize inappropriate requests and training should be provided for experts about colonoscopy these criterias, or a gastroenterologist should be consulted before colonoscopy procedure, especially for open-access endoscopy unit

    Predictive Factors for Clinical Severity and Cardiopulmonary Arrest in Pediatric Electrical Injuries in Southeastern Turkey

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    Objective An electrical injury (EI) is an emergency that causes high morbidity and mortality each year. The aim of this study was to define the epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory factors that might predict severe patients and cardiac arrest in pediatric EI cases

    F-18-FDG PET/CT imaging of metastatic testicular choriocarcinoma mimicking gastric cancer which initial symptom is melena

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    Gastric metastasis of choriocarcinoma is rarely reported in the literature. This case report presents the case of multiple metastatic testicular choriocarcinoma mimicking gastric cancer, with melena as the initial symptom. In this case, (18)fluorine-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) showed that the testis was the primary focus. The contribution of PET/CT is significant to primary focus detection in metastatic diseases of unknown primary origin that presented gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition to its use in staging of testicular carcinoma, PET/CT provides significant benefit in evaluating patients with increased levels of tumor markers and in detecting recurrence

    Case Reports Presentations

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