725 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai efektivitas pembelajaran matematika berbasis daring(E-learning) terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Jadi perkembangan pendidikan saat ini dipengaruhi oleh pesatnya kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Salah satu teknologi informasi yang ikut berperan dalam dunia pendidikan adalah pembelajaran daring(E-learning). Pembelajaran daring(E-learning) berfungsi sebagai penghubung antar pendidik dengan siswa dengan menggunakan elektronik dan jaringan internet yang dapat diakses kapan saja dan dimana saja. Media daring yang digunakan adalah bermacam-macam (whatsApp,Google Classroom,Youtube). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektivitas pembelajaran matematika berbasis daring(E-learning). Metode yang dikumpulkan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah memberikan evaluasi kepada narasumber yaitu siswa kelas XI SMA melalui WhatsApp dan Google Classroom

    Ritualization of Online Worship During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in GKMI ARK

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    The COVID-19 outbreak that first happened in the city of Wuhan, China on January 2020 did not take long until it reached other parts of the world and then declared by World Health Organization as a pandemic within two month. In Indonesia, Mr. President Joko Widodo urged every citizen to do academic, economical, and religious activities at home in order to slow the spread of the virus. Christian congregations are among religious groups that had been affected by governmentā€™s measures to reduce the Coronavirus transmission. While online learning and remote working have been known and practiced by some, online worship was imaginable by none. Located within the ā€œred areaā€ where Coronavirus transmission is high, Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia Anugerah Rayon Kembangan (GKMI ARK) was among the first churches in Indonesia to switch from on-site to fully online worship. The pastor and elders gave new set of rituals for online worship, to which the congregation must adapt, regardless of their preparedness. Ritual can be broadly defined as a set of meaningful sequence of actions produced by ritualization. This paper aims to explore the ritualization of online worship of GKMI ARK congregation during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Perbedaan Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani Antara Siswa Yang Aktif Berolahraga Dengan Status Perokok Aktif Dan Bukan Perokok

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    Olahraga pada dasarnya merupakan bagian yang sangat penting untuk mencapai kehidupan yang sehat dan bugar. Di lingkungan sekolah, kebugaran jasmani siswa di terapkan dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga dan Rekreasi (PJOK). Kebugaran jasmani pada siswa sangat berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi/hasil belajar siswa sedangkan aktivitas merokok dapat mempengaruhi kebugaran jasmani siswa maka dari itu peneliti ingin mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kebugaran jasmani antara siswa yang aktif berolahraga dengan status perokok aktif dan bukan perokok.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian non eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitin ini adalah seluruh kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo. Sampel penelitian diambil menggunakan multistage random sampling, setelah itu masuk pada tahap proposive sampling dan quota random sampling yang terpilih menjadi sampel penelitian sebanyak 30 siswa perokok aktif yang aktif berolahraga dan 30 siswa bukan perokok yang aktif berolahraga.Dari hasil analisis data penelitian dengan menggunakan uji t didapatkan nilai P value (0,538) >āˆ (0.05). Maka Ha ditolak dan Ho diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada tingkat kebugaran jasmani antara siswa yang aktif berolahraga dengan status perokok aktif dan bukan perokok pada siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo. Penyebab tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara siswa yang aktif berolahraga dengan status perokok aktif dan bukan perokok adalah latihan fisik yang relatif sama. Kata kunci: Kebugaran jasmani, siswa perokok aktif yang aktif berolahraga, siswa bukan perokok yang aktif berolaharaga. Abstract Exercise is basically a very important part to achieve a healthy and fit life. In the school environment, students' physical fitness are applied in the subjects of Physical Education, Sport and Recreation (PJOK). Physical fitness in students is very influential on the concentration / learning outcomes of students while smoking activity can affect physical fitness of students therefore the researcher wants to know the difference in physical fitness levels between students who actively exercise with the status of active smokers and nonsmokers.The research design used was non experimental research with quantitative approach. The population in this research was all XI classes of SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo. The sample was taken using multistage random sampling, after entering the stage of proposive sampling and quota random sampling, the sample selected in this research were as many as 30 students active smokers who actively exercise and 30 non-smokers who actively exercise as well.From the research data analysis by using t test got value of P value (0,538)> Ī± (0.05). Thus, Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted, so it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in the level of physical fitness between students who actively exercise with the status of active smokers and non-smokers in XI grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo. The cause of no significant difference between students who actively exercise with the status of active smokers and non-smokers is a relatively equal physical exercise. Keywords: physical fitness, active-smoker students who actively exercise, non-smoker students who actively exercise

    The role of daily dialysis in the control of hyperphosphatemia

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    The role of daily dialysis in the control of hyperphosphatemia.In patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), hyperphosphatemia occurs in the vast majority of patients. The numerous clinical sequelae of hyperphosphatemia include secondary hyperparathyroidism and increased risk of cardiovascular death. Chronic hemodialysis as it is currently practiced in the United States does not remove sufficient phosphate to control serum levels within accepted guidelines. The inadequacy of conventional hemodialysis in removing phosphate mandates the use of phosphate binders in virtually all hemodialysis patients. Despite their proven efficacy, these medications fail to control phosphorous in 70% of hemodialysis patients. Additionally, these medications may have untoward side effects that must be considered since they are typically intended for lifetime use. Quotidian hemodialysis has in previous uncontrolled studies shown promise in reducing serum phosphorus while at the same time reducing or eliminating the need for phosphate binders. Recent results from our group demonstrate for the first time in a controlled fashion the efficacy of short daily dialysis in controlling serum phosphorus

    A Fuzzy Logic Approach in Modeling and Simulation of a Scheduling System for Hospital Admissions Using ARENAĀ® simulation software

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    The aim of this project is to develop a simulation model of a scheduling system based on practical situation implemented on ARENAĀ® simulation software. Besides, this project also seeks to incorporate Fuzzy Logic Control in decision making processes. This project mainly focuses to develop a model of a scheduling system for admission of hospital Emergency Department (ED) using ARENAĀ® simulation software

    The Perceptions of Mathematics Teacher about Studentsā€™ Difficulties in Online Learning

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    The Covid-19 explosion has changed all activities, including the learning process. The existence this pandemic makes all sectors try to find the best solution. This needs to be done so that all systems are well maintained. One solution during the pandemic is learning activities with online activities. Online learning without face to face certainly raises some problems. New activities make teachers and students have to adapt to new learning conditions. In addition, various obstacles provide a paradigm that applying online learning is difficult. The difficulty of carrying out online learning is certainly not only felt by student but also teacher feel the same way. However, it is the teacherā€™s responsibility to address their difficulties and studentsā€™ difficulties. To determine an effective solution in overcoming studentsā€™ difficulties, further research is needed to determine the aspect that promote studentsā€™ difficulties in online learning. Through this survey research, researchers wanted to see how mathematics teacherā€™s perception about studentsā€™ difficulties when participating in online learning. Most teachersā€™ perceptions indicate that aspects of facilities and infrastructure, learning activities and environment are the main factors which promote studentsā€™ difficulties in online learning

    Hypotonic fluids should not be used in volume-depleted children

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    Optimization of Distribution Cost (a Case study in PT. Zamrud Bumi Indonesia)

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    PT. Zamrud Bumi Indonesia is a manufacturing company engaged in the processing of multipurpose liquid organic agricultural fertilizer branded Power Bumi. Distribution from warehouses to destinations that vary in distance resulted in different distribution cost budgets. Transportation models can help solve the problem of distributing products from multiple warehouses to multiple destination cities and reduce total distribution costs. This study aims to find out the total minimum cost of distribution by using the Least Cost method as the initial solution and knowing the test results of MODI method as the optimum solution at PT. Zamrud Bumi Indonesia. The results of this study showed that before using the Transportation Method, the company incurred a distribution fee of Rp. 11.600.000,- in December 2020, after using the Least Cost transportation method as the initial solution of distribution costs incurred in the amount of Rp. 9.981.250,- and modi transportation method as the optimum test resulted in the same value of Rp. 9,981,250. So the company saves distribution costs of Rp. 1.618.750,- every mont


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    The institutional success strongly affected employeeā€™s performance, because of the performance of employees in a good company is very influential on the sustainability of the company in achieving its goal, namely seeking the maximum profit. Therefore, for companies that want to be successful, it is essential to encourage their human resources. This scientific paper aim is to examine and analyze the effect of repayment, environment and motivation on employee performance at Karya Nugraha Jaya Kuningan multipurpose cooperative. The descriptive-quantitative is the methode that adopt in this paper. The research object is located in Jl. Raya Cipari Cigugur, Kuningan Regency, West Java, during January to August 2021. The population in this study were all employees of the Karya Nugraha Jaya multipurpose cooperative Kuningan which consist of 77 staff. The data used in this study is primary data, that is data collected by researchers directly from the first source or object of research conducted. Survey by questionnaire instrument was the data collection technique and run by ordinary last square regression for data analysis. The result showed that repayment, environment and work motivation continuously had a positive and significant impact on staff performance. in particular, repayment, environment and motivation each have a significant positive effect to performance of workers
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