7 research outputs found


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    Indonesia is a country that has the potential to advance and develop in the tourism sector. Rural areas in Indonesia have development potential when viewed from various aspects of tourism. The development of tourist villages today has become an alternative to local economic development that has been implemented in various regions. However, to be able to develop as a tourist village, a comprehensive study of the determining factors of tourism village development is needed from the perspective of supply tourism and its contribution to the regional economy. This study analyzes the determining factors for the development of tourism villages consisting of natural resources and environment, built environment, operating sectors and the spirit of hospitality and cultural resources and their impact on the regional economic sector in Indonesia. From a micro perspective, it is continued with what components have contributed in measuring the Competitive Advantage Tourism (CAT) of tourism villages by carrying out case studies in Apar tourism village, Pariaman City. This study used data on Village Potential (Podes) in 2018, GRDP, Regional Original Income in the tourism sector, per capita income and HDI at the district level in 2018. The findings of this study show that the determining factors for the development of tourism villages are marine tourism, river tourism, the availability of places to eat and drink, the existence of cultural heritage sites, local wisdom at marriage events and the existence of tourism activities and programs. The impact of tourism villages on the Indonesian economy is on the Regional Original Income of the tourism sector, per capita income and HDI. The results of this study also prove that for the increase in Competitive Advantage Tourism (CAT) tourism villages obtained 25 indicator items that need to be considered


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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan mendapatkan hasil dari pengaruh reward terhadap knowledge sharing perangkat desa berdampak terhadap peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat. Reward pada penelitian ini terbagi atas Extrinsic Rewards dan Intrinsic Rewards. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kerinci dengan Perangkat desa sebagai subjek penelitian. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Bulan Juni 2020 - September 2020. Perangkat Desa di Kabupaten Kerinci merupakan populasi dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode penarikan sampel adalah Cluster Sampling dengan mengelompokkan sampel didasari wilayah dengan jumlah sampel adalah 108 responden. Sumber data didapatkan dari wawancara (interview) serta daftar pertanyaan (questionnaire). Pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data Structural Equation Models (SEM) serta menggunakan AMOS sebagai alat analisis. Hasil penelitian didapatkan koefisien determinasi besar pengaruh knowledge sharing yang dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel extrinsic rewards dan intrinsic rewards sebesar 17%. Sedangkan koefisien determinasi persamaan Partisipasi Masyarakat sebesar 20,2%.  Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan dari pengujian hipotesis bahwa extrinsic rewards dan intrinsic rewards memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap knowledge sharing, knowledge sharing dan intrinsic rewards berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi masyarakat sedangkan extrinsic rewards berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap partisipasi masyarakat. Knowledge Sharing dalam penelitian ini bukan merupakan variabel intervening karena pengaruh langsung extrinsic rewards terhadap partisipasi masyarakat lebih besar dari pada pengaruh tidak langsung melalui knowledge sharing dan pengaruh langsung intrinsic rewards terhadap partisipasi masyarakat juga lebih besar dari pengaruh tidak langsung terhadap partisipasi masyarakat melalui knowledge sharing. Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan bukti empiris sebagai panduan bagi pemerintahan dan perangkat desa untuk menetapkan strategi yang tepat dalam knowledge sharing dan meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat termasuk dampak terhadap pembangunan daerah

    Development of Marketing Mix in Tourism With Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in the Tourist Area of Kerinci Regency

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    The current travel trends are increasingly inclined to the “back to nature” concept. In Kerinci Regency, Indonesia, tourism is expected to contribute to the area’s economic growth. The present study was conducted to analyze the factors in the marketing mix in tourism that influence the perceived ease of use of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in using travel applications. The study uses primary data obtained or collected independently directly from the source through a questionnaire and interviews with 400 respondents. The TAM was tested using SEM (Structural Equation modeling) with Amos 25. The results showed that the variable price and people had a significant effect on the TAM. Additionally, the TAM influences people’s intention to use travel applications. Keywords: marketing mix tourism, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), intention to use travel applicatio

    Pengaruh Human Capital dan Social Capital Terhadap Intelectual Capital Dengan Organizational Citizenship Behaviour sebagai Variabel Mediasi pada Perangkat Desa di Kabupaten Kerinci

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    The phenomenon of development development is in rural areas. In order to realize national development goals, the government pays the greatest attention to development in the countryside. So that the spearhead of the village is one of them is the Village Device is required to improve the quality of self reflected in human capital, social capital, Intelectual capital and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). This research aims to find out the Influence of human capital and social capital on Intelectual capital Village Devices With Organizational Citizenship Behaviour as a Mediation Variable on Village Devices in Kerinci Regency. Respondents in this study were Village Devices in Kerinci Regency by taking samples of village devices located in Gunung Raya and Bukit Kerman districts so that 174 respondents were obtained. The Model Testing Technique in this study used the Stuctural Equation Model (SEM). Human capital and social capital had an effect of 98.1% on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on Village Devices in Kerinci Regency and Human capital, social capital and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) had an effect of 15% on Intelectual Capital on Village Devices in Kerinci Regency