11 research outputs found

    A left transverse facial cleft with a median cleft of the lower jaw

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    Objective: A 13-day-old girl with a left transverse facial cleft and a median defect of the lower jaw is reported in detail. Left macrostomia was repaired using a W-plasty technique, and preauricular appendages were excised. The median defect of the mandible demonstrated by computed tomography scan on the first examination had disappeared at 1 year of age

    Z-plasty and microvascular anastomosis

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    An experimental study in rats was designed to determine the effects of z-plasty on the patency of microvascular anastomosis. Eighty Sprague-Dawley rats of mixed sex were divided into two groups. In all animals, the left carotid arteries were used. In the first group (n=40), a single z-plasty was done at the anterior side of the carotid artery before end-to-end anastomosis was performed. In the second group (n=40), end-to-end anastomosis with interrupted sutures was done. Patency and the appearance of the anastomosis were evaluated 1 hr later, on the seventh postoperative day, and at the end of the third postoperative week. There was no vasospasm demonstrated in the first group. Patency rates were 100 percent for both groups after 1 hr. On the seventh postoperative day, one anastomosis in the first group (patency rate, 97.5 percent) and two anastomoses in the second group had failed (patency rate, 95 percent). Patency rates were similar at the third week. The difference was not statistically significant (p=0.5). Histologic examinations demonstrated that z-plasty did not cause any adverse effects at the vessel wall or at the anastomosis


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    Various techniques have been used for reconstruction of extensive lower eyelid defects, but it is difficult to achieve results which are satisfactory, both from a functional and cosmetic viewpoint. In the past three years, ten patients have been reconstructed using a cheek flap over a chondromucosal graft, after extensive resection of lower eyelid tumors. As a modification of the classic method, the dermal layer of the cheek flap was sutured to the inferior orbital rim to prevent late sagging and ectropion. In addition, a tie-over pressure dressing on the inner aspect of the lid was used to give good contact between the chondromucosal graft and the flap. At a one year follow-up, the results were judged to be good, both aesthetically and functionally

    Doping cosmético: a problemática das aplicações intramusculares de óleos

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    O doping no mundo esportivo e na subcultura de atletas profissionais e recreacionais de culturismo já é muito conhecido e estudado pela comunidade acadêmica e científica. Porém, uma nova problemática, que definimos como doping cosmético, inseriu-se há algumas décadas no mundo todo, e tem crescido em importância no Brasil nos últimos anos. Trata-se de injeções sistemáticas de substâncias oleosas por via intramuscular, conhecidas como ADE (vitaminas lipossolúveis A, D e E), com intuito de aumentar volumetricamente o músculo per se, podendo levar a necroses, deformidades físicas ou até mesmo ao óbito. Apresentamos a história do uso cosmético dos preenchedores corporais e revisamos os possíveis efeitos deletérios e fatais que podem resultar do seu abuso, assim como os mecanismos envolvidos na evolução clínica da aplicação destas substâncias. Além disto, apresentamos métodos simples para observação potencial do uso. Pretendemos com este trabalho convocar a classe dos profissionais de saúde para que esta publique relatos de casos quando estes usuários forem atendidos devidos às complicações de tal uso, visto que os casos que até hoje apareceram são apenas o início de uma nova problemática de saúde pública que tende a aumentar consideravelmente