10 research outputs found

    Characterization of physicochemical, rheological, aroma, and sensory properties of spreadable processed cheese supplemented with chia, quinoa, and teff seeds

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    The physicochemical, rheological, aroma, and sensory properties of spreadable processed cheese supplemented with chia, quinoa, and teff seeds were evaluated. The changes in proximate composition, color value, rheological parameters, volatile profile, sensory, and microbiological properties of the cheese samples stored at 4 degrees C for 90 days were assessed. Significant differences in the initial contents of dry matter, protein, and fat were observed among the cheese samples. The pH was affected by the storage time and type of added pseudocereal. Moreover, the storage time and type of pseudocereal interaction affected the titratable acidity and color parameters of the cheese samples. The water-soluble nitrogen content increased slightly in all cheese samples during storage. The cheese samples supplemented with pseudocereals exhibited a pseudoplastic behavior. The consistency index of the cheese samples ranged from 2.277 to 2.550 Pa.sn, and the flow behavior index ranged from 0.528 to 0.665. The counts of total coliform and yeast-mold in all cheese samples were <1 log CFU/g cheese, and the counts of total mesophilic aerobic bacteria ranged from 2.21 log CFU/g cheese to 2.76 log CFU/g cheese. A total of 27 volatile compounds, consisting of acids, aldehydes, ketones, esters, and terpenes, were identified in the cheese samples. The amounts of butanoic acid, hexanoic acid, octanoic acid, and nonanoic acid in all cheese samples were higher than that of other volatiles, with the amounts ranging from 639 mu g/kg to 3284 mu g/kg, 711.20 mu g/kg to 2723.27 mu g/kg, 187.60 mu g/kg to 722.71 mu g/kg, and 75.42 mu g/kg to 206.02 mu g/kg, respectively. The most preferred cheese in terms of sensory properties was the control sample, followed by the SCT, SCQ, and SCC samples

    Haşhaş Tohumu İçeren Krem Peynir Formülasyonlarının Geliştirilmesi ve Kalite Parametrelerinin Değerlendirilmesi

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    Tüketicilerin fonksiyonel gıdalara olan ilgilerinin artması, fonksiyonel gıda formülasyonlarının hazırlanmasında farklı ingredientlerin kullanılmasını teşvik edici bir unsurdur. İnsan beslenmesinde oldukça önemli bir yer tutan süt ve süt ürünlerinin özellikle de peynirin tüketimini teşvik etmek için benzer uygulamaların yapılması, gerek endüstriyel gerekse bilimsel anlamda hız kazanmıştır. Yapılan bu çalışmanın amacı, Uşak yöresinde yaygın olarak yetiştirilen mavi haşhaş tohumunun krem peynir formülasyonlarında kullanımınına uygunluğunun test edilmesidir. Formülasyonların hazırlanması için ön denemeler yürütülmüş ve değerlendirilen bazı kriterler sonucunda, optimum katkılama düzeyi (%3) belirlenmiştir. % 3 oranında mavi haşhaş tohumu ile katkılanan krem peynir formülasyonları, aseptik dolum şartlarında kapatılmış ve +4° C de 60 gün depolanmıştır. Depolama süresinde her 15. Gün de bir yapılan periyodik analizlerle, peynirlerin bazı fiziksel, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik kalite parametreleri değerlendirilmiştir. Depolama süresince kuru madde, L*, a* ve b* renk değerleri gibi fiziksel özelliklerde istatistiksel olarak önemli farklılıklar belirlenmiştir. Kurumaddedeki indirgenmenin, ürünün aydınlık (L*) değerindeki azalma ile ilişkili olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Benzer biçimde krem peynir örneklerinin renk doygunluğu ve renk tonu değerlerinde de depolama periyodunca dalgalanmalar olmasına ragmen, depolama başlangıcı (3.gün) ve son günü (60. Gün) arasında yapılan karşılaştırmada giderek azalan bir seyirde olduğu gözlenmiştir. Krem peynir örneklerinin toplam yağ ve protein içeriklerine bakıldığında ise istatistiksel olarak önemli farklılıklar gözlenirken, her iki içerikte hafif artış olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tuz içeriğinin tüm depolama süresince düzenli olarak azalması da dikkat çeken bir bulgudur. Mavi haşhaş tohumlarıyla katkılamanın, krem peynirlerin depolanması süresince istenmeyen besinsel ve kalite değişikliklerine yol açmadığı ve gıda endüstrisinde farklı ürün formülasyonlarının oluşturulmasında başarıyla kullanılabileceği düşünülmektedir

    Effects of microwave roasting on the yield and composition of cold pressed orange seed oils

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    Efectos del tostado en microondas sobre el rendimiento y la composición de aceites de semillas de naranja prensados en frío. El objetivo de este estudio fue revalorizar las semillas de naranja (Citrus sinensis), que se generan como residuos. Se presentan datos sobre la semilla de naranja cruda, sus harinas obtenidas después del prensado en frío y sobre la caracterización de los aceites de semillas prensadas en frío. Además, se determinaron los efectos del tostado en microondas de las semillas frente al tostado tradicional. El rendimiento del aceite de prensado en frío fue de 52,93–62,99%. Después de prensado en frío, 13,57–17,97% del aceite permanece en las harinas junto con 20,68–25,61% de proteína. Por lo tanto, las harinas de prensa podrían ser revalorizadas para diferentes propósitos. Excepto para turbidez, color b*, acidez libre, p-anisidina y capacidad antioxidante, no hubo diferencia significativa entre los aceites para las propiedades fisicoquímicas medidas. Los ácidos mayoritarios fueron linoleico, palmítico y oleico, en una proporción muy equilibrada nutricionalmente. Entre los quince esteroles cuantificados, el β-sitosterol fue el predominante (77–78%). Los contenidos de α-tocoferol no fueron significativamente diferente. También se determinó las temperaturas de inicio térmico, picos y las entalpías de cristalización y fusión. Este estudio demostró que los aceites de semillas de naranjas de buena calidad pueden ser producidos por prensado en frío, y los aceites podrían ser utilizados en aplicaciones alimentarias y no alimenticias.The aim of this study was to valorize orange (Citrus sinensis) seeds, which are generated as waste. This study presents data about raw orange seed, the meal gained after cold pressing, and characterization data of the cold pressed seed oils. Furthermore, the effects of microwave roasting of the seds compared to regular roasting (control) were determined. The oil yield of orange seed cold pressing was around 52.93–62.99%. After cold pressing, 13.57–17.97% oil remained in the meal together with 20.68–25.61% protein. Hence, pressed meals could be valorized for different purposes. Except for turbidity, the color b* value, free acidity, the p-anisidine value and antioxidant capacity, there was no significant difference between the two oil samples for the measured physicochemical properties. Six different fatty acids were quantified and the major fatty acids were linoleic, palmitic and oleic acids. The fatty acid composition of the orange seed oil can be accepted as nutritionally balanced. Among the fifteen sterols quantified, β-sitosterol was dominant (around 77–78%). Likewise, the α-tocopherol content of the samples was not significantly different. The thermal onset and peak temperatures, and enthalpies for crystallization and melting were also reported. This study showed that good quality orange seed oils can be produced by cold pressing, and the oils could be used in food and non-food applications

    Cold pressed versus refined winterized corn oils: Quality, composition and aroma

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    The aims of this study were to characterize and compare cold pressed and fully refined winterized corn oils. Free fatty acidity (FFA), peroxide (PV) and p-anisidin (p-AV) values, saponification number, total carotenoid and phenolic contents of cold pressed corn oils were higher than that of the refined winterized corn oils. Linoleic and oleic acids (approximately 53-54% and 30-31%, respectively) were detected as the major fatty acids in both oil samples. Fifteen different sterols with a majority of ?-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol were quantified in both oil samples. Although phenolic compounds were not quantified in the refined winterized oil samples, some flavonoids (hesperidin, rutin) and phenolic acids (gallic, syringic, rosmaniric and trans-ferulic) were detected in the cold pressed oil samples. This study concludes that cold pressed corn oils could be superior in terms of bioactive compounds but still need some quality improvements for sensory attributes. © 2017 CSIC

    Cold pressed versus refined winterized corn oils: quality, composition and aroma

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    The aims of this study were to characterize and compare cold pressed and fully refined winterized corn oils. Free fatty acidity (FFA), peroxide (PV) and p-anisidin (p-AV) values, saponification number, total carotenoid and phenolic contents of cold pressed corn oils were higher than that of the refined winterized corn oils. Linoleic and oleic acids (approximately 53-54% and 30-31%, respectively) were detected as the major fatty acids in both oil samples. Fifteen different sterols with a majority of β-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol were quantified in both oil samples. Although phenolic compounds were not quantified in the refined winterized oil samples, some flavonoids (hesperidin, rutin) and phenolic acids (gallic, syringic, rosmaniric and trans-ferulic) were detected in the cold pressed oil samples. This study concludes that cold pressed corn oils could be superior in terms of bioactive compounds but still need some quality improvements for sensory attributes.Aceites de maiz prensados en frío Vs. refinado y winterizado: calidad, composición y aroma. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron caracterizar y comparar los aceites de maíz prensados en frío y los totalmente winterizados y refinados. Los valores de acidez libre (FFA), peróxidos (PV) y p-anisidina (p-AV), índice de saponificación, contenido total de carotenoides y compuestos fenólicos de los aceites de maíz prensados en frío fueron superiores a los de los aceites de maíz refinados. Los ácidos linoleico y oleico (aproximadamente 53-54% y 30-31%, respectivamente) fueron los ácidos grasos mayoritarios en ambas muestras de aceite. Quince esteroles diferentes fueron cuantificados en ambos aceites siendo los mayoritarios β-sitosterol, campesterol y estigmasterol. Aunque los compuestos fenólicos no se cuantificaron en las muestras refinadas de aceites winterizados, se detectaron algunos flavonoides (hesperidina, rutina) y ácidos fenólicos (gálico, siríngico, rosmarínico y trans-ferúlico) en muestras de aceite prensado en frío. En este estudio se concluye que los aceites de maíz prensados en frío podrían ser superiores en términos de compuestos bioactivos, pero todavía necesitan algunas mejoras de calidad para los atributos sensoriales

    Second generation biorefining in Ecuador: Circular bioeconomy, zero waste technology, environment and sustainable development: The nexus

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