57 research outputs found

    A fuzzy-bayesian approach on the bankruptcy of hanjin shipping

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    The vital role of container liner shipping in international trade suggests that understanding why container liner firms go bankrupt is crucial to the sustainability of the maritime supply chain to improve resilience. Considering the insolvency of Hanjin Shipping as a case study, this paper investigates the probabilistic relationships among the bankruptcy causal factors that are disclosed qualitatively and quantitatively, exploiting a fuzzy Bayes network approach. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to increase the accuracy of the findings. Outcomes of the paper reveal that an integrated approach comprising of both endogenous and exogenous causal factors is a more powerful approach to explain the demise of Hanjin Shipping. Compared to exogenous factors, endogenous factors account more for the collapse of the firm. Furthermore, it is found that government support would have been a more influential measure to mitigate the negative effects of the demise compared to the merging and acquisition practice. Competitor liner operators, policymakers, and stakeholders in the maritime supply chain ecosystem can utilize the outcomes of this research to mitigate the bankruptcy risk and improve the maritime supply chain resilience capacity


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    Design of appropriate learning environment has a significant importance in creation of aims of the math teaching. In the design of learning environments, teachers play a significant role. The aim of this study is determination of opinions of the math teachers concerning the learning environment that they design. In accordance with this aim, an opinion form which is comprised of open-ended questions is applied on 30 math teachers who are in charge in Middle Anatolian Region in Turkey. The data which are obtained as result of the application have been analysed and presented by using frequencies and percentages. It is understood from the obtained results that teachers benefit from the textbooks and auxiliary test books for designing the teaching environment, and they don't often give a place to different teaching methods and techniques.  Article visualizations

    Examination of the Relationship between Eighth Grade Students’ Learning Styles and Attitudes towards Mathematics

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    The aim of this research is to determine eighth grade students’ learning styles and attitudes toward math class and to show the relationship between their learning styles and attitudes toward math class. Sample of the research consists of 100 eighth grade students having education in a school in the Central Anatolia of our country. As data collection tool, Kolb Learning Style Inventory and attitude scale toward math class. According to the data obtained, it has been seen that attitude level to math lesson of eighth grade students who have participated in the research and their learning style are related

    Asymptotically I2-Ces`aro equivalence of double sequences of sets

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    In this paper, we defined concept of asymptotically I_2-Ces`aro equivalence and investigate the relationships between the concepts of asymptotically strongly I_2-Ces`aro equivalence, asymptotically strongly I_2-lacunary equivalence, asymptotically p-strongly I_2-Ces`aro equivalence and asymptotically I_2-statistical equivalence of double sequences of set

    Asymptotically I-statistical equivalent functions defined on amenable semigroups

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    In this study, we introduce the notions of asymptotically I-equivalence, asymptotically I*-equivalence, asymptotically strongly I-equivalence and asymptotically I-statistical equivalence for functions defined on discrete countable amenable semigroups. Also, we examine some properties of these notions and relationships between them

    I_2-Lacunary statistical convergence of double sequences of sets

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    In this paper, we introduce the concepts of the Wijsman I2-statistical convergence, Wijsman I2-lacunary statistical convergence and Wijsman strongly I2-lacunary convergence of double sequences of sets and investigate the relationship between them

    I_2-Lacunary statistical convergence of double sequences of sets

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    In this paper, we introduce the concepts of the Wijsman I_2-statistical convergence, Wijsman I_2-lacunary statistical convergence and Wijsman strongly I_2-lacunary convergence of double sequences of sets and investigate the relationship between them


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    We examined the observations of preservice mathematics teachers in relation to mathematics teaching and teaching methods at vocational high schools and also their thoughts about vocational high school student attitudes and approaches towards this course in this qualitative study which is a case study of a descriptive type. With this aim, a total of 50 preservice teachers were addressed two research problems. The data reached within the context of the study was analyzed through the content analysis method. The research data were broadly analyzed by using the methods of categorical analysis and the frequency analysis. The findings showed that the preservice teachers thought that the way of teaching mathematics at vocational high schools and the vocational high school student attitudes and approaches towards this course were mostly negatively affected by such different variables as participation in courses, special teaching methods and techniques, and teacher. Besides, almost all the preservice teachers wrote negative statements in relation to the vocational high school student attitudes and approaches towards mathematics

    Bazi termolüminesans dedektörlerin farklı enerjilerdeki fotonlara karşı dedektör cevap fonksiyonlarının monte carlo yöntemiyle incelenmesi

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    Many of the Thermoluminescence (TL) dosimeters are used in different areas in order to measure "personnel dose equivalent". It's analyzes must be done by determining different dosimetric characteristics and specialty of TL the material. Obtaining data which supplies energy dependence of the detector response function for TL supplies is very difficult when experimental methods are used and can be measured with a large error value. It's possible to get the detailed information when these detectors are modeled at computers. In this study, LiF, CaSO4, CaF2 and Li2B4O7, materials which are used as "TLD" doped with different activators are modeled. Pointwise and directional photon sources, in different distances TL dosimeter detector response function of the energy dependence has been found by the method of the MCNP Monte Carlo simulation method. In previous studies with the results obtained have been compared with the values obtained in this study. Relative TLD responses are calculated wide energy range of photons Actuators participations the detector and the effect of the response to detector geometry's relative TL" are investigated. The results are compared with TLD geometry in the shape of disk and rectangular prism The effects of the statistical error of the distance between source and detector and the source's being directional or point was detected. Keywords: Monte Carlo, MCNP, Simulation, Detector, TL, Photon.Birçok Termolüminesanas (TL) dozimetreleri "personel doz eşdeğerini" ölçmek için farklı alanlarda kullanılmaktadır. TL malzemelerin değişik dozimetrik özelliklerinin ve karakteristiklerinin belirlenerek analizlerinin yapılması gerekmektedir. TL malzemeleri için dedektör cevap fonksiyonlarının enerjiye bağlılığını veren verileri elde etmek, deneysel yöntemler kullanıldığında oldukça güçtür ve büyük hata değerleriyle birlikte ölçülebilmektedir. Bu dedektörler, bilgisayar ortamında modellendiğinde ayrıntılı bilgi almak mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, farklı aktivatörler ile katkılanmış TLD olarak kullanılan LiF, CaSO4, CaF2 ve Li2B4O7, malzemeleri modellenmiştir. Noktasal ve yönlü foton kaynaklarından, farklı uzaklıklardaki TL dozimetrelerin dedektör cevap fonksiyonlarının enerjiye bağlılığı MCNP Monte Carlo simülasyon yöntemi ile bulunmuştur. Önceden yapılmış çalışmalardan elde edilen sonuçlar ile bu çalışmada elde edilen değerler karşılaştırılmıştır. Geniş enerji aralığında fotonların Bağıl TLD Cevapları hesaplanmıştır. Dedektöre katkılanan aktivatörler ve dedektör geometrisinin bağıl TLD cevaba etkisi incelenmiştir. TLD geometrisinin disk ve dikdörtgenler prizması biçiminde olması halinde sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Kaynak ve dedektör arasındaki uzaklığın ve kaynağın noktasal veya yönlü olmasının istatistiksel hataya etkileri saptanmıştır

    Gediz Nehrinin denize taşıdığı doğal radyoaktif element miktarının incelenmesi

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.IV ABSTRACT THE DETERMINATION OF AMOUNTS OF THE NATURAL RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS TRANSPORTED BY THE GEDIZ RIVER TO THE SEA AYDIN, Bünyamin MSc in Nuclear Sci. Supervisor: Assoc. Doç. Dr. Mehmet N. Kumru February 1997, 58 pages Gediz River originates at the Murat Mountain in Kütahya and passes through Uşak, Manisa and Izmir. Then The river reaches Egean Sea near Menemen Plain. The total length of the river is about 401 km. In this work, water and suspended sediment samples were collected near Maltepe Village in 1996. Water and weather temperatures (°C), pH, Eh (mV) and total alcalinity (mg/1) of the water in the vicinity of the river have been measured. eU(ppm), eTh(ppm) and %K suspended sediment samples have been determined. Ra- 226 concentrations in the water samples, have been determined using collector chamber method. The results have been presented in tabular forms. In addition, statistical analyses, linear regrassion analyses and constants have also been investigated. The relationship of the results between each other has been discussed.ııı ÖZET GEDİZ NEHRİNİN DENİZE TAŞIDI?I DO?AL RADYOAKTİF ELEMENT MİKTARININ İNCELENMESİ AYDIN, Bünyamin Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tez Yöneticisi; Doç. Dr. Mehmet N. Kumru Şubat 1997,58 sayfa Gediz Nehri, Kütahya'nın Murat Dağı eteklerinden doğar ve sırasıyle Uşak, Manisa ve İzmir'i geçerek Menemen Ovasında denize dökülür. Gediz Nehrinin toplam uzunluğu 401 km'dir. Bu çalışmada, su ve süspanse sediment örnekleri Maltepe Köyünün yakınından 1996 yılında toplandı. Hava ve su sıcaklığı (°C), pH, Eh (mV) ve toplam alkalinite ölçümleri yapıldı. Süspanse sediment örneklerinin eU (ppm), eTh (ppm) ve %K değerleri tayin edildi. Sulardaki Ra-226 konsantrasyonları kollektör yöntemi kullanılarak belirlendi. Sonuçlar tablolar halinde gösterildi. Elde edilen sonuçların istatistiksel analizleri ile lineer regrasyon ve korelasyon katsayıları araştırıldı. Sonuçların birbiriyle olan ilişkileri tartışıld