143 research outputs found

    Fault interpretation in seismic reflection data: an experiment analyzing the impact of conceptual model anchoring and vertical exaggeration

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    [EN]This paper presents an analysis on the limitations and advantages that some types of seismic data display present on the interpretation of the dataset

    Gravity and magnetic anomalies in the allochthonous Órdenes Complex (Variscan belt, northwest Spain): Assessing its internal structure and thickness

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    The Órdenes Complex is the largest Variscan allochthonous structure of NW Iberia, and preserves the suture of a long-standing Paleozoic ocean, probably the Rheic. Gravity and magnetic data, the latter specifically acquired on land for this study, show that the complex occupies the core of an open synform with a maximum depth of 9–10 km, which contrasts with the flat geometry of the lower crust and Moho discontinuity beneath. The maximum depth reached by the ophiolitic rocks marking the suture is around 7 km. The allochthonous units formed by basic and ultrabasic rocks are lens-shaped in section, and occur not only at the periphery of the complex, but form wide ribbons trending NE-SW to N-S. The Bouguer anomaly related with the longest of them, the Fornás Unit, previously used to support an autochthonous interpretation of the complexes, is modeled as a rootless, massive amphibolite body with a maximum thickness of 6 km located at the downthrown block of a large normal fault cutting across previous thrust faults and extensional detachments. The main magnetic anomalies are associated with ultrabasic rocks cropping out in the NW and SE, but a weak, wide anomaly in the central part of the complex is related with one or more thin layers of amphibolite partly mineralized with massive sulphides. The weakly arcuate geometry of this anomaly and of the Bouguer anomaly caused by the Fornás Unit may reflect the NE flank of the Central Iberian arc, an orocline whose core is occupied by the allochthonous complexes.FEDER, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Ramón y Cajal

    Seismic imaging and modelling of the lithosphere of SW-Iberia.

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    [EN]Data from a closely spaced wide-angle transect has been used to study the middle-to-lower crust and the Moho in SW-Iberia. A low-fold wide-angle stack image reveals a highly heterogeneous seismic signature at lower-crustal levels changing laterally along the profile. The lower crust features an irregular distribution of the reflectivity that can be explained by a heterogeneous distribution of physical properties. The Moho discontinuity also features a high variability in its seismic character that correlates with the different tectonic terranes in the area. A 2D finite difference code was used for solving the elastic wave equation and to provide synthetic wide-angle shots. Relatively simple layer cake model derived from conventional refraction interpretation generates the main events of the shot records. However, these models cannot account for the lateral variability of the seismic signature. In order to obtain more realistic simulations, the velocity model was modified introducing stochastic lensing at different levels within the crust. The Moho was modelled as a 3 km thick layered structure. The resulting average velocity models include a high velocity layer at mid-crustal depth, a highly reflective lower crust and a relatively thin horizontal Moho. This heterogeneous model can be achieved by lensing within the crust, a layered mafic intrusion and a strongly laminated lower crust and Moho

    Basement structure of the Hontomín CO2 Geological storage facility (Burgos, Spain): integration of microgravity & 3D seismic reflection data

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    The structure of the Hontomín CO2 geological storage research facility has been addressed combining 3D seismic reflection data, borehole information and microgravity data. The integrated interpretation constrains the basement structural setting geometry and that of the sedimentary succession. The study unravels the deep structure and topography of the basement and quantifies the thickness of the Triassic Keuper evaporites. We describe a half-graben setting filled with Keuper evaporites (up to 2000 m) forming an extensional forced fold. Three set of faults are identified with two main fault systems compartmentalizing the area into three differentiated blocks. These faults have been interpreted to be reactivated normal faults that have led to the formation of the Hontomín dome.The datasets in this work have been funded by Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (Spanish Government, www.ciuden.es) and by the European Union through the “European Energy Programme for Recovery” and the Compostilla OXYCFB300 project. Dr. Juan Alcalde is currently funded by NERC grant NE/M007251/1.Peer Reviewe

    Conocimientos para la enseñanza del número en Educadoras de Párvulos en Formación Docente Inicial: Constructo, instrumentos e intervención

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    El trabajo propone un constructo sobre el conocimiento docente que incluye el conocimiento de la educadora sobre lógica, número, etapas del aprendizaje del niño y organización de la enseñanza. Se diseñó un instrumento para medir este conocimiento. Se diseñó y aplicó un curso de enseñanza de la matemática, particularmente del número. El curso se basó en metodologías que integran teoría-práctica en la formación inicial: análisis de videos, estudio de caso y estudio de clase. Se usó un enfoque mixto, un diseño cuasi experimental con pre y post test, mapas conceptuales y entrevistas; constatándose diferencias significativas a favor del curso. El estudio provee un marco conceptual y metodologías para la formación docente en enseñanza de la matemática en Educación Parvularia

    Basement structure of the Hontomín CO2 Geological storage facility (Burgos, Spain): integration of microgravity & 3D seismic reflection data

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    The structure of the Hontomín CO2 geological storage research facility has been addressed combining 3D seismic reflection data, borehole information and microgravity data. The integrated interpretation constrains the basement structural setting geometry and that of the sedimentary succession. The study unravels the deep structure and topography of the basement and quantifies the thickness of the Triassic Keuper evaporites. We describe a half-grabensetting filled with Keuper evaporites (up to 2000 m) forming an extensional forced fold. Three set of faults are identified with two main fault systems compartmentalizing the area into three differentiated blocks. These faults have been interpreted to be reactivated normal faults that have led to the formation of the Hontomín dome.The datasets in this work have been funded by Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (Spanish Government, www.ciuden.es) and by the European Union throughthe “European Energy Programme for Recovery” and the Compostilla OXYCFB300 project. Dr. Juan Alcalde is currently funded by NERC grant NE/M007251/1.Peer Reviewe

    Is it possible to retrieve Moho reflections from high-frequency autocorrelations of ambient noise?

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    [EN]This presentation describes the process to retrieve Moho reflections from autocorrelation of seismic noise dat

    Introdução de Stylosanthes guianensis Cv. mineirão em pastagem de Brachiaria ruziziensis: Influência na produção animal e vegetal.

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    A introdução de leguminosas em pastagens de gramíneas, na forma de consórcio, tem sido apresentada como uma estratégia para repor as quantidades de N que se tornam indisponíveis para as gramíneas ao longo dos anos. O efeito positivo desta prática para o ganho de produção animal é conhecido porém, ainda são escassos os resultados que demonstrem que a leguminosa também favoreça a um aumento da longevidade da pastagem. Neste trabalho, comparou-se uma pastagem de Brachiaria ruziziensis consorciada com Srylosanthes guianensis com outra de B. ruziziensis em monocultura, com base em parâmetros da própria pastagem e de produção animal. Os resultados mostraram que a pastagem consorciada permitiu um maior ganho de peso animal por área e um contínuo ganho de peso dos animais durante todo o período de avaliação. A produção de forragem da pastagem consorciada superou em cerca de 4 t/ha a pastagem de gramínea durante o período avaliado (abril/97 a outubro/97), o que aparentemente foi resultado de uma melhor reciclagem da liteira. Introduction of forage legumes into grass pasture, as mixtures, is suggested as a strategy to replenish the amounts of N becoming unavailable to the grasses during time span. The impact of such practice to improve animal production is known but results showing that forage legumes could favour the longevity of pasture production are still scarce. In this paper a Brachiaria ruziziensis/Stylosanthes guianensis mixed pasture was compared to B. ruziziensis pasture taking into account production parameters of the pasture and of the grazing cattle. The results showed an improvement of animal weigh gain per area and a continuous weigh gain per animal in the mixed pasture during all the evaluation period (April/97 to October/97). Mixed pasture production of forage (dry matter) were 4 tons/ha higher than the grass alone in the evaluation period, which seem to be an influence of a faster litter turnover.bitstream/CNPAB-2010/27494/1/bot001.pd

    Caracterización conjunta del basamento en Hontomín (España) empleando datos sísmicos y microgravimétricos

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    9ª Asamblea Hispano Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica: Madrid 28-30 de junio 2016 / Organizado por la Comisión Española de Geodesia y Geofísica ; Secçao Portuguesa das Unios Internacionais Astronomica e Geodésica ; Universidad Complutense de MadridInstitut de Ciéncies de la Terra Jaume Almera, EspañaDepartment of Geology and Petroleum Geology, University of Aberdeen, Reino UnidoDepartamento de Geología, Universidad de Salamanca, EspañaInstituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaPeer reviewe