37 research outputs found


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    This study was conducted to compare the levels of emotional intelligence of first and fourth grade students at Aksaray University and Kırıkkale University. The research group consisted of 369 university students attending coaching and teaching departments in Aksaray University Physical Education and Sports High School and Kırıkkale University Sports Sciences Faculty. The Surveyed Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale was used in the study. In the analysis of the data, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, ANOVA and t-test were used on the SPSS package program. As a result of the research, no significant difference was found between students' gender, place of residence variables and emotional intelligence levels (p>0.05). Significant differences were observed between the sub dimensions of emotional intelligence and the department, the class, and situations whether they were professional athletes (p<0.05).  Article visualizations

    Plant-based Vaccines: The Future of Preventive Healthcare?

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    Infectious diseases threatened humankind countless times through history, when knowledge on microorganisms was absent and medical capabilities were limited. Pandemics and outbreaks caused death of millions, brought empires to their knees and even wiped some ancient civilizations. In “modern” days, despite of improved medical application, sanitary precautions and effective medicines, infectious diseases are still cause of more than 54% of total mortality in developing countries. Millions of people are protected from the infectious diseases annually as a result of mass immunization campaigns. Nevertheless, novel diseases as COVID-19, MERS-CoV, avian influenza, Ebola, Zika and possible future infections require dynamic vaccine research and investment. Along with all the advantages of vaccines, there are several limitations regarding cost, biosafety/biosecurity, storage, distribution, degradation topics. Plant-based vaccine production for humans and animals has been under serious consideration to overcome some of these limitations. Nowadays, plant biotechnology brought new insight to vaccines research through gene transfer strategies to plants and improvements in amount, isolation and purification and addition of adjuvant for production of recombinant vaccine antigens in plants. Recombinant vaccines can undeniably offer us new standards and legal regulations to be introduced for the development, approval, authorization, licensing, distribution and marketing of such vaccines. The aim of this chapter is to exploit uses, methods and advantages of recombinant DNA technology and novel plant biotechnology applications for plant-based vaccine research in respect to existing infectious diseases

    Molecular Abiotic Stress Tolerans Strategies: From Genetic Engineering to Genome Editing Era

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    In last decades, plants were increasingly subjected to multiple environmental abiotic stress factors as never before due to their stationary nature. Excess urbanization following the intense industrial applications introduced combinations of abiotic stresses as heat, drought, salinity, heavy metals etc. to plants in various intensities. Technological advancements brought novel biotechnological tools to the abiotic stress tolerance area as an alternative to time and money consuming traditional crop breeding activities as well as they brought vast majority of the problem themselves. Discoveries of single gene (as osmoprotectant, detoxyfying enzyme, transporter protein genes etc.) and multi gene (biomolecule synthesis, heat shock protein, regulatory transcription factor and signal transduction genes etc.) targets through functional genomic approaches identified abiotic stress responsive genes through EST based cDNA micro and macro arrays. In nowadays, genetic engineering and genome editing tools are present to transfer genes among different species and modify these target genes in site specific, even single nuclotide specific manner. This present chapter will evaluate genomic engineering approaches and applications targeting these abiotic stress tolerance responsive mechanisms as well as future prospects of genome editing applications in this field

    Next Generation of Transgenic Plants: From Farming to Pharming

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    The number of approaches related to recombinant protein production in plants is increasing rapidly day by day. Plant-based expression offers a safe, cost-effective, scalable, and potentially limitless way to rapidly produce recombinant proteins. Plant systems, which have significant advantages over animal and yeast recombinant protein production systems, are particularly promising for the large-scale production of antibodies and therapeutic proteins. Molecular pharming with transgenic plant systems become prominent among other production systems with its low cost, absence of human or animal pathogen contaminants, and the ability to use post-translational modifications such as glycosylation. The ability to produce recombinant pharmaceutical proteins in plant seeds, plant cells and various plant tissues such as hairy roots and leaves, through the stable transformation of the nuclear genome or transient expression, allows for the establishment of different production strategies. In particular, the rapid production of candidate proteins by transient expression, which eliminates the need for lengthy transformation and regeneration procedures, has made plants an attractive bioreactor for the production of pharmaceutical components. This chapter aimsto exhibit the current plant biotechnology applications and transgenic strategies used for the production of recombinant antibodies, antigens, therapeutic proteins and enzymes, which are used especially in the treatment of various diseases

    Transgenic Plants in Heat Stress Adaptation: Present Achievements and Prospects

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    Global warming, which was rhetorical in the previous century, is a preeminent issue in multiple scientific areas today. Global warming has increased the frequency of extreme high temperature events all around the globe and expanded heat zones from tropic areas through both poles and even changed frigid poles to temperate zones. In the terrestrial earth, plants are the major CO2 consumers. The emergence and evolution of plants on earth decreased the global temperatures dramatically from mid-Devonian to mid-Carboniferous Era; however, the human factors as industrialization were not in equation. Today, plants are still main actors of the nature-based solutions to global warming through afforestation and reforestation solutions. However, high temperature is a major deleterious abiotic stress for plant growth and productivity. Plant heat stress adaptation has been a focus of research for both environmental and agricultural purposes. Plant heat stress adaptation requires utilization of complex physiological traits and molecular networks combined. The present chapter summarizes recent progress in transgenic approach through five main targets as heat shock proteins, osmoprotectants, antioxidants, transcription factors, and miRNAs. Additionally, miscellaneous novel transgenic attempts from photosynthetic machinery to signal transduction cascades are included to cover different physiological, transcriptional, and post-transcriptional regulation of the plant heat responses

    Plant Abiotic Stress Factors: Current Challenges of Last Decades and Future Threats

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    All life forms, from the simplest to the most complicated, are inevitably exposed to altering environmental conditions in their natural habitats, gradually depending on their lifestyle. Unfavorable alterations drive these life forms either to avoidance or defense as a response. Most of the essential plant growth-promoting environmental factors can also turn out to be stress factors. Water as the most abundant molecule of all living cells can cause stress either in deficit as drought or in excess as waterlogging. Temperature is important for the maintenance of all biomolecules and metabolic reactions; hence, both low and high temperatures are deleterious stress factors. Even though the plants were exposed to various volcanic origin, heavy metals and pollutants and evolved molecular mechanisms during millions year of evolution, rapid urbanization, and industrial progress introduce brand new pollutants as micro- and nanoplastics as well as nanoparticles to plants like never before. This chapter defines and evaluates major environmental abiotic stress factors with an emphasis on the latest knowledge of molecular effects on plants. In addition, novel stress factors, such as nanoparticles and microplastics, are looked over as hot prospects for the future of plant abiotic stress areas

    Recent Advances in Health Biotechnology During Pandemic

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    The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in 2019, cut the epoch that will make profound fluctuates in the history of the world in social, economic, and scientific fields. Urgent needs in public health have brought with them innovative approaches, including diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. To exceed the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, various scientific authorities in the world have procreated advances in real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based diagnostic tests, rapid diagnostic kits, the development of vaccines for immunization, and the purposing pharmaceuticals for treatment. Diagnosis, treatment, and immunization approaches put for- ward by scientific communities are cross-fed from the accrued knowledge of multidisciplinary sciences in health biotechnology. So much so that the pandemic, urgently prioritized in the world, is not only viral infections but also has been the pulsion in the development of novel approaches in many fields such as diagnosis, treatment, translational medicine, virology, mi- crobiology, immunology, functional nano- and bio-materials, bioinformatics, molecular biol- ogy, genetics, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, and artificial intelligence technologies. In this review, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of various scientific areas of health biotechnology are discussed

    Spor komplekslerinde ve oyun alanlarındaki sağlığa tehdit oluşturabilecek faktörlerin incelenmesi

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    Proje -- Kırıkale Üniversitesi2012/1200100380

    Kırıkkale İlinde Sporun Yaygınlaştırılması İçin Uygulanan Spor Tesis Ve Politikalarının İncelenmesi

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi48117


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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilkogretim I. ve II. kademede beden eğitimi dersinin; daha etkin ve yaygın duruma getirilmesinde, gerek programın çocuk gelisjmine etkisinin yeniden yapılandinlması çalışmalarına katkıda bulunabilmesi, gerekse dersin hedeflerine daha verimli ulaşabilmesi ifin beden eğitimi dersinin işlenisjnde karşilaşilan problemleri ve ogretmenlerin simf ogretmeni veya beden egitimi ogretmeni olmalan açisından beden eğitimi dersinin amaçlanna göre uygulanamama nedenleri incelenerek, simf ogretmenleri ile beden eğitimi ogretmenlerinin göriisjeri arasındaki farklar çesjtli istatistiksel isjemler ile değerlendirilmiştir. Tarama modelindeki bu çalışmanın evrenini, 2005-2006 yıhnda Ankara ilinde faaliyet gösteren, ilkogretim okullanmn I. ve II. kademesinde görev yapan 12.605 beden eğitimi ve simf ogretmeni, örneklemini ise evrenden tesadüfi olarak seçilen 1576 beden eğitimi ve simf ogretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma ifin gerekli olan verilerin toplanmasında araştırmamn amacina uygun olarak geliştirilen, kapsam ve göriinus. geçerliliği için, alamn uzmanlannın göriis. ve önerileri de dikkate ahnarak hazırlanan bir anket kullamlmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin ç6zümlenmesinde, SPSS 11.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) istatistik paket programından yararlanılmış, verilerin genel dagihm özelliklerini belirlemek ifin tammlayıcı istatistik türlerinden frekans ve yüzde dagihmlan kullamlmış, 6lçeklerdeki ifadelere ilisjdn göruşlerin ortalama değerleri (S) verilmiş, aynca parametrik istatistik tekniklerinden t-testi ve faktör analizi kullanılmıştır. Verilerin istatistiksel analizi ve yorumlarda, p<0,05 anlamlihk düzeyi dikkate ahnmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda ilkogretim I. ve II. kademede; beden eğitimi ogretmeni sayısimn yetersiz olduğu, simf ogretmenlerinin lisans döneminden kaynaklanan eğitim formasyonu eksikliği nedeniyle kendilerini yeterli görmedikleri, dersleri yanhş ve eksik isjedikleri, aynca ç0cuklann ilkogretim birinci devreden ikinci devreye geçişte motor beceri ve yetenek gelisjmlerinin istenilen düzeyde saglanamadigi, beden egitimi derslerinin amaçlanna ulaşilabilmesi ifin ogretmenlerin büyük bir ç0gunlugu bu dersin branş ogretmenleri tarafından yuriitülmesi gerektiği hususunda göriis, belirtmişlerdir. Diger taraftan beden eğitimi ders saatlerinin yetersiz olması, sınıflann kalabahk olmasi, beden eğitimi dersi ile ilgili bilimsel araştırmalann sonuçlannın ilkogretim okullan ve yetkililerce gözardı edilmesi ile okullardaki tesis, malzeme, araç-gereç eksikligi de beden eğitimi dersi ogretim programlannda amaçlanan hedeflere ulaşilmasim guçleştirmektedir.The purpose of this study was to identify the reasons why physical education classes could not be implemented according to its goals with regard to teachers' being, classroom teachers or physical education teachers, and to identify the problems during the physical education lessons in order to suggest better implementations and contribute to the reconstruction of the programme in regard to child development, and finally make it widely effective use of the physical education classes over elementary and secondary school programmes. The population of this survey type study was 12.605 physical education and classroom teachers who worked in elementary and secondary schools in Ankara during 2005-2006. Randomly selected 1576 physical education and classroom teachers were the sampling of this research. By obtaining experts advice and recommandations for the content validity, a questionnaire was developed by the researcher. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) was used to analyse the data obtained. Statistically frequency, percentage values, mean (x) for the average values were determined and t-test and factor analysis were used. In data analysis and results, p<0,05 was found as a meaninful level. The results of this study showed that the number of physical education teachers in both the elementary and secondary schools were not enough. Secondly, classroom teachers assessed themselves as inefficient for physical education classes because of their lack of experiences with the teaching in physical education in elementary school lessons during university years, and they noted that they had been insufficient and they had made mistakes while teaching physical education. Thirdly children's motor skills and ability development could not reach the desired point when they passed through the secondary schools from the elementary. Then, most of the classroom teachers suggested that physical educators should teach the physical education classes in the elementary school in order to reach the goals of the programme. They also indicated that it was hard to reach the desired goals in physical education programme because the physical education hours in elementary schools were not enough, classes were overcrowded, the equipments were insufficient and the results of scientific studies about physical education are not taking into consideration by both elementary and secondary schools and responsible individuals in education