9 research outputs found

    Could antiparasitic cure with clinoptilolite be achieved in dogs naturally infected with giardia duodenalis?

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı doğal zeolit bileşeni olan klinoptilolitin köpeklerde doğal olarak şekillenen giardiazise karşı antiparaziter etkinliğinin belirlenmesidir. Aydın bölgesinde bulunan doğal olarak Giardia duodenalis ile enfekte olan sahipli ve ishalli her iki cinsiyetten 6-44 aylık yaştaki 7 enfekte köpek çalışmada kullanıldı. İki ayrı gruba ayrılan çalışma materyali olarak I. gruptakilere 10 gün oral yolla 2 g/kg dozda klinoptilolit uygulanırken, II. grupta bulunan köpeklerin kontrol grubu olarak kalmaları sağlandı. Köpeklerde klinoptilolitin antiparazitik etkinliği 0. 3. 7. ve 10. günlerde rektal yolla alınan dışkı örneklerinin mikroskobik incelenmesiyle değerlendirildi. Gram dışkı başına kist miktarındaki azalma göz önünde bulundurulduğunda anti-giardial amaçla kullanılan klinoptilolitin 10. günde giardiazise karşı kist atılımında %99 etkinlik sağladığı belirlendi. Sağaltım grubunda sırası ile 0.,3., 7. ve 10. günlerde kist sayılarına ait geometrik ortalamalar 200552.4, 37.8, 113.3, 10.4 şeklinde belirlendi. kontrol grubunda ise 0. gün ile (195099,4) 10. günlerdeki (174436,1) kist atılımının geometrik ortalamalarındaki fazla değişimin göstermediği saptandı. Netice itibarı ile giardiazisli köpeklerde klinoptilolitin kist atılımını etkin şekilde azalttığı ve önerilen dozda herhangi bir yan etkiye neden olmaksızın kullanılabileceği söylenebilir.The aim of this study was to determine the antiparasitic efficacy of the natural zeolite component, clinoptilolite, against naturally occurring giardiasis in dogs. Seven infected dogs, aged 6-44 months of age, both sexually owned and diarrhea infected with Giardia duodenalis in the Aydın region were used in the study. Group I was administered clinoptilolite orally for 10 days at a dose of 2 g / kg. Group II dogs were provide to stay in the control group. The antiparasitic efficacy of clinoptilolite in dogs was evaluated by microscopic examination of stool samples collected at the beginning 0, 3rd, 7th and 10th day by rectal route. Considering the reduction in cyst excretion per gram feces, clinoptilolite used for anti-giardial purposes provided 99% efficacy in cyst excretion at 10th day. In the treatment group, the mean geometric averages of cyst counts were determined as 200552.4, 37.8, 113.3, 10.4, respectively, on days 0, 3, 7 and 10. On the other hand, in the control group, no significant change was observed in the geometric mean of cyst ruble excretion on day 0 (195099,4) 10 days (174436,1). It can be said that clinoptilolite effectively decreases cyst excretion in dogs with giardiasis and can be used in the recommended dose without causing any side effects

    Application of oral clinoptilolite intended for prevention of giardiasis in goat kids

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    Bu çalışma doğal zeolit olan klinoptilolitin oğlaklarda doğal yolla oluşan giardiazise karşı terapötik etkinliğinin belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. Aydın ilinde yer alan bir keçi işletmesinde ishal anamnezi bulunan G. duodenalis ile doğal enfekte her iki cinsiyetten ve 19-41 günlük yaştaki 16 oğlak çalışma kapsamına alındı. Oğlaklar her grupta n=8 olacak şekilde randomize olarak 2 ayrı gruba ayrılarak I. gruba 1 g/kg dozda 10 gün oral yolla klinoptilolit uygulanırken, II. gruptaki olgulara hiçbir ilaç uygulaması yapılmayarak kontrol grubu olarak bırakıldı. Oğlaklarda klinoptilolitin terapötik etkinliği 0. ve 10. günlerde rektumdan direkt olarak toplanan dışkı numunelerinin mikroskobik muayenesiyle değerlendirildi. Gram dışkıda kist atılımındaki azalma değerlendirildiğinde klinoptilolit giardiazise karşı 10. günde kist atılımında %95 etkinlik sağladı. Buna karşın kontrol grubunda 0. gün ile (165832) 10. günlerde (162096) kist atılımının geometrik ortalamalarındaki azalmanın yeterli olmadığı görüldü. Sonuç olarak giardiazisli oğlaklarda oral yolla 10 gün uygulanan klinoptilolitin kist atılımını etkin şekilde azaltılmasına yardımcı olduğu söylenebilir.The present study was established in an attempt to interpret treapeutic efficacy of clinoptilolite against naturally occurring giardiasis in goat kids. A total of sixteen goat kids naturally infected with G. duodenalis at the age of 19 to 41 days, of both sexes were enrolled into the study from a goat farm located in Aydin province. Goat kids were randomly assigned into two groups (n=8), whereas group I received oral clinoptilolite at a dosage of 1 g/kg for 10 days, goat kids in group II were left as control without receiving any drug. Therapeutic efficacy of clinoptilolite was determined by microscopical interpretation of faecal samples collected from the rectum directly on days 0 and 10. Interpretation of the percentage reduction in cyst excretion revealed clinoptilolite efficacy as 95% on day 10. Indeed geometric means of the number of excreted cysts were not reduced sufficiently in control group between day 0 (165832) and 10 (162096). In conclusion, it might be suggested that oral administration of clinoptilolite for 10 days may have helped significant reduction the excretion of cysts in goat kids with giardiasis

    Morphological Changes of Anterior Cerebral Artery (ACA) in Hydrocephalic Pediatric Patients

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    Objective The morphology of anterior cerebral artery (ACA) in patients with hydrocephalus (HCP) was analyzed, and its importance was discussed in maintaining cerebral perfusion. Materials & Methods A total of 84 cases in 2 groups between 0 and 3 months, followed-up at Firat Universitesi Hastanesi, Beyin Cerrahisi Klinigi, Elazig, Turkiye due to in 2010-2013, were enrolled. Two groups were created for the study. Group 1; patients with HCP and Group 2; as control group without HCP. In both groups, the length of the A2 segment of ACA was measured from its origin to the junction of the genu and body portions of the corpus callosum on T2 mid-sagittal magnetic resonance (MR) scans. For all cases, axial MR imaging scans were used to calculate Evans' index (EI), and the cases were divided into three groups: Group A, EI >= 50%; Group B, EI of 40-50% and Group C, EI < 40%. The two groups (Groups 1 and 2) were compared with respect to ACA length, and the correlation with the EI was quantified. P values below 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results Mean length of ACA was 57.3 mm in Group 1 and 37.5 mm in Group 2. EI increased as the length of ACA increased. A statistical comparison of the two groups revealed that the ACA length was significantly greater in Group 1. The relationship between EI and ACA length was statistically significant. Conclusion Reducing ventricular size appears to be an important factor in addition to reducing intracranial pressure in an attempt to maintain normal cerebral perfusion(CP)

    Benign meningiomalarda MMP-11 ekspresyonu

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    WHO sınıflaması tümörlerin histolojik özellikleri değerlendirilerek yapılan bir sınıflama olup, onların biyolojik davranışlarının anlaşılmasında yetersiz kalmaktadır. Son zamanlarda tümörlerin biyolojik davranışlarını gösteren ekstrasellüler matriks komponentleri ile ilgili çalışmaların sayısı artmaktadır. MMP-11; MMP ailesi üyesi olan bir metalloproteinaz olup diğer aile üyelerinden etki mekanizması,subtrat yelpazesi,ve ekspresyon paterni bakımından farklılık gösterir. Çalışmamızda; 55 benign meningioma olgusu incelendi.Bunların 29' u transisyonel,16' sı meningotelyamatöz,8' i fibroblastik alttipte idi. Meningotelyamatöz olanlarda MMP-11 ekspresyon katsayısının yüksek(%75), fibroblastik olanlarda düşük (%87.5) olduğu tespit edildi. Ki-67 düzeyi MMP-11 ekspresyon katsayısı yüksek olgularda anlamlı derecede yüksek iken diğerlerinde düşük bulundu. Rekurrens gösteren olgularda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı sonuç çıkmasa da, rekurrens gösteren 7 olgunun 5'inde MMP-11 ekpresyon katsayısı yüksekti. Bu çalımaya göre Grade I meningiomalarda MMP-11 eksprese edilmektedir. MMP-11 ekpresyonu meningotelyamatöz tümörlerde daha yüksek iken fibroblastiklerde düşüktür. MMP-11 ekspresyonu yüksek tümörlerde Ki-67 ekspresyonu da yüksektir.The WHO categorises tumours based on their histological properties; however, this classification falls short of understanding their biological behaviours. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of studies on extracellular matrix components with the aim of understanding the biological behaviours of tumours. MMP-11 is a metalloproteinase from the MMP family that has a different expression pattern, mechanism of action, and substrate range compared with the other members of this family. Of the 55 benign meningioma cases examined, 29 were transitional, 16 were meningothelial, and 8 were fibroblastic in nature. In the meningotheliomatous cases, the MMP-11 expression score was high (75%), whereas it was low in the fibrous cases (87.5%). The Ki-67 levels in the cases with high MMP-11 expression scores were significantly higher than those of cases with low MMP-11 expression scores. Although there was no statistically significant correlation between recurrence and the MMP-11 expression score, 5 out of 7 cases with recurrence were found to have high MMP-11 expression scores. According to our study, MMP-11 is expressed in Grade I meningiomas. The level of MMP-11 expression appears to be high in the meningotheliomatous tumours and low in the fibrous subtypes. The tumours with a high level of MMP-11 expression also demonstrated high Ki-67 values

    Intraabdominal Pseudocyst Developed after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt: A Case Report

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    Abdominal pseudocyst is a rare complication developing after ventriculoperitoneal shunt treatment. It is more commonly seen particularly in children. The underlying pathogenesis may be associated with repeat revisions or infections. Morphologically, it has no complete cyst wall, presenting only with a pseudocapsule among the intestinal loops, around the lower shunt tip. The principal problem appears to be the reduced peritoneal absorption capacity. The treatment is complicated and difficult. In this report, we present an 8-year-old abdominal pseudocyst case with a history of many shunt revisions

    Sarkoptik uyuzlu koyunlarda serum tiyol disülfit seviyeleri

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    *Çamkerten, İlker ( Aksaray, Yazar ) *Çamkerten, Güzin ( Aksaray, Yazar )Sarcoptic mange, a notable parasitic disease, causes dermatological alterations among ruminants. Thiol-disulphite hemostasis is a novel oxidative stress parameter. The aim of this study was to evaluate dynamic thiol/disulfide homeostasis in sheep with sarcoptic mange. Total of thirty-six sheep (n=15 female, n=21 male) with sarcoptic mange (Group I), and twelve healthy sheep (Group II) were used in the study. A novel method was used to determine the thiol disulphide parameters. Native thiol, total thiol and Disulphide values were statistically lower in Group I. Disulphide/native thiol, Disulphide/total thiol, and Native thiol/ total thiol proportions had no statistical differences in groups. Sarcoptic mange was probably affected by the thiol Disulphide hemostasis in infected sheep. Thus, the data obtained in this study might form base for further studies to include antioxidant molecules in the treatment protocols.Önemli paraziter bir hastalık olan sarkoptik uyuz ruminantlarda dermatolojik lezyonlara neden olmaktadır. Tiyol-disülfit dengesi yeni bir stress oksidatif parametresidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı sarkoptik uyuzlu koyunlarda dinamik tiyol/disülfit dengesinin değerlendirilmesidir. Bu amaçla sarkoptik uyuzla (grup I) enfekte 36 koyun (n=15 dişi, n=21 erkek) ve 12 sağlıklı koyun (grup II) çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Tiyol disülfitin belirlenmesinde yeni bir metot kullanılmıştır. Natif tiyol, total tiyol ve disülfit parametreleri grup I’ de istatistiksel olarak düşük seyrederken disülfit/natif tiyol, disülfit/total tiyol ve natif tiyol/total tiyol oranları arasında gruplarda farklılık elde edilmemiştir. Sarkoptik uyuzun enfekte koyunlarda disülfit dengesini etkilediği düşünülmekte olup bu dengeyi sağlayacak antioksidan moleküllerin terapotik seçeneklere eklenmesi gerektiği öngörülmektedir

    The Effect of Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 on the Prognosis and Biological Behaviour of Meningiomas

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    AIM: To analyse the effect of MMP-3 (Matrix Metalloproteinase Enzyme-3)-one of the extracellular matrix proteins-on the prognosis and biological behaviour of meningiomas. MATERIAL and METHODS: 79 cases of meningioma that were operated in our clinic between 2005 and 2010 were retrospectively analysed. Age, sex, preoperative peritumoral edema, histological subtype, grade, Ki-67 expression, MMP-3 staining pattern and recurrence rate were analysed. Pathological preparations were graded according to the WHO (World Health Organisation) 2007 grading system. RESULTS: Of the MMP-III positive cases; 24 cases (60%) were grade I, 16 cases were grade II. The MMP-3 staining pattern was significantly positive (80%) in grade II meningioma. 14 of the MMP-3 positive cases were atypical meningiomas. Of the 20 cases with high Ki-67 proliferation index (PI), 12 cases (60%) were MMP-3 positive and 8 cases (40%) were MMP-3 negative. Rates of recurrence and preoperative peritumoral edema were high in cases with MMP-3 positivity. CONCLUSION: In this study it was determined that MMP-3 positivity has a strong relationship with meningiomas having an aggressive character. MMP-3 may be used as a proliferation marker for biological behaviour, recurrence rate and prognosis of meningiomas

    Disappearance of Biodiversity and Future of Our Foods

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    “I. Uluslararası Organik Tarım ve Biyoçeşitlilik Sempozyumu 27-29 Eylül Bayburt