276 research outputs found

    Social Isolation in the Inclusive Society : Isolation of Those Who Moved from Other Prefectures

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    本稿は、福井県における大規模アンケート調査のデータを用いて、社会的交流(家族を含む他者とのコミュニケーションや付き合い)、社会的サポート(情緒的および手段的サポート)、社会的参加(地域活動やボランティア活動など)の3つの次元における社会的孤立について分析を行ったものである。そして、年齢や性別、家族構成、結婚状況、就労形態、離職経験、学歴をコントロールした上で、福井県への移住者と福井県生まれの人に社会的孤立となる確率に違いがあるかを分析したその結果、社会的交流においては、女性において、福井県生まれの人に比べて、福井県に移住してから20年未満の人、および30年以上の人は、高い確率で孤立状況となることがわかった。この関係は、男性においては見られなかった。社会的サポートについては、福井県生まれとそうでない人の間に有意な差はなかった。しかし、社会的参加については、男性のみにおいて福井県に移住してから20年未満の人は約2.5倍から2倍の確率で孤立するリスクが高かった。This paper analyzes three types of social isolation (1. Communication, 2. Social support, 3. Participation) using a large-scale micro-data of Fukui Prefecture in Japan. The results indicate that divorcees, those living alone and migrants from other prefectures face a significantly higher risk of social isolation even after controlling for age, gender, socio-economic status, and household structure. The migrant women face higher risk for lacking communication with others, while migrant men face higher risk of lack of social participation compared to natives of the Fukui Prefecture. The analysis shows that there are different risk factors for different types of social isolation and that moving from other prefecture, even after many years of residence, still pose risk of social isolation.特集 福井県における生活保障のガバナン

    Molecular and crystal structure, spectroscopy, and photochemistry of a dispiro compound bearing the tetraoxane pharmacophore

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    The molecular structure and photochemistry of dispiro[cyclohexane-1,3′-[1,2,4,5]tetraoxane-6′,2′′-tricyclo[,7]decan]-4-one (TX), an antiparasitic 1,2,4,5-tetraoxane was investigated using matrix isolation IR and EPR spectroscopies, together with quantum chemical calculations undertaken at the DFT(B3LYP)/6-311++G(3df,3pd) level of theory, with and without Grimme's dispersion correction. Photolysis of the matrix-isolated TX, induced by in situ broadband (λ>235 nm) or narrowband (λ in the range 220–263 nm) irradiation, led to new bands in the infrared spectrum that could be ascribed to two distinct photoproducts, oxepane-2,5-dione, and 4-oxohomoadamantan-5-one. Our studies show that these photoproducts result from initial photoinduced cleavage of an O−O bond, with the formation of an oxygen-centered diradical that regioselectivity rearranges to a more stable (secondary carbon-centered)/(oxygen-centered) diradical, yielding the final products. Formation of the diradical species was confirmed by EPR measurements, upon photolysis of the compound at λ=266 nm, in acetonitrile ice (T=10–80 K). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies demonstrated that the TX molecule adopts nearly the same conformation in the crystal and matrix-isolation conditions, revealing that the intermolecular interactions in the TX crystal are weak. This result is in keeping with observed similarities between the infrared spectrum of the crystalline material and that of matrix-isolated TX. The detailed structural, vibrational, and photochemical data reported here appear relevant to the practical uses of TX in medicinal chemistry, considering its efficient and broad parasiticidal properties.JP17H03022; 20K21197; 21H01921; 22K19033; JPMJCR18R4; JPMJCR18R4info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Localized ground glass opacities with multiple pulmonary small cysts in adult T-cell leukemia or lymphoma: an "alloy wheel" appearance.

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    We herein report a case of adult T-cell leukemia or lymphoma showing multiple lung cysts within a localized ground glass opacity (GGO) on computed tomography scan. The patterns of multiple localized GGOs having multiple small cysts were varied, including a large air space in the center of the localized GGO with surrounding small cysts, a solid part in the center of the localized GGO with peripheral small cysts, and clustered small cysts. These findings were considered to simulate the appearance of an "alloy wheel." Some of the central large air spaces had thickened walls. On the basis of the histopathologic findings, the pathogenesis of multiple cyst formation was considered to be a combination of 2 main mechanisms as follows: a check valve mechanism due to stenosis or an obstruction by the tumor cells\u27 infiltration along the bronchioles, traction bronchiolectasis and ectatic alveoli by fibrosis

    Formation of an Ultracarbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorite through Minimum Aqueous Alteration in a Small Porous Icy Body

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    A comprehensive study of the organic chemistry and mineralogy of an ultracarbonaceous micrometeorite (UCAMM D05IB80) collected from near the Dome Fuji Station, Antarctica, was carried out to understand the genetic relationship among organic materials, silicates, and water. The micrometeorite is composed of a dense aggregate of ∼5 µm-sized hollow ellipsoidal organic material containing submicrometer-sized phases such as glass with embedded metal and sulfides (GEMS) and mineral grains. There is a wide area of organic material (∼15 × 15 μm) in its interior. Low-Ca pyroxene is much more abundant than olivine and shows various Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios ranging from ∼1.0 to 0.78, which is common to previous works on UCAMMs. By contrast, GEMS grains in this UCAMM have unusual chemical compositions. They are depleted in both Mg and S, which suggests that these elements were leached out from the GEMS grains during very weak aqueous alteration, without the formation of phyllosilicates. The organic materials have two textures—smooth and globular with an irregular outline—and these are composed of imine, nitrile and/or aromatic nitrogen heterocycles, and amide. The ratio of nitrogen to carbon (N/C) in the smooth region of the organics is ∼0.15, which is five times higher than that of insoluble organic macromolecules in types 1 and 2 carbonaceous chondritic meteorites. In addition, the UCAMM organic materials are soluble in epoxy and are thus hydrophilic; this polar nature indicates that they are very primitive. The surface of the material is coated with an inorganic layer, a few nanometers thick, that consists of C, O, Si, S, and Fe. Sulfur is also contained in the interior, implying the presence of organosulfur moieties. There are no isotopic anomalies of D, 13C, or 15N in the organic material. Interstellar photochemistry alone would not be sufficient to explain the N/C ratio of the UCAMM organics; therefore, we suggest that a very small amount of fluid on a comet must have been necessary for the formation of the UCAMM. The GEMS grains depleted in Mg and S in the UCAMM prove a very weak degree of aqueous alteration; weaker than that of carbonaceous chondrites. Short-duration weak alteration probably caused by planetesimal shock locally melted cometary ice grains and released water that dissolved the organics; the fluid would likely have not mobilized because of the very low thermal conductivity of the porous icy body. This event allowed the formation of the large organic puddle of the UCAMM, as well as organic matter sulfurization, formation of thin membrane-like layers of minerals, and deformation of organic nanoglobules.アクセプト後にタイトル・アブストラクト等変更あり、著者最終稿は変更前のタイトル"Formation of an Ultracarbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorite through Minimum Aqueous Alteration in a Small Porous Icy Body"This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (No. 22224010, PI: H. Nagahara). The STXM facility at the beamline, ALS, is supported by the Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences Program

    MRS Study of ACC in Asperger's Syndrome

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    Purpose Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) is a noninvasive neuroimaging method to quantify biochemical metabolites in vivo and it can serve as a powerful tool to monitor neurobiochemical profiles in the brain. Asperger's syndrome (AS) is a type of autism spectrum disorder, which is characterized by impaired social skills and restrictive, repetitive patterns of interest and activities, while intellectual levels and language skills are relatively preserved. Despite clinical aspects have been well-characterized, neurometabolic profiling in the brain of AS remains to be clear. The present study used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) to investigate whether pediatric AS is associated with measurable neurometabolic abnormalities that can contribute new information on the neurobiological underpinnings of the disorder. Methods Study participants consisted of 34 children with AS (2-12 years old; mean age 5.2 (±2.0); 28 boys) and 19 typically developed children (2-11 years old; mean age 5.6 (±2.6); 12 boys) who served as the normal control group. The 1H MRS data were obtained from two regions of interest: the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and left cerebellum. Results In the ACC, levels of N-acetylaspartate (NAA), total creatine (tCr), total choline-containing compounds (tCho) and myo-Inositol (mI) were significantly decreased in children with AS compared to controls. On the other hand, no significant group differences in any of the metabolites were found in the left cerebellum. Neither age nor sex accounted for the metabolic findings in the regions. Conclusion The finding of decreased levels of NAA, tCr, tCho, and mI in the ACC but not in left cerebellar voxels in the AS, suggests a lower ACC neuronal density in the present AS cohort compared to controls

    Influence of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster on the birth weight of newborns in Fukushima Prefecture: Fukushima Health Management Survey

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    Objective: The Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster occurred on 11 March 2011. We investigated the incidence of SGA (small for gestational age) in the Fukushima Prefecture in newborns delivered by women who were pregnant at the time of the disasters and identified any risk factors for SGA. Methods: Subjects were women who were pregnant at the time of the disasters. Questionnaires were sent to the women who lived in the Hamadori area (seaside and near to the nuclear power plant) at the time of the disasters as well as to a control group of women who lived outside the Hamadori area. The incidence of SGA was compared. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the risk factors for SGA. Results: In total, 325(5.6%) women had infants with SGA. Neither area nor the trimester of pregnancy at the time of the disasters influenced the incidence of SGA. Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) was higher in the SGA group. PIH was found to be an independent risk factor for SGA. Conclusion: We found no evidence that the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster increased the incidence of SGA in the Fukushima Prefecture

    Chest Wall Invasion by Peripheral Lung Cancer: Preoperative Assessment with Respiratory Dynamic MRI

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    Purpose: The purpose of our study was to evaluate the usefulness of dynamic cine MRI during respiration in the assessment of chest wall invasion by lung cancer. Materials and Methods: We prospectively performed respiratory dynamic MRI in 34 patients with peripheral lung cancer, in whom the presence of chest wall invasion was indeterminate on CT. Sequential images were obtained during respiration by using fast spoiled GRASS (SPGR) sequence, and were analyzed in cine mode display. Results: In all 23 patients with free movement of the tumor along the chest wall on respiratory dynamic cine MRI, no chest wall invasion was found at surgery (negative predictive value 100%). In eleven patients with fixation of the tumor to the chest wall, invasion was confirmed pathologically in five patients, while benign fibrous adhesion was found in six. Conclusion: Although it has some limitations, dynamic cine MRI during respiration is useful in evaluating chest wall invasion in patients with lung cancer, particularly when CT findings are indeterminate

    HLA-DRB1 and DQB1 alleles in Japanese type 1 autoimmune hepatitis: The predisposing role of the DR4/DR8 heterozygous genotype

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    ObjectiveAutoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a chronic progressive liver disease. AIH is composed predominantly of type 1 in Japanese populations. The genetic and environmental factors are associated with the pathogenesis of AIH. HLA-DRB1*03:01 and *04:01 are associated with type 1 AIH in European and *04:05 in Japanese populations. Here, we conducted an HLA association study in order to find HLA alleles or haplotypes predisposing or protective for Japanese AIH.MethodsHLA-DRB1 and DQB1 genotyping of 360 type 1 AIH patients and 1026 healthy controls was performed.ResultsThe predisposing association of DRB1*04:01 (P = 0.0006, corrected P [Pc] = 0.0193, odds ratio [OR] 2.97, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.62–5.43), DRB1*04:05 (P = 1.89×10−21, Pc = 5.86×10−20, OR 3.41, 95% CI 2.65–4.38), and DQB1*04:01 (P = 4.66×10−18, Pc = 6.99×10−17, OR 3.89, 95% CI 2.84–5.33) and the protective association of DRB1*13:02 (P = 0.0003, Pc = 0.0080, OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.32–0.72) with Japanese type 1 AIH were observed. An association of the DR4/DR8 heterozygous genotype with Japanese AIH was identified for the first time (P = 3.12×10−9, OR 3.52, 95% CI 2.34–5.29). Susceptible diplotypes were DRB1*04:05-DQB1*04:01/DRB1*08:02-DQB1*03:02 (P = 0.0004, OR 24.77, 95% CI 1.45–424.31) and DRB1*04:05-DQB1*04:01/DRB1*08:03-DQB1*06:01 (P = 1.18×10−6, OR 10.64, 95% CI 3.19–35.46). Serum levels of Immunoglobulin G and Immunoglobulin M, International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group score, positive rate of anti-smooth muscle antibodies, and the rate of definite AIH were higher in AIH patients with DRB1*04:05 than without.ConclusionsThe important roles of specific combinations of DRB1 and DQB1 alleles or haplotypes in the pathogenesis of type 1 AIH were suggested. The association of DR4/DR8 heterozygous genotype suggested the pathologic importance of trans-complementing DQα-β heterodimer molecules encoded by DQA1 allele of one haplotype and the DQB1 allele of the other haplotype, as it was proposed in the HLA association studies of Type 1 diabetes