27 research outputs found

    El caup铆 (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) y su respuesta a la aplicaci贸n de 谩cidos h煤micos (AH鈥檚) en el Cant贸n Jipijapa en Ecuador

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    This research was carried out in the Jipijapa canton, Manabi province of Ecuador, with the following objectives: i) toidentify the dose of humic acid in the caup铆 crop, ii) to determine the time for foliar application of humic acid, and iii)determine the marginal rate of return in terms of cost/benefit. A plot in experimental design of completely randomizedblocks (DCRB) with factorial arrangement of 4 x 3 with four replications was implemented. The variables plant height(PH), stem diameter (SD), sheath length (SL), number of decks (ND) and average weight of decks (AWD) were evaluated. The results showed that to improve cowpea production, the addition of significant amounts of iron is required. Thedose of leaf application was 1000 cm3/ha of humic acids, the PH was 48.76 cm and SD of 9.66 mm. The time for foliarapplication of humic acids was at 30 days, the length of pod was obtained with 21.16 cm and numbers of decks with14.34. For the weight of the mallets, the treatment was the application to the 15 days after the sowing. There was a highand significant correlation between PH and SD (0.54). When the economic analysis was carried out, the T8 treatment,1000 cm3/ha of humic acid was applied, applied 30 days after sowing was the one with the marginal return rate with271.43%.Esta investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en el cant贸n Jipijapa, provincia Manab铆 del Ecuador, con los siguientes objetivos: i) identificar la dosis de aplicaci贸n foliar de los 谩cido h煤mico (AH鈥檚) en el cultivo de Caup铆, ii) determinar la 茅poca de aplicaci贸nfoliar de los AH鈥檚 y iii) determinar la tasa de retorno marginal en base al costo/beneficio. Se implement贸 una parcela endise帽o experimental de bloques completamente al azar (DBCA) con arreglo factorial de 4 x 3 con cuatro repeticiones. Seevaluaron las variables altura de planta (AP), di谩metro de tallo (DT), longitud de vaina (LV), n煤mero de mazos (NM) ypeso promedio de los mazos (PPM). Los resultados mostraron que, para mejorar la producci贸n de caup铆 se requiere laadici贸n de cantidades significativas de hierro. La dosis de aplicaci贸n foliar fue de 1000 cm3/ha de AH鈥檚, la mayor AP fuede 48.76 cm y DT de 9.66 mm. La 茅poca de aplicaci贸n foliar de los AH鈥檚 fue a los 30 d铆as, se obtuvo una longitud devaina con 21.16 cm y n煤meros de mazos con 14.34. Para el peso de los mazos, el tratamiento fue la aplicaci贸n a los 15d铆as despu茅s de la siembra. Se observ贸 correlaci贸n alta y significativa entre AP y DT (0.54). Al realizar el an谩lisis econ贸mico el tratamiento T8, se utiliz贸 1000 cm3/ha de AH鈥檚, aplicado a los 30 d铆as despu茅s de la siembra, se tuvo la tasade retorno marginal con 271.43%

    Descripci贸n morfol贸gica y organol茅ptica de frutos de mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivados en el cant贸n Jipijapa en Ecuador

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    In the year 2016, seventeen cultivars of mango (Mangifera indica L.) were collected in local markets and farmers'field of Jipijapa Canton, Ecuador, with the aim of describing and analyzing mango fruits due to their morphologicalcharacteristics of sugars (掳Brix) and total solids. Collections were carried out by students and teachers of the ResearchMethodologies course of the Agricultural Engineering Career, of the Southern State University of Manab铆(UNESUM). The fruits were characterized by using 16 qualitative and quantitative variables for fruit and seed recommended by UPOV and IPGRI. The percentage of total solids and Brix grades of each harvested crop were alsoanalyzed in the UNESUM bromatology laboratory. Results showed that in the Jipijapa Canton, Ecuador, there is agreat biodiversity of native mangoes, which were not characterized. Fruit shapes, pulp color and variable fiber contents were observed. The length of fruit was 6.33 to 12.50 cm, and the width was 5.27 to 8.50 cm, with a length/widthratio between 0.77 and 1.83 cm. The fruit weight was 63.3 to 500 g. No significant differences were observed in thesugars content (掳Brix). Finally, it was observed that the range of consumable pulp was 63 to 94% in native cultivarsand 86% to 97% in the improved ones.(UNESUM), km 11/2 v铆a Noboa s/nCampus los 脕ngeles, Jipijapa, Ecuador. 2Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y de laAgricultura, Universidad Estatal del Surde Manab铆 (UNESUM), km 11/2 v铆aNoboa s/n Campus los 脕ngeles, Jipijapa, Ecuador. 3Laboratorio de Bromatolog铆a de la Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manab铆 (UNESUM), km 11/2 v铆a Noboa s/n Campus los 脕ngeles, Jipijapa, Ecuador. *Direcci贸n de contacto: 1Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y de laAgricultura, Universidad Estatal del Surde Manab铆 (UNESUM), km 11/2 v铆aNoboa s/n Campus los 脕ngeles, Jipijapa, Ecuador. Telf. 05-2600229. Julio Gabriel Ortega E-mail address : [email protected], Julio.gabriel@[email protected] el a帽o 2016, fueron colectados 17 cultivares de mango (Mangifera indica L.) en mercados locales y fincas deagricultores del Cant贸n Jipijapa, Ecuador, con el objetivo de describir morfol贸gicamente y organol茅pticamente losfrutos de mango de cultivares colectados. Las colectas fueron realizadas por estudiantes y docentes de la asignatura demetodolog铆as de la investigaci贸n de la Carrera de Ingenier铆a Agropecuaria, de la Universidad Estatal del Sur deManab铆 (UNESUM). Los frutos fueron caracterizados utilizando 16 variables cualitativas y cuantitativas para fruto ysemilla recomendados por la UPOV y el IPGRI. Tambi茅n se analiz贸 en el laboratorio de bromatolog铆a de laUNESUM el porcentaje de s贸lidos totales y el contenido de az煤cares (掳Brix) de cada cultivar recolectado. Los resultados mostraron que en el Cant贸n Jipijapa, Ecuador, existe una gran biodiversidad de mangos nativos, que no fueroncaracterizados. Se observ贸 formas de frutos, color de pulpa y contenidos en fibra variables. La longitud de fruto fue6.33 a 12.50 cm, y el ancho fue 5.27 a 8.50 cm, con una relaci贸n de longitud/ancho entre 0.77 a 1.83 cm. El peso defruto fue de 63.3 a 500 g. En el contenido de az煤cares (掳Brix) no se observ贸 diferencias notables. Finalmente seobserv贸 que el rango de pulpa consumible fue de 63 a 94% en los cultivares nativos y de 86 a 97% en los mejorados

    Producci贸n de tres variedades de Forraje verde hidrop贸nico con diferentes dosis de fertilizante nitrogenado

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    In the San Vicente canton, province of Manab铆, Ecuador, the crops of white corn, yellow corn and sorghum were established as hydroponic green fodder (HGF), the objectives were: i) to determine the variety of HGF with the highest productive response at the weight level with different doses of nitrogen fertilization (NF), ii) to verify the production of whitecorn, yellow corn and sorghum as hydroponic green fodder (HGF) and iii) evaluate through a benefit/cost analysis thetreatment with the highest productive profitability. The factors of study were: Factor A: Varieties, the yellow corn varietyINIAP 542 was tested, white corn INIAP 528 and sorghum as hydroponic green fodder (FVH) and iii) evaluate through abenefit/cost analysis the treatment with the highest productive profitability. The factors of study were: Factor A: Varieties, where the yellow maize variety INIAP 542, white maize INIAP 528 and forage sorghum variety Pampa verde weretested. Factor B: nitrogenous doses of 1, 2 and 3 g / L, corresponding to 460, 920 and 1380 ppm. The experiment wasimplemented in a randomized complete block design (BCA) with a factorial arrangement of 3 x 2, with nine treatmentsand five replications, which corresponded to 45 experimental units. The results determined a greater growth of white cornat 1g of FN/L of water, with 36.40 cm in length, greater weight was obtained from yellow corn to 1 g of FN/L with 6.60kg per tray of 50 cm x 70 cm of FVH, economically the best treatment was white corn to 1 g of FN/L with a profitabilityof 0.56% and a net profit of 1.39 usperFVHtray.Itsconcludedthatwhitecornrespondsbettertonitrogenfertilizationunderhydroponicconditions,withhighergrowthandlowerproductioncosts.EnelcantonSanVicente,provinciadeManab,Ecuador,seestablecioloscultivosdemazblanco,mazamarilloysorgocomoforrajeverdehidroponico(FVH),losobjetivosfueron:i)determinarlavariedaddeFVHdemayorrespuestaproductivaaniveldepesocondiferentesdosisdefertilizacionnitrogenada(FN),ii)comprobarlaproducciondemazblanco,mazamarilloysorgocomoforrajeverdehidroponico(FVH)yiii)evaluarmedianteunanalisisdebeneficio/costoeltratamientodemayorrentabilidadproductiva.Losfactoresdeestudiofueron:FactorA:Variedades,seproboalmazamarillovariedadINIAP542,mazblancoINIAP528ysorgoforrajerovariedadPampaverde.FactorB:dosisnitrogenadasde1,2y3g/L,correspondientea460,920y1380ppm.Elexperimentofueimplementadoenundisen~odeexperimentaldebloquescompletosalazar(BCA)conarreglofactorialde3x2,connuevetratamientosycincorepeticiones,con45unidadesexperimentalesLosresultadosdeterminaronmayorcrecimientodelmazblancoa1gdeFN/Ldeagua,con36.40cmdelongitud,mayorpesoseobtuvodelmazamarilloa1gdeFN/Lcon6.60kgporbandejade50cmx70cmdeFVH,aniveleconomicoelmejortratamientofueelmazblancoa1gdeFN/Lconunarentabilidaddel0.56us per FVH tray. It麓s concluded that white corn responds better to nitrogen fertilizationunder hydroponic conditions, with higher growth and lower production costs.En el cant贸n San Vicente, provincia de Manab铆, Ecuador, se estableci贸 los cultivos de ma铆z blanco, ma铆z amarillo y sorgocomo forraje verde hidrop贸nico (FVH), los objetivos fueron: i) determinar la variedad de FVH de mayor respuesta productiva a nivel de peso con diferentes dosis de fertilizaci贸n nitrogenada (FN), ii) comprobar la producci贸n de ma铆z blanco, ma铆z amarillo y sorgo como forraje verde hidrop贸nico (FVH) y iii) evaluar mediante un an谩lisis de beneficio/costo eltratamiento de mayor rentabilidad productiva. Los factores de estudio fueron: Factor A: Variedades, se prob贸 al ma铆zamarillo variedad INIAP 542, ma铆z blanco INIAP 528 y sorgo forrajero variedad Pampa verde. Factor B: dosis nitrogenadas de 1, 2 y 3 g/L, correspondiente a 460, 920 y 1380 ppm. El experimento fue implementado en un dise帽o de experimental de bloques completos al azar (BCA) con arreglo factorial de 3 x 2, con nueve tratamientos y cinco repeticiones,con 45 unidades experimentales Los resultados determinaron mayor crecimiento del ma铆z blanco a 1g de FN/L de agua,con 36.40 cm de longitud, mayor peso se obtuvo del ma铆z amarillo a 1 g de FN/L con 6.60 kg por bandeja de 50 cm x 70cm de FVH, a nivel econ贸mico el mejor tratamiento fue el ma铆z blanco a 1 g de FN/L con una rentabilidad del 0.56 % yun beneficio neto de 1.39 us por bandeja de FVH. Se concluye que el ma铆z blanco responde de mejor manera a la fertilizaci贸n nitrogenada en condiciones hidrop贸nicas, con mayor crecimiento y a menor costo de producci贸n

    Evaluaci贸n y selecci贸n participativa de h铆bridos de sand铆a [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum y Nakai] en invernadero

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    The present investigation was carried out in Puerto La Boca, Manab铆 province, Ecuador, in 2019, with the aim of participatory evaluation and selection of watermelon hybrids in the greenhouse. For the development of this research, two experiments were implemented: in the first experiment, a greenhouse plot was carried out under a completely randomized design with three treatments (T1: Quetzal铆, T2: Champagne and T3: Vanessa) and in the second experiment, it was evaluated and selected the hybrids participatively, considering the preference criteria of the actors in the watermelon value chain (consumers). This experiment was analyzed in a completely random-ized design. The response variables were: fruit weight (FW) (kg), total fruit volume (FV) (cm3), preference criteria (fruit color, meat color, flavor, sweetness, smell and sale to the market), morphological passport data and an economic estimate. The results showed that the Champagne hybrid was the best, in morphological, agronomic and performance characteristics; however, in the preference and sale criteria, consumers chose the Vanessa hybrid as the best. The profitability analysis showed that the Champagne and Vanessa cultivars were profitable when they were commercialized (B/C>1).La presente investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en Puerto La Boca, provincia Manab铆, Ecuador, en el a帽o 2019, con el objetivo de evaluar y seleccionar participativamente h铆bridos de sand铆a en invernadero. Para el desarrollo de esta investigaci贸n se implement贸 dos experimentos: en el primer experimento se realiz贸 una parcela en invernadero bajo un dise帽o completamente aleatorizado con tres tratamientos (T1: Quetzal铆, T2: Champagne y T3: Vanessa) y en el segundo experimento, se evalu贸 y seleccion贸 los h铆bridos participativamente, considerando los criterios de preferencia de los actores de la cadena de valor de la sand铆a (consumidores). Este experimento fue analizado en un dise帽o completamente aleatorizado. Las variables de respuesta fueron: peso de frutos (PF) (kg), volumen total de los frutos (VF) (cm3), criterios de preferencia (color de fruto, color de carne, sabor, dulzor, olor y venta al mercado), datos pasaporte morfol贸gico y una estimaci贸n econ贸mica. Los resultados expusieron que el h铆brido Champagne fue el mejor, en caracter铆sticas morfol贸gicas, agron贸micas y rendimiento, sin embargo, en los crite-rios de preferencia y venta, los consumidores eligieron al h铆brido Vanessa como la mejor. El an谩lisis de rentabi-lidad, mostr贸 que los cultivares Champagne y Vanessa fueron rentables cuando fueron comercializados (B/C>1)

    Body weight, cardiac index values, and hematocrit and haemoglobin levels in two turkey commercial lines

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar el peso corporal, as铆 como 铆ndices cardiacos, hematocrito y hemoglobina como indicadores de trabajo cardiaco de dos l铆neas de pavos de engorde criados a nivel del mar. Se trabaj贸 con 35 pavos de la l铆nea BUT y 35 de la l铆nea Hybrid. El peso corporal (PC) se registr贸 desde la 4陋 a la 14陋 semana de edad en que fueron beneficiados. En ese momento, se tom贸 una muestra de sangre para determinar el hematocrito y la hemoglobina; adem谩s, se extrajeron los corazones y se determinaron las relaciones de peso ventr铆culo derecho/ventr铆culo total (VD/VT), peso ventr铆culo izquierdo/ventr铆culo total (VI/VT), peso ventr铆culo izquierdo + septo/ ventr铆culo total (VI+S/VT), VI/PC, VD/PC, VI+S/PC y VT/PC. El peso corporal y la hemoglobina en pavos BUT fueron superiores (p<0.05), mientras que el hematocrito fue mayor (p<0.05) en pavos de la l铆nea Hybrid. No se encontraron diferencias de los 铆ndices VD/VT, VI/VT, (VI+S)/VT y VD/PC entre las dos l铆neas, pero se encontr贸 valores superiores (p<0.05) para las relaciones VI/PC, (VI+S)/PC y VT/PC en la l铆nea BUT, concordante con la ganancia de peso.The study aimed to compare the body weight, and cardiac indices, hematocrit and hemoglobin as indicators of cardiac activity of two turkey commercial lines reared at sea level. Thirty five turkeys from each line were used in the study. Body weight (PC) was recorded from the 4th to the 14th week of age where birds were slaughtered. There, blood samples were collected for measuring hematocrit and hemoglobin levels. Also, hearts were collected to determine the following ratios: weight of right ventricle/total ventricle (VD/VT), weight of left ventricle/total ventricle (VI/VT), weight of left ventricle + septum/ total ventricle (VI+S/VT), VI/PC, VD/PC, VI+S/PC, and VT/PC. Body weight and haemoglobin in BUT turkeys were higher (p<0.05) and hematocrit was higher (p<0.05) in Hybrid turkeys. No statistical differences were found on VD/VT, VI/VT, (VI+S)/VT, and VD/PC between lines, but higher values were observed (p<0.05) for VI/PC, (VI+S)/PC, and VT/PC in BUT turkeys, compatible with body weight gain

    Innovaciones en la matriz productiva hort铆cola para reducir el efecto del cambio clim谩tico en Puerto la Boca, Jipijapa, Ecuador

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    Between 2017 and 2018, a project on the development of technological alternatives for the sustainable production of greenhouse vegetables was implemented, with the aim of innovating the change in the horticultural production matrix to contribute to the reduction of the effect of climate change on the Puerto La Boca area, Jipijapa, Ecuador. In order to fulfill this objective, various activities were developed, articulating the three substantive axes of the State University of the South of Manab铆, such as academia, research and linking, with the participation of the same university, the Agro-artisan Association of Puerto la Boca, the Decentralized Autonomous Government (DAG Municipal) and the private company. The substantive functions were articulated through the development of knowledge and technologies, the strengthening of the capacities of the producers, the realization of field days, as well as the systematic involvement of students (in research, pre-professional practices and bonding) and teachers in the activities The results achieved were the development of a technological offer such as tomato (Alambra, Itaipu and Baikor), pepper (Macantro and Tandara) and melon (Kapaz and Kazik) hybrids and methods [Integrated disease management (IDM) and management integrated vegetables (MIV)] more appropriate and timely as the development of a strategy based on four fundamental principles such as: a) The alternation of systemic and contact fungicides, b) non-application of the systemic fungicide more than three times c) the use of microorganisms (Bacillus and/or Trichoderma) that replace the contact fungicide and d) the reduction in the number of applications. These technologies and methodologies were made available to producers, so that they achieve better products and give them the opportunity to achieve business with better profitability margins in differentiated market niches (supermarkets); as well as the strengthening of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the producersEntre los a帽os 2017 y 2018, se implement贸 un proyecto sobre el desarrollo de alternativas tecnol贸gicas para la produc-ci贸n sostenible de hortalizas en invernadero, con el objetivo de innovar el cambio en la matriz productiva hort铆cola para contribuir a la disminuci贸n del efecto del cambio clim谩tico en la zona de Puerto La Boca, Jipijapa, Ecuador. Para cum-plir este objetivo se desarrollaron diversas actividades articulando las tres funciones sustantivas de la Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manab铆 como son la academia, la investigaci贸n y la vinculaci贸n, con la participaci贸n de la UNESUM, la Asociaci贸n Agro-artesanal de Puerto la Boca, el Gobierno Aut贸nomo Descentralizado (GAD Municipal) y la empresa privada. Las funciones sustantivas se articularon a trav茅s del desarrollo de conocimientos y tecnolog铆as, el fortaleci-miento de las capacidades de los productores, la realizaci贸n de d铆as de campo, as铆 como el involucramiento sistem谩tico de estudiantes (en investigaci贸n, pr谩cticas pre-profesionales y vinculaci贸n) y docentes en las actividades. Los resultados logrados fueron la el desarrollo de una oferta tecnol贸gica como los h铆bridos de tomate (Alambra, Itaipu y Baikor), pimiento (Macantro y Tandara) y mel贸n (Kapaz y Kazik) y de m茅todos [Manejo integrado de enfermedades (MIE) y manejo integrado de hortalizas (MIH)] m谩s adecuado y oportunos como el desarrollo de una estrategia basada en cuatro principios fundamentales como: a) La alternabilidad de los fungicidas sist茅micos y de contacto, b) la no aplicaci贸n del fungicida sist茅mico en m谩s de tres oportunidades c) el uso de microorganismos (Bacillus y/o Trichoderma) que reem-placen al fungicida de contacto y d) la reducci贸n del n煤mero de aplicaciones. Estas tecnolog铆as y metodolog铆as se pusieron a disposici贸n de los productores, para que logren mejores productos y darles la oportunidad para lograr nego-cios con mejores m谩rgenes de rentabilidad en nichos de mercado diferenciados (supermercados); as铆 como el fortaleci-miento de los conocimientos, actitudes y pr谩cticas de los productores

    The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) and its response to the application of humic acids (HA麓s) in Canton Jipijapa in Ecuador

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    This research was carried out in the Jipijapa canton, Manabi province of Ecuador, with the following objectives: i) to identify the dose of humic acid in the caup铆 crop, ii) to determine the time for foliar application of humic acid, and iii) determine the marginal rate of return in terms of cost/benefit. A plot in experimental design of completely randomized blocks (DCRB) with factorial arrangement of 4 x 3 with four replications was implemented. The variables plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), sheath length (SL), number of decks (ND) and average weight of decks (AWD) were evaluated. The results showed that to improve cowpea production, the addition of significant amounts of iron is required. The dose of leaf application was 1000 cm3/ha of humic acids, the PH was 48.76 cm and SD of 9.66 mm. The time for foliar application of humic acids was at 30 days, the length of pod was obtained with 21.16 cm and numbers of decks with 14.34. For the weight of the mallets, the treatment was the application to the 15 days after the sowing. There was a high and significant correlation between PH and SD (0.54). When the economic analysis was carried out, the T8 treatment, 1000 cm3/ha of humic acid was applied, applied 30 days after sowing was the one with the marginal return rate with 271.43%

    Morphological and organoleptic description of mango fruits (Mangifera indica L.) cultivated in Jipijapa canton in Ecuador

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    In the year 2016, seventeen cultivars of mango (Mangifera indica L.) were collected in local markets and farmers' field of Jipijapa Canton, Ecuador, with the aim of describing and analyzing mango fruits due to their morphological characteristics of sugars (掳Brix) and total solids. Collections were carried out by stu-dents and teachers of the Research Methodologies course of the Agricultural Engineering Career, of the Southern State University of Manab铆 (UNESUM). The fruits were characterized by using 16 qualitative and quantitative variables for fruit and seed recommended by UPOV and IPGRI. The percentage of total solids and Brix grades of each harvested crop were also analyzed in the UNESUM bromatology laboratory. Results showed that in the Jipijapa Canton, Ecuador, there is a great biodiversity of native mangoes, which were not characterized. Fruit shapes, pulp color and variable fiber contents were observed. The length of fruit was 6.33 to 12.50 cm, and the width was 5.27 to 8.50 cm, with a length/width ratio between 0.77 and 1.83 cm. The fruit weight was 63.3 to 500 g. No significant differences were observed in the sugars content (掳Brix). Finally, it was observed that the range of consumable pulp was 63 to 94% in native cultivars and 86% to 97% in the improved ones

    An illustrated key to and diagnoses of the species of Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) associated with decaying carcasses in Argentina

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    A key to 24 Staphylinidae species associated with decaying carcasses in Argentina is presented, including diagnoses, illustrations, distributional and bionomical data for these species. This article provides a table of all species associated with carcasses, detailing the substrate from which they were collected and geographical distribution by province. All 24 Staphylinidae species recorded are grouped into three subfamilies: Aleocharinae (three species of Aleochara Gravenhorst and one species of Atheta Thomson), Oxytelinae (one species of Anotylus Thomson) and Staphylininae (18 species, two belonging to the tribe Xantholinini and 16 species belonging to the tribe Staphylinini). A discussion is presented on the potential forensic importance of some species collected on human and pig carcasses.Fil: Aballay, Fernando Hern谩n. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas 脕ridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas 脕ridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas 脕ridas; ArgentinaFil: Chani Posse, Mariana Raquel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas 脕ridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas 脕ridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas 脕ridas; ArgentinaFil: Ay贸n, Maria Rosana. Ministerio P煤blico de Salta. Cuerpo de Investigaciones Fiscales; ArgentinaFil: Maldonado, Mar铆a Bel茅n. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas 脕ridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas 脕ridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas 脕ridas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a. Laboratorio de Entomolog铆a Aplicada y Forense; Argentin

    An illustrated key to and diagnoses of the species of Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) associated with decaying carcasses in Argentina

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    Aballay, Fernando H., Chani-Posse, Mariana R., Ay贸n, Mar铆a Rosana, Maldonado, Mar铆a Bel茅n, Centeno, N茅stor D. (2014): An illustrated key to and diagnoses of the species of Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) associated with decaying carcasses in Argentina. Zootaxa 3860 (2): 101-124, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3860.2.