1,575 research outputs found

    On stoichiometry and intermixing at the spinel/perovskite interface in CoFe2O4/BaTiO3 thin films

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    The performance of complex oxide heterostructures depends primarily on the interfacial coupling of the two component structures. This interface character inherently varies with the synthesis method and conditions used since even small composition variations can alter the electronic, ferroelectric, or magnetic functional properties of the system. The focus of this article is placed on the interface character of a pulsed laser deposited CoFe2O4/BaTiO3 thin film. Using a range of state-of-the-art transmission electron microscopy methodologies, the roles of substrate morphology, interface stoichiometry, and cation intermixing are determined on the atomic level. The results reveal a surprisingly uneven BaTiO3 substrate surface formed after the film deposition and Fe atom incorporation in the top few monolayers inside the unit cell of the BaTiO3 crystal. Towards the CoFe2O4 side, a disordered region extending several nanometers from the interface was revealed and both Ba and Ti from the substrate were found to diffuse into the spinel layer. The analysis also shows that within this somehow incompatible composite interface, a different phase is formed corresponding to the compound Ba2Fe3Ti5O15, which belongs to the ilmenite crystal structure of FeTiO3 type. The results suggest a chemical activity between these two oxides, which could lead to the synthesis of complex engineered interfaces

    Eosinophilic esophagitis in children. Two case reports.

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnRauðkyrningabólga í vélinda er tiltölulega nýr sjúkdómur, fyrst lýst 1978, en hefur hlotið aukna athygli síðastliðinn áratug. Í fyrstu aðallega í börnum og unglingum en síðan einnig í fullorðnum. Í yngri börnum eru vanþrif og uppköst aðaleinkenni en í eldri börnum og fullorðnum kyngingarörðugleikar, brjóstverkir og jafnvel þrengingar í vélinda. Tengsl eru sterk við ofnæmi og orsökin er oftast viðbrögð við ákveðnum fæðuflokkum. Greining rauðkyrningabólgu er fyrst og fremst byggð á vefjasýnum frá vélindaspeglun en einnig þurfa að vera til staðar einkenni sem samrýmast bólgunni og jafnframt þarf að útiloka bakflæði sem undirliggjandi orsök rauðkyrningabólgu. Bólgan þarf að vera einskorðuð við vélinda. Meðferð er að forðast ákveðnar fæðutegundir og stundum lyfjameðferð. Í þessari samantekt lýsum við ólíkum birtingarformum þessa sjúkdóms í tveimur börnum.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eosiniophilic Esophagitis (EoE) is a relatively new disease which was first reported in 1978 but increasingly diagnosed in the last 15 years. Initially EoE was mainly described in children but later also recognized in adults. In infants it presents as a food refusal, failure to thrive and vomiting. In older children and adults symptoms include chest pain dysphagia, oesophageal food impaction and even strictures on endoscopy. The etiology of EoE is often food allergy. Diagnosis is made on biopsies from the oesophagus and by excluding other causes of eosophageal eosinophilia. It is treated by eliminating the offending food groups or using local corticosteroids. We describe different presentation of eosinophilic esophagitis in two children and discuss diagnosis and treatment

    Dynamo effect in parity-invariant flow with large and moderate separation of scales

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    It is shown that non-helical (more precisely, parity-invariant) flows capable of sustaining a large-scale dynamo by the negative magnetic eddy diffusivity effect are quite common. This conclusion is based on numerical examination of a large number of randomly selected flows. Few outliers with strongly negative eddy diffusivities are also found, and they are interpreted in terms of the closeness of the control parameter to a critical value for generation of a small-scale magnetic field. Furthermore, it is shown that, for parity-invariant flows, a moderate separation of scales between the basic flow and the magnetic field often significantly reduces the critical magnetic Reynolds number for the onset of dynamo action.Comment: 44 pages,11 figures, significantly revised versio

    The Monge-Ampere equation: various forms and numerical methods

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    We present three novel forms of the Monge-Ampere equation, which is used, e.g., in image processing and in reconstruction of mass transportation in the primordial Universe. The central role in this paper is played by our Fourier integral form, for which we establish positivity and sharp bound properties of the kernels. This is the basis for the development of a new method for solving numerically the space-periodic Monge-Ampere problem in an odd-dimensional space. Convergence is illustrated for a test problem of cosmological type, in which a Gaussian distribution of matter is assumed in each localised object, and the right-hand side of the Monge-Ampere equation is a sum of such distributions.Comment: 24 pages, 2 tables, 5 figures, 32 references. Submitted to J. Computational Physics. Times of runs added, multiple improvements of the manuscript implemented

    Cerebrospinal fluid growth-associated protein 43 in multiple sclerosis

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    Neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis (MS) correlates with disease progression and reparative processes may be triggered. Growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) exhibits induced expression during axonal growth and reduced expression during MS progression. We aimed to evaluate if GAP-43 can serve as a biomarker of regeneration in relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) and whether disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) influence GAP-43 concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). GAP-43 was measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 105 MS patients (73 RRMS, 12 primary progressive MS, 20 secondary progressive MS) and 23 healthy controls (HCs). In 35 of the patients, lumbar puncture, clinical assessment, and magnetic resonance imaging was performed before initiation of therapeutic intervention, and at follow-up. CSF GAP-43 concentration was significantly lower in progressive MS compared with HCs (p = 0.004) and RRMS (p =  < 0.001) and correlated negatively with disability (p = 0.026). However, DMTs did not alter CSF GAP-43. Interestingly, in RRMS CSF GAP-43 levels were higher in patients with signs of active inflammatory disease than in patients in remission (p = 0.042). According to CSF GAP-43 concentrations, regeneration seems reduced in progressive MS, increased during disease activity in RRMS but is unaffected by treatment of highly active DMTs

    Getting more from heterogeneous HIV-1 surveillance data in a high immigration country: estimation of incidence and undiagnosed population size using multiple biomarkers

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    BACKGROUND: Most HIV infections originate from individuals who are undiagnosed and unaware of their infection. Estimation of this quantity from surveillance data is hard because there is incomplete knowledge about (i) the time between infection and diagnosis (TI) for the general population, and (ii) the time between immigration and diagnosis for foreign-born persons. METHODS: We developed a new statistical method for estimating the incidence of HIV-1 and the number of undiagnosed people living with HIV (PLHIV), based on dynamic modelling of heterogeneous HIV-1 surveillance data. The methods consist of a Bayesian non-linear mixed effects model using multiple biomarkers to estimate TI of HIV-1-positive individuals, and a novel incidence estimator which distinguishes between endogenous and exogenous infections by modelling explicitly the probability that a foreign-born person was infected either before or after immigration. The incidence estimator allows for direct calculation of the number of undiagnosed persons. The new methodology is illustrated combining heterogeneous surveillance data from Sweden between 2003 and 2015. RESULTS: A leave-one-out cross-validation study showed that the multiple-biomarker model was more accurate than single biomarkers (mean absolute error 1.01 vs ≥1.95). We estimate that 816 [95% credible interval (CI) 775-865] PLHIV were undiagnosed in 2015, representing a proportion of 10.8% (95% CI 10.3-11.4%) of all PLHIV. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed methodology will enhance the utility of standard surveillance data streams and will be useful to monitor progress towards and compliance with the 90-90-90 UNAIDS target

    Search for broad absorption lines in spectra of stars in the field of supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622 (Vela Jr.)

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    Supernova remnant (SNR) RX J0852.0-4622 is one of the youngest and is most likely the closest among known galactic supernova remnants (SNRs). It was detected in X-rays, the 44Ti gamma-line, and radio. We obtain and analyze medium-resolution spectra of 14 stars in the direction towards the SNR RX J0852.0-4622 in an attempt to detect broad absorption lines of unshocked ejecta against background stars. Spectral synthesis is performed for all the stars in the wavelength range of 3740-4020AA to extract the broad absorption lines of Ca II related to the SNR RX J0852.0-4622. We do not detect any broad absorption line and place a 3-sigma upper limit on the relative depths of <0.04 for the broad Ca II absorption produced by the SNR. We detect narrow low and high velocity absorption components of Ca II. High velocity |V(LSR)|=100-140 km/s components are attributed to radiative shocks in clouds engulfed by the old Vela SNR. The upper limit to the absorption line strength combined with the width and flux of the 44Ti gamma-ray line 1.16 MeV lead us to conclude that SNR RX J0852.0-4622 was probably produced by an energetic SN Ic explosion.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted in A&

    CFD investigation of a complete floating offshore wind turbine

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    This chapter presents numerical computations for floating offshore wind turbines for a machine of 10-MW rated power. The rotors were computed using the Helicopter Multi-Block flow solver of the University of Glasgow that solves the Navier-Stokes equations in integral form using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation for time-dependent domains with moving boundaries. Hydrodynamic loads on the support platform were computed using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method. This method is mesh-free, and represents the fluid by a set of discrete particles. The motion of the floating offshore wind turbine is computed using a Multi-Body Dynamic Model of rigid bodies and frictionless joints. Mooring cables are modelled as a set of springs and dampers. All solvers were validated separately before coupling, and the loosely coupled algorithm used is described in detail alongside the obtained results