48 research outputs found

    Museum Digitisations and Emerging Curatorial Agencies Online

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    This open access book explores the multiple forms of curatorial agencies that develop when museum collection digitisations, narratives and new research findings circulate online. Focusing on Viking Age objects, it tracks the effects of antagonistic debates on discussion forums and the consequences of search engines, personalisation, and machine learning on American-based online platforms. Furthermore, it considers eco-systemic processes comprising computation, rare-earth minerals, electrical currents and data centres and cables as novel forms of curatorial actions. Thus, it explores curatorial agency as social constructivist, semiotic, algorithmic, and material. This book is of interest to scholars and students in the fields of museum studies, cultural heritage and media studies. It also appeals to museum practitioners concerned with curatorial innovation at the intersection of humanist interpretations and new materialist and more-than-human frameworks

    Museum Digitisations and Emerging Curatorial Agencies Online

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    This open access book explores the multiple forms of curatorial agencies that develop when museum collection digitisations, narratives and new research findings circulate online. Focusing on Viking Age objects, it tracks the effects of antagonistic debates on discussion forums and the consequences of search engines, personalisation, and machine learning on American-based online platforms. Furthermore, it considers eco-systemic processes comprising computation, rare-earth minerals, electrical currents and data centres and cables as novel forms of curatorial actions. Thus, it explores curatorial agency as social constructivist, semiotic, algorithmic, and material. This book is of interest to scholars and students in the fields of museum studies, cultural heritage and media studies. It also appeals to museum practitioners concerned with curatorial innovation at the intersection of humanist interpretations and new materialist and more-than-human frameworks

    Introduction: Toward an Engaged Feminist Heritage Praxis

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    We advocate a feminist approach to archaeological heritage work in order to transform heritage practice and the production of archaeological knowledge. We use an engaged feminist standpoint and situate intersubjectivity and intersectionality as critical components of this practice. An engaged feminist approach to heritage work allows the discipline to consider women’s, men’s, and gender non-conforming persons’ positions in the field, to reveal their contributions, to develop critical pedagogical approaches, and to rethink forms of representation. Throughout, we emphasize the intellectual labor of women of color, queer and gender non-conforming persons, and early white feminists in archaeology

    ACSIS annual report 2016

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    ACSIS Annual Report 2017

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    ACSIS Annual Report 2017

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    Sommarteater som spelplats för demokrati : möjligheter och dilemman

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    Runt om i Sverige spelades sommaren 2004 ett sextiotal teateruppsättningar som berättade om händelser i det förflutna med anknytning till platsen därde spelades. I den här texten avser jag att diskutera komplicerade relationer mellan olika föreställningar om folk, folklighet och rumslig gemenskap med huvudsaklig utgångspunkt i en av dessa sommarteaterföreställningar, Alvastra krönikespel ”Makten och härligheten” i Ödeshögs kommun. En utgångspunkt för mitt resonemang är att politisk gemenskap byggs upp kring kombinationer av reella möten mellan människor och föreställningar om symbolisk gemenskap, exempelvis av den typ som skapas utifrån idékomplex kring samband mellan nation, folk och demokrati.1 Folket kan vara nationens folk, men också bygdens folk, eller folkrörelsernas folk i kamp mot överhögheter av olika slag. Jag kommer därför att relatera krönikespelet i Alvastra både till kulturpolitisk ansvarsfördelning på ett nationellt plan och till sommarteaterns historiska framväxt