452 research outputs found

    Antimagic Labelings of Weighted and Oriented Graphs

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    A graph GG is kk-weighted−list−antimagicweighted-list-antimagic if for any vertex weighting Ï‰â€‰âŁ:V(G)→R\omega\colon V(G)\to\mathbb{R} and any list assignment L ⁣:E(G)→2RL\colon E(G)\to2^{\mathbb{R}} with ∣L(e)âˆŁâ‰„âˆŁE(G)∣+k|L(e)|\geq |E(G)|+k there exists an edge labeling ff such that f(e)∈L(e)f(e)\in L(e) for all e∈E(G)e\in E(G), labels of edges are pairwise distinct, and the sum of the labels on edges incident to a vertex plus the weight of that vertex is distinct from the sum at every other vertex. In this paper we prove that every graph on nn vertices having no K1K_1 or K2K_2 component is ⌊4n3⌋\lfloor{\frac{4n}{3}}\rfloor-weighted-list-antimagic. An oriented graph GG is kk-oriented−antimagicoriented-antimagic if there exists an injective edge labeling from E(G)E(G) into {1,
,∣E(G)∣+k}\{1,\dotsc,|E(G)|+k\} such that the sum of the labels on edges incident to and oriented toward a vertex minus the sum of the labels on edges incident to and oriented away from that vertex is distinct from the difference of sums at every other vertex. We prove that every graph on nn vertices with no K1K_1 component admits an orientation that is ⌊2n3⌋\lfloor{\frac{2n}{3}}\rfloor-oriented-antimagic.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Effects of spatial separation in visual pattern matching: Evidence on the role of mental translation.

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    Weighted Modal Transition Systems

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    Specification theories as a tool in model-driven development processes of component-based software systems have recently attracted a considerable attention. Current specification theories are however qualitative in nature, and therefore fragile in the sense that the inevitable approximation of systems by models, combined with the fundamental unpredictability of hardware platforms, makes it difficult to transfer conclusions about the behavior, based on models, to the actual system. Hence this approach is arguably unsuited for modern software systems. We propose here the first specification theory which allows to capture quantitative aspects during the refinement and implementation process, thus leveraging the problems of the qualitative setting. Our proposed quantitative specification framework uses weighted modal transition systems as a formal model of specifications. These are labeled transition systems with the additional feature that they can model optional behavior which may or may not be implemented by the system. Satisfaction and refinement is lifted from the well-known qualitative to our quantitative setting, by introducing a notion of distances between weighted modal transition systems. We show that quantitative versions of parallel composition as well as quotient (the dual to parallel composition) inherit the properties from the Boolean setting.Comment: Submitted to Formal Methods in System Desig

    A Few Considerations on Structural and Logical Composition in Specification Theories

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    Over the last 20 years a large number of automata-based specification theories have been proposed for modeling of discrete,real-time and probabilistic systems. We have observed a lot of shared algebraic structure between these formalisms. In this short abstract, we collect results of our work in progress on describing and systematizing the algebraic assumptions in specification theories.Comment: In Proceedings FIT 2010, arXiv:1101.426


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    In experimental psychology the notion of a fundamental functional similarity between visual imagery and visual perception dates back to Perky ( 1910); it has gained steadily increasing popularity in modem cognitive psychology and is supported by evidence from experimental studies on visual perception of apparent motion and studies on visual transformation of mental images. Brain activation studies based on new imaging techniques like PET and fMRI has provided further evidence by locating brain mechanisms, which appears active in both visual perception and transformation of visual images with respect to size and orientation.Ideen om et dybtgÄende slÊgtskab mellem visuel forestillingsvirksomhed og visuel perception gÄr i den eksperimentelle psykologi tilbage til Perky ( 1910 ). I moderne kognitionspsykologi vandt synspunktet stigende tilslutning fra slutningen af 60'erne, og har nu fÄet et langt mere prÊcist indhold gennem konvergerende evidens fra eksperimentelle studier over visuel perception af bevÊgelse og undersÞgelser over mentale transformationer af forestillingsbilleder. Hjerneaktiveringsstudier, der bygger pÄ nye billeddannelsesteknikker som PET og fMRl, har endog gjort det muligt at indkredse visuelle mekanismer i hjernen, der tilsyneladende bÄde bidrager til at frembringe synsoplevet bevÊgelse og til at transformsformere visuelle forestillingsbilleder med hensyn til stÞrrelse og orientering

    Danmark og de souverĂŠne gottorpske Hertuger. Felttoget i Ejdersted i Aar 1700.

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    Simulation and Animation in Simulink and VRML

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