11 research outputs found


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    Pre-eklampsia merupakan hipertensi yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya tekanan darah yakni ≥140/90 mmHg, terjadi setelah kehamilan berusia 20 minggu dan kebanyakan kasus ditegakkan dengan adanya proteinuria. Disertai dengan sakit kepala, kelainan pada penglihatan, nyeri dada serta dyspnea. Penelitian memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis antihipertensi yang dipergunakan untuk pasien pre-eklampsia di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Latemmamala Soppeng periode April 2020-Maret 2021, karena didasari oleh fakta tingginya kematian akibat hipertensi kehamilan serta bervariasinya terapi yang diberikan. Data dikumpulkan secara retrospektif yaitu pengambilan data rekam medis pre-eklampsia, berupa data karakteristik pasien (usia pasien, usia kehamilan), tekanan darah, diagnosa, hasil laboratorium berupa kadar proteinurea dan data pengobatan antihipertensi (jenis obat, dosis obat, frekuensi penggunaan obat). Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkan terapi antihipertensi yang digunakan pada pasien pre-eklampsia yaitu CCB dengan persentase 46,15%, diuretik sebanyak 3,84%, kombinasi antihipertensi sebanyak 34,58%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditarik kesimpulan profil antihipertensi yang digunakan untuk pasien pre-eklampsia di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Latemmamala Soppeng yaitu menggunakan obat golongan CCB sebagai antihipertensi terbanyak. Yang dimana berdasarkan literatur, nifedipin termasuk terapi lini yang pertama untuk digunakan pada penanganan pre-eklampsia


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    ABSTRACT Background : The drugs interaction is a changes of the drugs due effect because of the combination with another drugs or the consumtion of the drugs in the same time. The drugs interaction  will make a reduction of the drugs effect so that the result of the therapy is not as good as the expectation. The research of the drug interaction is to reduce and prevent the treatment fo the tuberculosis patient with a right treatment so it will reduce the drugs interaction during the therapy and also can increase a good therapy which is can effective, safe and efficient. The aim of the research was to known the interaction antituberculosis drugs to the teenager and adult inpatient in the RSUD Labuang Baji Makassar 2019. Methods : The method of the research was used non-experimental (observational) descriptive analysis (qualitative) and retrospective data collection. In this research, there were 62 samples by used Slovin's formula technique. The drugs interaction in terms of Drug interaction of Stockley's book in 9th edition. Checker drugs interaction application and Medscape application. Result : The result of the research showed the interaction of the antituberculosis drugs and non antituberculosis drugs ware 62 cases (100%). The evaluation of the interaction antituberculosis drugs : The severity or the significance highest level were 34 cases (75.6%), based on the data collection in the patient who consumed Isoniazid. That medicine was used for tuberculosis treatment therapy category 1, category 2 and multi drugs resistant. Based on mechanism showed pharmacodynamics were 24 cases (53.3%). Then based on the data collection showed the most of pharmacodynamics level interaction was Moxifloxacin doe to used for the treatment of multi drug resistant of tuberculosis. In this research, the most patient was multi drug resistance of tuberculosis. Based on the interaction of pharmacodynamics level showed that antagonist was the highest level with 22 cases (91.7%). Conclusion : Based on the data collection showed the most interaction of the highest antagonist was Moxifloxacin due to used as multi drug resistant of tuberculosis. Keywords: Antituberculosis, Drug Interaction, Labuang Baji Hospital


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai penentuan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak metanol klika anak dara (Croton oblongus Burm f.). Penentuan di lakukan dengan menggunakan 3 metode yaitu metode DPPH, FRAP, dan CUPRAC. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membandingkan antara setiap metode terhadap kemampuan aktivitas antioksidan klika anak dara (Croton oblongus Burm f.). Ekstrak metanol klika anak dara (Croton oblongus Burm f.) hasil maserasi dibuat dalam 5 konsentrasi yaitu 50µg/ml, 100µg/ml, 150µg/ml, 200µg/ml, dan 250µg/ml yang kemudian ditambahkan pereaksi setiap metode dan diukur absorbansinya dengan spektrofotometer UV-VIS pada panjang gelombang maksimum masing-masing yaitu 515,5 nm untuk metode DPPH, 582 nm untuk metode FRAP, dan 452 untuk metode CUPRAC. Sebagai pembanding digunakan Trolox® yang merupakan senyawa antioksidan murni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk metode DPPH konsentrasi sampel berbanding lurus dengan persen perendaman dimana semakin besar konsentrasi semakin tinggi pula peredaman radikal bebas DPPH, sebaliknya untuk metode FRAP dan CUPRAC semakin besar konsentrasi semakin rendah peredaman radikal bebas. Berdasarkan persamaan regresi linear menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak metanol klika anak dara (Croton oblongus Burm f.) memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dengan IC50 untuk metode DPPH yaitu 91,96 µg/ml sedangkan IC50 Trolox® untuk metode DPPH yaitu 29,8 µg/ml, untuk metode FRAP IC50 ektrak metanol klika anak dara (Croton oblongus Burm f.) sebesar 419,3 µg/ml sedangkan IC50 Trolox® yaitu 407,9 µg/ml, dan untuk metode CUPRAC ekstrak metanol klika anak dara (Croton oblongus Burm f.)  memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dengan IC50 130,9 µg/ml sedangkan IC50 Trolox® yaitu 97,8 µg/ml


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    Penelitian uji antimalaria ekstrak spons Xestospongia sp. telah dilakukan terhadap Plasmodium sp. secara in vitro. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penghambatan ekstrak spons Xestospongia sp. terhadap Plasmodium falciparum berdasarkan nilai IC50. Uji antimalaria ekstrak spons Xestospongia sp. menggunakan lempeng sumur mikro, dimana kontrol berisi medium dan ± 50 µl suspensi parasit dan yang lain ditambahkan ekstrak dengan masing-masing konsentrasi 0,1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 µg/ml. Pengamatan pengujian setelah 48 jam dan 72 jam dengan melihat jumlah eritrosit yang terinfeksi pada mikroskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan antara konsentrasi dengan penghambatan yaitu konsentrasi 0,1 µg/ml, 15.67%; konsentrasi 1 µg/ml, 24.83%; konsentrasi 10 µg/ml, 45,50%; konsentrasi 100 µg/ml, 54.17; dan konsentrasi 1000 µg/ml, 68.00%. Aktivitas antimalaria berdasarkan nilai IC50. Pada penelitian ini diketahui bahwa nilai IC50 sebesar 46.51 µg/ml yang berarti ekstrak spons Xestospongia sp. berpotensi aktif sebagai antimalaria


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    The effectiveness test of Binahong Leaf (Anredera cordifolia) ethanol extract gel as an incision wound healing in male Wistar rats by Nurhikma Awaluddin and Nurfiddin Farid. Injuries are structural or physiological integument disorders that require a normal or abnormal tissue repair response. An incisor wound is a wound caused by a tool that has a sharp tip and hits the skin layer. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of binahong leaf ethanol extract gel on incision wound diameter and wound healing time in male Wistar rats. The method used is experimental laboratory. The incision wound was observed for 14 days. Observations consisted of changes in wound length and duration of healing. The incision wound is characterized by tearing of the epidermal tissue 2 cm long. Binahong leaf extract gel preparation test was given to the incision wound of male Wistar rats by observing the formation of maturation, the time of wound closure. For administration of extracts with a concentration of 2% for tenth days at a concentration of 10%, the wound closure occurred on the ninth day and at a concentration of 15% occurred on the eighth day. Observation of wound healing is characterized by the occurrence of complete closure of the wound on the skin, which begins with inflammation which is then followed by a process of proliferation and maturation or remodeling. The treatment of positive control using bioplastone preparation experienced faster wound closure compared to the other four formulas. The results of the ANOVA statistical analysis using SPSS, the relationship between formula and speed of closed wounds are 100%, where Fcount> Ftable at the 5% and 1% confidence levels, this means that there is a difference in wound healing time of 100% which is very different / very significant from the use of each. each formula. Binahong leaf ethanol extract gel formula is effective in healing cuts in male Wistar rats with healing time less than 14 days.ABSTRAKUji efektivitas gel ekstrak etanol Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia)  sebagai penyembuhan luka insisi pada tikus wistar jantan oleh Nurhikma Awaluddin dan Nurfiddin Farid.  Luka adalah gangguan pada structural atau fisiologi integument yang membutuhkan respons perbaikan jaringan yang normal atau tidak normal. Luka insisi merupakan luka yang disebabkan oleh alat yang berujung tajam dan mengenai lapisan kulit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah  Untuk melihat efektivitas gel ekstrak etanol daun binahong pada  diameter luka insisi dan lama penyembuhan luka pada hewan uji tikus wistar jantan. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimental laboratorium. Pengamatan luka insisi dilakukan selama 14 hari. Pengamatan terdiri dari perubahan panjang luka dan lama penyembuhan. Luka insisi ditandai dengan merobek jaringan epidermis sepanjang 2 cm. Uji sediaan gel ekstrak daun binahong diberikan pada luka insisi tikus wistar jantan dengan  melihat pembentukan maturasi, waktu penutupan luka. untuk pemberian ekstrak dengan konsentrasi 2% selama sepuluh hari, pada pemberian formula dengan konsentrasi  10%  terjadi penutupan luka pada hari kesembilan dan pada konsentrasi 15% terjadi pada hari kedelapan. Pengamatan penyembuhan luka ditandai dengan terjadinya penutupan luka secara menyeluruh pada bagian kulit yang berawal adanya inflamasi  kemudian disusul dengan proses proliferasi dan maturasi atau remodeling. Perlakuan pada kontrol positif yang menggunakan sediaan bioplasenton, mengalami penutupan luka yang cepat dibandingkan dengan keempat formula yang lain. Hasil  analisis statistik Anova secara SPSS hubungan antara formula dan kecepatan luka tertutup 100%, di mana Fhitung > Ftabel pada taraf  kepercayaan 5% dan 1%, ini berarti terdapat perbedaan waktu penyembuhan luka 100% yang sangat berbeda nyata/sangat signifikan dari penggunaan masing-masing formula. Formula gel ekstrak etanol daun Binahong   memiliki efektivitas dalam menyembuhkan luka sayat pada tikus wistar jantan dengan lama penyembuhan kurang dari 14 hari.

    Edukasi Siswa melalui Pengenalan Profesi Apoteker pada Program Kelas Inspirasi di SDN Parinring Makassar

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    Pharmacists are the source of information about drugs, but many people still need to familiarize themselves with the pharmacist profession. This causes problems for children as well as adults who lack knowledge about medicines in children, which can lead to drug abuse. This activity aims to educate elementary school students about the introduction of the pharmacist profession, an introduction to drugs, and to foster curiosity about the pharmacist profession from an early age. This activity was carried out at SD Negeri Parinring, Kec: Manggala, Makassar, with 35 participants from grade 6 elementary school students. The Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) model is used in community service activities, promoting community empowerment to participate. The action begins with an introduction to material delivered by pharmacists. After that, sing the pharmacist's jingle, and give questions to test the extent of drug knowledge possessed by elementary school students, the results of this community service, especially at SD Negeri Parinring, Kec. Manggala, Makassar can increase understanding and drug awareness early to minimize unwanted side effects and become an agent of change who can explain the confusion of drug information circulating among students. &nbsp

    Penggunaan Sediaan MgSO4 pada Persalinan Prematur

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    100 hlm.; 20 cm

    Formulasi reed diffuser kombinasi minyak atsiri kayu manis (Cinnamomomum verum) dan sereh wangi (Cymbopogon nardus) sebagai aromaterapi anti stress

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    This study aims to determine whether the combination formulation of essential oils between cinnamon and citronella can be used as an aromatherapy reed diffuser preparation that has acted as anti-stress aromatherapy. The method used in this research is an experimental laboratory with a post-test only control group design using mice as test animals. The population used in this study was Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and citronella (Cymbopogon nardus), while the samples used were Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) originating from Antang Market, Makassar City, South Sulawesi. taken in the morning. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires and observation methods. A one-way ANOVA statistical test was used to analyze the obtained data. The results showed that the stability of the Reed Diffuser combination of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) essential oils in organoleptic testing had a physically and chemically stable odor and color. The hedonic test of the odor produced shows a distinctive odor in all four formulas, but the most preferred is at a concentration of 2:3. In addition, the preparation of Reed Diffuser, a combination of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) essential oils, is effective as an anti-stress based on the results of tests with regular use.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui formulasi kombinasi minyak atsiri antarakayu manis (cinnamomum verum) dan serai wangi (cymbopogon nardus) bisa sebagaisediaan reed diffuser aromatherapy yang mempunyai aktivitas sebagai aromaterapianti stress. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimentallaboratorium dengan desain post test only control group menggunakan hewan ujimencit. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kayu Manis(Cinnamomum verum) dan Serai Wangi (Cymbopogon nardus), sementara Sampelyang digunakan yaitu Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum verum) dan Serai Wangi(Cymbopogon nardus) segar yang berasal dari Pasar Antang Kota Makassar SulawesiSelatan yang diambil pada waktu pagi hari. Pengumpulan data dilakukanmenggunakan metode kuesioner dan observasi. Data yang diperoleh kemudiandianalisis dengan uji statistik one way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwakestabilan sediaan Reed Diffuser kombinasi minyak atsiri Kayu Manis (Cinnamomumverum) dan Serai Wangi (Cymbopogon nardus) pada pengujian organoleptikmemiliki bau dan warna yang stabil secara fisika dan kimia. Pengujian hedonik bauyang dihasilkan adalah bau khas pada keempat formula, namun yang paling disukaiyaitu pada konsentrasi 2:3. Selain itu, sediaan Reed Diffuser kombinasi minyak atsiriKayu Manis (Cinnamomum verum) dan Serai Wangi (Cymbopogon nardus), efektifsebagai anti stress berdasarkan pengujian memiliki hasil dengan pemakaian berkala


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    ABSTRACT Background : The drugs interaction is a changes of the drugs due effect because of the combination with another drugs or the consumtion of the drugs in the same time. The drugs interaction  will make a reduction of the drugs effect so that the result of the therapy is not as good as the expectation. The research of the drug interaction is to reduce and prevent the treatment fo the tuberculosis patient with a right treatment so it will reduce the drugs interaction during the therapy and also can increase a good therapy which is can effective, safe and efficient. The aim of the research was to known the interaction antituberculosis drugs to the teenager and adult inpatient in the RSUD Labuang Baji Makassar 2019. Methods : The method of the research was used non-experimental (observational) descriptive analysis (qualitative) and retrospective data collection. In this research, there were 62 samples by used Slovin's formula technique. The drugs interaction in terms of Drug interaction of Stockley's book in 9th edition. Checker drugs interaction application and Medscape application. Result : The result of the research showed the interaction of the antituberculosis drugs and non antituberculosis drugs ware 62 cases (100%). The evaluation of the interaction antituberculosis drugs : The severity or the significance highest level were 34 cases (75.6%), based on the data collection in the patient who consumed Isoniazid. That medicine was used for tuberculosis treatment therapy category 1, category 2 and multi drugs resistant. Based on mechanism showed pharmacodynamics were 24 cases (53.3%). Then based on the data collection showed the most of pharmacodynamics level interaction was Moxifloxacin doe to used for the treatment of multi drug resistant of tuberculosis. In this research, the most patient was multi drug resistance of tuberculosis. Based on the interaction of pharmacodynamics level showed that antagonist was the highest level with 22 cases (91.7%). Conclusion : Based on the data collection showed the most interaction of the highest antagonist was Moxifloxacin due to used as multi drug resistant of tuberculosis. Keywords: Antituberculosis, Drug Interaction, Labuang Baji Hospital