2,945 research outputs found

    Identifying candidates for targeted gait rehabilitation: better prediction through biomechanics-informed characterization

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    BACKGROUND: Walking speed has been used to predict the efficacy of gait training; however, poststroke motor impairments are heterogeneous and different biomechanical strategies may underlie the same walking speed. Identifying which individuals will respond best to a particular gait rehabilitation program using walking speed alone may thus be limited. The objective of this study was to determine if, beyond walking speed, participants' baseline ability to generate propulsive force from their paretic limbs (paretic propulsion) influences the improvements in walking speed resulting from a paretic propulsion-targeting gait intervention. METHODS: Twenty seven participants >6 months poststroke underwent a 12-week locomotor training program designed to target deficits in paretic propulsion through the combination of fast walking with functional electrical stimulation to the paretic ankle musculature (FastFES). The relationship between participants' baseline usual walking speed (UWSbaseline), maximum walking speed (MWSbaseline), and paretic propulsion (propbaseline) versus improvements in usual walking speed (∆UWS) and maximum walking speed (∆MWS) were evaluated in moderated regression models. RESULTS: UWSbaseline and MWSbaseline were, respectively, poor predictors of ΔUWS (R 2  = 0.24) and ΔMWS (R 2  = 0.01). Paretic propulsion × walking speed interactions (UWSbaseline × propbaseline and MWSbaseline × propbaseline) were observed in each regression model (R 2 s = 0.61 and 0.49 for ∆UWS and ∆MWS, respectively), revealing that slower individuals with higher utilization of the paretic limb for forward propulsion responded best to FastFES training and were the most likely to achieve clinically important differences. CONCLUSIONS: Characterizing participants based on both their walking speed and ability to generate paretic propulsion is a markedly better approach to predicting walking recovery following targeted gait rehabilitation than using walking speed alone

    Phase Portraits of general f(T) Cosmology

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    We use dynamical system methods to explore the general behaviour of f(T)f(T) cosmology. In contrast to the standard applications of dynamical analysis, we present a way to transform the equations into a one-dimensional autonomous system, taking advantage of the crucial property that the torsion scalar in flat FRW geometry is just a function of the Hubble function, thus the field equations include only up to first derivatives of it, and therefore in a general f(T)f(T) cosmological scenario every quantity is expressed only in terms of the Hubble function. The great advantage is that for one-dimensional systems it is easy to construct the phase space portraits, and thus extract information and explore in detail the features and possible behaviours of f(T)f(T) cosmology. We utilize the phase space portraits and we show that f(T)f(T) cosmology can describe the universe evolution in agreement with observations, namely starting from a Big Bang singularity, evolving into the subsequent thermal history and the matter domination, entering into a late-time accelerated expansion, and resulting to the de Sitter phase in the far future. Nevertheless, f(T)f(T) cosmology can present a rich class of more exotic behaviours, such as the cosmological bounce and turnaround, the phantom-divide crossing, the Big Brake and the Big Crunch, and it may exhibit various singularities, including the non-harmful ones of type II and type IV. We study the phase space of three specific viable f(T)f(T) models offering a complete picture. Moreover, we present a new model of f(T)f(T) gravity that can lead to a universe in agreement with observations, free of perturbative instabilities, and applying the Om(z) diagnostic test we confirm that it is in agreement with the combination of SNIa, BAO and CMB data at 1σ\sigma confidence level.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, version published in JCA

    Higher Dimensional Taub-NUTs and Taub-Bolts in Einstein-Maxwell Gravity

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    We present a class of higher dimensional solutions to Einstein-Maxwell equations in d-dimensions. These solutions are asymptotically locally flat, de-Sitter, or anti-de Sitter space-times. The solutions we obtained depend on two extra parameters other than the mass and the nut charge. These two parameters are the electric charge, q and the electric potential at infinity, V, which has a non-trivial contribution. We Analyze the conditions one can impose to obtain Taub-Nut or Taub-Bolt space-times, including the four-dimensional case. We found that in the nut case these conditions coincide with that coming from the regularity of the one-form potential at the horizon. Furthermore, the mass parameter for the higher dimensional solutions depends on the nut charge and the electric charge or the potential at infinity.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Gambaran Faktor Resiko Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe II Di Poliklinik Endokrin Bagian/smf Fk-unsrat RSU Prof. Dr. R.d Kandou Manado Periode Mei 2011 - Oktober 2011

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    : Given the high prevalence in patients with type 2 diabetes where the incidence of 650.000 new cases each year. In type-2, the pancreas does not make enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels remain normal, often because the body does not respond well to insulin. Most people do not realize had been suffering from type 2 diabetes, although the situation has become very serious. Type 2 diabetes has become a commonly experienced in the world and in Indonesia, and the numbers continue to grow due to unhealthy lifestyles, obesity and lazy to exercise. Purpose: To determine how the image of risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes in the clinic Endocrine and Metabolic Section / SMF FK-UNSRAT BLU RSU Prof. Dr. R.D. Manado Kandou the period of May-October2011. Methods: This type of research is a descriptive study using secondary data. Population of type 2 DM patients who come for treatment at the Polyclinic Endocrine and Metabolic Section / SMF FK-UNSRAT BLU RSU Prof.Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado the period of May - October 2011. The number of samples of 138 patients comprising 60 men and 78 women. Result: The case of DM Tiipe 2 in Endocrine and Metabolic Clinic ever found in women than in men. Acquired risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus is a BMI> 23 ever found in an obese BMI groups 1 (25-29,9) of 37 patients, patients with stage 1 hypertension (130-159/80-99 mmHg) obtained by 80 patients , patients with dyslipidaemia as many as 22 patients, patients with a family history of as many as 45 patients, patients with age> 40 years as many as 130 patients, and patients who have risk factors for most of the patients with 3 risk factors as many as 74 patients. Conclusion: Risk factors affecting the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Endocrine and Metabolic Clinic is a BMI> 23, hypertension> 140/90 mmHg, family history,age> 40 years, dyslipidemia

    Modeling cosmic acceleration with a generalized varying deceleration parameter

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    Understanding the accelerating expansion of the Universe remains a fundamental challenge in modern cosmology. In this paper, we investigate a cosmological model parametrized by a generalized variable deceleration parameter to elucidate the dynamics driving cosmic acceleration. By employing constraints from the latest observational datasets, including Cosmic Chronometers (CC), Type Ia Supernovae (SNe), and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), we assess the compatibility of the model with observational data. The chosen parametrization aligns with thermodynamic constraints on the deceleration parameter, further validating its reliability. Further, we estimate the present value of the Hubble parameter, transition redshift, deceleration parameter, and EoS parameter, which align with observational data. Lastly, our stability analysis confirms the model's stability against small perturbations.Comment: Physics of the Dark Universe accepted versio

    A Real-Time Gait Event Detection for Lower Limb Prosthesis Control and Evaluation

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    Lower extremity amputees suffer from mobility limitations which will result in a degradation of their quality of life. Wearable sensors are frequently used to assess spatio-temporal, kinematic and kinetic parameters providing the means to establish an interactive control of the amputee-prosthesis-environment system. Gait events and the gait phase detection of an amputee’s locomotion are vital for controlling lower limb prosthetic devices. The paper presents an approach to real-time gait event detection for lower limb amputees using a wireless gyroscope attached to the shank when performing level ground and ramp activities. The results were validated using both healthy and amputee subjects and showed that the time differences in identifying Initial Contact (IC) and Toe Off (TO) events were larger in a transfemoral amputee when compared to the control subjects and a transtibial amputee (TTA). Overall, the time difference latency lies within a range of ± 50 ms while the detection rate was 100% for all activities. Based on the validated results, the IC and TO events can be accurately detected using the proposed system in both control subjects and amputees when performing activities of daily living and can also be utilized in the clinical setup for rehabilitation and assessing the performance of lower limb prosthesis users