135 research outputs found

    Snakes and ladders in an inhomogeneous neural field model

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    Continuous neural field models with inhomogeneous synaptic connectivities are known to support traveling fronts as well as stable bumps of localized activity. We analyze stationary localized structures in a neural field model with periodic modulation of the synaptic connectivity kernel and find that they are arranged in a snakes-and-ladders bifurcation structure. In the case of Heaviside firing rates, we construct analytically symmetric and asymmetric states and hence derive closed-form expressions for the corresponding bifurcation diagrams. We show that the ideas proposed by Beck and co-workers to analyze snaking solutions to the Swift-Hohenberg equation remain valid for the neural field model, even though the corresponding spatial-dynamical formulation is non-autonomous. We investigate how the modulation amplitude affects the bifurcation structure and compare numerical calculations for steep sigmoidal firing rates with analytic predictions valid in the Heaviside limit

    Noise reduction in coarse bifurcation analysis of stochastic agent-based models: an example of consumer lock-in

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    We investigate coarse equilibrium states of a fine-scale, stochastic agent-based model of consumer lock-in in a duopolistic market. In the model, agents decide on their next purchase based on a combination of their personal preference and their neighbours' opinions. For agents with independent identically-distributed parameters and all-to-all coupling, we derive an analytic approximate coarse evolution-map for the expected average purchase. We then study the emergence of coarse fronts when spatial segregation is present in the relative perceived quality of products. We develop a novel Newton-Krylov method that is able to compute accurately and efficiently coarse fixed points when the underlying fine-scale dynamics is stochastic. The main novelty of the algorithm is in the elimination of the noise that is generated when estimating Jacobian-vector products using time-integration of perturbed initial conditions. We present numerical results that demonstrate the convergence properties of the numerical method, and use the method to show that macroscopic fronts in this model destabilise at a coarse symmetry-breaking bifurcation.Comment: This version of the manuscript was accepted for publication on SIAD

    Snakes and ladders in an inhomogeneous neural field model

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    Continuous neural field models with inhomogeneous synaptic connectivities are known to support traveling fronts as well as stable bumps of localized activity. We analyze stationary localized structures in a neural field model with periodic modulation of the synaptic connectivity kernel and find that they are arranged in a snakes-and-ladders bifurcation structure. In the case of Heaviside firing rates, we construct analytically symmetric and asymmetric states and hence derive closed-form expressions for the corresponding bifurcation diagrams. We show that the ideas proposed by Beck and co-workers to analyze snaking solutions to the Swift--Hohenberg equation remain valid for the neural field model, even though the corresponding spatial-dynamical formulation is non-autonomous. We investigate how the modulation amplitude affects the bifurcation structure and compare numerical calculations for steep sigmoidal firing rates with analytic predictions valid in the Heaviside limit

    Physiological conditions influencing regenerative potential of stem cells

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    Stem cells are being used in the treatment of cardivovascular diseases. Here, we review the physiologic and pathologic conditions that impact the regenerative potential of stem cells in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases which include the influence of donor age and the presence of metabolic syndromes. We will also discuss strategies such as pretreatment of the recipient tissue or autologous or allogeneic stem cells by growth factors or drugs and by providing a synthetic scaffold and genetic modifications that impact the regenerative potential of stem cells. Finally, we will evaluate the current state of treatment of acute or chronic cardiovascular diseases with allogeneic stem cells

    Snakes and ladders in an inhomogeneous neural field model

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    Continuous neural field models with inhomogeneous synaptic connectivities are known to support traveling fronts as well as stable bumps of localized activity. We analyze stationary localized structures in a neural field model with periodic modulation of the synaptic connectivity kernel and find that they are arranged in a snakes-and-ladders bifurcation structure. In the case of Heaviside firing rates, we construct analytically symmetric and asymmetric states and hence derive closed-form expressions for the corresponding bifurcation diagrams. We show that the ideas proposed by Beck and co-workers to analyze snaking solutions to the Swift--Hohenberg equation remain valid for the neural field model, even though the corresponding spatial-dynamical formulation is non-autonomous. We investigate how the modulation amplitude affects the bifurcation structure and compare numerical calculations for steep sigmoidal firing rates with analytic predictions valid in the Heaviside limit

    Noise reduction in coarse bifurcation analysis of stochastic agent-based models: an example of consumer lock-in

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    We investigate the occurrence of coarse macroscopic states in an agent-based model of consumer lock-in. The system studied here is a modification of an existing model by Garlic and Chli [24] and it serves as a prototypical Ising-type sociological system with binary state variables and spatially-dependent agent parameters. In the regime of globally-coupled agents with independent identically-distributed parameters, we derive an analytic approximate coarse evolution-map for the expectation of the average purchase. Following Barkley et al. [5], we interpret metastable locked-in states as fixed points of this one-dimensional first moment map. We then study the emergence of coarse fronts in the regime of heterogeneous agents with strongly discordant preferences. When agent polarization becomes less pronounced, the front destabilizes and one of the two products prevails, giving rise to inhomogeneous profiles featuring pockets of resistance. Stochastic continuation of the spatially-extended case poses a numerical challenge, as Jacobian-vector products are severely affected by noise. We exploit the non-uniqueness of the lifting step introducing weighted lifting/restriction operators, which result in variance-reduced Jacobian-vector products. We test our numerical strategy and show that weighted operators induce good convergence properties of the Newton-GMRES solver. We then show that macroscopic fronts destabilise at a coarse symmetry-breaking bifurcation

    Noise reduction in coarse bifurcation analysis of stochastic agent-based models: an example of consumer lock-in

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    We investigate coarse equilibrium states of a fine-scale, stochastic agent-based model of consumer lock-in in a duopolistic market. In the model, agents decide on their next purchase based on a combination of their personal preference and their neighbours' opinions. For agents with independent identically-distributed parameters and all-to-all coupling, we derive an analytic approximate coarse evolution-map for the expected average purchase. We then study the emergence of coarse fronts when segregation is present in the relative perceived quality of products. We develop a novel Newton-Krylov method that is able to compute accurately and efficiently coarse fixed points when the underlying fine-scale dynamics is stochastic. The main novelty of the algorithm is in the elimination of the noise that is generated when estimating Jacobian-vector products using time-integration of perturbed initial conditions. We present numerical results that demonstrate the convergence properties of the numerical method, and use the method to show that macroscopic fronts in this model destabilise at a coarse symmetry-breaking bifurcation

    Quasicrystal patterns in a neural field model

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    Doubly periodic patterns in planar neural field models have been extensively studied since the 1970s for their role in explaining geometric visual hallucinations. The study of activity patterns that lack translation invariance has received little, if any, attention. Here we show that a scalar neural field model with a translationally invariant kernel can support quasicrystal solutions and that these can be understood using many of the theoretical tools developed previously for materials science. Our approach is constructive in that we consider constraints on the nonlocal kernel describing interactions in the neural field that lead to the simultaneous excitation of two periodic spatial patterns with incommensurate wavelengths. The resulting kernel has a shape that is a modulation of a Mexican-hat kernel. In the neighborhood of the degenerate bifurcation of a homogeneous steady state, we use a Fourier amplitude approach to determine the value of a Lyapunov functional for various periodic and quasicrystal states. For some values of the parameters defining a translationally invariant synaptic kernel of the model, we find that quasicrystal states have the lowest value of the Lyapunov functional. We observe patterns of 12-fold, 10-fold, and 6-fold rotational symmetry that are stable, but none with 8-fold symmetry. We describe some of the visual hallucination patterns that would be perceived from these quasicrystal cortical patterns, making use of the well known inverse retinocortical map from visual neuroscience