638 research outputs found

    Does conditionality matter for adults' health? Evidence from a randomized experiment

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    We present evidence on how the requirement to attend health and nutrition sessions affetcs the health behaviour of adults living in households targeted by a nutritional programme in rural Mexico. The evaluation sample of the Programa de Apoyo Alimentario (PAL) is unique in having four different treatment types, which are randomly assigned to four different groups of localities, which one group designed to receive tranfers but without any requirement to attend health and nutrition courses. We find that attendance at educational sessions does not affect drinking and smoking behaviour, but significantly reduces the probability of having a large waist circumference among women. We provide evidence that attending health and nutrition related courses determines a large drop in the probability that adult women have excessive calorie intake. The results suggest that lack of information can explain, at least in part, the impressive rise in female obesity in developing countries

    Screening tests, information, and the health-education gradient

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    The association between health outcomes and education - the health-education gradient - is widely documented but little is known about its source. Using microeconomic data on a sample of individuals aged 50+ in eight European countries, we find that education and cognitive skills (such as verbal fluency) are associated with a greater propensity for standard screening tests (mammography and colonoscopy). In order to study the role of information on the decision to screen, we test whether the health-education gradient varies with the quality of the information provided by the health care system, as proxied by the quality of the General Practitioner. Using an Instrumental Variable approach to control for the potential endogeneity of the GP quality score, we find evidence of a strong and significant complementarity between education and quality of primary care. We interpret this result as evidence that health-education gradient can be explained, at least in part, by the fact that better educated individuals are more able to process and internalize health related information as provided by GPs

    The health insurance puzzle in Europe: the role of information

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    I use microdata from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe to study whether the cost of acquiring health information is an important determinant of the decision to buy private hospital health insurance for individuals aged 50+, in eight European countries. I first test whether, conditional on health insurance companies' risk assessments, individuals have residual private information on insurance determinants other than their risk type. My results show that there are individual characteristics, not observed by the insurers, that are positively correlated with hospital insurance coverage and negatively correlated with the ex post probability of requiring hospital treatment. However, this opposite association is significantly different from zero only in countries with low quality healthcare systems. I then provide evidence that education and cognitive ability act as substitutes for quality of health promotion in determining the propensity to take out a voluntary private hospital insurance

    Widening use of dexamethasone implant for the treatment of macular edema

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    Sustained-release intravitreal 0.7 mg dexamethasone (DEX) implant is approved in Europe for the treatment of macular edema related to diabetic retinopathy, branch retinal vein occlusion, central retinal vein occlusion, and non-infectious uveitis. The implant is formulated in a biodegradable copolymer to release the active ingredient within the vitreous chamber for up to 6 months after an intravitreal injection, allowing a prolonged interval of efficacy between injections with a good safety profile. Various other ocular pathologies with inflammatory etio­pathogeneses associated with macular edema have been treated by DEX implant, including neovascular age-related macular degeneration, Irvine–Gass syndrome, vasoproliferative retinal tumors, retinal telangiectasia, Coats’ disease, radiation maculopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, and macular edema secondary to scleral buckling and pars plana vitrectomy. We undertook a review to provide a comprehensive collection of all of the diseases that benefit from the use of the sustained-release DEX implant, alone or in combination with concomitant therapies. A MEDLINE search revealed lack of randomized controlled trials related to these indications. Therefore we included and analyzed all available studies (retrospective and prospective, com­parative and non-comparative, randomized and nonrandomized, single center and multicenter, and case report). There are reports in the literature of the use of DEX implant across a range of macular edema-related pathologies, with their clinical experience supporting the use of DEX implant on a case-by-case basis with the aim of improving patient outcomes in many macular pathologies. As many of the reported macular pathologies are difficult to treat, a new treat­ment option that has a beneficial influence on the clinical course of the disease may be useful in clinical practice

    Fluorescence and Morphology of Self-Assembled Nucleobases and Their Diphenylalanine Hybrid Aggregates

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    Studies carried out in recent decades have revealed that the ability to self-assemble is a widespread property among biomolecules. Small nucleic acid moieties or very short peptides are able to generate intricate assemblies endowed with remarkable structural and spectroscopic properties. Herein, the structural/spectroscopic characterization of aggregates formed by nucleobases and peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-peptide conjugates are reported. At high concentration, all studied nucleobases form aggregates characterized by previously unreported fluorescence properties. The conjugation of these bases, as PNA derivatives, to the dipeptide Phe-Phe leads to the formation of novel hybrid assemblies, which are characterized by an amyloid-like association of the monomers. Although these compounds share the same basic cross-\u3b2 motif, the nature and number of PNA units have an important impact on both the level of structural order and the intrinsic fluorescence of the self-assembled nanostructure

    Oligonucleotide analogues as modulators of the expression and function of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) : Emerging therapeutics applications

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    ncRNAs are emerging as key regulators of physiological and pathological processes and therefore have been identified as pharmacological targets and as markers for some diseases. Oligonucleotide analogues represent so far the most widely employed tool for the modulation of the expression of ncRNAs. In this perspective we briefly describe most of the known classes of ncRNAs and then we discuss the design and the applications of oligonucleotide analogues for their targeting. The effects of modifications of the chemical structure of the oligonucleotides on properties such as the binding affinity toward targets and off targets, and the stability to degradation and their biological effects (when known) are discussed. Examples of molecules currently used in clinical trials are also reported

    Efficacy of Three Different Prophylactic Treatments for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting after Vitrectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) after vitreoretinal surgery may potentially be associated with severe complications, such as suprachoroidal hemorrhage. The purpose of the present multicenter clinical trial (NCT02386059) was to assess the efficacy of three different prophylactic treatments for PONV after vitrectomy under local anesthesia. Patients undergoing primary vitrectomy were randomized to the control arm or to one of the treatment arms (4 mg ondansetron, 4 mg dexamethasone, combination of the two drugs). The primary outcome measure was the proportion of complete response (no nausea, no vomiting, no retching, and no use of antiemetic rescue medication) during 24 h after vitrectomy. Secondary outcomes included the severity standardized score of PONV, postoperative pain standardized score, and rate of ocular and non-ocular adverse events. Baseline demographics of the 1287 patients were comparable between the four arms. The combined therapy group showed a statistically significant lower incidence of PONV compared to the placebo and monotherapy (p < 0.001). PONV severity was also reduced in the combination group compared to the others (p < 0.001). Postoperative pain scores and adverse events were comparable among the four groups. Combined therapy with dexamethasone and ondansetron was the most effective treatment for reducing the incidence and severity of PONV in patients undergoing vitrectomy under local anesthesia

    The Mediterranean island states : Malta and Cyprus

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    The 2004 European Union enlargement also included the Mediterranean island-states of Cyprus and Malta, two former British colonies and members of the British Commonwealth. The islands share a number of similarities but they are also dissimilar in uniquely distinct ways. The membership applications of both states initially presented the EU with a number of political difficulties. With respect to Cyprus, many member states would have preferred to see the island join the Union after the ‘Cyprus Problem’ had been settled. As for Malta, the island showed a very high degree of Euroskepticism. It froze its application in 1996 but reactivated it in 1998. Apart from this skepticism the island’s neutral status, enshrined in the Constitution could present insurmountable problems.peer-reviewe
