3,216 research outputs found

    Quantum-well states in ultrathin Ag(111) films deposited onto H-passivated Si(111)-(1x1) surfaces

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    Ag(111) films were deposited at room temperature onto H-passivated Si(111)-(1x1) substrates, and subsequently annealed at 300 C. An abrupt non-reactive Ag/Si interface is formed, and very uniform non-strained Ag(111) films of 6-12 monolayers have been grown. Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy has been used to study the valence band electronic properties of these films. Well-defined Ag sp quantum-well states (QWS) have been observed at discrete energies between 0.5-2eV below the Fermi level, and their dispersions have been measured along the GammaK, GammaMM'and GammaL symmetry directions. QWS show a parabolic bidimensional dispersion, with in-plane effective mass of 0.38-0.50mo, along the GammaK and GammaMM' directions, whereas no dispersion has been found along the GammaL direction, indicating the low-dimensional electronic character of these states. The binding energy dependence of the QWS as a function of Ag film thickness has been analyzed in the framework of the phase accumulation model. According to this model, a reflectivity of 70% has been estimated for the Ag-sp states at the Ag/H/Si(111)-(1x1) interface.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Estudio estructural y morfométrico de las glándulas salivales de gorrión (Passer Domesticus) durante invierno y verano

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     Key Words: House sparrow. Salivary glands. Histophysiology. Morphometry.An structural, cytochemical and morphometric study of the salivary glands of the House sparrow was made, with the purpose of detecting their probable histophysiological adaptatio!\u27s in relation to diet and nutritional needs according to seasons of the year. 40 sparrows from "Villa Los Aromas" (Alta Gracia) and gathered in winter and summer were used. Samples of the oral cavity were studied with H/E, PAS, Alcian Blue and Toluidine Blue. The quantitative analysis of the development and size of.the glands was perforrned according to the method of !Gelian and Cohn. No structural or cytochemical modifications were observed in the different glands. The proportion eltisting among the different glands (angularis oris, maltillary and internal and external mandibular) shows statistically significative differences, and these differences rernain constan! through the seasons of the year studied. It is concluded that these glands do not exhibit variations in winter and surnmer, perlad in which vegetation and fauna are modified and the disponibility of alimentary sources varies. The constan glandular pattern during these seasons would be a consequence of the species gene tic determination, associated to a diet that is probably similar in winterand sumrner wbere vegetable and animal components would combine in relation to seasonal rnetabolic requirements.Se realizó el estudio estructural, citoquírnico y morfométrico de glándulas salivales de gorrión con el fin de detectar adaptaciones histofisiológicas determinadas por la dieta y necesidades nutricionales durante las estaciones del año. Se emplearon 40 gorriones provenientes de Villa Los Aromas (Alta Gracia) capturados en invierno y verano. Las glándulas bucales se estudiaron con HE, PAS, Alcian Blue, y Azul de Toluidina El análisis cuantitativo del desarrollo y tamaño glandular se realizó según el método de Kielian y Cohn. No se observaron modificaciones estructurales ni citoquírnicas en las distintas glándulas.La proporción entre las diferentes glándulas (angularis mis, maxilares y mandibulares externas e internas) muestra diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre sí, que se mantienen constantes durante las estaciones del año analizadas. Se concluye que estas glándulas no muestran patrones distintos para el invierno y el verano, épocas en que la vegetación y la fauna se modifican con variaciones en la disponibilidad de recursos alimenticios. El patrón glandular constante correspondería a la determinación genética de la especie y a la dieta que en invierno y verano, se adaptaría en sus componentes animales y vegetales a los requerimientos metabólicos estacionale

    Electronic properties and Fermi surface of Ag(111) films deposited onto H-passivated Si(111)-(1x1) surfaces

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    Silver films were deposited at room temperature onto H-passivated Si(111) surfaces. Their electronic properties have been analyzed by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Submonolayer films were semiconducting and the onset of metallization was found at a Ag coverage of \sim0.6 monolayers. Two surface states were observed at Γˉ\bar{\Gamma}-point in the metallic films, with binding energies of 0.1 and 0.35 eV. By measurements of photoelectron angular distribution at the Fermi level in these films, a cross-sectional cut of the Fermi surface was obtained. The Fermi vector determined along different symmetry directions and the photoelectron lifetime of states at the Fermi level are quite close to those expected for Ag single crystal. In spite of this concordance, the Fermi surface reflects a sixfold symmetry rather than the threefold symmetry of Ag single crystal. This behavior was attributed to the fact that these Ag films are composed by two domains rotated 60o^o.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Two-domains bulklike Fermi surface of Ag films deposited onto Si(111)-(7x7)

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    Thick metallic silver films have been deposited onto Si(111)-(7x7) substrates at room temperature. Their electronic properties have been studied by using angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). In addition to the electronic band dispersion along the high-symmetry directions, the Fermi surface topology of the grown films has been investigated. Using ARPES, the spectral weight distribution at the Fermi level throughout large portions of the reciprocal space has been determined at particular perpendicular electron-momentum values. Systematically, the contours of the Fermi surface of these films reflected a sixfold symmetry instead of the threefold symmetry of Ag single crystal. This loss of symmetry has been attributed to the fact that these films appear to be composed by two sets of domains rotated 60o^o from each other. Extra, photoemission features at the Fermi level were also detected, which have been attributed to the presence of surface states and \textit{sp}-quantum states. The dimensionality of the Fermi surface of these films has been analyzed studying the dependence of the Fermi surface contours with the incident photon energy. The behavior of these contours measured at particular points along the Ag Γ\GammaL high-symmetry direction puts forward the three-dimensional character of the electronic structure of the films investigated.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Effective Lagrangian Approach to Weak Radiative Decays of Heavy Hadrons

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    Motivated by the observation of the decay BˉKˉγ\bar{B}\to \bar{K}^*\gamma by CLEO, we have systematically analyzed the two-body weak radiative decays of bottom and charmed hadrons. There exist two types of weak radiative decays: One proceeds through the short-distance bsγb\to s\gamma transition and the other occurs through WW-exchange accompanied by a photon emission. Effective Lagrangians are derived for the WW-exchange bremsstrahlung processes at the quark level and then applied to various weak electromagnetic decays of heavy hadrons. Predictions for the branching ratios of Bˉ0D0γ, Λb0Σc0γ, Ξb0Ξc0γ\bar{B}^0\to D^{*0} \gamma,~\Lambda_b^0\to\Sigma_c^0\gamma,~\Xi_b^0\to \Xi_c^0\gamma and \Xi_b^0\to\xip_c^0\gamma are given. In particular, we found B(Bˉ0D0γ)0.9×106{\cal B}(\bar{B}^0 \to D^{*0}\gamma)\approx 0.9\times 10^{-6}. Order of magnitude estimates for the weak radiative decays of charmed hadrons:  D0Kˉ0γ, Λc+Σ+γ~D^0\to \bar{K}^{*0}\gamma,~\Lambda_c^+\to\Sigma^+\gamma and Ξc0Ξ0γ\Xi_c^0\to\Xi^0\gamma are also presented. Within this approach, the decay asymmetry for antitriplet to antitriplet heavy baryon weak radiative transitions is uniquely predicted by heavy quark symmetry. The electromagnetic penguin contribution to Λb0Λγ\Lambda_b^0\to\Lambda\gamma is estimated by two different methods and its branching ratio is found to be of order 1×1051\times 10^{-5}. We conclude that weak radiative decays of bottom hadrons are dominated by the short-distance bsγb\to s\gamma mechanism.Comment: 28 pages + 3 figures (not included), CLNS 94/1278, IP-ASTP-04-94. [Main changes in this revised version: (i) Sect 2 and subsection 4.1 are revised, (ii) A MIT bag method for calculating the decay rate of LambdabΛ+gammaLambda_b \to\Lambda+gamma is presented, (iii) All predictions are updated using the newly available 1994 Particle Data Group, and (iv) Appendix and subsections 3.3 and 4.4 are deleted.

    P-P Total Cross Sections at VHE from Accelerator Data

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    Comparison of P-P total cross-sections estimations at very high energies - from accelerators and cosmic rays - shows a disagreement amounting to more than 10 %, a discrepancy which is beyond statistical errors. Here we use a phenomenological model based on the Multiple-Diffraction approach to successfully describe data at accelerator energies. The predictions of the model are compared with data On the basis of regression analysis we determine confident error bands, analyzing the sensitivity of our predictions to the employed data for extrapolation. : using data at 546 and 1.8 TeV, our extrapolations for p-p total cross-sections are only compatible with the Akeno cosmic ray data, predicting a slower rise with energy than other cosmic ray results and other extrapolation methods. We discuss our results within the context of constraints in the light of future accelerator and cosmic ray experimental results.Comment: 26 pages aqnd 11 figure

    All-particle cosmic ray energy spectrum measured by the HAWC experiment from 10 to 500 TeV

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    We report on the measurement of the all-particle cosmic ray energy spectrum with the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory in the energy range 10 to 500 TeV. HAWC is a ground based air-shower array deployed on the slopes of Volcan Sierra Negra in the state of Puebla, Mexico, and is sensitive to gamma rays and cosmic rays at TeV energies. The data used in this work were taken from 234 days between June 2016 to February 2017. The primary cosmic-ray energy is determined with a maximum likelihood approach using the particle density as a function of distance to the shower core. Introducing quality cuts to isolate events with shower cores landing on the array, the reconstructed energy distribution is unfolded iteratively. The measured all-particle spectrum is consistent with a broken power law with an index of 2.49±0.01-2.49\pm0.01 prior to a break at (45.7±0.1(45.7\pm0.1) TeV, followed by an index of 2.71±0.01-2.71\pm0.01. The spectrum also respresents a single measurement that spans the energy range between direct detection and ground based experiments. As a verification of the detector response, the energy scale and angular resolution are validated by observation of the cosmic ray Moon shadow's dependence on energy.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, submission to Physical Review