624 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Game Edukasi Kosakata Bahasa Mandarin “ Bermain Bersama Avdandi “ Berbasis Adobe Flash

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    Aplikasi ini dilatarbelakangi proses belajar mengajar yang terjadi di anak-anak dan remaja yang tidak terlepas dari persoalan rasa bosan. Dengan menggunakan edugames diharapkan dapat meningkatkan motivasi untuk mempelajari materi Bahasa Mandarin sebagai pelajaran yang wajib dipelajari, sehingga membantu proses belajar efektif dan efisien. Pengembangan sistem bagi pengguna nantinya dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metodologi prototipe. Setiap langkah atau tahapan pada metode ini sangat mempermudah menemukan lebih banyak mengenai masalah-masalah dan solusinya. Hasil pengujian dan perancangan aplikasi kosakata Bahasa Mandarin menggunakan adobe flash ini diharapkan dapat dikembangkan lagi sehingga aplikasi ini membantu meningkatkan minat pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk membuat aplikasi game edukasi kosakata Bahasa Mandarin berbasis flash yang berguna sebagai media alternative dalam proses pembelajaran agar lebih mudah dalam pembelajaran


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    No abstract in Englis

    Optimizing communication technology and work professionalism on student achievement at the Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University

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    Integrity issues in the workplace demand quality and professionalism. However, professionalism alone is not enough to produce quality output. Moreover, the worker is a student at one of the universities, especially at the Aerospace Air Chief Marshal Suryadarma University. This must be accompanied by good communication with company leaders and lecturers at Air Marshal Suryadarma University. By utilizing current technological developments, the combination of technological communication and professionalism of work is believed to make an effective and efficient positive contribution to the quality of work and the stability of achievement in following lecture learning at Air Marshal Suryadarma University. This research tries to examine the correlation between current communication technology and professionalism of workers to maintain the quality of work and achievement of these students at Air Marshal Suryadarma University. The research method used a qualitative approach with a case study as the main design. Research data obtained through observation and analysis of related literature review documents. The results of the study aim to determine that communication technology and professionalism at work for students who are already working contribute or have a positive effect on the quality of work and the stability of student achievement in participating in online learning at Air Marshal Suryadarma University, as well as increasing interaction between students and lecturers even during work activities. In addition, the utilization of this technology also provides flexibility in accessing material and can improve the technology mastery skills of each student. This research provides in-depth insight into the importance of the benefits of communication and professionalism of work and the utilization of technology in improving the quality of education on the achievement of elementya students. The implication of this research is the need to continuously develop technological skills in communication and develop skills and training for teaching staff and students in utilizing technology effectively and efficiently. Keywords: Communication Technology, Work Professionalism, Achievement of Student, Quality of Work, Technology Utilization  


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    The description of the role of social workers is considered important because the initiator of the formation of a village tourism program in Sukaratu Village is the social worker itself, so that if the role can be fully described it is not impossible the role of social workers. In the village of Sukaratu can be adopted by other communities in different regions that have the same commitment to community development. These findings indicate that the role of community social workers at the identification stage is more facilitative and educative. At the socialization stage, the role of social workers is more dominant in practicing the role of representation and education. Subsequent roles in the social worker planning stage play a more facilitative role and in the implementation stages of social workers practice more training (educational) skills. Then at the evaluation stage the social worker does not perform a representational role, but rather performs a facilitation role to facilitate the evaluation procedure and the various aspects that must be in the evaluation process. While the barriers experienced by social workers in implementing the community development process in Sukaratu Village is in increasing the number of people involved in the implementation of representational roles.The description of the role of social workers is considered important because the initiator of the formation of a village tourism program in Sukaratu Village is the social worker itself, so that if the role can be fully described it is not impossible the role of social workers. In the village of Sukaratu can be adopted by other communities in different regions that have the same commitment to community development. These findings indicate that the role of community social workers at the identification stage is more facilitative and educative. At the socialization stage, the role of social workers is more dominant in practicing the role of representation and education. Subsequent roles in the social worker planning stage play a more facilitative role and in the implementation stages of social workers practice more training (educational) skills. Then at the evaluation stage the social worker does not perform a representational role, but rather performs a facilitation role to facilitate the evaluation procedure and the various aspects that must be in the evaluation process. While the barriers experienced by social workers in implementing the community development process in Sukaratu Village is in increasing the number of people involved in the implementation of representational roles


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    This study examines the strategic management practices adopted by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in emerging markets and their impact on organizational performance through a comprehensive literature review. SMEs play a crucial role in economic development, especially in emerging markets, where they drive innovation, employment, and growth. However, their ability to sustain competitive advantage often depends on the effectiveness of their strategic management practices. This research aims to identify the strategic management practices that most significantly influence organizational performance and to analyze the contextual factors that affect their adoption and effectiveness in SMEs within emerging markets. By systematically reviewing existing academic literature, the study synthesizes findings on key practices such as strategic planning, environmental scanning, and adaptive capabilities, highlighting their role in enhancing organizational performance. The review also identifies external factors, such as market volatility, regulatory challenges, and resource limitations, that constrain the effectiveness of these practices. The study provides practical recommendations for SME managers to optimize their strategic management processes and offers insights for policymakers to create supportive environments for SME growth in emerging markets

    Conservación de fachadas patrimoniales: ferreteria Pierrestegui. Concordia, Entre Ríos

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    En el centro histórico de la ciudad de Concordia y con la iniciativa del Municipio se supervisa el desarrollo de las obras de mantenimiento y conservación del patrimonio construido. El presente trabajo comprende la descripción de las estructuras ejecutadas y las diferentes metodologías de construcción de dos edificios nuevos que conservan las fachadas de los edificios históricos originales, en el primer caso el Hotel Imperial de 1890 y el segundo el local de la Ferretería Pierrestegui de finales del siglo diecinueve. Se contemplaron los diferentes plazos de ejecución de las obras y las metodologías adoptadas para poder mantener inalterables las fachadas existentes, de ladrillos comunes en algunos sectores asentados en barro y sus cerramientos originales. Se analizaron previamente en gabinete las secuencias y el proceso de demolición de tal manera de ejecutarlo de forma selectiva y con todas las precauciones inherentes para asegurar los impactos mínimos sobre la obra a preservar. Se ajustó en el desarrollo de las obras la metodología al tener que encarar situaciones particulares, simultáneamente se concientizó al equipo de trabajo sobre la particularidad de las obras

    Analisis Schedule Dan Fingerprint Pada Kinerja Karyawan Industri Tambang Di PT. Duta Tambang Rekayasa

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    Abstract Pressure will be realized if a number of individual respondents fail to meet the demands of their duties. In addition to the workload and work pressure of the agency, in this case the responsible person is the leader must also pay attention to the time Deadline problem because in providing an appropriate Deadline and does not seem to pressure employees in completing their work. has been given. Deadline time limit causes respondents to be required to complete a job immediately and if this is not achieved it will cause a conflict because the time specified for a job is passed and performance can be disrupted so that it will cause premature termination of the procedure. The demand for quality reports with a limited time is of course a special pressure for ASN employees in the inspectorate service in the Batu City Hall. Keywords: Work Pressure, Workload,Deadlin


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    ABSTAKKesehatan dan keselamatan adalah aspek penting dalam kehidupan manusia, baik dalam bekerja ataupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hal tersebut memberikan dampak negatif bila tidak diperhatikan karena kesehatan dan kseselamatan memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman pada kita pada setiap kegiatan. Setiap pekerjaan atau tindakan selalu mempunyai risiko sekecil apapun, apalagi bila pekerjaan yang memang benar-benar mempunyai risiko yang tinggi seperti bekerja di bidang manufaktur atau di bidang migas. Kesehatan dan keselamatan di rumah tinggal pun tak kalah pentingnya, seorang ibu rumah tangga ataupun pembantu rumah tangga mempunyai risiko kegiatan yang tinggi seperti kegiatan di dapur adanya tabung gas, api  dari kompor yang menyala, minyak panas, alat rumah tangga bertenaga listrik, bahan kimia yang digunakan saat membersihkan kamar mandi, mencuci, obat anti serangga dan lainnya. Karena prinsipnya dalam K3 yang harus diamankan terlebih dahulu adalah lingkungannya (safe condition) barulah dilakukan pengamanan dalam tindakan (safe act). Kegiatan ini disajikan dalam bentuk workshop, praktik, diskusi, tanya jawab dan tugas mandiri. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan pada awal masih peserta masih sangat awam dengan istilah K3 atau safety house, namun setelah selesai kegiatan ini peserta dapat memahami dan menunjukan sikap safety di rumah dan lingkungan sekitar. Seperti halnya mereka dapat  mengidentifikasi berbagai macam bahaya dan mulai menata ulang kembali rumah tinggal mereka.ABSTRACTHealth and safety are important aspects of human life, both at work and in everyday life. This has a negative impact if it is not considered because health and safety provide us with a sense of security and comfort in every activity. Every job or action always has the slightest risk, especially if the work really does have a high risk such as working in manufacturing or in the oil and gas sector. Health and safety at home is equally important, a housewife or housemaid has a high risk of activities such as activities in the kitchen with gas cylinders, fire from burning stoves, hot oil, electric-powered household appliances, chemicals that used when cleaning bathrooms, washing, insect repellent and others. Because the principle in K3 that must be secured first is the environment (safe condition), then safeguards are carried out. This activity is presented in the form of workshops, practices, discussions, question and answer and independent assignments. The results of the activity evaluation at the beginning were that participants were still very unfamiliar with the term K3 or safety house, but after completing this activity the participants could understand and show safety attitudes at home and the surrounding environment. Just as they can identify various kinds of hazards and start rearranging their homes


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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an influence of motivation, financial literacy, and social media financial platforms on student investment interest. This research uses quantitative research with a descriptive analysis approach. The types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The population of this study was all students majoring in management at the University in Bandung. At the same time, the sample in this study consisted of 50 students using purposive sampling—data collection techniques using the questionnaire method. The type of questionnaire used is a closed and structured questionnaire. The questions or statements do not give freedom to the respondents to provide answers and opinions according to their wishes because the responses have been provided—analysis of research data using Descriptive Analysis, Validity Test, Reliability Test, and Partial Hypothesis Testing. Based on the research and data analysis results, it can be concluded that Extrinsic Motivation, Financial Literacy, and Financial Platforms on social media have a positive and significant effect on the investment interest of students majoring in university management in the city of Bandung
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